COVERS THOROUGHLY THE GOLD FIELDS of the INLAND EMPIRt EASTfcRN INVESTORS IN OREGON MINES Pay for AND READ IT TALK OF THE TOWN. (limit Thnruhurg, ' firimilt', Im ii lllcir In Sumpter today. II. .1. t'ohhi, u (irecuhorn IniNlut-HH lllllll, WIlMIl SlIlllpItT IrilllHll'Ilt lllht Week. .foil it llrouii .lr., ii Spokane mining limn, paid Siuniti'r ono of IiIh iicriixliriil xlnltM IiimI week. MrH. A. I. iiHH in nt lit'r ulil home In .Miniii'MiilM, where hlic will remain until lifter llie hnlidavH. John .1. ItlggN, fipri'iiiiiii on tint ex tenniu iiiiiriiiciiii'iitH now Mug made at Olive lake, Ih veiling IiIh family in Sumpter. Till llldll'." of till) Epimiplll linilil will givtuiii afternoon tun in tlitii'liuri'li next Saturday afternoon. Tea mid cake li'ii ii'iilH. IImtvImhIv iiixitnl. Hubert Wilcon, of tint OiMt I'urnitiiie roiiiiiiiiy, in buck from Ihirkeu where he Iiiim been lining iiHH'HHiiiiint work on Hitim iroHrtl(w lie in Intercfled in. .1. Frank Sheltnn, of the Niel .1. SnreiiMtu Co., went to I'urtliinil yenter day in ii-HpniiHo ton telegram from IiIh principal. lie expectn to Ui absent tun (lllVH. M..I. ItoclHina returned on Monilay from a trip to the King Staff mine near Maker Oily, ami loll yenterday for a low dayn mow mIiiw Jaunt in Hie Green lioriiH. From llic HrM of Nnvemlier until !- C'I'lllU'r II, Kill,',, Snellen of HIIOW Ml at tin California mint. Tin tneiiHiire mcntH were made liy Mr. .McFwcn, manager. Iluker City people evidently believe in reciprocity. Already a movement 1h on foot to entertain a numlHro( Sump ler'n forcmoHt citioiiH at a dinner in tint near future. From tliitiiiimUr of mining machinery men who llt (IiIh locality, any ouu ran judge that a wonderful era of de velopment in in prourCNH In the mincN Mirroundiiig tliin city. Col. S. W. Itay, of I'ort Arthur, t'auada, who won an important llguro in thin ycclinn about three yearn apt, Iiiih Wen in theSumptcrdiNtrict ami iciuitv for the hi f I week or more. Seymour II. Hell Iiiih returned from a liiixty trip eiibt, extending liin jouruev an far cant an New York. C. I.. Still man, of CoIiiiiiIiuh, Nchraxku, and T. S. llutcliiiigH, of Marinette, WiHCouHti, leturncd will) Mr. Hell. M. I.. l.ohmilc, one of the oldcM of old timerH connected with iniuiin: in tint far went, wiih a Hojouru in Sumpter IiihI week. Mr. Loluuiie ha leeu urn til lately Hiiperiuteiident of the Maxwell mine, one of the Neil . I. Sorciihcu Co V piopcrtic. F. .1. IVrklnx, who ha made thin city IiIh headiiiarteri for nunc time, hue gone to I'ortlaud whole hi family re fide. From that point he ccctt to uo cud for the pnrpoco of raii-lug capital to develop Houiit of the holding he ac quired while here. Mcthodi.t Church Ujr. The ladien of the Good liilcut HK'iety ii' tint MethodiM church will hold their iiiiuual harar in tint Sumpter opera Inline on the I'lli ami ISlli of thif month. It will lt open on the after noon of the 17th and in the evening of the, iKth. Each evening a nhort inmtical program will bo rendered, and on Iho hecoud night an udmlHHioii feu of ten ceiilH will hu charged. Among tlm iiiiiueroiiN attraL'tioiiH, the following IwmtliM will hu in uvidencu, prenided over hy the ladicH named: Art, Mm. Stafford; dnmcHtic, MrH. ISartholf ami MrH. KicharilH, handkerchiuf, MrH. H. I.. N'cill ; doll, Mrn. llepKi; candy, MrH. Kuhler. Thu dining room, or rcfrcHh incut hooth, will Imi under thu HUicr vIhIiiii of MrH. M. W. Wheeler. Young ladicH of the Hociety will uhhIhI iIiohu named above. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC All timechecks marked "Not Transferable" presented on or after January i, 1903, by others than the parties to whom they are drawn will be charged 10 per cent for their collection. Oregon Smelting and Re fining Company ff'tMt"tMt'ttMtMt"t"t"t i 88 8 83 88 SOLID SILVER and SILVER WARE JEWELRY CLOCKS i$ WATCHES r iinc CHINA SOUVENIR ARTICLES jijlji,. 8s I F. C. BROD1E ! JEWELER SS JS 4- 08 Cm Cm S8 Cm CM c5 S3 CM 1 GRANITE STREET OPPOSITE HOTEL SUMPTER 4 4 4. 4. W"wW"w'wwW'W"W'Ww'wW GOLD AND SILVER ASSAYS FREE Every Subscriber to THE MINER who pays' $2.00 for One Year in advance will be mm an assay for told and silver free. vs will be made bv These assay: ROBBINS & ROBBINS Whose reputation as Assayers, Mineralogists and Mining Engineers stands second to none in the Northwest. HOBSON MERCANTILECOMPANY A I way h keep a full line of Staple Dry Goods and Groceries enK'cInlly nuited for thu dent faniilv.lrade j j j OUU MNi:s OF MEN'S WOMEN'S AND CHILI) KEN'S j j j J J J SHOES tiro from fautoriea of the lMHt production!) in America. Our linen of Ladies 7i Wear, Ctrsits, Skirt- waists, Skirts, Hosiery tM$Mi) Ml IS lv nvr mat any on Ihr. whodld'ntllki THOMSON'S "Qlove-Fittlng" CORSETS. ' HOBSON MERCANTILE COMPANY and ovury day urtlcleH are just what Ih wanttnl by the nioHt careful buyer. Re member wo keep the HoodH that nre good and thu prirea are right J J A Few Reasons. WHY YOU SHOULD BUY YOUR FURNITURE AND CARPETS OF US Wfiurrvuvcrviliint: in tlm I'uriiiture and Caret line that can be bought in the larger i-ith-H giving you a large Mock to select from. We buy from the rat-lem fai'turiva in carload lotn, coiiHequently we J can mli at the lout'Ht prhvH. Our long realdciicu in Sumpter Iiiih bh- taiuiHiuHi our repuiauon lor iioiu'hi priceH aim inir iifiuiug. i now carrviint an S,lHXI ntock of CarH.-tc and Tax.HtrieH ranging in iirive (miii :IA centM to$l.iir per yard. Vinit our Htore and nee our liumuniH) Mtock wlietheu you wlnli to buy or not, J J J J J J Case Furniture Company UNDERTAKING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES Mill Street Sumpter, Oregon V1.- rrrrrvrvrrrrrsr 21lcrccr Dtrua 0. Wholesale and Retail Druggists (iKANITI: SfRKUT JUULfiJLO.JULJLJUUlJ SU.MI'TLR. ORKCiON OC 1 u