The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, October 29, 1902, Page 10, Image 10

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    Wednesday October 29, 1902
PUIUCATION. notice rei
United Stale. I and oilier, i
la (iranJr, Orrgon, clohrr , l'ioi. I
Nntlcr Iv hrrrhy glvrn that In compllancr with lh
provisions 11I thr act nf Crngrrtt ot Junr l, I878, rn
IlllrJ "Ansel lor Ihr salr ol timber lanJs In the
suits of California, Oregon, NevaJa anj Washing
tun Territory," as estrnJrJ m all the I'nl'llc LanJ
Mates by ad nl August 4, lUi.
nl Maker .lt, counts 11I Maker, stair 11I Oregon, hat
Hilt Jay lili'J In thlt nllicr hit sworn statement No
tot. Inr Ihr purchase nl the I nts 1, a 1 At se nw,
tw'f nri, n! ' ol Sec. No. 1 In Tp. No. ti S,
R. No. (HI WM; and will utter prnol to shuw that thr
land nought It nmrr valuable lor lit tlrnbrr or ttnne
Itian for agricultural purpotrs. anJ to rttahllsh hit
claim lo tald lanJ brtorr thr Rrglstrr anJ Rrcrlvrr
ol this ntficr al Iji (iranJr, Oirgon, on Saturday, the
1 ttli Jay ol January, ink).
Mr namrs at wllnettet lamrt llunl, Mark W,
CalJrr. Nrtttnn W Courtney, I'. Augutt Larten, all
ol Maker Cltv, Oregon
Anv anJ all prrtont claiming aJversely Ihr above
drsctlhej lanJt arr requested to Mr their clalmt In
Ihltnttice on or helurr talj I7lh Jav ol January, 1001,
I.. W llAkttlTT. Rrglstrr.
timbi und,
ACT JUNE 1. 1171.
notice rem
UnllrJ Slain LanJ oilier, I
la (iranJr Orrgon, Octohrr o, iv. I
Nniltr It hrrrhy glvrn lhal In rompllancr with Hit
provltlnnt ot Ihr act nl cnngrrtt nl Junr 1, 1818. rn
llllr J "An act lor Ihr talt ofllmhrr lanJt In Ihr atatrs
ol Calllomla, Oregon, NrvaJa anJ Wathington 'ler
rltnrv,' at ettenjej mall Ihr I'uHIc lanJSIalet by
ait ol Augutt 4. iHu,
I Maker City, rountv ol llaker, tlatr ol Orrgon hat
Ihlt Jav hlrj In Ihlt nlllfr hit swum statement No.
Iditi, lor thr punhatr ol Ihr tit nw'ij, nw) w'(
trcllon Nn. anj ne! tr' ol trcllon No 8 In
Inwnthlp No. hi touth, langr No. rWM, anj will
ollrr prnol to thnw that Ihr land sought It murr val
uablr Inr lit limber or ttonr than lor agricultural pur
pnsrt.aiiJ lo establish hit claim lo talj land belore
thr Rrgltlrr anj Rrcrlvrr ot thlt oilier alia (SranJr,
Orrgnn.nn SalurJav, Ihr Dili Jav ill January, lunt,
llr namrt at wllnrttrt, I'. A. Lartrn, Nrwton W.
Cmiitnrv, Catprr (iattlkrr anJ Mark W. CalJrr, all
nl llakrr Cllv. Orrgon.
Anv and all prrtont claiming aJvrrtriv Ihr ahnvr
JrtirlhrJ lanJt arr rrqurtleJ to Mr thrlr (lalmt In
ihlt oilier on or hrluir tald 17th Jav ot January, tuoj.
I:. W. llAtmilt, Rrglstrr.
ACT JUNE S. 1171.
I'nltrJ Slalrt land oilier, ,
La (irandr, orrgnn,
October if, turn.)
NoiUr It hereby given that In compliance with the
provltlnnt ol the act ol congrett ot Junr , 1878, rn
tlllrd"An act tor Ihr tale ol timber lands In Ihr ttatrl
nl Calllomla, orrgon, NevaJa anj Wathlngtun Ter
iltoty," a extenJrJ to all Ihr Public LanJ Stale t by
b act nl August 4, I891,
nl llakrr City, tuunlv nl llakrr, tlalr nl Orrgon, hat
Ihlt Jav MrJ In thlt other hit tworn ttalrmrnt No.
ibir, lor thr pruchatr ot thr ni( ne'i, nH nw'( ol
Src. 11 anj nr't' nr! nl Srr. No. 10 in Tp. No. 10 ,
ranter No. (ilWM, anj will otter prnol to thuw lhal
the land toughl It morr valuablr lor 111 tlrnbrr or
ttonr than tor aierlcullural puipotrt, and In rtlab
llth hit claim to talj Ian J brlnrr Ihr Krcltlrr an J
rtrirlvrr ol thlt oilier at I a (iranJr, Oregon, on Sal
urJav, thr 1 Till Jay ol .lanutrv, tuni.
llr namrt at wllnrttrt Mark W. Caldrr, Nrwtnn
W, Lnurlnrt, .lamrt Hunt, Lrwlt A. liwlnn, all ol
llakrr Cllv.Orr
Anv and all prrtont claiming adntrtv Ihr above
Jrtcilbrd landt air Irqucttrd to hlr thrlr clalmt In
Ihlt nHur on nr brtorr tald itiIi Jav nl January, tun
I:. W. IUhiiku, Hrgltier.
IIMIIFR LAND, ACT JUNI: 1, tilt. Mint 11 tow
linilrJMatrt LandiJitur, 1
La liranJr, or(tin, 5
October ti 11x. 1
NirtUf It hereby given thai In compliance with Hie
provisions ol the act ot congress ot Junr 1, il?. en
titled "An ad lor the tale ol limber lanJt In the ttalet
nl Calllomla, Oregon, NrvaJa an J tVathlnglon Irnl
Inrs," at rtlrnded to all the I'oblic lanj ttalet bv
act ul August 4, iKoi,
ot llakrr (.lu.uiunh ol llaker, ttatr ol Oirgon, hat
this da Med In Ihlt othie her sworn ttalrmrnt No.
iniv nr Ihr purchatr of Ihr H twkj, twjj trj
trcllon 8 and nwj nr)t ot trcllon No. it In lownthlp
No lusou'h, tangr Nn. 0 Its ti, and will ollrr piot
to show Hut the land sought It more valuable tut
lit limber nr ttonr than lor agricultural purposes,
and la rslabllsh her claim lo tald land brtorr Ihr
Urglslrr and Krctltrr nl this other at la (irandr,
Oirgon, on Saiurdav, thr ttlhdas ol lanuart, it,o
She namet at wllnettet. P A lartrn, Nrwlon
W (.ouilne), Casper (ialilker, Mark W. Calder, all
ol llaker Cits, Oregon.
Any anj all peisons claiming aJtrrselv the abnve
Jrteilbrd lands arr rr.urtird to Mr thru clalmt In
thlt ofrUr on m brtorr said 17th Ja ol Januars, iio.
I.. W lUulUTT, Mrglstrr.
TIMHI.H UNI), ACT JUNI. 1. mm. MHIO. ton
United Slates lanJOItifr,
la (iiande, Orrgon,
O.lober 14,1004.)
Notkr It hrrrbv given that In tompllancr wllh Ihr
provlt'ont ol Ihr ail ol cnngrrtt nl June I, iUlf, en
tilled "An act lui thr talr ot tlrabrr lanJt In the ttalet
t Calllomla, Oregon, Net a Ja anj Washington ter
rilorv," at exienJed 10 all the I'ublic LanJ ttalet by
attnl August 4, 1I44,
ul Maker Cllv, ounl ul Hiker, state of Orrgon, hat
this Jay Med In ihls oltice her sworn statement No
toil, lor the pure hate ol the ) ne, te ne',ne'
n',' ol section No. M In lownthip No. 10 touih. range
No. 0kw,nJ will oiler wool 10 show thai the I
land sought It more valuable lor lit llmbrr or ttonr
than loi agricultural purpotet, and to ettarllth her
Claim WtaU land belore Hit Hegltter and Hece It er ol I
HiltofAce alLalirande, Oregon, on Satuidat, the 1
ulh Jay ol Jannai) , iuo.
She naratt at wllnestes; William (S. Moure. I. A.
larten. Newlon W. Couiinev, Catper (ialilker, all ot
Baker ClU. Ore
Aay and all pet tan t delating aJversely the above
described laadt art requetteJ u Mr their clalmt in
Ihlt nfaet on or before said nth Javot Januars, io.
I. W. Hkim, Regit ler.
United States Land Office,
La (iranje, Orrgon, October ji, row.
Notice It hereby given that )n compliance with the
provisions of the 'act ol Congrett of Junt 1. 188,
entitled "An act lor the sale of timber landt In the
Stales nl Calllomla, Orrgon, NrvaJa, anJ Washing
ton Territory," as extrnJrd to all the I'ublic Land
Slatrt by act of August 4, i8os
nl Maker City, rounly ot Makrr, tlatr nf Oregon, has
this Jav Mr J In this office his sworn statement Nn.
idle, lor thr purchase ol Ihr n'i n!, se1,' nw!t anj
nr1,; i!i of trcllon No. to In townthlpNo. 11 s.RNo.
iH I WM, and will offer proof to thow that the land
sought It more valuable for lit timber or ttont than
lor agricultural purposes, and to establish hit claim
lo said land brtorr Ihr Rrglstrr and Rrcrlver of this
office at Iji (iranJr, Oregon, on SaturJay, the 17th
Jav ot lanuary, ton).
llr names at wllnrttrt: Lewis A. (iwlnn, Mark
W. CalJrr, Nrwton W. Courtnry, P. August Larten,
all of Hiker City, Oregon.
Anv anj all persons claiming aJversely the above
JetcrlbeJ lanJt arr requesteJ lo Mr thrlr claims In
this office on or brtorr said 17th Jav ot January,
iuu L. W. UAkllinT, Register.
1IMMI.R UNI), ACT JUNH 1. 1878. Notice too
UnllrJ Slatrt LanJ Office, I
Iji (irandr, Orrgon, October , 1001.
Nolicr It hrrrhy glvrn that In compliance with the
provltlnnt of thr act nf congress nf Junr t, I878, en
tilled "An act for the salr oftlmhrr lands In Ihettatrs
nl California, orrgon, Nrvada and Washington Trr
rltory," as ratrndrd lo all Ihr Public LanJ slatrt by
act of August 4, iBot,
nf Makrr City, county nf Makrr, ttatr ol Orrgon, hat
Ihlt Jav tilrJ in thlt office hit tworn ttalemrnt No.
1611, lor Ihr purchatr ot Ihr n! nw(,' trcllon 10
anJ e,li ne( ol trcllon No. o in lownthlp Nn. 10
toulh, rangr Nn. 16 I WW, anJ will 11 Her proof
to thuw that the land tough! It more valuable for lit
llmbrr or tlonr than lor agricultural purposes, anj to
rslabllsh tilt claim In said land belore Ihr Rrglstrr
and Rrcrlvrr nf thlt nllicr al La (irandr, Orrgon, on
SnlurJ.iv, ihr 17th Jav nl January, iuui.
He names at wllnrttrt: Nrwton W. Courtnrv,
Catprr W Clinker, Mark W. Caldrr and Lrwlt A
(iwinn, all nl Makrr Cltv, Oregon.
Anv and all prrtont claiming aJversely Ihr above
JrtcrlhrJ landt arr rniurttrd to Me thrlr claims In
thlt oilier on or brloir talj 171I1 Jay ot January, too).
1. w., Krgtiter.
United Slates Land Office, )
La Grande, Oregon,
October ti, igoa.)
Notice Is hereby given that in compliance with the
provisions ol the act ol congrett ol June 1, il7l, en
titled "An act lor the tale ol timber landt In tht states
ol Calllomla, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter
ritory," at attended to all the Public Land ttalet by
ait ol August 4,ilo,
ol Maker City, county of Maker, stale of Oregon, hst
Ihlt day tiled In thlt office hit twoin statement No.
1014. for Ihr purchatr ot Ihr nH nwU, tw) nw't" of
trcllon it and nr! ne ot trcllon No. 11 in lown
thlp No. m touth, rangt No. 16 EWM, and will
offrr prnol to thow that the land sought It more
valuablr tor Its timber or stone than lor agricultural
furposrs, and to etlablith hit claim lo tald land be
nrr thr Rrglstrr and Rrcrlvrr ol thlt office at La
GranJe, Orrgon, on SaturJay, the 17th day of Janu
ary, tu.
llr namrt as wllnrttrt: Catprr (ialilker, Jamtt
Hum, Newton W. Courtney and Lewlt A. (iwinn, all
ol llaker City, Oirgon.
Anv and all prrtont claiming adversely thr above
deseilbrd landt air tequesteJ 10 Mr thrlr clalmt In
this nllicr nn in brforr tald 17th dav ol January, igoj.
L. W llAwnm, Rrglilrr
ACT JUNE 1, 1878.
NoiicK rott
I'nltrJ Stairs UnJ Oltice, I
Iji (irande, Oregon, October id, looe.i
Notice it heiehy given that In compliance with Ihe
piosltiiint nl the ad nl congiest nl June 1, 1878, en
titled "An at I lot Ihr talr nltlmher landt In Ihr tlatrt
ol Calllomla, Oregon, Nrsada and Washington Trr
rltory," HIRAM O. SWAIN.
ot 1118 Sixth Asrnue Wetl, Duluth, co inly ol Si.
Loult, tta't of Minnesota, hat Ihlt Jav filed In Ihlt
oilier hit tworn statement No 1)84, for Ihr purchatr
ol Ihr t!t nrt' and e) tr'i ol trcllon No. is In
township No. 11 touth, rangr No. 11 lM, anJ will
otter pruot lo thow that thr lanJ sought It moir val
uable tor lit tlrnbrr or ttonr than lor agileulluial pur
Citrt, anJ to rttabllth hit claim to sal J land before
liatlet II. Chance, U. S. commissioner al Sumpter,
Orrgon, on WrJnrtJav, Ihr 10 h Jav ot January, 111.
He namrsas wllnrssrs Mauiicr L. Main, Prter
SoarJt, Robert I'allerson, ol Sumpter, Orrgon, and
Chailrt O, Pululh, .Minnesota.
Any anj all prisons claiming ajtrisrlt thr abuse
JrstilhrJ lanJsarr rrqurstrJ to file thrli claims In
thlt oilier nn nr belorr salJ -Hi Jav nl January, iuo.
1.. vv. USU1IIU, tirgittrr.
878. M)tn:i lost
I'nltrJ Slates LanJ Oilier,
jt (iranJr, Orrgon, October 10, iuoj.
Nolle r It hriebt gitrn lhal In compllancr with
provltlnnt ol Ihr of cnngrrtt nl Junr 1, 1878, en
litleJ "An act lor thr talr ot llmbrr lanJt in thr tlatrt
ul Calllomla, Orrgon, NrvaJa anj Washington Trl
lltot)," DA.NIEL ROC. 1 US.
ul Sumplei, county nl Makrr, ttatr ul Oirgon, hat
ihlt Jav MrJ In Ihlt office hit tworn ttalrmrnt No.
it8o, tor Ihr purchase ol thr w)t tw V trcllon 14 and
n( nw1 ot tretion No. 11 in lownthlp .so. 11 touth.
lange No. i kwM. anj will oiler prool 40. tlsow. that
the land sought it more valuable tor lit llaber or
none than lor agtle uliural purposes, and 10 establish
kit claim 10 tald lanj before Charlet II. Chance, U.
S. committloner at Suraptrr, Oregon, on WeJnef
Jav , Hie till Jav ol lanuarv, iu.
He names at witnesses: Moheri Patirrusti. Miutlra
L. Itam, I'eter Soardt, all ot Sumpter. Oregon, and
Chirlet O. MalJwIn. of Duluth. Minnesota.
An and all prisons claiming ajvetsely tht above
JetcrlbeJ landt ate lequetted 10 nit their clairat In
Ihlt olbce on nr belore said rth day ot January, 1001.
H W. Bahtutt, Register.
United Slatrt LanJ Other, j
La Grandr, Orrgon, October 14, iooj.
Notice It hereby given that In compliance with thr
provisions of the act of congrrss of Junr , I878, rn
littrd "An act for the sale oltlmher lands In thr stairs
of Calllomla, Oregon, Nrvada and Washington Trr
ritorv," as ritrnjr J to all the Public LanJ states by
act of August 4I80S
of Raker Cltv, cnunty of Baker, tlatr of Oregon, has
this day fileJ In this office her tworn statement No.
tc,74, for the purchase ol the w'.S nr!, e nwW
of section No. it In township No. 10 south, rangr No.
)8 LWM, anJ will offer proof to show that the lanJ
sought Is morr valuablr for lit llmbrr or ttonr than
for agricultural purposrs, and lo establish hrr claim
to talj land before the Register and Reerlvrr of this
office at La lirandr, Orrgon, on Tuesday, thr ijth
Jav ot January, iuo,
Shr names as wllnrssrs: Charlrs Solngrr, Lrwlt
KdwarJt, Jat. M. Hanks and Wm. K. Davis, all ol
llakrr Cltv, Orrgon
Anv anj all persons claiming adversely thr abovr-
JrscilbrJ lanJs are requested 10 tile thrlr claims In
this other on or before said 1 th day of January, too).
E. W. HawuUTT, Register.
United States UnJ Office. j
La (irande, Oregon, October 14, ioo. I
Notice It hereby givrn that In compliance with Hit
provisions ol the act of congress ot June 1. 1878, en
titled "An act for the tale oltlmher lands In the stales
of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter
ritory," at extedded to all the Public Land states bv
act ol August 4, I8ai,
nf Raker City, countv of Baker, slate of Oregon, hat
thlt dav Med In this office hit tworn ttatement No.
1570, lor the purchase of the tH swjf, swjf teX ol
section No. it, In lownthlp 10 south, range 8 east,
and Lots t, (and 4 and tw! n(,' of section 1 In
township No. south, range No. iB EWM, and will
offer proof 10 thow that the land sought It, more val
uable for Its limber or ttonc than for agricultural
purposes, and lo establish his claim to said land be
fore the Register and Receiver ol this office, at La
(irandr, Orrgon, on Tuesday, thr 1 th day of Janu
ary, IQO.
He names at wltnettet: Wm. E BilrJ, Jat. M.
Hanks, Lewis Edwards and Chat. Swinger, all of
llakrr City, Baker county, Oregon.
Any and all prrtont claiming aJversely thr above
described landt are lequetted to tile their clalmt In
Ihlt office on nr before tald i)lh Jay of January, too).
E. W. Bahtlett, Register.
UnllrJ States Land Oltice,
La Grandt, Ortgon, October 14, iooa. i
Notlct It hereby given that In compliance with the
provisions ol tht actol congrett ol June 1. 187I, en
titled "An act lor the salt ol timber landt In Ihe ttalet
ot California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter
ritory," at extended 10 all the Public Land States by
act ol August a, i8ot,
ol Baker City, county ol Baker, ttate ol Oregon, hat
thlt day filed In thlt office hit tworn ttatement No.
176, for the purchase ol the se netf. ne! "M,
oec. 14, ana w;i twJt 01 sccntn no. is in lowntnip no.
10 toulh, range No. 18 EWM, and will otter proof to
thow that Ihe land sought It more valuable lor Its
tlmder or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to
establish his claim lo tald land before the Register
and Receive of this office at La Gran Jr. Orrgon, on
Tursday, tht 1 lh day ol January, 1001.
He names as witnesses: Wm. E. UalrJ. Wm. K.
Davis, Lewis Edwards, and Charlet Swinger, all of
Maker City, Oregon.
Anv and all persons claiming adversely tht above
described lands ate requested 10 Me their clalmt In
thlt office on or belore tald 1 ith day ol January, 1001,
E. W. Uartibtt. Register.
United States Land Ottce. I
La Grande, Oregon, October 14, io i
Notice Is hereby given lhal In compliance wllh Ihe
provisions ol Ihe act ot congress ol June 1. 1878, en
title J "An act lor the talt 01 limber landt In Ihe ttalet
9I California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter
rilorv," at extended to all Ihe Public Land Stales by
actol August 4, ia,
ol Baker City, county ot Baker, ttate ot Oregon, hat
Ihlt day hied In Ihlt office hit twoin ttatement No
Mt8, lor the purchate ol Ihe eM twJt and t)i tr!
ot section No. 14 In township No. 10 south, range No.
it tWM, and will oiler proof lo thow that Ihe land
sought it moie valuable lor lit limber or stone than
lor agricultural purposes, and lo etlablith his claim
to tald land belore Ihe Herltler and Receiver ot thlt
office at La Giande, Oregon, on Tuesday, the jthj
jav nr January, 100).
He names as witnesses: Char lei Swinger, Jas, M.
Hants. Wm. E. Malrd. Wm. at. Davit, all ol Bakrr
City, Oirgon.
Any and all peisons claiming adversely the above
Jetctlbed lands ate lequetted 10 hie their clalmt in
thlt office on or before tald tjih Jay ot January, 100 1.
c vv. UAHiialT, Kegttler.
UnlteJ States Land Office, j
La Giande, Otegon, October 14, loot.)
Notice is hereby given that in compliance with Ihe
provisions ot the act ol congress of Junt j, 1878
ml llr J "An act for tht sale of tliibrr lands In the
slates ot California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing
ton Tettilui," at extenjrd lo all ihe Public Land
Statet by act ol August 4, 1891,
ol Haker City, county ol Baker, ttate ot Oregon, hat
thlt day hied In thit office hit tworn ttatement No.
ij77. lor Ihe purchase ol tht swW (, te nwkf,
nrV; tw4 nw!,' teSt-o! section No. In township
No. 10 south, range No, 8 tw, nj will offer proof
to thow tliatihttand sought It aore valuable lor Its
timber or none than tor agricultural purpotet, and to
establish hit clalra to tald land belore Ihe Register
and Rtcelvtr t this office at la Grande, Ortgon, on
Tuesday, tht i)th day ol January. ioo.
Ht naraet at witnesses: Wm. K. Davis. Janet M.
Hanks. Lewis Edwards. Chat. Swinger, all ol Baker
City, Oregon.
Any and all pet tout claiming adversely tht above
described Laadt art raauMlad w Me their cUI-at In
thlt ollce on or before said 11th dav ol January, 1001,
t. n. oAiirn, eiegisier.
United Slain LanJ Office, j
La Grande, Oregon, October 14. iooa. I
Notice It hereby given that In compliance wllh the
provitlont of the act of congrett of June 1, 1878, en
titled "An act lor the tale of timber lands In the states
of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter
ritory," as extended to all the Public LanJ slates by
act of August 4, I891,
ol Baker Cltv, county of Baker, stale ot Oregon, has
this Jav hleJ In this office his sworn ttatement No.
1571, for the purchase nf thee'j iw, w$ setf of
section No. 11 In township No. to south, range No. 18
EWM, an J wilt offer proof to show that Ihe lanJ sought
It more valuable for Hi timber or stone than lor agri
cultural purposes, and lo establish his claim to tald
land belore Ihe Register an J Receiver ot this office at
La GranJe, Oregon, on TueiJay, the i)th Jay of
January, 1901.
He names as witnesses: Lewis EJwarJs, Jas. M.
Hanks, W. E. BalrJ anj Wm. K. Davis, all of Maker
City. Orrgon.
Any anJ all persons claiming aJversely Ihe above
described lands are requested to file their claims in
this office on or before said 1 th day of January, too).
E. W. Bakhett, Register.
TIMRER LAND. ACT JUNE ,. i878.-noticb for
UnlteJ States Land Office, j
La Grande, Oregon, October 16, 1001. j
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the
provisions of the act of congress of June 1, 1878, en
tilled "An act for Ihe sale ol timber lands In the states
of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter-
ot East Third Street, Duluth, county of St. Louis,
state ol Minnesota, hat Ihlt day tiled in Ihls office his
tworn ttatement No. ijoo, for the purchase ol the njj
nr' section tj and n)S nw; of section No 14
In township No. 11 south, range No. 17 LWM, and
will offer proof 10 show that the land sought It more
valuable lor ill limber or ttone than for agricultural
fiurpotes, and to establish tils claim lo tald land be
ort Charlet H. Chance, U. S. committloner at
Sumpter, Oregon, on Wednetday, the 10th day ol
January, 100).
He namet at witnesses: Maurice E. Main, Peler
Soards. Robert Patterson, of Sumpter, Oregon, and
Hiram O. Swain, of Duluth, Minnesota.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
JetcrlbeJ lanJs are requested to Me their clalmt in
this office on or belore said 7th day ol January, 190).
E. W. Bawtutt, Rrglstet.
United States LanJ Office, (
La GranJe, Oregon, October 16, loot. )
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance wllh tht
provisions ol Ihe act ol congress ot June 1, 1878, en
titled "An act for the salt ol timber lands In the states
ot California, Oregon, NevaJa anJ Washington Ter
ritory," MARY D. ROGERS,
ol Sumpter, county of Baker, state ol Oregon, has
this day filed In this office her sworn ttatement No.
1)87, lor the purchate of tht tH nwlf, swij ntU and
mH iw ol section No. 14 In township No. 11 south,
range No. 7 EWM, and will offer proof to show that
the land sought is more valuable lor Its timber or
stone than lor agricultural purposes, and to establish
her claim to sat J land more uiartes n. (.nance, u.
S. commissioner at Sumpter, Oregon, on Wednesday,
the 7th day ol January, 1001.
She names as witnesses: Robert Pattetson, Peter
Soards, Maurice E. Bain and Daniel Rogers, all ot
Sumpter, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely Ihe above
described lands are requested 10 hie their clalmt In
thlt office on or before said 7th day of January, 1004.
E. W. Baktiett, Register.
United States Land Office, f
La Grande, Oregon, October 15, 190s.
Notice Is hereby given that in compliance with thr
provisions ol tht act ol Congress ol Junt 1, 1878, en
titled "An act lor the tale ol timber lands In the
slates of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing
Ington Territory," as extended to all Ihe Public Land
ttates by act ol August 4, i8ot,
ol Sumpier, county ol Raker, slate of Ongon, has.
this day Med in this office his sworn statement No.
1584. lor the purchase of Ihe nH ol section No. 9 In
township No, 11 south, rangt No. (7 EWM, and will
offer proof to show that Ihe land sought Is more val
uable for Its limber or stone than lor agricultural pur
potet, and 10 etlablith hit claim to tald land belore
Chat. II. Chance, U. S. committloner al Sumpier,
Oregon, on Wednetday, the 7th day ol January, too).
He names at wllnettet: lllram (). Swain and
Charles O. Baldwin, of Duluth, Minnesota; Charlet
Rtichsteln and Wayne Ewing, ot Sumpter, Oregon.
Anv and all persons claiminir adversely the above-
described lands are requested lo tile their claims In
mis otnee on or ptiore said 7tn Jay 01 January, 1901.
E. W. BAkTltrrr, Register.
lor Publication.
United Stales Land Office,
La Grande, Oregon, October 16, iooa. I
Notice It hereby given thai In compliance with the
provitlont of the act ot congrett ol June 1 I818. en
titled "An act lor the tale ot llmbrr lanJt in Ihr ttalet
nt Calllomla, Oregon, NevaJa anJ Washington Ter-
ol t8 Sixth Avenue Wetl, Duluth, county ot St.
Loult, ttatr ol Minnesota, has this Jay MrJ In thlt
office her tworn ttatement No. 11,88, for the pur
chase ot theeit nw'.nw se anj ne) sw'j ol
section No. 1 j In township No. 11 south, range No. 17
EWM, and will otter prool to show that the land sought
Is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agri
cultural purposes and 10 establish her claim 10 said
land belore Charles II. Chance. U. S. commissioner
at Sumpter, Oregon, on Wednesday, tht loth day ot
January, 100 1.
She names as wltntssts: Maurice E. Bain, Peter
Soards, Robert Patterson, all ol Sumpter, Oregon,
and Charlet O. Baldwin, ol Duluth, Minnesota.
Aay and all persons claiming aJversely tht above
described landt art requested to hie their claims In
Ihls office on or before said rth day ol January, 1901.
a W. Bawtutt. Register.
If iu want of clothing,
ee Neill Mer-
ot.1t.1e i-omptmy.
Miniug deedi (or Ie at this office.