mmmu i 1 3 Wednesday, October i$, 1902 THE SUMPVER MINER THE vf j. j l ii'i ns. :$M 5 $ FRIDAY AN EXAMINATION MINE -w ..The Tribe of Ben-Hur.. A Fraternal. Beneficial Order. H. vM. C WfHt . CCO W POAGUC, flair Mantirr fr. Notlh Daketa, Alii, j.3, I Dr. J. C. P. Cmrtit, City, Oenr Sir At the rnqueHt of yeoreelf ant oinr rro atookiirtldrrti f the frlday Oolrt Mlninc Company ( n rull n. lot 31 011 mliafncllon atockhoHer) I tiade N poreim! inuimclirii rl tin rrMny Mum itt 1'imil, Idaho, an nine looked over tin- icrortn or t CA-pw. I nhill not c"" you n ncttli'ii dracrlption or hat I t.ivn inn, but wtll a triply enriry the ritit. r'ut i.-.-t" tn t' coriitny' preappoint!, 1 found then to be conorrvnUw nn rorr"t. I nlm round the rt- r eordn or the aompany in enrol iilm.!', 1 tooc epeolal occasion to link Into "n 11 tin line nrvl reputation or the ofrioer and directors 01 tin' Cnroar.y, mil round that trey enjoj the confidence (nil reepect of tin- oommu. tiru in ehlch 'Iry Ur. 1 round the Friday in eiiirce or n cor i tint niiprrmtendent, and , In order to eatlefy Eyeelf au in tr.r nctusl v.nlurn 01 the ore In the nine, t took nuaher of cnnrnl eirplra (rirtifirnlra or enteh nay be teen in ny ofricel the loeeal ..i.ny enoelnf, fi'H.M nn'l tl'ii hliiheal 1152.54 per ton. I an Indeed rell atiartd aim n lnveeleent, nnl roild ri'on tend tho ntock or the Cn-ipmy, to anyone aerr iiy, n li-eltlmntc itintnr. Invratr.cnt. I had the pleaxiire nr tvi'tlnr fill of the nmerrn and dlreclote T thu Conpnny, and found then to ! roiirleouu mul enpbte, mid an allnried Hint, undnr their n'liinccrcnt, our invci.livntii elll lie protect d, and elll provt prflrtlniile, Thanrinrj you Tor the nnTldenee r".n.ed in rv, I rui. rri -ctfuil yniirn. ro C( (Psjpcj THE RESULTS i C a) Cmabcst m o tit fltl rtneo MootM dam OTA jfttf 2 laor tit r (tiT'ly '' -kf'-.-i .j - j ( KAU.'f, ,-. j t'.-it ,'i'f frf-f' Sc .r.t.t As st" t-f,.v jt I ' J ( jCt' itf-tt( rii ti-v-'i JirMt-uJL, ' yoi-n i- (i " t-ttft 1ffriSS ?df t' t-tf.i 1 1 -rn'ii 'itsfM ,?'re' ',' '?tCY ? 1'. a , y rw-" frni . ii A . tt ,f 1 e t f The Above Letters Express the Feelings of Some of Our Stockholders after Making a Most Complete Examination of the FRIDAY MINE. Do You Want to Become Interested in the Same Enterprise? For Full Information and Particulars, Address N. J. SORENSEN 6c CO. FINANCIAL AGENTS jjjjj SCJMPTER, OREGON IWeWMIMaUMUmtettMUtIM r maTlwlletlwlmlllwwwwatlMM I .,c- PXiiJ f mjjUWI" 1IH