Wednesday, December 24, 1902 n THE OPPORTUNITY OF THE DAY THE SUMPTER MINER SAFE, SOUND AND RELIABLE Forest Mining Company (INCORPORATED) The fiiviii STOIt.M KING Group of mine N now beinj,' developed ly thin company. These, mines am -hunted in Cable Cove Mining District, lifieeii miles north of .Sumpter, Oregon. This rroup eoiM-t ol'Scvcu full claims, located upon four great parallel veins. This iniimmotli liiiueral zone attracting the atlention of the mining frateruily, nnil as development proeeeiN on this property, grentei millions eouliuiie to nri-c. Investigate ami you will appreciate what wc say. That this properly will soon rank among the leading producers is douhted hy none who have examined it. Mining men nl' wide reputation have, and are still purchasing stoek in this company, and men, too, who mi1 deeply interested in other mines in the near vicinity. The system of this company only need- to lie known to he appreciated, and it is here where your money, if invested, will bring you letiirus with which you will he greatly pleaded. Write for reports, prospectus and maps of this mine .Advance Mining Co... FISCAL AGENT Sumpter, Oregon Lock Box F ROOMS 7 AND 8 GOSS BANK BUILDING & PUEBLO MOUNTAINS. i. Sumpter People Developing Mining Property There. ........ .1....1 .. Ti... ii..mi 1 1 IKii-iu iii-iii in iiimii'jk. iiiit i in iinuii i plunder, however, appears to have a way of his own, and when he llnds the chances are in his favor, he goes in to i win. It is not well to advise any one to. goto Portland who has a scheme to I Ileal unless he Is sure of his people lie-' ' forehand, or he may meet with a (rout. I Portland people have plenty of spare (J. W. Ciiulicld, an old ic-idcut of money, nut like the .Missouriau, llrst Suiuptci, but who has been iiIikciiI for they must Ih "showed." the foiiitceu uiontliH, is now in the - - oily confetring with his associates pit1-! Developing the Justice, paratoiy to taking a trip east. ' J j,, UliyU ,, ,, , t.onlruet for Mr. CanHcM says lie can easily see developing the .lustico Mining coin that many changes and improvements ,mnvV properlv oo Wind creek, was in hao Ihvii made suae he was last in the lttn Mday. uw ,H t,r,. ,own. , men at work and is running north on l-'or the p.tst year or moie, Mr. fan- ,. HMMnot level on the Justice claim, Held has Im-cii dexcloping a group of Tlih(rijt JH K.jl)(, blende! along the Kold-copiK-r claims in the Pueblo menu- i,,,,,,,,. Wl,n, following a hodv of ore mills, in ll.iruey county. Associated ,ttu ,,.,,, will (vuKl, incw, ', w!e with him in the enterprise are T. W. j Himi,,U.M ,.., K.r , , ,,,,, Mr. Doyle Davidson, Dick Neilland Tom Duupliy. , nVH u ,,. r,,ck, or formation, is The character of their ore is chalco- ,iorl,,.( ,.mructeristic of that section, write. curvviiiL' coiirddcrahlc irolil vab i .1 :.. 1 11 .i.. 1 n . " ' ' - how 11111 win nun inn wuu tii'imuu nniio. i lies. I'ine specimens of uatixc copper j ,(, m.,,U.,H ,,,, , ,mt, under svs-' have been found 011 their Krouiul. ,,.,, ,. development, will liceomo one I All the gentlemen interested in this. o( ,,.,, ,,,,,..,,...., 1)ri(i,.....,H ..( ,hjH ro. mining piopnxitiou are cold IiIikkUhI I ,(n,.tiv tU1!. when it conies to giving any real pub- licity In their plans of operation. They j Sompl.r Valley Treasure Train. p-opoe to llrst ascertain liv tlcxclop- ineiil what they have and then the putt-, ,l ,,1,H ,,w" ,M tlmt moro iH k"ow" lie may mini some information. At!0" ,,", M,,,'t, of ' about the present their holdings are not on thctN,,r"' VoU ",il,e' hwatiM about six market. 1 miles from Sumpter, than is known here. However, occasionally some aware of this fact. It is said the value of this shipment was fiO.lXX) ht car. Mining Man Goes Eest. John T. Knglish left on last Saturday for the east. He will sMid the holidays at his old home in Danville, Illinois. Mr. Knglish has a IkiiiiI on the Kldnrado croup located in the Orcenhorns in his inside MH'kut, and as Dauvillu money really made the I.e Itoi mine of llritish Columbia a world wide wonder, and drew fortunes out of that venture, It is not improhahle hut that .lohu T. will return with sulllciciit capital to carrv out any plan in a mining way, which he may have in his mind. Dismissed For the Holidays, The city school will Ik1 dismissed to day, not to I hi In sexsiou again until the llrst Monday in January. All the teach ers will attend the County Institute which begins on next Monday at linker City, and will continue for three days. The attendance thus far of the school term has hcen unusually good, and there han been very little sickness anient; the scholars. Believe in Eastern Oregon. Portland Ik not dead to the advant ages that eastern Oregon offers in a min iK ')' " (he opinion that Neil .1. Sor enson given since his return from that city after a stay of two weeks. The fact it they are awakening to the knowledge that there are really lirst class gold mines up hero and, strange as it may appear, they are ipdetly investing a facts aUmt this wonderful producer of gold will gain publicity despite the watclifiilluess of the management whose one great aim appears to he to keep any information regarding the mine from the public. Hut when it comes to chartering a apecial train to trunsKirt two car loads of fabulous rich ore to the smelters, as was done lust week, the public is sure to be made For holiday candies, fruits, nuts, cigars or tobacco go to Sturgills. T. (i. Harrison, agent for (iiaut iow der coniany. A CHANCE OF A LIFETIME To get in on the ground floor of a well developed mining property adjoining the famous Bonanza mine. A limited amount of stock will be sold for i cents per share. For all par ticulars, address, E. E. McCAMMON Sumpter, Oregon. Or P. D. HEALY 135 Washington St. Worcester, Mass. GRIZZLY STOCK... 20,000 liuics at less than ground Hour price. You can have it tor '2k cents in 0110 lump, or.'i cents in broken Iota, BEST BUY IN EASTERN OREGON Write for particulars to BERNARD FLYNN sumpter, ore