The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, October 08, 1902, Image 1

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    t.v. .
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Fortunes Have Been Made in Mining
Residents Inspired With Faith in the
District Investing Their Money in
Mines and Real Estate Many Build
ings Being Erected and Wages High.
Thix camp uiul iliHtrict "looks good"
nuvor letter, People who liuvu. lived
here before n,nd since tliu kindergarten
liooin of, three" yearn ago and Iiiivu ac
cumulated u little money 'by linril work
or clone tiilli'Htiou tn business, uru In
" vesting their own money" In 'real extate
and milliner proerty. TIiIh new condi
tion nf uffuirH hax develoed recently and
Then line never been really u dull
period of sixty duyx duration in Simili
ter or the district since the short-lived,
feverish activity In the winter of 181ft
nud IHOO the conservutivex who have
nciiiirel the habit of shaking of the
"reaction after the boom" to the con
trary notwithstanding. That incipient
Ikmhii miido thls'cduntry, and it is? not u
"nuirker" to the one that hax already
licen inaugurated and will reach full,
rounded projiortions of maturity within
ii year or eighteen uiontliH hut thin in a
Heretofore overynnt Iiiih Ih'cii enthil
niaHiciilly willing to aid in inducing
others to invent, oven if they received
no immediate lienetit, knowing' that
they would get their reward Indirectly.
TIiIh spirit of loyalty to the region Iiiih
worked for the general good In a eurioiiH
way. People, hero have striven to null
mining properties to outsider''' that they
wouldn't think of buying the in pelves;
either for the purxnti of earning u small
comminxioii theiuselu's, or maybe mere
ly "to help out a friend. In a dueu or
ninrodimtunces'that tliu writer ciiu re
. dill, the buyers have made money al
ready ; in mi vera I cases fortunes of con
siderable magnitude have Ih-cii realised.
Kven now one licarH stories of big
hetx overlooked. One man will tell you
of u claim lie could have secured u year
ago for Mil, or. crliups, fifty pouudH of
powdor, u pair of overalls ami rubber
hootx, that couldn't bo Ixmght today for
i-J.VUOO. Another bemoans the fact that
he located u certain piece of ground and '
lost it Ih-cuuso he failed to do the ussess
ment work, that wiih Mold day before
yesterday for 12,000.
Such eases an these are multiplying,
day by day. They could tossibly have
but one effect, and that in to inspire
rexideutx of thiH section with faith in
their own country.
Tliih ban been accomplished and the
inevitable gratifying remit ix immed'
ately apparent. Two moutliH el i ice Thk
Mi.nkk commented on the budding mc
tivityin Sumpter real estate, occasioned
by a demand (or lotH on which to build
comfortable homes by resident of the
camp who have been living in either
rented Houses or in shucks. Now, note
the close connection between cause and
effect. Today carpenterx are receiving,
four dollarx a day and there are not one
half enough of them in town to supply
the demand. The liomcx are Wing built
on the lotx Ixiught xixty ami lexx dayH
ago. There ix more building in pregress:
in .Sumpter tixluy than ever before in itx
hixtory, and the Iiouxch are all of a sub
Htantial, ivernmncnt character.
"If our miuen are good, our real cxtutu
ix lietier," ban been accepted ux an
axiom in mining caniM for fifty years.
If real estate-values are H'riniinently es
tablished it ix, therefore, proof that tliu
Hiirroundlng mines are all right. Somp-
ter's present proHMrouit condition estab
lishes the reputation of the gold tleldx of
eastern Oregon, for the mining intercxtM
'center here, itlmoxt exclusively, linker
City is the storm center for politicx, the
headquarters of the agricultural Inter
ests, and is a good town of itx kind ; but
it ix ax different from Sumpter ax u Wil
lamette town ix from one on I'ugct
xoiind, ax Portland ix from Seattle.
With all thix activity in mining, real
estate and building, commerce, uecexca
rily xharex in the general awakening.
Mayor Itobbinx xtated to the writer yen
terday that the dcox!tx in the First
Hank of Sumpter are double what they
were one year ugo, more than $100,(1(10
in excess. Iluxiiiexs is brisk, and there
are mid to bo a half dostcu men in town
thix week looking for xtore roomx, men
with ample capital who wixli to eug.use
in tie mercantile buxluexx here. Ollicex
are alxo much nought after by profes
xioual men ami brokerx. At leant two
more unsay ollicex will be xturted here lit
an early day, and noon three or four
mining operatorx will move here to do
buxiuexx. One of thexe new llrm- Ix pre
paring to plunge ami will net a pace dif
ficult to keep up with. Thk Ml si:u
knowx that ir,tXHl has been appropri
ated for advertising purpoxex.
F.ucoiirugu them all to come. They
will do will mid help ux to do better.
Organizing Labor Unions.
A meeting of the bartemlerx, ctxikx
and waiterx of the city wax held hint
evening in Judge Felix' ollice to organ
i.e a union. The following olllcerx we're
elected: C S. Sheppard, president; .1.
Fogarty, vice president; Mixi Jenxie
lllackwell, secretary ami treaxurer;
Harry Moore, chaplain; I.. A. Crunk,
inspector; Churlex tilaxcock, outnide
guard; Minn-Ijuirn Hinton, W. II. Car
ter and Harry Moore, executive com
mittee. J. II. Buck, organlxer of the
American Federation of l.bor for cuxt
ern Orego.iand western Idaho, hax been
in town organizing tliu laboring men and
expects to form uuionx among the car
peuterx, blacksmiths, printers and
OCTOBER 8, 190
ooioi -v
Browne & Smith Solving Ore
-p rj ii
Ireatment rrODlem.
llrowneand Smith, mining engineers
and uielallurgixtx, have been retained
by the Cougar Mining company, to solve
the problem of treating the refractory
ores taken from that miuo.
The gentlemen have established the
tirst completely equipped metallurgical
lalxiratory in F.ustcru Oregon, in the
Stage company's building, (.'enter xtreet.
They there have everything necessary
for the work, chemical apparatus, assay
furnace and equipment, rock crusher
an so forth. At an early day there will
lie installed a series of leaching tanks,
with u capacity of, '.TiO pounds of ore.
Thix will unable them to make practical
testx of ore treatment, after the method
hax been determined by lire and
chemical exerimeiits.
The tlrm will do no custom assaying,
hut will use the plant in their own
work, ax consulting engineers end metal
lurgiciil exjH'rts.
The Cougar has always been conxid-
crcd a great mine, with a big lxxly of
high grade ore, and the fact that it
hax been idle for no long hax mystified
the uninformed public. The property
Ix equipped with a modem ten stamp
mill ami a cyanide plant. 'I he fact that
men skilled in the scieutillc treatment
of ore have Ik-uii employed to devise a
method for economically saving the
value-', explains the long shutdown.
It ix evident that nome modification of
the cyanide process must lie devised.
Menem. Ibouuu and Smith nay Unit
no far us they have gone with tlielr ex
periments, they anticlpati) no serious
oD-titclt-x in solving inn prooiem, uuo
that when this is accomplished, the
iniiiit will dnuhtlcs rcnuuiu operations
on a huge scale.
For the pant two years it hax been
reM-atedly xald that the Cougar mine
wax alsiut to be sold, for one, two, three
millions; an kiiiux oi money, in iiici ;
but it is still owned by .1. W. Laikiu
and axxociatex, mining men living In
Smelter Superintendent Arrives.
('. It. Neel, superintendent of the
Oregon Smelting .V Kclinliig company,
hils arrived to take cliargu of construe
tiou and installation of the smelter here.
He hax been ill Chicago and Denver,
working with the engineers ami manu
facturers of the machinery, designing
and planning all the machinery ami
arrangements of the plant. Mr. Xeel is
mi experienced smelter man, a graduate
of Chicago Cuiverxity und the Michigan
School of Minex. He begun Ills smelter
experienco with the Amalgamated Co
per company at Huttu, then wax a fore
man in the Boston-Montana plant at
Great Falls, ami later wax superintend-
out of the ltotiui. Wyoming smelter,
i where hi- ellieienev'broiiubt hilu iiriiiui-
nently Ix-inrc the smelter' world. H
I will have entire charge of tile plant here,
I both cuuntrui'lioii and operation. Tliixi
'H '"r'l,,,r evidence that the Oregon
Smelting V Itelluing company under-
: stands itx huninens mid ix going abend
(intelligently. TheMiielterli.aniigement.
would make 'tin ntati'Uient regarding Itx
pliinn, but what in being -done xciikx for
S. S. Start Home Prom Alatka.
S. S. Start leturucd ventcrday from
Alanka. lie left- here iilxml two menths:
ago, in coiiip.iuy with hix brother. I.. II.,
and .1. F. Curtis, ami , pnicvcded to tt
point about '-'(,10 miles went, of Dawxou,
wheie .1. II. (iibnou, whom they luul
grubxtiiked, had preceed l)eui and lo
cated neveral clalmx. They went in to
see if tliu proposition wax,, worth work
lug and wcrcgraliucd to. Hud the pros
pects very Muttering., They xecured
none ground and expect o, make a big
cleanup next spring. ,..Hi Curtlx re
niained in Alaska, I,., 11. StirpiuH goiio
to Oakland, California, tn xeiid tliu
winter, and S. ,S. ill ,r;biili hem a
couple of monthx looking after hix. Inter
est n in thix dintrict ind thei,go to Iowa,
where he will spend hi remainder of
the winter with hix wife.,, He and hit
brother will return to , Alanka in tho
early spring. ,
t . T ).
Injunction Againit Building Reservoir.
Al Hudson came in, u fo,hiys inci
from hix I'ine ciei!Kl,plucj;rH1, accompa
nied liy his wife, vh)i hax.bccn staying
out there for u niouUi. ;, -, ., Mr. Hud
sou lias ret in ucd, l tlu mint;, lie says
a number n( the iniiviluul,c.aimnwucrH
along the creek had hvttiMA work on a
reservoir in which to ,tvre.( lie xurpliiM
water, no that the operating neaxou
could lie prolonged, ,ltut, u,,llitier (Jity
company has Ixiugh a iiiulxr of.cainiH
near the mnuh of thii.vreuk, secured an
injunction uuiiiunl the,proponcdliiprove
uieut ami matters are now nt,,u stand-
Invetting in Maxwell Slock.
I,. ('. Hodgson, of Ki'm-rnc, Minnesota,
airixed in town Friday and left Saturday
for the Maxwell mine,' in cluiiriliny wltli
Otto llerlocker. 'Mr. IMIg'xoii hax re
cently piirehaVed'ii lliru'e'ldi'.i'k' of Max
well stock, ami 'ennui "hero'"l'o"ixaniln
the propertv. They ex'icivtcW to Imi
buck in Sumpter lMUi-'hiit' wfll not re
turn until tomorrow. 'Afd'-'r a careful,
examination of tin' 'nihil'" MV.' 'Hodgson
reports tliat he Ix very much pleantili
with the outlook fur UIc priix-rty. Ho
foie returning homo he will Visit tliu
Cracker Creek dixtnet.
Commercial Coilrge at Baker City.
F.uxtcrn Oregon Commercial Collcgu
and School of Shorthand and Typewrit
ing Ix ginx in linker City Oct. Ill,' HW2.
A complete coum- in bookkeeping1, buxl
uexx iirllliinetic, i-horthanll mid type
wiiling; also all the Normal liraiichex
Tuition reiisomible. Write" M. O; l'erry,
principal, huker City, for pniectuM.
r-s8fN?riiiV nitr m