The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, November 19, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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... w. Wednesday,. JSoye.rnbeujgQ?
Will Make a Mine oi Another
Rich Cracker Creek
oro IxkIIuh ami immense pay shoots
means much for tho future poHslMlity
of a new and developing infiie. Almost
in tho vro liuurt of these grout iiiIium in
what promises to develop Into another
largo producer, tins Cracker Kagle. This
K. & K., worth 11,000,000, anil the
'olninbiii, worth f:t,000,0)0, iininedi
' ati-ly join it on thi' wont. TheOoleonda,
worth f 1,500,000, in less than a tjiiurlur -of
a mill' to the southwest, while tin) i
North I'olc, worth 10,000,000, 1h hut;
IfiOO feet to the northeast. Imtnodl-j
The richest cin system in thoSiunpter ntoly to the north, end-lining with it, j"
iolil lloldsls thoniiethat pusses through in tin- Cracker-Oregon. Tim ( 'nicker-j
what in known an the Cracker Crook .Orison stamp mill is wjthin a stone j
district, ahout scon miles northeast of throw of tho end line of tins War Kaglo
the city of Sinniter. This statement is elaini of the Cracker liable. .
not iiiem theory, hut an eslahlishod fuel. Tho lodge which has made such as '
I'rofenhor Waldemar l.indgion, of the ' toiiishing revelations in the" Cracker "
United Stales ticnlogicul Survey, who Oregon js easily tracoahlo for a distance
examined the district in 1000, after nfovcr 1000 feel through the Cracker
euicfully investigating its mines ami Kagle property. Tlio cin has heen ox
ore hodies. declared it as his matured con- poj-cd in a nuinher of places along thu
victiou, an well an the eminent KnglM urn of the ledge, revealing its con-
geologic, I r. Alfred It. S. Selwyn. tinuily thnaigh the entire property.
Since llieir visits the dowdopinciits have i Those surface outs or trenches have os-
more than conliimed their opinion, I tu llilnl the surface width of the lodge i
Thetiarlet of mines located on the to he from twenty-live to thirty feet,
mother lode of this system have develop- ', Hiiface showings of this lisle are'
ed into such magnificent producers that excellent, and are identical with those!
they are worth millions. Tin minally on the mother lode, which is about KHHt
rich oie has heen discoveied ill all of fn. distant. In examining the prop
them, ploying that the immense ,rty a few days ago, in company with
mineral none, which can he di lliiitely .Mr. .Incksou, who is thu host posted
traced for a distance of lle miles, is not man on the mines of the Cracker Crook
lich in spots, hut that the heigh grade ( district, and under whoo intelligent
deposits are ipiite uniform. I hose . supervision the (iolconila vas developed
mines aie yet in their youth, hut have into a mine, a rich quart, was found on
millions in production In their ciedit. the .North Star claim that is identical
Anil this marvelous record is the lesult i( )i the iiiart. on the North I'ohi
of oMintions near the grass roots. No j where the plieiiominally rich ore shoot
great depth has yet Is'cn attained in any , whs discovered. The outcrop of the
one of these proM'rlies. As depth is at-' vein is very prominent on the .lack
tainetl theiuelHsliesgrow larger and the. Snipe claim, standing out as a land
values greater. The distinctive feature ' mark that is visihle for some distance
of the oie shoots is not only their rich-. down the valley.
ness, hut their great length. Seldom do j .,-,, (,.v,.0,(,m.nt have heen sulllcient
they have such extent in other districts. , ( ,.Ml,,jM, tl(1 tllViit of the property,
When this pay slos.t has heen f"'"l l.ompiising, aside from tlio surface
tint mine hassiiied. These rich si t ! ,ri.,.. and assessment work, a cross
have hocu found to have a length of KHHt !,., ,ttllll,. w,,., m heen driven for a
to IWHI feet in all of these mines. l,H,m.,. f U1IU, .Ventvllvo feet, to
Judications jsiiiil their continuation to n m Mp, ,liri.,.,y m,.r tho Isd.l depth. When In addition to H o,,),.,,,,, oll the mouiilaiii side. This
thiH it in Im.mim in iiiiml that the ledges ,u,lm.f wju, ,lrivtn ahout HH) feet
arefiomr. to ItHtfeet in width, a fair i fllrl.r w j ri.,u., , crosscut tho
idea can lie formed of the Intrinsic value V(lili ,,,( Kjv n ,iiitli of 100 feet. Near
nud the almost limitless extent of the llw, ,.,,,,,,,1,, UMlrface trench running
ore IsHliesavallahle for mining and mill-jm.rOHrl , formation shows the ledge
iug purpohcs. to he over thirty feet wide. Some sur-
Those, mines are the North IVIe, ,,.,, 11MH1,..M illlv I....... ,,,,.,1,, Hlmninir
i . .i o I. . i .t .. ...ill i
(ill., uuliultii.tiii-t villlli.y Ximit ill lint i.ntitt
...r.l. I'M . .... !.-. ......w ... ..... ....
Kuroka fi. Kxcelsior, Columhia
iolcouda. These adjoin one another in
the order named ami extend for a dis
tance of ahout three miles on the
mother lisle vein. There is not another
mines on the mother lisle returned high
values on the surface. Hut a few
hundred feet below the surface, where
I the deposits remain uiidisturhed and
install.'., where four such large ro-j,, ,.,M.,,m process has not lieon in
luceis form one continuous pioducing ,,r0(.ross, an ore hisly has boon tin
area on ttie same ledge, covered that assays from UHX) to
In addition to this wonderful mother , wm) ,H,r ,,,, V0 from the Ciol
lisle, the past few mouths have demon- jwmi (our tons wore shipped to tho
strale.1 the fact that there are veins Mmi.l(,r ult ,u.Ul.d over fUHMXH).
parallel with it which are rich in the I
precious metals. The pros.rlv which Those comparisons, unalouies, anil
has brought this fact to light,' and in''1'"" '' ,H,, ,,rrtw frt" Hr'
consispieuce has U-como fatuous, is I rounding mines to point the splomliil
known as the Cracker-Oregon. Ore has I hmwUiI.Mm of the Cracker Kugle. ItH
Umm, found in this mine which assay . Iwln M '"" better, IsjiiiK con
over 1KHKI s.r ton, at a depth of a few !." ' li Kroatost mines In eastern
hundred (cot. Drifting has boon con-' "'. It has every facility for largo,
.: .1.U.1..1. ..,.. ui.i .,. ... Isciontillc oporatloiiH. It has tho ex-
Illinium n inr iivii im rir iiri -- : - i
athI tMoiitliH. liiitniHtrnllMK tt thv HtlK- lTit-iiw uml results of tho newborn
faction of tho public that, like H , ' " ?'! It- future I this pav shoot has great I nmrw- Ami now those rich mineral ,
length and depth. Thus far it has boon I '". M lwWwl pitch southward in-1
osm, i throe levels, ami a few days ' lt8 "w ground, have Wen opened just
auowasoncouuloiod on the lowest, or I ,H,.v"'l it limits, tho Cracker Kagle
mill level, richer and stronger than lie-, l'1'1 "1 "k for ,,r,,,u'r 0,,,1,H,k'
fore, with a divided pitch to the south. Tho property has a strong orguuiza
This prosrty, which has only Ikoii tin-' tiou of eastern capitalists hack of it,'
dor development lor a little oer six i men who have business ability and a
mouths, is today valiusl at l.'HXl.OtX). , A ' reputation to protect, and who can
uiisloru stamp mill is Hearing comple
tion, with a Hsihlo capacity of forty
staiiiH. At present ton stamps are
being installed. '
A district 'with great producers, largo
therefore Ik relied upon to spare neither
money, tune, nor energy in making the
dracker-Kaglo a producer, worthy of a
We among tho great Cracker crook
If you do, address or call on J. I.. KVAXS. Hoom 1, Oloason llldg. .
f Suniptor, Oregon. I. O. ltox 1)2
Good Business Lots, Good Residence Lots. Look
at-'the list and 'see what yoirwant. l--have
yood investments for you if you want them
House and Lot on North Street ... fl'TfiO
House and Lot on-Auburn Street , '"" -r''
riirnished I lousoinrColuinbia Street ,' -, w V ' .".1250
House and bit on' Manilla Street ... 800
Hnuso and Lot on Cohimhia Street -. , .- 800
A Snail, two bit's on North,Streot ' xf -,:.'- :wt)
House and Lot in S'nnnysido ' 2o0
.'Mtoom House, ground rent very cheap - - liOO
Tine Itesideiice bit on Honanxa ... l'oO
bit on Lower Mill Street .... :00
Mtoom House on Parkinson Avenue - (ISO
Two Houses and bit on I'arkfusnn Avenue S00
ri'ltoom House ami Lot, good Stable, in Sumpter Hoights 700
Corner Lot, gosl location . ' .'WO
Desirable Uosidonce Lot, Upper Mill Street - fiOlt
(Mtoom House, goisl stable - - ' .- 075
bit .10x150 100
A goisl thing, Lot 105xl50, two good Houses, part cash
balance on tiinu .... - 'J.'tOO
(ood Lodging House in the heart of the city cheap.
In Sumpter and vicinity have their clothes
made by
FLYNN, the Tailor.
Big Line of Fall Goods Just Received.
iSuccessot to Snyde & Stlnson)
Only the Best Brands of Liquors Served Over the Bar
American Brewing and Crystal Ice Co,
E. SIBER, General Manager.
Manufacturers of
First Class Draught and Bottled
Also IceMade of
Distilled Water.
The most modern equipped plant in the state.
All orders promptly attended to.
Telephone, Main !;. BAKER CITY, OREGON.