The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, December 03, 1902, Page 6, Image 6

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    Wednesday, December ?, 190a
If you want to make an investment in a mining enterprise, Investigate Ours.
There is no system more fair and equal for all concerned than we have adopted.
YOU need not fear that the large interest will swallow up the small interest. All stand on the same
footing and share alike in the product of the mine. Our company is conducted on the most eco
nomical principles to insure good returns. No man shall receive a salary unless he performs service
beneficial to the company. Better pay two miners three dollars each for a day's labor than to pay six dollars
for the services of a needless manager or superintendent. We can place you where the investment of a
small amount of money will bring you large returns. We ask an opportunity of explaining to you our system
of conducting a mining enterprise. We want to prove to you why and how we are bound to be successful.
We want to tell you how to secure good mining stock at a low figure. We would not ask you to place your
money where we would not place our own. Taking all things into consideration, we can offer you the best
opportunity for investment that you can find anywhere. It does not require a fortune to become interested
with us, where the indications point to speedy and most profitable returns. We are in this business to
make it a success, and will do it by systematic development and good management. We invite the strictest
investigation of our properties and our company. Write to us for full particulars how you may become in
terested in a good mine for small investment, and we will convince you that every word we advertise is
tme. We can furnish you the best of references. Address
Cold and Silver Gimpared With Other Products.
Sunn li'ii month iio it comparison
Wllrt luildll between till' ValllO of lln K"l'l
anil Milvor products of the I'nited SIhIch
Mini tint Milne of other groups ( ""r
iiiini'riil producta iih m'I forth liy the
United .Stales ticoloiciil Survey in
"Mineral Kesouiocs of (lie United
Stiiti-h," for tint I'ltlciiiliir year IIKH).
Till' It 1 1 1 1 lilt I Mlllllllll for I '.Ml, jUSt isSllftl,
ii'iinitM it similar comparison for last
In rouinl numbers, the viiliin of the
Hold iroliii't was f's.OOO.OOO, anil of the
hihi't ihmIiii'I the nlue was $71,000,000
nit money tcoiuilii! value), mill $XI,IMH,
000 as im' (I'oiiiiniTi' value)
An metals, then, koIiI iiiiiI silver pro.
ilut'tH uere Milueil tit u little leu tliiui
f 1 1'.' 000,000 , iih money, they were worth
$ I .Ml ,000 ,000 Tin' corrcspiuulini! lltsuroH
fol WOO neie $1 Ifi.OOO.OOO ami tl.MI.OOO,
(Hi 11 lnH for IIKH nf ner throe mil
lion. 'I'lm copper hiniii'iiI hi IIKH valued Hi
$87,00(1,000; the loud was valued, iih in
Itlthl, at ('..'.1,000,000; ami r.iuo wan pro
tluiV'l In the value of over $11,0(10,000.
The t'iM-i , lead ami zinc products ltK)l
win worth fl.tMI.OOO inure an metals
thin our gold ami silver were worth hh
metals, although the value of the copper
product .- i 1,000,000 lecM than in
The t'outliiiied valueN of abrasive milt"
('ii.ilM.iifi'heuiieal imiteriali.of pigments
mid of iithei mlsccllanou iiiiueraht,
mmiuutiiii' to ahont f:W,IHHI,(HHt in HH),
show tint the) were wiuth alumni half
iin much .t the gulil pioput'ed, and about
fr,KKI,KKl more than silver an u metal.
The Mitit'ltiral motorials produced
in I'.MI, tlie liuildinc Meno, the
chty ptoliict, the ceineutH, valued at
I about tl8-',00n,(HH), exceeded the k"M
and silver liy 7(I,(HKI,(KH), if the com
mercial or metal value of hiker in taken,
and hy flL'.OOO.OOO, if silver in taken, at
itn coiuiiii; value.
Iron urti anil itn product, the metallic
Ii.ihjh of ourciviliation, increased notably
in iiiaiitity hut decreased in still greater
proportions in value in 1001 us compared
with 1100, Yet, niitliuilliHtaiiiliiiK a loss
of nearly $IH,000,IMH) in value iih compar
ed with ItHH), thu pi); iron produced in
IIKH exceeded the metal value of the
pild mill silver by 1:10,000,000, ami their
comhiiicd coining value hy ).i,(MH),(HH).
Compared with the mineral fuels, coal,
petroleum, mid natural pis, produced in
I'.KH, the combined coiuini; value of the
pild anil sliver in exceeded liy f'JOU.OOO,
000, ami the combined metallic value is
as tll'-VHKl.OOO to f ll'.'.OOO.OOO, an excess
of 1:10,000,1100 (if the necessary fuels
over the precious; metals.
Christmas Number of the Deserel News.
UihI year the Poseret Nown, of Salt
Lake, issued a very handsome illustrated
t'hristimiH edition on Utah and
Colorado, which has been excelled liy
few of the laro dailies (if the country.
This year the NewH will issue a Christ
mas uiiinder tin I'tah and Idaho and
the resource of those two states will lie
attractively set forth and will be well
illustrated with half-toned views.
I'arties ilesiriun information in regard
to either of those states will llndwhat
they are looking fur in the Christmas
number (if the IVsorel New 8.
T, (i, Harrison, aont for (iiaut hw
tier company.
All the latest novelties in hats at
Neill Mercantile company's.
Asiaticsilvor market. Ijirm' ipuintitieH
of Mexican silver are coming here from
China, an it in believed that much foold
is leinn circulated here on account of
pnvcriiinent cxpondittireH. The fact in
that American trade in coing to China
and Iohhoh in nilver are ceriotiHly affect
inn the insular treasury ami busiuens
interests nouorally. Itapidly chiiMRiiic
rates embarrass thebusinosH houses,
making it almost impossible to fix
prices. The native olllclals are bonin
itiji to iH'titioi) for the payment of their
salaries in o,old, ami tlie domnnd for
lixed state currency in universal, Tim
secretary of liumicc hii.vh:
"There Is notl.iiiu to indicate a more
hopeful future for the currency ipiest ion.
It will probably be an had iih now, if not
worse, until congress acts and nives iih a
stable currency.
No hoadaclios from Giant K)wdt'r.
Sells at San Francisco and New York for
47 U Cents an Ounce.
A New York dispatch, dated Novcm
Ik'I 'Jit, sayn: TihIiivV further declines in
the prices of silver lixed a new low record
in the history of the world. Silver was
tiioted hero at IT.'jcuntH per ounce, and
the same notation wan named liy San
Francisco. London dealers offered only
'-'I 7-Stl er ounce. !
The low price was much commented
upon in hanking circles, causing much
uneasiness anions e.Mirters and mer
chants of this country lining husinesn
with China and other points in the far
east. To bankers, however, the most
sinntlicant news of the day were the
cable advices to the effect that the,
Siamese government had instructed the I
mint to cease immediately the coinage! QTllPlQ FflP Al F
Coincident also with this development
was the decline totlny of silver at Bom
hay to a level several pointH below 1in
don. An interesting fcatuie of tlio drop
in silver vvhk the advnntage reaped by
lauudrymen and small mercluuitH of tlie
Molt street district through being able
to purchase silver bills at ho low a rate.
They Mocked dow n town today, cash in
hand, sending heavy remittance! to
friends at home. Mont of them were
surprised at the largo sums allowed for
the amount turned in.
A wire from Manila of the same date
says : Silver lias suffered a further de
cline in value. The government has in
sued a proclamation makini: tlieollicial
rate i!i0 for UK) gold. Tlie former rate
was i!,'0.
The possibility of tlie adoption by the
Straits Settlements ot a gold standard
anil reports current that Mexico is
about to abandon tlie silver standard
have greatly weakened the Indian and
Hynon 01
Archuleta Oil 00
Navajo Oil -10
Constellation 08
Sumpter (iail Horden 01
Maryland 03
Listen Lake L'.OO
Northwestern Con 1.-5
Hluo Hird
We have a prospect with a tine ore
showing anil several hundred feet of
tunnels that can he bought at low price
if taken at once.
Wilson & Bucknum