The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, November 19, 1902, Page 11, Image 11

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    Wednesday, November 19, 1902
1 1
linllas.4 Ctata t am 4 ritl
U GnnJe, Oregon, October , 190a.
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the
provisions ol the act ol Crngress ot June . 18)8. en
titled "An act (or the tale ot timber lands In the
states of California. Oregon. Nevada and Washing
ton Territory," as extended to all the Public Land
states by act of August 4, 1841,
of Baker Cltv. county of Baker, state ot Oregon, hat
ttl! Amr Hm.t In .Kl mM... I.... .-.- &.
J -' . , " '" w,,, sworn statement no
1615. for the purchase of the Lots t, s.i ft setf nwtf,
tw'i netf. nw setf of Sec. No. 1 In fp. No. 11 3,
R. No. jSewm; and will offer proof to show that the
land sought Is more valuable for Its timber or stone
than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his
claim to said land before the Register and Receiver
of into office at U Grande, Oregon, on Saturday, the
17th day of January, tqit.
He names as witnesses: James Hunt. Mark W.
VJV' Non W. Courtney. P. August Larsen. all
of Baker City, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
described lands are requested to tile their claims In
thlsofhce on or before tald 17th day of January, 1901.
E. W. BARTLBTT, Register.
United States Land office, I
La Grande. Oregon, October 10. toot. I
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the
provisions ot the act of congress of June 1, 1878. en
tilled "An act for the sale ottlmber lands In the states
of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter
ritory, as emended to all the Public Land States by
act of August 4, 189s,
of Baker City, counlyof Baker, state of Oregon has
this day filed In this office his tworn statement No.
1616, for the purchase ol the ii nwtf, nvtf iwU
section No. 9 and ne! se( of section No 8 In
township No. 10 south, range No. )6 BWM. and will
ofler proof to show that the land aourht l mora val
uable tor lit limber or stone than tor agricultural pur
poses, and to establish his claim to said land before
the Register and Receiver of this othce at La GranJe,
Oregon, on Saturday, the nth dav ol January, toot,
He names as witnesses: P. A. Larsen, Newton W.
Courtney, Casper Gattlker anj Mark W. CalJer, all
of Baker City, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming aJversely the above
described lands are requested to file their claims In
this office on or before said 17th day of January, 19s.
E. W. BartlkTT. Register.
.United States Land office, )
La Grande. Oregon,
October ft, toot.)
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the
provisions of the act of congress of Jane 1. 1878, en
titled "An act for. tha tale of timber lands In the states
of California. Oregon, Nevada and' Washington Ter
ritory," as extended to all tha Public Land States by
fcy act of August 4. Mot.
of Baker City, county of Baker, stale ol'Oregon, hat
thlt day filed in thlt othce hit tworn a tatement No.
1617. lor the pruchate of the nw neSt", nH nwJt" of
Sec. it and ne)( neK of Sec. No. 10 la Tp. No. 10 S.
range No. j6 BWM, and will offer proof to thow that
the land sought is more valuable for Its timber or
tone than for agricultural purposes, and to estab
lish hit claim to tald land before the Regltter and
Receiver of this office at La Grande, Oregon, on Sat
urday, the 17th day ot January, 1901.
He names as witnesses: Mark w. CalJer, Newton
W. Courtney. Jamet Hunt, Lewlt A. Uwlnn, all of
Biker City, Ore
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
described landt are requeued to rite their claimt In
thlt oNce on or before said 17th day of January, 1901.
E. W. Barrett, Regltter.
United Statet Land Office. i
La Grande, Oregon, J
October . 190a. )
Notice it hereby given that In compliance with the
provisions of the act ot congress of June 1, 1878. en
titled "An act for the sale of timber lands In the states
of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Terri
tory," as extended to all the Public Land statet by
act of August 4, i8o,
of Baker City, county of Baker, stale of Oregon, hat
thlt day hied in thlt office her tworn statement No.
1619. for the purchase of the sK swtf, swtf setf
section 8 and nwtf nH ot section No, 17 In township
No to tou'h, range No. j6 ewm, and will offer projf
to thow that the land tcught It more valuable for
lit timber or stone than for agricultural purposes,
and to establish her claim to said land belore the
Regltter and Receiver of this office at La Grande,
Oregon, on Saturday, the 17th day of January, tto.
She names as witnesses: P. A. Larsen. Newton
W. Courtney, Casper Gattiker, Mark W. Calder, all
of Baker City, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
detcribed lands are requested to hie their claims In
this oNce on or before said 17th day of January, 190.
E. W. Bartlbtt. Register.
United States Land Office,
La Grande, Oregon,
October n. 190a.)
Notice is hereby given that In compliance with the
provlt'ons of the act of congress of June 1, 1878, en
titled "An act for the tale ottlmber lands in the states
of CaNfomla, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter
ritory," as extended to all the Public Land states by
act of August 4, 18901
of Baker City, county of Baker, state of Oregon, has
this day filed In this oNce her sworn statement No.
1618. for the purchase of the wH ne!. seX netf, netf
nwJi ot section No. 8 In township No. 10 south, range
No. yS BWM, and will offer proof to show that the
land sought Is more valuable for Its timber or stone
than for agricultural purposes, and to establish her
claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of
thlt oCce at La Grande, Oregon, on Saturday, the
17th lay of Jannary, tooj.
She nasaes as witnesses: William G. Moore, P. A.
Larson, Newton W. Courtney, Casper Gattlker, all of
Baker City, Ore.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
deserts laa are requeated to file tsteir clatass In
this office on or before said 17th day of January, 190).
E. W. BARTIBTT, Register.
UnlfeJ Stales Land Office.
La Grande, Oregon, October as, 1901.
Notice It hereby given that In compliance with the
provisions of the act of Congress of June 1, 1878,
entitled "An act for the tale of timber landt In the
Statet of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing
ton Territory," a extended to all the Public Lend
Statet by act of August 4, t8o,
ol Baker City, county of Baker, state ol Oregon, has
thlt day filed In this office hit tworn ttatemenl No.
1611, for the purchase of the nH nwU, self nw and
nH swtf of section No. 10 In s.Rno.
)8EWM,and will offer proof to thow that the land
sought It' more valuable for In timber or ttone than
for agricultural purposes, and S3 establish his claim
to tald land before the Regltter and Receiver of thlt
office at La Grande, Oregon, on Saturday, the 17th
day of January, 1901.
He name aa wltnaatat t awla A. f!uln. M,L
W. CalJer, Newton W. Courtney, P. August Larsen,
an 01 (saner v-uy, uregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
described lands are requested to hie their claims In
thlt office on or before tald tilh dav of January,
ivjj. c. w. DAKiiBTT, Register, .
UnlleJ States LanJ Office, (
La Grande, Oregon, October n. looi.j
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the
provisions of the act of congress of June v 1878, en
titled "An act for the tale of timber lands In the states
of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter
ritory," as extended to all the Public Land states by
act of August 4. 1891,
of Baker Cltv, county of Baker, state of Oregon, hat
inn jay rueJ in tnit omce nit tworn statement No
1611, lor the purchase ol the nH nw section 10
and H nei of section No. a In township No. to
souin, range no. to iw, and will oner proof
to show thai the land sought It more valuable for Us
limber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to
establish his claim to said land before the Register
and Receiver of Ihls. office at La Grande, Oregon, on
Saturday, the 17th day of January, 1001.
He names as witnesses: Newton w, Courtney.
asper w uattiker. Mark w. CalJer and Lewis A
Gwinn, all of Baker City, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
described lanJs are requested to hie their claims In
this office on or belore tald 17th day of January, 190 1.
E. W. Bartldtt, Register.
United States Land Office. 1
La Grande, Oregon,
October as, 190.)
Notice tt hereby given that In compliance with the
provisions of the act of congtess of June 1. 1878, en
titled "An act for the sale of timber lands In the states
ol California. Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter
ritory," as extended to all the Public Land states by
act of August 4, 189,
of Baker City, county of Baker, state of Oregon, has
Ihls day filed In this office his sworn statement No.
1614. for the purchase of the nH nwK, H nwxT of
section it and neK nek of section No. it In town
ship No. 10 south, range No. to bwm, and will
offer proof to show that the land sought It more
valuable for lit timber or ttone than for agricultural
fiurpotet. and to establish his claim to said land be
ore the Register and Receiver of thlt office at La
Grande, Oregon, on Saturday, the 17th day of Janu-
ary, 190J.
tie 1
names at witnesses: Catoer Gattlker. Jamai
Hunt. Newton W, Courtney and Lewis A. Gwinn. all
of Baker City, Oregon.
Anv and all persons clalmlnr adversely the above-
described lands are requested to hie their claims In
mis omce on or perore seia 17m aay or January, 1901.
E. W Bartlbtt. Register
United States Land Office, I
La Grande, Oregon, October 16, 190s. I
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the
provisions of the act of congress of June 1, 1878, en
titled "An act for the sale ottlmber lands In the states
of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter
ritory," HIRAM O. SWAIN,
of its Sixth Avenue West, Duluth, co inty of St.
Louis, sue ol Minnesota, has this day hied In Ihls
office his sworn statement No 1489, lor the purchase
ofthesHneJt' and eH se', of section No. ij In
township No. 11 south, range No. 17 bwm. and will
offer proof to show that the land sought Is more val
uable tor Its timber or stone than for agricultural pur
poses, and to establish his claim to said land before
Charles H. Chance, U. S. commissioner at Sumpter,
Oregon, on Wednesday, the io:h day of January, 190,.
He names as witnesses: Maurice E. Bain, Peter
Soards, Robert Patterson, of Sumpter, Oregon, and
Charles O. Baldwin, of Duluth, Minnesota.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
described lands are requested to hie their claims In
this office on or before said 7th day of January, 1901.
E. W. Bartlbtt, Register.
United States Land Office,
La Grande, Oregon, October t6, 1909.
Notice It hereby given that In compliance with, the
provisions of the act ol congress of June 1, 1878, en
titled "An act for the sale of timber landt in the ttates
of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter
of Sumpter. county of Baker, state of Oregon, has
this day filed In thlt othce hit tworn statement No.
isSi, for the purchase ot the wH swjf section 14 and
nK nwW of section No. at In township fo. 11 south,
range No. 7 BWM, and will offer proof to show that
the land sought Is store valuable for Its timber or
stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish
his claim to said land before Charles H. Chance, U.
S. commissioner at Sumpter, Oregon, on Wednes
day, the 7th day of January, to. '
He names as witnesses: Robert Patterson, Maurice
E Bain, Peter Soards, all of Sumpter, Oregon, and
Charles O. Baldwin, of Duluih, Minnesota.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
described lands are requested to file their claimt In
this office on or before said 7U1 day of January, 190 j.
E. W. Bartlett, Regltter.
United Statet Land Office,
La Grande, Oregon, October 14, too,. (
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the
provisions of the act of congress of June 1, I87S, en
titled "An act for the tale of limber landt In the slates
of California. Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter
ritory, as extended to all the Public Land states by
act of August 4 1801,
of Baker City, county of Baker, suite of Oregon, has
this day Med In Ihls office her sworn statement No.
M74. for the purchase of the v'i net,', eh nwtf
of section No. t In township No. 10 south, range No.
18 BWM, and will offer proof tn thow that the land
sought It more valuable lor lit timber or stone than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish her claim
to said land before the Regltter and Receiver of this
office at La Grande, Oregon, on Tuesday, the 11th
dav of January, ioo.
She names at witnesses: Charles Swinger, Lewis
Edwards. Jat- M. Hanks and Wm. K. Davit, all of
Baker City, Oregon
Any and all persont claiming adversely the above
described lands are requested In hie their claims in
this office on or before said tth dav ot January, too).
IT. W. BARHETT. Register.
iinwcK laixu, A1.1 Jurxb 1, 1
UnlleJ States Land Office, (
La Grande, Oregon, October 14. tow. t
Notice is hereby given that In compliance with the
provisions, ol the act of congress of June 1, I878, en
titled "An act for the xale of timber hnds In the stttcs
of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter
ritory," as extedded to all the Public Land stales bv
act of August 4, I84t,
of Baker City, county of Baker, state ol Oregon, lias
this day hied In this office his sworn statement No.
U79. lor the purchase ol the set sw(, sw4" tH ol
section No, it. In township to south, range 8 east,
and Lots e, 1 and 4 and swK nwjf of section In
township No. 11 south, range No. 8 i.wm, and Kill
offer proof to show that the land sought Is more al
uable for lis timber or stone than for agricultural
purposes, and to establish his claim to said land be
fore the Register and Receiver of this office, at La
tiranJe, Oregon, on Tuesday, the ilh day of Janu
ary, I90.
He names as witnesses: Wm. E BalrJ, Jas. M.
Hankt, Lewlt EJwardt and Chas. Swinger, all of
Baker City, Baker counlv, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
described lands are requested 10 file their claims In
Ihls office on or before said t th day of January, 1901.
E. W. IIARUI1TT, Register.
United Statet Land Office, i
La Grande, Oregon, October 14, 1901. 1
Notice It hereby given that in compliance with the
provisions ol the act of congress of June 1, 1878, en
titled "An ad for the sale ot timber lands In the states
ol California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter
ritory," as extended to all the Public Land Stales by
act ot August 4, i8o,
of Baker City. County of Baker, state of Oregon, has
Ihls day filed In this office his sworn statement No.
mto. for the purchase of the self naif, naif IC-
Sec. 14, and wM iX of section No. u In township No.
to south, range No. 18 kwm. and will offer proof to
show that the land sought Is more valuable for lis
llmder or stone than tor agricultural purposes, and to
establish his claim to said land before the Register
anj Receiver 01 mis omce ai La uranie, uregon, on
Tuesday, the nth day ol January, 1001.
He names as witnesses: Wm. I:. Balrd, Wm. K.
Davit, Lewlt Edwards, and Charles Swinger, all of
Baker City, Oregon.
Anv and all persons claiming adversely the above
described landt are requested to file their claimt In
thlt office on or before tald 1 th day of January, 1901,
E. W. Bartlbtt, Regltter.
United States LanJ Office. (
La Grande, Oregon, October 14, 19 i
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with Ihe
provisions ol the acl ot congrett ol June 1. 187B, en
titled "An act lor the sale ot limber lands In the ttatet
of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter
ritory," as extended lo all Ihe Public Land Statet by
act of August 4, 1891,
ot Baker City, county ol Baker, stale ol Oregon, has
this day filed In this office hit tworn statement No
1X78. lor the purchase ol the t'A twii and t54 setf
ol section No. 14 In township No. 10 soulh, range No.
18 BWM, and will oiler prool lo thow that the land
sought is more valuable lor its limber or stone than
lor agricultural purposes, and lo establish his claim
lo tald land belore Ihe Register and Receiver of this
office at La GranJe, Oregon, on Tuesday, Ihe ijth
dav ol January, iooj.
He names as witnesses: Charlei Swinger, Jat. M.
Hankt. Wm. E. BalrJ, Wm. K. Davit, all of Baker
Clly, Oregon.
Any and all persont claiming adversely the above
described landt are requested 10 tile their claimt In
Ihls office on or belore said 1 jih day ol January, 190).
li. W. liAKlLBTT, Register.
TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 1. i878.-soticb rOH
Untied State Land Office, j
La Grande, Oregon, October 14, 190s. I
Notice it hereby given thai In compliance wllh Ihe
provltlont ol the act ot congress ol June , 1818
cnt.tled "An act for the sate ot ti nber lands In the
states of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing
ton Territory," as extended lo all the Public Land
States by act ol August 4, 1891,
of Baker City, county of Baker, state ot Oregon, hat
mis day nied in tnit omce nit sworn statement no.
ttii. tor the purchase ol Ihe swVi neU. se!i nwW.
next swH.nwX teVC ol section No. 15 In township
no. 10 touin, range no. is iwm, anj win oner proot
10 show thai Ihe land sought Is more valuable lor its
timber or ttone than for agricultural purposes, and to
establish his claim to said land before the Register
and Receiver ol this office at La Grande, Oregon, on
luesday, the i)tn aay ot January. 1901.
He names as witnestet: Wm. K. Davit. James M.
Hankt, Lewis Edwards, Chat. Swinger, all ol Baker
City, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
described lands are reauested to file their claims In
this oRice on or before said ijth dayot January, 190J.
L. n. DAHiiriT, Register.
UnlleJ States Land Olhce. I
La GranJe. Oregon, October 14. tuot. I
Notice Is hereby els en that In compliance will the
provisions ol the act ol congress ol June 1, 18)8. en
titled "An act for the sate ottlmber lands In Ihe slates
ol California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter
ritory," at extendeJ to all the Public Land ttalet by
act ol August 4, 189),
ol Baker Cll. county ot Baker, state ol Oregon, has
this dav tiled in thlt office his tworn statement No.
1J71. tor the purchase of the ejj twjf.wji set" of
section No. ti In township No. 10 soulh, range No. 18
l:W, and will offer prool to show thai the land sought
Is more valuable lor Its limber or slone than lor agri
cultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said
land before the Register and Krcelt er ot this office at
La Grande, Oregon, on Tueidav, the t lli day ot
January, 100 1.
He names as witnesses: lewis EJwards, Jas. M.
Hanks. W. E. Ilalrd and Wm. K. Davis, all ol Baker
City, Oregon.
Anv and all persons claiming adversely Ihe above
described lands are requested to Me their claims In
this office on or before tald 1 lh day of January, 1901.
E. W. DAHHtUT, Register.
TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 1. 1878. nuticv I OR
United Stales Und Office. I
La Grande, Oregon, October 16, tuoi.l
Nollce is hereby given that In compliance wllh the
provisions of the act ol congress ol June 1, 1878, en
tlllej "An acl lor the sale oltlmber ltujs in the slates
of California, Oregon, NevaJa and Washington Ter
ol 11 Cast Third Street, Duluth, iiiunly ol St. I mils,
state ot Minnesota, has this dav Med In Ihls oliue his
sworn statement No. iv. for Ihe punhase ol the n)t
ne(4 section 15 anj n! nw)f ol section No 14
In township No. 11 soulh, tange No. 17 tvvvt, and
will oiler proof lo show that Ihe land sought Is more
valuable lor its timber or stone than lor agiUulniral
purposes, and lo establish his claim to said land be
foie Chailes II. Chance, U. S. commissioner at
Sumpter, Oregon, on Wednesday, Ihe mill Jay ot
January, ium
He names as witnesses: Maurice E. Ilaln, Peter
SoarJs. Kobett Patterson, of Sumpter, Oregon, and
Hiram O. Swain, of Duluth, Minnesota.
Anv and all persons claiming aJvrisrly the above
desctibed lands are tequested to Me their claims In
this office on or belote said 7II1 day of January, iuoj.
li. W, IIAHTIK1T, Reglstel.
United Slates Land Office, j
La Grande, Oregon, October 16, ignt.l
Notice It hereby given that In compliance with the
provisions of the act of congress of June 1, 1818, en
titled "An act lor the sale at timber landt In the ttatet
ol California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter
ritory," MARV D. ROUbRS,
of Sumpter, county of Baker, state of Oregon, hat
thlt day tiled In this office her sworn statement No.
itSi, lor Ihe purchase of the sK nwtf. tw nef and
nefc) swW of section No. 14 In township No. ti south,
range No. 17' HWM, and will offer proof 10 thow that
the land toughl It more valuable for lit timber or
ttone than for agricultural purposes, and 10 establish
her claim lo tald land before Clinics II. Chance, U.
S. commissioner at Sumpter, Oregon, on Wednesday,
Ihe 7lh dayol January, 190 1.
sne names as witnesses: unpen raiterson, rerer
Soards, Maurice E. Ilaln and Daniel Rogers, all .of
Sumpler, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
described landt are requested 10 Me their claims .In
Ihls office on or belore said 7th Jay of January, 1904.
b. W. Bartlbtt, Register.
United States Land Office, I
La Grande, Oregon, October it, iuo. (
Notice It hereby given that In compliance with Ihe
provltlont of Ihe acl ol Congrett of June 1. 1878, en
titled "An act for Ihe tale of timber landt In the
ttatet ol California, Oregon, Nevada and Wathlng
Inglon Territory." as extended lo all Ihe Public Land
states by act ol August 4, i9,
of Sum pter, county of Baker, slate of On gun, has
this day filed In this office lilt tworn tiatement No.
1)84, lor the purchate ol Ihe nH ot tectlon No. 9 In
township No, 11 south, range No. 17 BWM, and will
offer proot to show that Ihe land sought Is more val
uable for Its limber or tlone than lor agricultural pur
Ciset, and lo establish his claim lo tald land belore
has. II. Chanra. U. S. commissioner at Sumpler.
Oregon, on Wednesday, the 7II1 day ot January, 1901.
He names at witnesses: Hiram (). Swain and
Charles O. Baldwin, ol Duluih, Minnesota; Charles
Relchsteln and Wayne kwlng, ol Sumpler, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
described lands are requested to We their claims In
this office on or before said 7th day ol January, i9l
E. W. Bartlbtt, Regltter.
for Publication.
UnlleJ Stales Land Olhce, (
La Grande, Oregon, October 16, 190. (
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the
provisions of the act of congress of June 1 I878, en
titled "An acl for the sale ot timber lands In the stales
of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter
ritory," BELLE SWAIN,
of 118 Sixth Avenue West, Duluih, county of St.
Louis, state ol Minnesota, has Ihls day tiled in this
office her sworn statement No. ijW, lor Ihe pur
chase of IheeK nwK.nwTt teX and nehi twW of
section No. it In township No. 11 south, range No. 17
BWM, and will offer proot to show that Ihe land sought
Is more valuable for Its limber or stone than lor agri
cultural purposes and to establish her claim to said
land before Charles H. Chance, U. S. commissioner
at Sampler, Oregon, on Wednesday, the nxli day of
January, 1901.
She names as witnestet: Maurice E. Ilaln, Peler
Soards, Robert Patterson, all ol Sumpter, Oregon,
and Charles O. Baldwin, of Duluth, Minnesota.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
described lands are requested lo Me their claimt In
thlt office on or before tald 7th day of January, iooj,
E. W. BARTLBTT, Register.
If in want of clothing;, see Nelll Mer
cantile company.
Mining deeds (or tale at this office.