Wednesday, November 19 1902 ADVANCE : ADVACNE THE SUMPTER MINER :. If you want to make an investment in a mining enterprise, Investigate Ours. There is no system more fair and equal for all concerned than we have adopted. ADVANCE! MCCP t YOU need not fear that the large interest will swallow up the small interest. All stand on the same footing and share alike in the product of the mine. Our company is conducted on the most eco nomical principles to insure goon returns. No man shall receive a salary unless he performs service beneficial to the company. Better pay two miners three dollars each for a day's labor than to pay six dollars for the services of a needless manager or superintendent. We can place you where the investment of a small amount of money will bring you large returns. We ask an opportunity of explaining to you our system of conducting a mining enterprise. We want to prove to you why and how we are bound to be successful. We want to tell you how to secure good mining stock at a low figure. We would not ask you to place your money where we would not place our own. Taking all things into consideration, we can offer you the best opportunity for investment that you can find anywhere. It does not require a fortune to become interested with us, where the indications point to speedy and most profitable returns. We are in this business to make it a success, and will do it by systematic development and good management. We invite the strictest investigation of our properties and our company. Write to us for full particulars how you may become in terested in a good mine for small investment, and we will convince you that every word we advertise is true. We can furnish you the best of references. Address ADVANCE ADVANCE MINING CO. SUMPTER, OREGON if ADVANCE FLOATING MINING COMPANIES. Impoutblc lo Gl Enough Local Capital (or Every Good Thing. A I'rcHcntt, Arlxmin, correspondent in American Mining Nowh writes Home good hormi m'UHo mi tint subject of floating mining companies, as follews: AiroMM of my last letter, I would write a few words aliout tho HiibjeU of placing shares of u mining company on tho market. To ninny jienplo it in hard to undontland why it i necessary to offer (or sale shares of any good proo hilion. They M't'in lo think that local capital should gobble up and control all the kihkI investments in sight, ami Ih cause this in not done, tlic-y seem to feel that tint liitcstiucut Ih not iih good as it should ho. That thin idea U itntirttly wrong a few minute thought will convince almost any onn wlio Ih ohui to conviction. Knowing what an expensive oHration it jh to develop a iniutt proHrly, it only seems necessary to count the number of mines in a country or district to realire that million of dollars arc invented there in development work and it will not take long to arrive at tint conclusion that there ih not local capital enough to furuiHli more than a very niuall rt of thin mint. It ttccomes ueccfNiry, there fore, to attract and iutcrcitt capital from other places, for which ptirtoie stock or shares aie mild. Nor in thin mode of operation coulined to mining iuvcHtmciila only. We Hud tho Haunt thing done in railroading, in tint iudiiHtrialH, in fact, in all buninc w here it is necessary to raise capital in order to accomplish certain results, A man would he considered extremely foolish if he asserted that thesharesund bonds of our large railroad coniauica or even our government bonda should ho looked iimiii with suspicion because they are offered for mile to tho public, at large. Yet these bonds and shares nro wild in order to mice money to iicconipliah certain objects. Take, for example, Home of tint big railroadH like tho Santa Fo and I'nion l'acillc, which are issuing mil lioiiH of dollars' worth of bonda to raise tint amount of money necessary to equip their eiigiuoM with oil buruurH. These IniiiiIh ant bought all over tho world, yet no one would daro nay that tho invest ment wiih a suspicious onu uocuuho local capital did not takethe whole issue. Tho United StatcH Steel tniHt at itH iuco tion offered ita stock to the general pub lic, and the general public nil over tho world cubxcrllH'd for it. The Russian goverunient came hero to rulso .r0,000, (MX), yet it would seem that there Ih sulli cicut wealth in Hussla to take up hucIi an ainoiiut locally. It miiHt be remembered that local capital has a good many calls umiii it, and no man carcH to put all ho okhchhch in one thing. lletlgureH that money well Hcattcrcd Ih well protected, and ho Ih Hrfectly right. A good business man will examine different inveHtmentH be fore, investing a dollar; then, if he in well improved, he will buy ntock in the different ouch, always reacrving a fow dollarn for hoiiio other good proportion that in bound to count along. An inventor should not, therefore, jump to the conclusion that because he ban the opHrtunity offered hlin of in venting in a good mine, tho proposition in of 110 value, simply because local capi tal Iih not taken it up. On tho con trnry, if IiIh investigation is satisfactory, ho Hhould lone no time in thanking tho one who gave him tho opportunity. Harrixou, the Giant Powder man wants every minor to make Ida otHce headiiuartera when in Sumpter. Wouldn't that ar yerT What? Giant powder. THINKS HE IS A STAMP MILL. Queer Caper Which a Butte Druok Cut While Infill. With his reason tottering on its shaky throne and wheels bowing in his un happy head, .lames Spillum sH)iit last night in the coinmodiotiH "box car" in the county Jail, booked on the charge of raining a rough house in tho saloon of Alderman Dan O'ltrien, on upper Main atreot. It wiih a fancy drunk in which Spillam indulged. Mixed drinks formed the bulk of his cargo, and when he was de livered into tho keeping of Jailer Pat May bin brain wan amoking with fre quent potations and Ilia powcra of loco motion pretty badly ahot to pieces. At first Spillum was wild and truculent, but' gradually he settled down to a firm con viction that he was a well-ordered ma chine and the wheels in his head were turning out glittering particlca of gold at the rate ol thousands of dollars a minute. O'ltrien'a place is on Ninth Main street, under Miners Union hall. Spil luiu was taken in tow by Ollicer O'ltrien about 10 o'clock in the evening and es corted to the city jail, from which place ho was switched to the county bastilo for sufo keeping. Through the still watches of the night ho did a turn as a craxy man that tho jailer said laid over any performance he over witnessed. Spillam thought ho was a stamp mill. He secured somo water and a cup from Jailer May on the plea that his throat waH parched with tho bitter thirst that follows a proletiged debauch, and with this equipment mid the aid of his sur charged imagination he cut a pretty figure as a quarts mill. Standing in the center of his cell Splllam pounded tho floor with his No. 11 feet and ever and anon squirted water through his teeth in imitation of a ton-, stamp mill under full head of steam. Ho secured a quantity of gravel from one of IHh coat ockets which had become II I led with part of the paving of Main street, and this substance ho oured down tho back of his neck. Treading heavily in a circle he worked industri ously all night long mid squirted water with a ten ho hissing noise as ho worked. He ran out of water toward morning and secured a new supply from Jailer May. "The mill runs a horse lighter when I have plenty of water," was his explanation to the accommodating jailor, when ho took the tin cup and the wheels of his improviHed stamp mill went whiz zing round again. "Tho gold is running over the plates,' said Spillam, in doleful tones when Jailer May naked him what he expected to make out of the clean-up when the mill had shut down. "I am working on low-grade ore and it is full of talc and arsenic," he wailed, treading heavily on the floor to emphasize tho dilliculties of his situation. "Never mind," he said bravely, "we'll make a fortune yet. Shovel in the ore, boys, shovel in the ore." About daylight something snapped in the head of the mechanical genius and the mill stopped. Spillam was bathed in perspiration and was limp as a mop on the third day of house cleauing when ho wont off shift. His reason, however, was saved from the wreck. The exer tion of running under full force all night had worked off tho effects of the whisky and the booze soaked through his akin at the H)ros, relieving his fevered body of the terrible strain of Butto firewater. Automatically he had administered an antidote in tho form of violent exercise, and after shutting down his mill he lay on the floor and slept as peacefully as a child. "That's the first time I ever knew a stamp mill to be setup in this jail," said Jailer May. "Pay dirt is pretty plen tiful in thia section of the state, but never until last night was thore a bo nanza struck in the county jail." Butte Inter-Mountain. ufi9V&i