The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, December 31, 1902, Image 1

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    VOL. IV.
I itaiiccs, they being pimply stockholders
BLACKJACK GROUP IN THE REDjon ,u.ct of tlu'ir great (nit I. in (he
A Syndicate of Lincoln, Nebraska, Capital
ittt Acquire Six Valuable Claims i
They Will Vigorously Develop the
Same Killen, Warner, Stewart Com.
pany are Interested Stock all Taken
in Advance.
One hy one the embryonic Imiuuiiziis
of thin rapidly advancing district are
Iwing acquired by far-seeing men who,
after a thorough examination of the
country, decide to secure a reasonable
Hliiire of Uh mineral wealth, coiitldeut
that by proer and systematic develop
ment, the future will bring them all the
regard they could reuHonably auk.
Among tho lateHt clusters of eastern
Oregon wealth producers to pusa into
the control of a live, wideawake syndi
rate, is the Illack Jack group of six
elahiiH, designated uh follews: luile
pendence, Congress, Senator, lircy
Hock, Oeeola, and Illack .lack.
This group !h situated south of the
prolille lied I toy mine, and in the
southern extension of the Oregon Mon
arch group, carrying the same gold
ehargi'd veiiiH ax its Cmcsus-likc neigh
I tors.
'11 1 is latest addition to the swelling
list of wealth distributors, was not
mapped up with undue haste, lint the
projK'riy was secured alter the mo-n
diligent and searching investigation on
thu part of its puichascrs. It upcars
negotiations have Ijeen in progress for
some tune.
I.ut fall.ludge M. I). Itocsoniid I. II.
Ilatlield, of Lincoln, Nebraska, visited
the Sumpler gold fields. While here
their attention was called to the, Illack
Jack group. On their return to this
section a few days since, they were ac
companied hy I'rofessor II. II. Nicholson
one of the most ciuiuout mining en
gineers of the west.
I'rofessor Nicholson made a thorough
examination of the proivrty, and, al
though he was paid a handsome feu for
Ids services, coming here solely to make
this report, ho was so favorably im
pressed with the Itlack Jack minis,
that he has made overtures to Income
a member of the syndicate.
Tills company will be iucororatcd
according to the laws of Arizona. Its
capitalization is placed at
leWOJJtkl -
Hhares, with a par value of 1 each.
Olio half the stock will hu treasurv
shares and the remainder is to le the
proierty of the owners.
It is authoritatively stated that all
the treasury stock lias la-en taken in the
city of Lincoln, Nebraska, therefore it
is not likely that any will Imi placed on
the market. The Killen, War hit,
.Stewart company are stockholders, tint
it in given out by the Nebraska eople
tlmt this tiimni'inl company tifinl not
j act iiH Hwal agents under tlie ei renin
I value of the property.
I The Mack Jack group hut Itt-eu here
I toforu owned and worked by Timothy
j and Joseph Shoedy, and it wax from
these gentlemen that the present own-
urs pureluiHed the Hume.
Timothy Sheedy will remain with the
company iih one of its. members. He
evidently thinking too much of the
property to part with it entirely.
While In possession, thu former own
en ilid considerable development work.
One tunnel has been run IIH) feet ami
another I'.'.") feet. Besides these onii
ings, naturally a great quantity of pros
(Hrtiiig work lias been done; all of
which enhanced thu prospective value
of the claims to a considerable extent.
When I'rofessor Nicholson's rctorl Ik
submitted to the company, the direc
tors will finally decide on thu plana for
development. It in their intention to
commence at thu earliest poHidblu
moment, and prosecute the work with
unusual energy, iih they firmly lieliovu
they have secured a property which
will bo a continuous dividend payer for
generations after it has gone through
the systematic development stage.
Extensive Developments Now
Being Performed.
O-carTownsend, manager of the llaby
McKcoaud List Chance mines in fable
Cove district, was in the city yesterday.
All the work being done by his com
panion at present is conllned to the
Last Chance.
A two compartment shaft -IJjxti feel
in the clear, is now being sunk at the
junction of the Kiigle and Last Chance
veins. This shaft has attained a depth
of r"i feet and followed down four or
live stringers of very line ore.
A crosscut is now lieinii run to the
j hanging wall where a large body of ore
is supposed to lo.
After this work is completed, tho
shaft will bo sunk to thu 100 foot level
and a drift run under the old tunnel,
w bleb will give them a vertical depth of
IK 10 feet under the old workings.
First National Bank of Sumpter.
Tho First Hank of Sumpter will com
nonce doing business us a National con-
,.t.rn , the tirst dav of February, next.
rtrt f the Iswikn and stationery have
been received but thu chicks have not
arrived. All lettal formalities have been
complied with, the charter duly granted
so that on and after the date given
above, this linuncial institution will be
known as The First National Hunk of
DECEMBER ji, 1902.
What is Being Done at This
W. II. Jackson, sucrlntcudcnt of the
Cracker F.aglo mines, was in Sumpter
lie states that the crosscut tunnel now
Mug run has viictrated the vein a dis
tance o( 80 feet at UK) feet depth.
tiivod values exist all through the
vein as far as explored, but it is evident
that still richer ore will lie found on
the foot wall, which is supposed to U
twenty feet distant from the present
face of the crosscut.
The values of the ore have la'cu im
proving continually since the tunnel
left the hanging wall.
It is quite probable another crosscut
will Imi run 'MO feet deeier so as to ex
plore the vein more thoroughly.
llcloro thla is donu preparations will
be made to dink on the ore body, an
arrangements aru nun being made for
the machinery for this purose.
Noted Nebraska Judge Invests in the Gold
Judge M. I). Itccsc, Dean of the law de
partment of the University of Nebraska,
ami formerlv Chief Justice of the
Supreme coutt of that state, spent
several days in Sumpter and vicinity
during the past week.
This is not the judge's tirst trip to the
eastern Oregon gold llelds however. lie
paid this section a visit lust fall when he
liccamc so convinced of tho greatness of
the country that he invested in the
Slice gulch placer mines, and since
then has become interested ill the
Cracker F.aglo .Mining company.
Outside of these holdings, tho judge
has a timber claim which he proved up
on while here, and he has become a
heavy stockholder in the Illack Jack
mining company just formed
This eminent jurist, teacher ami
scholar, is a gentleman of pleasing per
sonality, easy of approach ami evidently
linn in his convictions.
There can be no doubt but that the
people of this district should congratu
late themselves that such an iullueiiiial
gentleman of high standing has formed
so favorable an opinion of this country
that he not only invested his own
capital here, but will no doubt, more or
less inllucnco his friends to do the same J
to greater or less extent.
Keep on Improving.
The Killen, Warmer, Stewart Com
pany evidently believe in improvement
and expansion. They have in ureal
measure remodeled their commodious
otliccs in the townsite company's brick
building on lower Mill street, ami made
NO. 17.
several changes which give them much
more room for their rapidly liirrt-ailng
business. Thrir reception room 'haa
Urn lilted up with railings, a new high
dc-k and many other features have been
added which makes the transaction of
business there considerably more con
Big Vein of Free Milling Quarts In a
Greenhorn Mine.
An Important strike has just been
made on the F.ldorudn group in thu
This is the property recently bonded
by John T. F.ugllsh, who is now visiting
at bis former home, Pauville, Illinois.
The llml was made in a emu-cut from
the ImiUoui of a shaft IIH) feet in depth.
Kight feet of ipiart. had liecn penetrat
ed at last accounts and no wall encount
ered, so that the dimension of the oru
laaly is as yet unknown.
This ore runs well in free gold, but an
no assays have been made, Its oxuet
value haa not yet been dclcrii)uod. '"""
This is undoubtedly thu same aiioot
lis that now being worked in tho Don
Juan property, adjoining.
A line sample of this ipiart. can 1st
seen in Italdwiu A Fnglish's olllce in
the Hotel Sumpler building.
Notes of Progress on Sumpters
Reduction Plant.
Neither weather, holidays nor any
other ageiiey prevents coulinious work
living carried on at the site of the
Oregon Smelting ami Iteliuing Com
pany's Smeller Im'Iow town.
AIhiii) IIH) men are busily engaged In
completing a works which is of more
importance to every person residing in
the mining district of eastern Oregon
than any other project now going on or
in contemplation.
The grading on two of the Is-nches is
now complete ami the third bench is
ueai ly done.
Iluildiii'.'s entirely cover the lower
bench, while the frame work for tho
briipietiug plant is upon tho second
bench and is being hoii-ed in.'
The sampling mill of 7H) tons er
t li ii t it capacity, is partially completed
and the foundation for the ore bins have
I Immiii laid.
' Soon the dust chamlcrs wilt be finish
ed, also the brick foundation for the im
mense steel slock, which will Imi from
l'.'Oto Kill feet high.
At the general ollice building, every
thing is finished, including the assay
olllce and lalsiratory. ami this branch uf
the works will soon bo occupied and in
operation. "'