: Wednesday, November 5, 1902 THE SUMPTbR MINER A BUSINESS OFFER THE OLD ARRASTRA GOLD MINIG COMPANY NOW OFFERS ITS TREASURY STOCK TO THE PUBLIC WE OFFER VOU A BUSINESS PROPOSITION ONE THAT WILL BEAR OLOSE INSPECTION AND IS A GOOD, SAFE INVESTMENT It is Capitalized for 1,000,000 Shares of the par value of one dollar each. 50,000 shares are re served for Treas jry Stock. The Property consists of almost 100 acres of highly mineralized ground in the Granite creek district. There is a perfect network of veins, ten' of which have been proven by development. The ledges range from Two to Twenty feet in width. The values are in gold and gray copper and will average better than $25 per ton. Some of the ore assays several thousand dollars. About 500 feet of development work has been done, consist ing of tunnels, drifts, shafts and crosscuts. This work is being carried .steadily forward under an able manager. Ore netting a profit of $75,000 to the former owner has already been taken from the property. Stock is now being sold to accomplish some carefully planned develop ment work, and to purchase the necessary machinery. Quick results and large profits is the aim. This stock can be purchased today for TEN CENTS PER SHARE Write for full particulars concerning the property and the men to WILLIAM H. HEPPE SECRETARY sumitkr, orkgon. Sumptr, Oregon. The Officers and Directors are men of sterling character and high standing. The General Manager and Superin tendent of the mine was for a number of years superintendent of the Monumental mine, bringing it to its present producing state. He also held the OLD ARRASTRA property for twenty years because of its merits, and retains a large interest in the new company. MAKK ALL CHECKS PAYABLK TO E. F. WARNER, TREASURER INVESTORS DISCRIMINATE. Arc Now Buying Mining Stock lotted of Speculating on 'Change. The rapidly-growing tendency of the thrifty public to invest in the more promising of the new mining conipau lex explains, in a large measure, the apathy ho manifest tho past summer in the transactions on the stock exchanges, especially in the mining share market. Evidence la not wanting that there has been a radical change, and that what is universally termed stock nam bling ha no longer the fascination of former years for men who aspire to wealth in the Held of speculative invest ment. Men who have put their money into some favorite listed stock of the moment have been made to realize some thing of the hazard by the manipula tion of the cliques often awakening in the morning possessed of what they be lieved to be a fair investment, only to tlnd themselves "wiped out" attheclnse of the exchanges for the day, followed by calls for additional margins, and if unable to meet the demands to learn that their account is closed. It's a nice little game, but the broker is always a winner, and, as a Lawsouiau aphorism explains it, he gets all if it is played long enough, for there is a commission in buying and one in selling a burning of the caudle at both ends. A man who puts his money out of his hands and leaves its control with the stock manipulators is not wise. How different with the investor in some legitimate proposition where in trinsic value governs, when a dollar to day is secured by an added one tomor row from some other investor, both go ing into a well-deiiued system of devel opment, whereby values are enhanced, witli the ultimate aim of insuring profits to be returned in dividends. His in vestment is secure from manipulation by professional stock gamsters, he can I enjoy a refreshing sleep in the full be I lief that Ilia money is safe from depreci ation through the coming day, and the littlo tticker that has brought sadness and misfortune to so many has no ter rors for him. Of the millionaires who have won a competency In mining investments prob ably DO per cent have done so before the stock manipulators began their work. They used their means as. a legitimate investment in some good company, and have left the Held of speculation to those lambs who have become infatuated by the ticker and blackboard of the bucket shop, and who discover, often too late, their mistake. Legitimate mining is as safe and much more profitable than agricultural pur suits, when divorced from stock gam bling influences. Trading on margins Is quite another thing. Tim wise should bo able to readily discriminate. Uoston Journal for Investors. Big Body ol Timber "Coming In' Kast of Union, along Catherine creek and adiacent. is a ureat timber belt that 1 will soon be brought into market. A large amount of the land has already been taken up and much more will be in the near future, by homesteading and by purchase under the timber and stone act. The timlcr is elapsed as among the Itest in the northwest, and is sure to Imi maiiufacured and taken to the markets of the world in the im mediate future. The products of tho timter ill all pass through Union, as this is the uatuial outlet for it. Union is also the logical supply point for all that region, and when the mills begin to hum in converting the giants of these forests into merchantable products, Union will receive a Ixmetit that will make the town grow rapidly into a city of considerable size and consequence. That flliv. fllH Itntlllliliruti lirmlif.lu Id I not far off. Union Republican. F J Write lor special prlcei A and proiptclut BLUE BIRD MINING COMPANY Capital $200,000 FULL PAID AND NON-ASSESSABLE MINES LOCATED IN GRANITE MININd DISTRICT, EASTERN OREGON 50.000 SHARES OFFERED WHEELER & CO., Inkers li IIKOADWAY, NEW YOWC Mention No. 60 ni the North American Miner will be milled you itx BHMtlit fret GRIZZLY STOCK... 21,111 Hliurea nt less tliun ground floor price. You can have it lor 2A cents in onu lump, or .'I cunt in broken Iota. EST BUY IN EASTERN OREGON Write for particulars to BERNARD FLYNN sumpter, ore. Books and Stationery I have added to my stock of Cigars and Tobaccoos a large number of popular novels, the leading eriodicalsaiid a complete lino of stationery ....The Elite Cigar Store... L. HARRIS, Phoprictor 1 M fcrwgj"ii'tg -i..attcaei