The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, October 29, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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Wednesday, October 29, 1902
If you want to make an investment in a mitring enterprise, Investigate Ours.
There is no system more fair and equal for all concerned than we have adopted.
YOU need not fear that the large interest will swallow up the small interest. All stand on the same
footing and share alike in the product of the mine. Our company is conducted on the most eco
nomical principles to insure goon returns. No man shall receive a salary unless he performs service
beneficial to the company. Better pay two miners three dollars each for a day's labor than to pay six dollars
for the services of a needless manager or superintendent. We can place you where the investment of a
small amount of money will bring you large returns. We ask an opportunity of explaining to you our system
of conducting a mining enterprise. We want to prove to you why and how we are bound to be successful.
We want to tell you how to secure good mining stock at a low figure. We would not ask you to place your
money where we would not place our own. Taking all things into consideration, we can offer you the best
opportunity for investment that you can find anywhere. It does not require a fortune to become interested
with us, where the indications point to speedy and most profitable returns. We are in this business to
make it a success, and will do it by systematic development and good management. We invite the strictest
investigation ol our properties and our company. Write to us for full particulars how you may become in
terested in a good mine for small investment, and we will convince you that every word we advertise is
true. We can furnish you the best of references. Address
Will Lay Another Pipe Line
to Handle Water From
Ellis Ditch.
, wry interesting ami iniMirtmil fart
develops! during 11 recent conference In?
twccn Chief .lewett, of tint Sumpter Fire
department, iiml Koltert K. Slriiliorn,
owner uf tin' Smiiitir light and water
H,"xtcmx. 'I'o insure 11 Hrdvl del line of
water mnli'i ciy high pressure in easu
of 1111 iiiiiiniiully 1 11 r no tiro, Mr. Stmliorn
intend laying 1111 entirely independent
nnil iiie lino about u mile ami
a half Imiis. from tlui high linen of the
KIHn iliteli, which he recently purehas
,!, ami down the huxincxH center, with
separate hydrants uu prominent corner.
iiHiiiti the ireHcnt hydrants, These
new li)ii.tolH will lie titled for ilouliio j
roiimvttoii, or two Iioho li ucx from each.
With . fill of nearly UK) feet, a treat I
ultimo of water can 1m delivered to any
leiirel heuht, uml ax the. new power
mMoiii to he huilt in connection with
the Kill w-Uer rinlitx will lie of the most
ieim,iiient .mil reliahle nature, to abo
lutely iniiiin power ccr) day in the
year, llu- auxiliary water supply will be
alnio-t in ilnahle iih atlilitional lire pro
teclion, ami cm lie iihciI fur some other
puip.wn, micIi an sprinkling ami wash
ing off the streets, irrigation of lawns, ,
etc., fli'HiM the present supply at any
time piove iu.ldciUalu. '
It will ho remembered thai tho
scheme emlir.iecn ample HoltliiiK luteins,
etc , ni tint the present murky waterx
ofTlowilr river will bwdwlivrrvd tKrein -
lit nhapti for anything except domestic
All thiH again emphasizes the fact that
Sumpter is indeed fortunate in having
ilH v atcr and light xyxtemx in xuch
IiuiiiIh iih can and Mill maku any outlay
necessary to iiiHiiro roliulile service, even
under thu moat adverse circumstances.
Eastern Oregon Gold Fields.
The gold fields of Oregon aroeach year
growing in wealth and extent. Oregon
hari uuver received Hx proer place from
a statistical standiut although it is
the fault of thu mine owners uml com
panies, and not that of the government.
F.very effort is made hy the United
Statea geological aurvey to get thu cor
rect tlgurea, hut we are informed that
even the ligurcx cent out annually hy thu
government have lieen added to in many
instances, leeausu of a certainty that
those rent in were considerably Hhort of
thu real output. No one in to blame, hut
the mine owner for thin Ntatu of affairs,
and it ia no doubt greatly mitigating
agaiunt thu real mining iutereMta of Ore
gon. WcKtem Mining World.
Northwestern Surveyed for Patent.
Surveyor .I0I111 llagel, of (taker City,
last week comnlctcd taking thu Held
note lor patent survey of thu North
w enter n Consolidated Mining com puny 'a
proHrty, Cracker Creek district, lie
was preventel hy illnesx from doing
aomu Hiirveyiug for thu North l'ole hh
pie. SuK!riuUudeut K. HuUe, 8r., of
the Northwestern, ix authority for thu
statement that the Vulcan and Badger
claiuia and thu Kingpin group of two
claim, thu Kingpin ami On in Paul, thu
latter owned by a California company,
aituatcd jiiHl across thu gulch south of
the Northwestern and on thu name vein,
have been lionded to a Minneapolis com
puny. Development work will begin at
oncu under direction of SuHriutendent
'Himear.- -. -. -
Ill Area, With Recent Additions, is 7.254
Square Miles
Professional, United Statea
Geological Survey, now in press, consists
of reports UHin forest conditiona in the
Caxcadu llaiigu forext reserve of Oregon,
by Mexxrx. II I). (.aiigilte, Fred (i. Plum
mer, Arthur Dodwull and Theodore F.
Kixnu, with an introduction by Henry
Gannett, geographer, to which haw Ihhmi
added thu reHirt of J. It. I.eibig, relating
to thu southern end of the rexerve, which
hax already been piihlixhcd in thu
twenty-tlrst annual ruMrt of the xitrvey.
Thu urea of thu reserve, including thu
recent udditioux, ix 7254 wpiani inilcx. It
ix the largest of all thu rexervex, extend
ing from thu Columbia river on thu
north, xouthward acroxa thu xtate nearly
to thu California boundary.
Thu total urea of thu rexervu ix 4,HH;(,
588 acres, of which 4, lttl,7tt4, or 85 kt
cent, are forested ; only eight ier cent,
or one aero in twelve and one-half, ix
burned ; only live per cunt, or one acre
lu twenty, ix oien country; and one per
cent of thu land consists of barren rockx,
ice, etc., thu remaining one per cent eon
Hinting of water nurture and of logged
and cultivated laud.
The total xtand of titular iihu the re
servo xlightly oxcihh1x5i),000 million feet,
board ineaxure, or enough to xupply the
United Statcx for u year and u half.
Upon the went of tho Cascade range red
fir fornix HH jier cent of all thu timber.
Kant of thu range yellow pineconxtitutes
117 per cent of tho timber. The average
Htiind of timber upon thu timbered nreu
of the rexervu ix H'JOO feet KTiicre.
The report dixcuxxex in detail the
variolic features of thix region in gen
eral, and of all thu xeparatu townships
included in particular.
Work Commenced on Esmeralda.
The Kxiucrulda Gold Mining company
started a force of men working on their
property, at thu head of Big Cracker
creek, the tlrot of tho week. The work
is merely the preliminary work of clean
ing up the 170-foot tunnel and building
the hoarding house. Thu work in in
charge of Superintendent .1. W. Gray,
who was formerly foreman of t lie Colum
bia mill. Thu company expects to em
ploy tit leaxt fifteen men in extensive
development work, with the intention of
constructing a mill in the spring. This
company ix comoxcd of Portland and
eastern capitalists' and thu following
Baker City peeple: I). 8., A. E., II. W.
and W. II. Kinxey and C. E. Illldge.and
.1. C. Shea, of a Grande. Bourne
New x.
Use Giant owder, fuse and caps.
21,111 Shares at lev) than ground floor price. You can
have it for 2A cents in one lump, or .'I cents in broken lots.,
Write for particulars to f
BERNARD FLYNN sumpter, ore.';