The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, September 24, 1902, Page 7, Image 7

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    Wednesday, September 24, 1902
TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE i. tSjS. -votiix I or!
I'nlteJ States Otiice, j
In GranJe. Oregon, Julv ia, lwoi. i
Nolle is hereb.v given that in compliance with Hit
provisions of the act of congress of June 1, 1878, en
titled "An act for tin- sale of timber lanJs In the stites
of California, Oregon, NevaJi anJ Washington Ter
rltorv, As extenJeJ Mall the I'uHk LanJ slates bv
CI of August 4, lEoa,
ol Spokane, C otint of Spokane. Mate of Washington
lias this Jav tileJ In this omce his sworn statement
No. ), tor the purchase of the ne't of section No.
17 In township No. n south, range No it fcWM, anJ
will ofier proof to show that the lanj sought Is more
valuable tor Its timber or stone than for agricultural
furposes, anj 10 establish tils claim to salJ lanj he
ore the Register anJ Recelter ol this other at La
GranJe, Oregon, on FrIJav , the i;lh Jav ol October.
He names as witnesses: EJson (!. Marslon. Lib
ble Marston, George E. Terrv, Susannah D. Terry,
alt of Spokane. Washington.
An an J all persons claiming ajterselv the above
JescrlbeJ lanJs are requesteJ to Me their claims In
this office on or before sal J 1 7th Jay of October. igoa.
E. W llAWUtTT, Register.
TIMBER LAM). ACT Jl'NE ,, t678.NotlOf ton
L'nlteJ States Lanj Office, j
La GranJe, Oregon, Julv n, wo.
Notice Is herebv given that In compliance with the
provisions ol the act of congress of June 1, 1878, en
tltlej "An act lor the site ot timber Ian Js In the states
of California, Oregon, Neaja anJ Washington Ter
ritor.v ,' as extenJeJ to all the Public Lanj states by
act of August 4, 1841,
of Spokane, count of Spokane, state ol Washington,
has this Ja tileJ In this office her sworn statement
No. )$, for the purchase of the sw)i of section No.
9 In township No. it south, range No. it LWM, anJ
will olftr priMf to show that the lanj sought Is more
valuable lor lis limber or stone than tor agricultural
purposes, anJ to establish her claim to said lanj be
fore the Register an J Receiver of tills office at La
CiranJe, Oregon, on TrlJav, the 17th Jay ol October,
1 oca.
She names as witnesses: Charles II. Coma J,
Flora A. ConraJ, George L Terrv anJ Susannah I).
Terrv, all ol Spokane, Wash.
Anv anJ all persons claiming aJverselv the above
JescrlbeJ lanJs are requesteJ to Me their claims In
this ottice on or before silJ 17th Jav ot October, tooa.
i:. W. HAWUITT, Register.
I'nlteJ States LanJ Otlice,
La CiranJe, Oregon, Julv t, tooj. f
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the
provisions of the act ot congress of June 1, 1878, en
title J "An act for the sale ot timber tan Js In the states
of California. Oregon, NevaJa anJ Washington Ter
iltorv," as extenJeJ to all the Public Lanj states by
act of August 4, 1841,
of Spokane.1 county of Spokane, state of Washington,
ha thli Jai tiUJ In this iittic his sworn statement
No. i4. lo'r Ihe purchase of the sja sw! section 8
ana n;a nwi 01 section o. 17 in lownsmppu
south, range No. 15 I WW, anJ will otter proof to show
that Ihe lanj sought Is more valuable for lis limber
or stone than tor agricultural purposes, anJ to estab
lish his claim to salJ lanj before the Register anJ
Receiver of this ntnce at La (iranJe, Oregon, on I rl
Jiv. the 171I1 Jav of October, 190a.
lie names as witnesses: EJson f i. Marston, Lib
ble Marston, Charles II. ConraJ, Flora A. ConraJ, all
of Spokane, Wash.
Any anJ all persons claiming aJverselv Ihe above
descrlbeJ lanJs ale requesteJ to tile their claims In
this otlice on or before salJ 17I0 Jav ot October, iooj.
i:. W. IIAWTII.TT, Register.
TIMBF.R LAND. ACT JUNE 1, 187P notm:h ton
i'ii hlicai ION.
UnlteJ Stales Lanj Omce. (
La (iranJe. Oregon, Julv it, tooj.j
Notice Is herebv given that In compliance wlih ihe
provisions ol the act ol Congress ot June 1, 1878, en
title J "An act lor the sale ot timber lanJs In Ihe
Stales ol California, Oregon, NevaJa anJ Washing
Ion Terrltorv ," as extenJeJ 111 all the I'ubllc Lanj
States bv act of August 4, 184a,
of Spokane, couniv of Spokane. Slate ol Washing
ton, lias this Jav- MeJ in ihls omce her sworn state
ment no ia 11. lor the purchase of the s !i n e ! anJ
Jj n w '4,0! section No. o In township No. 11 S.
lange No. it I vv vv; anJ will offer proof 10 show Dial
the lanj sought Is more valuable tor Its Umber or
stone than tor agricultural purposes, anJ 10 establish
her Claim to salJ lanj before the Register anJ Re
ceiver of litis omce al La (iranJe, Oregon, on IrlJav.
the 17th Jav ot October, igoa.
She names as witnesses: LJson (1. Marston,
Chailes II. ConraJ, Lll'ble Maiston, I lora A. Con
raJ, all ot Spokane, Washington.
Anv anJ all persons claiming aJverselv the above
descrlbeJ lanJs are requesteJ to hie their claims In
this omce on or before salJ 17th Jav of October, 1001.
E. W. IIAWUI.TT. Register.
Unite J States Lanj Otlice, j
La (iranJe, Oregon, Julv ia, igoa. I
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance will) the
prov Islons ol the act of congress ot June 1, 187I. en
llileJ "An acl for the sale ot timber Ian Js In Ihe states
ot California, Oregon, NevaJa anJ Washington Ter
Iltorv ," as extenJeJ to all Ihe I'ubllc l-inj states by
act of August 4. 184a,
of Spokane, countv of Spokane, stale of Washington,
has tills Jav tileJ In Ihls ollice his sworn statement
no. iai8, tor ihe purchase ot the sji nw',', nw 1-4 nw
i-a anJ ne 1-4 sw 1-4 ot section No. 8 In township No.
11 south, range No. iviwvt, anJ will otter proof to
show that the lanj sought Is more valuable for Its
limber or stone than for agricultural purposes, anJ
to establish his claim to salJ lanj before ihe Register
anj Receiver ot this otlice al La (iranJe, Oregon, on
FrIJav. the 17th Jav ol October, iftoa.
He names as witnesses: (ieorge fc. Tern-. Susan
nah D. Terrv , Charles A. ConraJ. I lora A. ConraJ,
nil ot Spokane, Washington.
An anJ all persons claiming aJversely Ihe above
descrilvJ lanJs are requested to tile their claims in
Ihls olhce on or belore salJ 17th Jay ol October, iooj
L. W. Haktutt, Register.
L'nlteJ States LanJ Omce, I
La CiranJe, Oregon, Julv is tooa.
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the
provisions ot the act ol Congress of June 1, 18:8, en
titled "An act for ihe sale ot timber lanJs In the stales
ot California, Oregon, NevaJa anJ Washington ter
rltorv " as extenJeJ to all I'ubllc Lanj slates b.v act
of August 4. tfJga,
ol Baker Cltv , countv ol Baker, state ot Oregon, has
this Jav MeJ In this otlice his sworn statement No.
mo, tor the purchase ol the s !i n e . n '$ s e , of
section No 18 In township No to S, range No 17 b W
M. anJ will offer proof to show that the lanj sought
Is more valuable for Its timber or stone lhan lor ag
ricultural purposes, anJ to establish his claim to valJ
lanJ before the Register anJ Receiver ol this office
at La (iranJe, Oregon, on ThursJay, the iblh Jay of
October, tgoj. ,
He names as witnesses: I". M. Shurtllff. W. C.
(ieJJes. Ncls Moen, D. W. BalrJ, all ol Baker Cltv ,
Anv anJ all persons claiming aJversely the above
JescrlbeJ lanJt are requesteJ to Me their claims In
this othce on or belore sal I tMh Jay of Oct., to.
b. W. BAPum, Register.
I'nlteJ States LanJ Otlice. I
La GranJe, Oregon, July it, twoa.f
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the
provisions of the act of Congress ot June 1, 1878,
entitled "An act for the sale of Umbel lanJs In the
states of California, Oregon, NevaJa, anJ Washing
ton Territory," as extenJeJ to all the public lanj
Hates by act of August 4, 184a,
of BakerCltv, countv ot Baker, State ol Oregon, has
this Jay MeJ In this othce hit sworn statement No.
UIQ, for Ihe purchase ot the w !i n e !'. Lots t anJ
a of section No ), In township No to south, range
No. ij!a E WM.anJwIII ofler proof to show that
Ihe lanj sought Is more valuable tor Its timber or
stone than for agricultural purposes, anJ lo estab
lish his claim 10 salJ lanj before the Register anJ
Receiver ol this office at la (iranJe, Oregon, on
ThursJay, Ihe 16th Jav ol October, 190a.
He names at witnesses: Nettle Thompson, Nels
Moen. Cleora Moen an J Heber C. Ballantvne, all of
Baker City, Oregon.
Any anj all persons claiming aJverselv the above
described lands are requested to Me their tlaims In
this office on or brtore salJ ttth Jav ol Oct..
190a, E. W. BaKTICIT, Register,
TIMBER UND. ACT JUNE . 1878. -Notu:i I OH
L'nlleJ States Lanj Olhce.
lies Lanj Olhce, )
1 GranJe, Oregon,
Julv 10, iuos. )
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the
prov Islons of the act of congress ot June 1, 1878, en
tltleJ "An act for Ihe sale ot timber Ian Js In the states
ot California, Oregon, NevaJa and Washington Ter
of Whltnev, county of Baker, slate of Oregon, has
this Jay bled In this ottice his sworn statement no.
14 tor the purchase ol the sj, se! and se swf ot
section is township 10 south, range 14 r.WM and lois
1 and a of section No. a In township No. ti south,
range No. 14 SWM, anJ will otter rroof to show that
Ihe lanj sought is mole valuable tor Its Umbel or
stone than lor agricultural purposes. anJ to establish
his claim to said land before Charles II. Chance. U.
S. commissioner, at Sumpier. Oregon, on Tuts Jav,
the 14th Jay of October, loca.
He names as witnesses: James Schurta, Bert Whltnev. Oregon; John McDowell, ol
Ml. Vernon. Oregon, anJ Bailey Smith, ol Law inn,
Anv an J all persons claiming aJversely Ihe above
JescrlbeJ lanJs are requesteJ 10 Me their claims In
Ihls otlice on or before salJ 14th Jav ot October, tvoe.
E. W. llAkHlII. Register.
TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 1, i878.-noik:i low
UniieJ Slates Lanj Omce, (
La (iranJe. Oiegon. Julv ti. lyoi. I
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with Ihe
provisions ot the act of congress of June ). iSttJ. en
titled "An act for Ihe sale ol timber lanJs In the states
ol Calllornla. Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter
rltorv ," as emended to all the Public Land states b)
act of August 4. i8ge,
nf Biker Cltv, county ol Baker, state ol Oregon, has
this Jav MeJ In Ihls omce his sworn statement No.
lair, for the purchase ot the e'a ne' section )) and
wji nwif of section No. 14 In township No. 10 south,
range No. u'j bvvvt, and will oner proof to show that
the land soughi It more valuable tor lis timber or
stone lhan for agricultural rur uses, and to establish
his claim to saldland belore the Register and Re
ceiver ot this onire at La ( nande, Oregon, on flairs
Jay, the 16II1 Jav'nt October, iqoa.
lie names as witnesses'. Nettle 1 hompsnn, Cleora
Moen. F. M. Shurtllff anJ William (ieJJes, all of Ba
ker Cll) . Oregon
Anv an J all persons claiming aJverselv Ihe above
JescrlbeJ lands are requested to file their claims In
Ihls unite on or belore said tttli dav ot October, ii.
L. W. Hacuitt, Register.
TIMBER UND. ACT JUNE 1, 1878. noiii'.i iom
United States LanJ Omce, (
La lirande, Oregon, Julv 11, igca. i
Notice Is liereb) given that In compliance with Ihe
provisions ol the acl ot congress of June 1. 1878, en
tltleJ "An act for Ihe sale ot timber lanJs In the states
of California. Oregon, NevaJa and Washington Ter
ritory ," at estenJeJ lo all the Public Lan J Slates bv
act ot August 4. i8oa.
of Spokane, county ol Spokane, slate ot Washington,
has Ihls Jay MeJ In this uttice her sworn statement
No. M0, lor ttie purcnase 01 tne s; sw;,, ne sw-4
anJ n w H t e 'i of section No. 17 in township
No. 11 souttl, range so. t ivvw, anj win oner
firool 10 show that the lanj sought Is more valuable
or Its limber or stone than tor agricultural purposes,
an J lo establish her claim to sal J lanj before the Reg
ister anJ Receiver of this ottice at La (iranJe, Ore
gon, on Friday, the 17th Jav of October. 140a.
She names at witnesses: EJson (i. Marston, Lib
hie Marston, (ieorge E. Terrv , Susannah D. Terry,
all of Spokane. Washington.
Any an J all persons claiming aJverselv the above
JescrlbeJ lanJs are requested to file their claims In
Ihls omce on or before salJ Mt'i Jay of October, ttoa.
I: W HaHUTT, Register.
Unite. States lanj Otlice.
Otlice. )
ulv 10, 1 una. )
1-t (ir.mJi',1
Niitl... l herrbv iiven that In comrliance with ttie
pmvls'nns of Iheact of congress ot June 1. 1878, en
tllleJ "An act lor the sjleot timber linjs In the slates
ot Callloinla, Oregon, NevaJa an J Washington Tet
rltorv," .1 extenJeJ to all the Public Lan.1 Males bv
act ol August 4t&a,
JOHN w. iivir,
ol Baker Cltv , countv ol Hiker, state ot Otegon, has
Ihls Jav Me j In this otlice his sworn statement No.
lata lor the purjtase ol the n'y se 1-4, sw 1-4 se t-4
section etanJ nw 1-4 sw 1-4 of section no. aOntswn
ship No. 10 south, range No. n' , EWM anJ will ofler
pioof to show that the lanj soughi is 11 ore v.iluable
fur Its Umber or stone than purposes,
anJ to establish tils claim to salJ lanj betnie the Reg
ister anJ Receiver of Ihls office al La (iranJe, Ore
gon, on Tuesjav , Ihe 14th Jav ol October. tO"s.
He names as witnesses: Amv (1. Atkinson, Flor
ence HvJe. J. W TarJIey. DavlJ (ieJJes, all ol Ba
ker Cltv, Oregon.
Anv anJ all persons claiming aJverselv the above
JescrlbeJ lanJs ars requesteJ to hie their claims In
this ottice on or before sal.1 14th Jav ol October, iooj.
E. W. BxWTMTT. Register.
I'nlteJ States Lanj Other. j
la (iranJe. Oregon, Julv o.loo. I
Notice Is herebv given that In compliance w lilt ihe
prov Islons ol the act of Congress ol June 1. Writ, en
title J "An acl lor Ihe sale ol timber lanJs In the
States ol Callloinla, Oregon, NeavJa anJ vv ashing
bin Territory," as extenJeJ to all the Public Lanj
States by act ol August 4. 184a,
of Starbuck, countv nf CnlumMi, Slate ol Washing
ton, has this Jav tileJ In ihls olhce his sworn state
ment No. II78, tor the purchase of Ihe s e 1-4 of sec
lion No. lo. In township No. II S, range No. is I' w w
and will niter proof to show thai the land sought Is
more valuable lor Us limber or ston than lor agri
cultural purposes, and to establish tils tlalm to salJ
lanj beforJ Ihe Register anJ Receiver of Ihls ollue
a I a GranJe, Oregon, on WeJnesJay Ihe 8th Jay of
October, looa.
He names as witnesses' SlantnrJ I). Mntifer,
William Peterson. I rank V. I rnJer nil ol Waltsbiitg,
Washington, anJ John II. RoJJv, of Staibutk,
Anv anj all persons claiming aJverselv Ihe above
JescrlbeJ lands are requesteJ to Me their tlaims In
tnts omce on or reiore sau sin jav 01 ucmrer, igoa.
E. W. HaWUHTT, Register.
UnlteJ Mates LanJ Otlice, )
La (iranJe, Oregon,
July lo Igoa. a
Notice Is hereby given thai In compliance with Ihe
provisions ol the act of congress nf June 1, I818, en
titled "an act forth sate of timber lanJstn Ihe slates
nt Calllornla, Oregon, NevaJa anJ Washington Ter
ritory." at extenJeJ to all the I'ubllc LanJ slates by
actot August 4.189a,
of Baker Cltv. county of Baker, state of Oregon, hat
this Jav MeJ In this olhce her sworn statement No.
tail for the purchase of the se 1-4 ne 1-4, e'i se 1-4
section as township 10 south, range is', anj lot
section 10 In township to range 16 1 v. m, an J will ot
ter proof lo show that the land sought Is more valu
able for Its timber ortlnne than fur agricultural pur
poses, anJ 10 establish her claim lo salJ lanJ belore
Ihe Register anJ Receiver of this othce at la (iranJe,
Oregon, on TuesJav, Ihe lath Ja of O. tuber, lg".
She names as witnesses: llorence HvJe, J. W,
II) Jr. J. W. LarJIey, DavlJ (ieJJes, all ol Baker
Citv , Oregon.
Anv anJ all pervais claiming aJversely the above
JescrlbeJ lanJs are requesteJ In tile their claims In
this other on or belore sal J rath Jay ot October, luca.
b. W. llAUtuiT. Reg ster.
UnlleJ Slates LanJ other.
Olhce, )
o egon,
ily I'J. Igoa. '
I a Grande, 0
Notice Is herebv given that In compliance with the
prov Islons nt the act ot congress ol lone 1. 18)8, en
title J "An act lor the sale of limber lanJs In Ihe stales
ot Calllornla, Oregon, NevaJa anJ Washington let
lltorv," ss extenJeJ lo all ihe Public I an J stales by
act ul August 4, 184a,
of Baker Cltv, count) ol Baker, slate ot Oregon, has
this Jav MeJ In Ihls olhce her sworn statement No.
Ial for Ihe purchase nt ihe w'v se lu, ne 1-4 sw 1-4,
se 1-4 nw 1-4 of section No. at in township No lo
south, range No. Iv! fcwvv, anJ will oiler proo In
show that the lanj sought Is more valuable lor lis
limber or stone lhan for agricultural puiposA, anj lo
establish her claim lo sail lanj belore Ihe Register
an J Recelv er of this othce at I a (iranJe, Oregon, on
run Jay, Ihe I4U1 Jay nf October, luoa,
She names as witnesses'. J. W HvJe, Amv G. At
kinson. J. W. Ear Jle; DavlJ GeJJrs, all ol Baker
Cits. Oregon.
Anv anj all persons claiming aJversely the above
JescrlbeJ lanJs are requesteJ lo Me their claims In
this office on or belore sal J lath Jav ot October, lg"a.
h, "". HAkUMT, Register,
UniieJ States LanJ ollice, (
La (iranJe, Oregon, Julv 7, igoa. I
Notice Is hereby given that In co.npllame with the
provisions of the act of Congress of June 1,1878, en
titled "An act for the sale ol limber lanJs In the
states of Calllornla, Oregon, NevaJa, anj washing
ton Territory" as extended lo all Ihe Public I and
States by act of August 4, IDge,
if I a Grande, county ol Union, Stale of Oregon, has
this Jay Med In this office his sworn statement so.
II40 far the purchase of Ihe Lois I, a and 1, s e 1-4 n e
1-4 and e it se l-eol section no. I In township No. II
S, range No. 8 I w w; and will olter prout 10 show
thai the lanj sought is more valuable for Its llssber
or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to es
tablish his claim 10 salJ lanJ before the Register anj
Receiver of '.his olhce al La (iranJe, orrgon, on
TuesJav the 7th Jay of October, lofa.
He names as witnesses: Frank J. Bramwell ol la
Grande. Oregon; Frank Burl ot Baker City, Oregen:
William J. Rawson ot Nihlrv , Oregen: N. J. Chris
tenson ot La (iranJe, Orrgon.
An anJ all persons claiming aJversely the aluvc
JescrlbeJ lands are requesteJ to file their claims In
Ihls ofhr on or before salJ 7U1 Jav of October, luoa.
,t. W. Bakilitt, Register.
1 I'nlteJ Males lanj Ollice, j
I.I (iranJe, Oiegon, Julv 7. Ijoa.
Notice Is herrbv glvm that In compliant r with thr
I piov Islons nt the .id nf Ctngtess o' June 1, I878, en
tltleJ "An act for Ihe sale of limber lanJs In the
, states ot Lallloinla, Oregon, Nevaji anJ Washing
ton Teiiltorv," as extenJeJ to all the Public LanJ)
Mites bv act of August 4.1BJJ,
ol l.i (it.inJe, countv of Union, Stile ot Oregon, has
I this Jav MeJ In ihls otfue her sworn statement No tor the pinch tr ot the I ots I, . anJ 4, s e 1-4
1 s w 1-4, ol section No. 7 In township No. II S, tange
No 1.1 1 w vv. anJ will oiler rroot to show that the
lanj sought Is mure valuable lor Its timber or stone
than lor agricultural purposes, anJ to establish her
, claim to salJ lanj betote the Register anJ Receiver
ol this olh.e al la (iranJe. oiegon, on TuesJay the
ilh Jav ot October. Li' a.
1 She names as witnesses. I rank J, Bramwell of
I la (itanJe, oiegon' I rank Butt ol Baker Cltv. Ore-
1 gnn: William .1. Rawson ot Nlblev, Oregon; N. J.
t.lirisienxon m in urantie. wirKun.
Anv an J all persons claiming aJverselv the above
Jesct IbeJ lanJs ate teitiesieJ to Me their claims In
ihls othce on or before salJ 7II1 Jav ol October, loo.
I.. W II suit 1 it, Register.
T'" l"' n.nJ" ' "0TICI ,0lr
I'nlteJ States lanj Olhce, )
La GranJe Oregon, i
Julv g, tooa. )
Notltrls hrrrby given that In compliance vtlih the
provisions ill Ihe ail ol Congress ot June t. 181I, en
iltlej "An act lor the sale ot Umbel lanJs In Ihe tlate
of Calllornla, Oregon, NevaJa and Washington Ter
rllorv," as exIenJe J to all Ihe Public lanj Males by
act ot August 4. 184a,
ol Wallsburg, county ol Walla Walla, slate nf Wash
Ington, his Ihls Jav MeJ In litis olhce his tworn
statement No. 1180 lor ihe purchase ol the t w 1-4
t e i-4, t e 1-4 s w 1-4, ! s w 1-4 ol set lion No. tv
In township No. it south, tange No. I WM, an J wllb
ulli'i priKil to show that Ihe lanj sought Is more val
uable tor Its Umber or stone than lor agricultural pur
poses, nnj to establish his tlalm to salJ lanJ before
Ihe Register anJ Receiver ol this olhce al La GranJe,
Oregon, on WeJnesJav, the Blh Jav of October, too.
He names as witnesses Manlord D. Stouter.
I rank E, lender. ol waltsbiitg. Washington; John II.
Roddy and William I.. Spioul, ol Slatbuck, Wash.
Anv and all persons tlalmlng adveiseiy Ihe above
Jescilbr J lanJs are requesteJ to Me their claims In
this otlice on or befoie salJ 8ih Jav of October, itf't.
L. W. llAHItlTt. Register.
I'nlteJ States I an J olfice, )
La (iianje, Oregon, )
July g, toos.7
Notice Is heteby given that In compliance with the
provisions ot the act ot congress of June 1, I87I, en
title J "An act lor Ihe tale of Umber lanJs In the state
ol Callloinla, Oiegon. NevaJa anj Washington Ter
rltorv ," as extenJeJ to all the Public LanJ States by
by act ot Au(ust 4. I8as,
of Wallsburg, county of Walla Walla, state dl Wash
ington, has Ihls Jay filed In this olfice hit sworn'
statement No. 1170 for Ihe pruchase ot Ihe wH swl-4.
n e 1-4 s w 1-4, section 17. anj t e 1-4 t e 1-4 of sec
tion No. tS In township No. Ilsoutn, range No. iitnvM,
anJ will olfer proof to show that the lanj sought Is
more valuable lor Its llmcer or slone lhan for agri
cultural purposes, anj to establish his claim lo taloV
lan J brtoie ihe Register anJ Receiver ol this olhce
al l-a (iranJe, Oregon, on WeJnesJav, the 8th Jay or
October, l4"i.
He names as witnesses: William Peterson, Franks
I". FenJer, ol wallsburg, Washington; William E.
Sprout anj John II, RnJJy, of Starbuck, Wash,
Any anj all persons claiming ajversrlv Ihe above
JescrlbeJ lands are rrquesled lo tile their claims It
this ollice on or belore said 8th Jay ot October, tgut,
L. W. llAKiinT, Register.
TIMBI R I AND, ACT JUNE 1, i8i8.-notii'rior
UnlleJ Slates lanj Olhce, j
la GranJe, Oregon, July 17, ivw. I
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with Ihe
provisions ol Ihe acl ot congress ol June , 1878, en
lillej "An art lor the sale nl limber lanJs In Ihe state
of California, Oregon, NevaJa anj Washington Ter
rltorv ,"
nl Whltnev, couniv of Baker, slate ol oiegon, hat
Ihls Jav lileJ In this otlice his sworn statement N01
isti, lor Ihe purchase nt Ihe nw 1-4 sw 1-4 ol section
ai anj nl se 1-4 anJ sw 1.4 ne 1-4 ot section No.. a
In township No. 11 soulh, range No. it I WM, and will
nltrr proof lo show that Ihe lanJ sought Is more val
uable lor lis lltnber or slone than lor agricultural pur
poses, anj Hi establish his claim lo said lanj before
Charles II. Chance, U. S commissioner, al Sumpter.
Oregon, on WeJnesJav , Ihe aanJ Jav ot October, luit.
He names as witnesses' Marshal K. Young. Roy
ChlttenJrn, CJ A. Wrenn anj Percy Al. I ry, all of
Whitney, Oregon.
Any anj all persons claiming aJverselv the above
JescrlbeJ lanJs are requesteJ 10 tile their claims In
this other on or before salJ tanj Jav ol Oct., igna,
I.. W. Hamiiiit, Register.
TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNK 1. i8t8.-noih:h low
UnlleJ Stales I an J Ollice, j
La (iranJe. Oregon, Julv 17, igne. i
Notice Is herebv given that in compliance with thr
provisions of the acl ot congress ot June 1, 187I. en
title J "An acl lor the sale ol timber lanJs In the slates
ot Calllornla, Oregon, NevaJa anj Washington Ter-
ol Whlinev , countv of Baker, stale nl Oregon, hat
this Jav lileJ In this other his sworn statement No
laio, lor Ihe purchase ot lot 4 anJ sw 1-4 nw 1-4 of
section a anj lots 1, a anJ 1 anJ se 1-4 ne 1-4 of tec
lion mi t in township No. 11 south, range No. 14CWM,
-.. . .. Ill ...,- miuiI ,.. lhl lliv lan.l tl.livhl l&.
IMIIJ ,.,,, .MC )', WW. ,w ..... . .... -... .. v
. more valuable lor lis limber or stone than lor agricul
tural puiposes, anJ to establish his claim to salJ lanJ
I belore Charles II. Chancr, U. S. commissioner, al
Sumpier, Oregon, on w eJnesJav , the nd da) of OC-
Itober, igoa.
He names as witnesses: James Shurta and Ileal
ll.iiunU. ol whltnev. oreiren: John McDowell, of
Ml. Vernon, Oregon, and flaile) Smith, of Lawton,
Anv and all persons claiming adverselt the above
described lands are requested lo Me their claims In,
this olhce on ore belore said tend Jav ol Oct., 100a.
U W. Baku I it, Register.