The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, October 29, 1902, Image 1

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    VOL. IV.
Senator Mitchell Promises to Secure for the
People ol Eastern Oregon a Hearing
Politics Involved Moody and His
Brolber-in-Law Mixed up in Scrip Deal
Williamson Implicated but May Ex
tricate Himself Fighting Chance to
TI10 delegation of ten or a doen east
ern Oregon mining, business mid profen
sional men that went to Portland lunt
weuk to make u personal protest to Sen
utor Mitolu'll, just prior to hisdeparturu
for the National Capital, uguiust thu
lllue mouuluin forest reserve, Iiub re
turned home.
From member of thu delegation Tiik
Minkh learns that Senator Mitchell nave
attentive audience to thu protest unci
promised to use Iiin influence to havu thu
permanent creation of thu reserve de
layed, until the citizens of eastern Ore
gon can present their hide of the ruse,
unanimously against thu -eserve, to the
To put thu matter plainly, the whole
proMsit!on has resolved itself Into thin
kind of 11 centest: If thu eople living
within thu reserve, all of whom are op
osed to its creation, can demonstrate
to Senator Mitchell and Congressman
elect Williamson thut they can make
more olitical or other capital hy de
feating the job, tluiH siiariiig them
siiIvch with thu 7000 indignant poplu
who are adversely effected, than by se
curing the consummation of the iniqui
tous, impudent transaction and thus
continuing to stand in with thotihpiuof
raiders, at 1'orthind and Salem, its insti
gators, thu reserve will not be defeated
otherwise, otherwise.
Congressman Moody will stand pat for
(lie steal, because his brother-in-law,
one McCornaek, of Salem, who hits
grown rich manipulating shady sciiool
laud deals, has lieen the lending spirit in
engineering the deal, assisted by l.add
and the other lixed stars in the Portland
chamber of commerce, who secured the
passage of a resolution by that uugustly
arrogant body favoring the reserve Ah
stated in Tm: Mi.nkii at the time, their
motive was transparently seltish, preda
tory. Of course, Moody is in on thu
deal, acting as a willing, interested tool
of these school l.iud scrip looters. Con
gressman Williamson is also said to lime
been hypnotized into being violently in
fuvor of the reserve, but the wise ones
thinK he can In-aroused from his mesmer
ic iduiubcr and restored to hU normal in
tellectual pun era, with u good hard jolt
from a petition of three or four thousand
scrapping voters in his congressional dis
trict. Senator Mitchell is thought nut
to bo implicated, hut, being something
of a politician himself, will carefully,
calmly weigh thu testimony as to thu
strength of the, contesting forces and
decide as his excellent judgment dic
tates. Of course, thu delegation to Portland
had too much sense, displayed too much
tact and diplomacy to present thu above
truths to Senator Mitchell. They dwelt
upon thu Injustice of the thing, how it
would retard industrial development,
excised thu dishonest fallacy of the con
tention that it is forthepurK)suof either
preserving thu forests or conserving the
water supply. The, malice permeated
account of the meeting published in the
Oregoniuu, treating thu whole matter as
u farce, in which it was stuted that
threats were made, was wholly untrue,
evidently intentionally ho.
Hut thu gentlemen who presented the
protest ure thoroughly "on to" their
job, and there is now n lighting chance
to win against thu Portland chuniler of
commerce. They have organised for thu
cumpnign and ure already tit work.
Mayor Robbing la chairman of the im
portant executive committee and has
donned his war paint. Money is being
raised to circulate etitiouH and collect
information, that evidence that we are
stronger politically than thu scrip deal
ers. One of thu most important strategic
moves is to have every man in thu dis
trict who buys a dollar's worth of goods
in Portland communicate his displeasure
to thu v.holesulu housu with which lie
deals, as a counter irritant to thu chain-
Irer of commercu's action.
Greenhorn a Great Camp.
Honorable Sam Stott, of (Jreenhorn
City, has been in town this week, com
muning with old friends and congenial
spirits, lie confirms all reKirts that
(ireeuhoru is thu best camp that user
rosu and llourislied and never decayed
in thu state, its prospeiity being based
on thu biggest payroll in the gold llelds
of eastern Oregon, A do.en or more
contiguous properties are being develop
ed and operated on a large scale. There
have been numerous rich strikes during
the past season and everybody's faith in
thu district has been strengthened or
revived. An important improvement
wus inaugurated several days since, w lieu
work was started on a now and shorter
and better road to the camp from the
end of tuu railroad track. It leaves thu
Prairie City road about a half mile Ire
youd Clifford, cutting out (iciserand the
high tiimmit on that route, Itesidcs cut
ting off about one mile in distance. It
is being constructed with money con
tributed by business and mining men of
Greenhorn and vicinity.
Mine Wanted.
Wanted a lease and 'Mind on a group
of gold proseetH with a good ore show
ing. Send full particulars and price to
J. W. Wluwood, Drexel Huilding, Phil
adelphia, Pu.
Claude Roe Makes Big Win
ning at Mining in Six
Anthony Mohr and Claude Itoe have
sold to Dr. Moiillou four claims in the
Cracker Creek district, said to be an
extension of the rich Cracker Oregon,
for fr),(KM. This is reportod to be a
cash transaction.
Dr. Moultou is treasurer of the Tiirna
gain Ann (Sold Mining company, of
Minneapolis, that owns and operates
the California, in the Cubic Cove dis
trict. Somu of the peoplu Interested hi
this company ure also stockholder) In
the Cracker-Oregon, ho it Is impossible
to state for what com pa ay these
claims weru purchased; or whether a
new company will bo organized to work
them. It can bo confidently pre
dicted, however, thut they will lie
worked, und thut is thu iinMirtuiit
feature; for no syndicate that has oper
ated in eastern Oregon has displayed
more enterprise and push ; acted more
quickly and accomplished moie work in
a given length of time, than the people
with whom Dr. Moultou is associated.
Two of these claims wuru secured
under ImhiiI somu weeks since hy Messrs.
Mohr and Itoe, for $15,000 it is reported.
Thu other two were located by them
selves very recently, so thuy have made
a cleanup of something like f'.tl.OOO in a
few weeks and their many friends are
glad that they are the boys who made
the money. It is said that Claude Itoe
was given u ipiiet tip that Iheie was
some acaut ground out there; Unit he
let in Anthony Mohr and in a day they
measured out mid liled on their claims.
And this is another instance where
fortune plays a favorite. Mr. Itoe came
out here last spring, with practically no
knowledge of mining, lie was on his
way to Puget Sound, hut stopped over
here for a da" to visit friends, lie
liked the country and decided to remain
for the summer. Having nothing es
IK'cial to do, ne accepted the position of
head clerk at Motel Sumpter. He got
a "hunch" and bought (iolcouda at ten
cents the llrst day it was placed on thu
market, lcfnre the marelously rich
stril-e was made. It is sell'ug at llfty
now. Hi) made one or two other minor
deals, droppeil into thu ulmvo related
snap, und has cleaned up in about six
months something over fL'o.OOO.
"Hound and round it goes just who
will win, nobody knows."
Sylvanite on Forty-Nine Jimmy's Claim.
Ijist week there was much excitement
in this camp over the retorted Hud of
a rich sylvanite deposit in the (ireeu
horns. Samples were displayed show
ing the white silver-like stuff, very
NO. H.
much resembling the ores of Cripple
i Creek ; also the same roasted, blistered
i nil over with yellow gold. These sped
'mens were accompanied hy stories of
assays running into the thousands ot
dollars. Much mystery was maintained
atsiut the whole business; all refusing;
to reeal the loiation of the discovery.
Tiik Minkk Iiiih learned that the strange;
looking ore was found in a claim near
Itohiusonville, which is owned by Forty-
nine Jimmy, who is now in the county
poor house, near Canyon City. When
he was removed there about a year ago,
this paper told of how strenuously the
old thoroughbred objected to leaving Ilia
cabin. Those who hae Investigated
the find, are not yet convinced that it
is the great lM)iiaua of eastern Oregon ;
nor are they sure it is not. It would W
a characteristic caper of hate, thu
malignant old hag, to make a million
aire of poor old Forty nine Jimmy at
this late date, when he couldn't enjoy
his wealth ; couldn't own a dancu house
for a single night, couldn't keep every
man in town drunk for u Mingle day;,
couldn't do anything that an old miner
would want to do with "till kinds of
Customs Mill for Qiurtttmrg.
.1. II. Ilrowu ami J. T. Kngllsh left
yesterday for tjiiartxburg, to perfect ar
rangements for oerating in thut district
a customs iiiurtx mill und concentra
tor. Mr. Ilrowu spent thu summer
there and secured contracts for morn ore
than can be handled by a 'JO-stamp mill.
He has let J. T. F.uglish and Frank Bald
win on the gcod thing und they exact
to begin the work of consi ruction at an
early day. Kvcrynne who has ever in
spected the QuarUhurg district Iiiih Iiccii
favorably impressed, and left it wonder
ing why it has been ho slow In develop
ment. A modern mill there will change
all this ami make it one of the live
camps in eastern Oregon, Thu M'oplo
who operate thu mill will not need
county aid, either.
Mr. and Mrs. Dunphy at Home.
Mr. ami Mrs. Tom Dunphy returned
Sunday from their bridal lour and went
at once to their home on Columbia
stieet. That evening a uioh of youthful
(lends surrounded the house and played
a few tunes on tin cans and cowiiells, .loo
Hurt, the good iicL'hUir that he is, en
couraged them to continue the torture
and hold out for the highest price when
Mr. Dunphy proposed to pay for their
departure. They ascertain! tl how much
silver he had in his clothes ami took
it all. Later thu baud serenaded thu
couple and were hospitably entertained.
Something Doing at the Amazon.
Neil .1. Soreuseu ,1 Co. urn liuving
homo work done on thu Amazon, an
uxteusioii of the (iolcouda ledge; for
what purpose the firm will not state.
Thu Standard Oil company people ex
pended over 140,000 on this proierty,
but have done nothing with it for a yeur
and a half past. It lisiks as if another
hen has Ih-cii "set," to hatch nut a big;
mining deal.