Wednesday, October 29, 1902 THE SUMPTER MINER ' a " wwWrttMwaMiwwwi r a wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmt 1 . 1 , THERE ARE ONLY 25,000 SHARES OF FRIDAY STOCK LEFT TO BE SOLD AT 15 CENTS PER SHARE When this amount is sold the price will positively be advanced or stock withdrawn from the market entirely WE HAVE SECURED A STAMP MILL The machinery is now on the ground and will soon be ready to crush and reduce the Friday Ore. Upon the completion of the Stamp Mill, we will at once proceed to Mine and Mill the Friday Ore. Soon thereafter we will be able to commence paying REGULAR MONTHLY DIVIDENDS You all know about the Friday Mine. You know it is a good mine and will make II money for the stockholders." Bankers, II Brokers, Doctors, Attorneys, Merchants, I Mechanics, and others have invested in the Friday Mine. They have found, after in vestigating, both as to the value of the Friday and the honesty and integrity of its Directors and Management, that it is a le gitimate and high class investment. We can send you a prospectus showing the conditions of the Friday Mine, the amount of ore in sight; the cost of mining and milling the same, etc. It will convince you that we are offering stock in a proven mine, not a prospect. j j Buy now while you can get it at Fifteen Cents per share CALL ON OR ADDRESS NEIL J. SORENSEN Sc CO. SUMPTER, OREGON BRANCH OFFICES BRANCH OFFICES 10 Broadway, Fargo, N. D. 4IO Karbach Block, Omaha, Nab. SOI Manhattan Building, St. Paul, Minn. HOI Union Truat Building, Baltimore, Nd. Tempi Court Building, N. Y. City. 215 Ledger Building, Philadelphia. wmMMm.mMwwmmmvNMwwmmm t C I