THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, September 24 1902 EASTERN OREGON GOLD MINES. orW Now Recognita Thit ThU U the Riebcit Region oa the Globe. TI10 world has finally learned that eastern Oregon In ii great gold mining re gion. Tim American Mining New, Ncw York, hh)'h editerially: No state ha been m prolitic in im portant gold strike in the punt year Oregon. 'One district in particular which Ik attracting attention In in the oastern part of tin state, in the neigh borhood of Similiter anil llaker City, where such priiKjrtUM a tlie North I'ole, the Red Hoy ! 'be Cracker-Oregon are proving very rich. Aiming new proier ilea the lllue llinl in ileveloiing well. Nearly every week we Unit occindon to recont a llinl in thin ditrict which In far above the ordinary gold diecovery. The reaxon for thin development in aleep mining. Heretofore gold near thu surface that wax readily inineil and mar keted whh taken out, hut no venture of iniM)rlanc() whh carried to any couidc r able depth. In the pant few yearn in vestor have come into thu Held and, after buying some of thu old pnipeittcs at low figure, have devcloed iiiIiicm of great value. Thu further down thu min ora go, veins of steadily increasing rich net and extent are uncovered. Compared with Arizona and Colorado, none of the pnrtie have been follow ed to great depth, but u conidcruhlu iiuuiIht have reached a Htage of develop ment that warrant the belief that Ore gou will yet outrival the wealthiest min ing state of the went. Ah information (or those not fully Informed on thu sub J act of the depth attained in Oregon milieu, wu may rite the fact that thu Connor Creek mine, on Snake river, has reached a depth of over 1000 feet from the croppingM, decloied by tunnel. Rich ore I found on the lowest level. The Virtue mine Ih 1200 feet Mow the cropping, develoied by an 800-foot ver tical abaft. The ore chute Ih rontluuouH to the greatest depth attained in the nilue, and very recently a chute of mar veloua rich ore wan encountered. The Cornucopia milieu have lieen worketl IJOO (eat below the cropping with coiitinu oiMoro cbutCN. The North I'ole mine liaa beeu openel by tunnelH to over 1000 (eel below the cmppiugH, where hiicIi immense bodies of rich oru have lieeu developed that ita owner In iiaid to liavu refused an offer of fi,000,000 for the mine. Ity a VOO-foot Nhaft thu Columbia Iim been ieiied at a depth of 1000 feet below the cropping of the North I'ole. The Hoiiausu mine la oieued by tun nel and abaft to a depth of (W0 feet lie low the cropping, good ore being found in the litwent level. The Ited Hoy lade vel0ed to a depth of 700 feet, the ore chut increasing in width unil value a work pnyrcHHe. All tbia development Indicate that oaaterti Oregon w ill prove u rich and im manent field. The celebrated tiund' "the lieer of good cheer" alwa.VH on draught at Dun pby'a The Club. NollCE FOR PUIILICATION. Derailment ol the Interior, rlor, j I'nllrJ Slaiet lanJOlti niied Males lanjt, 1.4 (irande, Oregon. Serl- 0. ! Oregon, Sept. 1 Noil, r It limb) glirn thai Itir following namrJ ettlei lias Mel nutlie ol hit Intention lo mkc tint plo.11 In tupou,! ol tilt claim, and Hut tali proof Mill be inaje belon- Chailet II. Chance, U. . Commit- lon.-r, l .Suuiiir. Oiegon, on October 11, lj.n, vli: II i:. No but. JOSI I'M I . DIAS, ol Mtl'ven, Oirgon, lor thelott and , tr1, nv',' Sec. v. ti. 11 N, H D and t) twj, Sec, 11 ft-. 10 S. K i!W. lleiii'Mi, tin. lolloln witnrttet lo proe hit contiiibaut ifildrtue upon and cultivation of tald land. vi l.u'h-l I rrnch and Ctutlrt (iiriner ol Mil writ, Oirgon; V. K, .Mead and Manuel K. (ion 4U" .il Stwi'irl, OiJi. I.. W. HlUHirT, Remitter. TIMIIHt lNNO, ACT JLNI. 1. it.-NOTICi: IOK I'UIIUCATION. United siatea Land On.ce. Ij (irjnJc, Oiegon, Auj. 6, urn N 111 ci, I11 liy iwn that In compl ance wild the naviiMuM it... ,,t ut l.un(i(ii ol June 1, 1818, nitl-J "An 1.1 1 r (hi tale al timber land In the State t ol California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing Ion Territory," as extended to all the Public Land states by act of Au(uil 4. 1891. ERNEST F. WARNER, " of Sumpter, counlv ol Baker.stateotOrtgon.hasthls dav filed in this office his awom statement No. taio. lor Ih purchase nl lot a ol Sec. and Ion i A sol tec- lion No. il iniownthip No. n aouth. range no. 40 EWM, and will oiler proof lo ahow that the land sought l more valuable tor Itt timber or tton than lor agricultural purpose, and lo establish hit claim lo taij tanj peior .naa. 11. (.nance, u. a. commission er al Sumpter, Oregon, on Thursday, the 1 th day of November, too. He names aa wltneaaea: Harvey K. Brown and J. S. Kenynn, ol Baker City. Oregen: I loyd Dennis, of Sumpier, Ore.; John Phillips, of Milwaukee. Wit. Any and all persons claiming adveraely the above deacrlbed landt are requested 10 file their claim In thlt office on or belnr tald 1 th day of November, 1001 E. W. RARH8TT, Regliter. TIMHER LAND, ACT JUNE 1. 1178. -NOTICE hOR PUBLICATION. United Slatea Land Office, ( La lirande, Oiegnn. Aug. t6, io.( Notice It hereby given that In compliance with the provlalnnt nl the act ol Cnngreit ol June I. iStl. entitled "An acl lor the tale ol timber land In the tlatet nl California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing ton Territory," at iilended to all the Public Land tlatet by act of Auguit 4, 18 j, HENRY ORTMAN. ol Milwaukee, county ol Milwaukee, ttaleot Wltcon tin. hat thlt day filed In thlt office hit tworn ttate ment No, 144. lor the purchase ol lots 1. 1 ft 4 ol tec lion No, 10, In lownthlp No. 11 anuih, range No. 40 EWM, and will offer prool to show that the land sought la mora valuable lor lit limber or ttont than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before Chat. II. Chance, U S commis sioner al SumMer. Orearon. on Thursday, the 1 tlh Jay or novemrer, iv. He namea as witnesses: Harvev K. Brown and J S. Ken) on, nl Baker City, Oregen: Floyd Dennis, ol Sumpter, Oregon; John Phillips, of Milwaukee, Wis. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above detcrlbed landt are requested to Me their claims In this office on or Defoe said 1 tn day of November, toot. E. W. Baruett, Register. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE ), 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United State Land Office, ( La (irande, Oregon, Aug. to, mm. Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with th provisions ol the act of Congress of June 1, 1I78. entitled "An act lor the sale ol limber landt In Ih Suits of California. Oregon, Nevada, and Wash ington Territory," as extended to all the Public Land stales by ait of August 4. iSu. JOHN PHILLIPS, nl Milwaukee, county ol Milwaukee, ttate ol Wltcon tin, ha this day filed In this office his sworn stale menl Nit. at, lor Ih purchase nl lots t and 4 ol section No, 18 and lot On (1) ot section No. 10 In township No, 11 south, range No. 40 EWM, and will offer prool In show that th land sought Is more vaiueme ror its timrer or tton man inr agricunarai fiurposes, and lo establish his claim to said land be or Chat. II, Chance, U. S. commissioner at bump tar, Oregon, on Thursday, the 1 ith day ot Novem ber, I0D. He names as witnesses: E.-netl l:. Warner and I luyd Dennis, ol Sumpter, Oregen: J. S. Kenon and Harvey K. Brown, ol llaker Cit), Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the anote described lands are requested to I1I1 their claims In this office on or before said 1 lh day nl November, I DOB, E. W. UARTIITT, Register. TIMBER LAND. "ACT JUNfc 1," IW.-NOTICE I OR PUBIICATION. United States Land Office, I La (irande, Oregon, July , I401. Notice Is hereby given thai in compliance with the provisions nl the act ot congress of June 1. Ilil. en titled "An act for the sale oftlmber landt In the states of California. Orecon. Nevada and Wash melon Ter illorv," as extedded lo all Ih Public Land states bv act ol August 4, 1(4. MELVIN W. SADDLER, nl Des Moines, county ol Polk, state ol Iowa, has this day hied In this office his sworn statement No. llu.,urin punnatr 01 inr v;t 7t, nw, nan aw J of taction No. aa in township No. II south. range no. it cwn, ana win oner prnur 10 snow mat theland sought Is more valuable for Its limber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim In said land before tne Register and Re ceiver ol thlt office, al La (irande, Oregon, on Mon day, the loth day of November, loos He names as witnesses: Francis O. Connelly, Thomas Tweet, ot The Dalles, Oregen: Frank tag len, ol I a (irande, Oregon; V, R. Mead, nl Sumpter. Oregon. Ant and all persona claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to nle their claims In this oltice on or before said loth das ol Nov., Igoi. E. W. Bakuitt, Register. TIMBER LAND. ACT JUNE 1, 1I7I.-VHICS rOR ' PUailCAflON. United States Land Oltice, ) La (irande. Oregon, July I, iot. ) Notice Is hereby git en thai In compliance with the provisions nl the acl ol congress ot June 1. iItI. entitled "An act for the sale ol iliiber lands In the stales ot California, Oregon, Netada and Wathlng ton Territory," at extended to all the Public Land States b act ot August 4, iSqi, JOHN WILLIAM I LEE(iLC of Whitney, county ol llaker, state ot Oregon, hat this Ja tiled In this office lilt tworn statement vo. tutor the purchateof the' ne'f. sw'i rttH and nwlt tel ul seillon No. Sin township ro. 11 south, range v. 11 iw, and will oiler prool iu thow that the Tana toughl Is more taluablr lor lis timrer or stone man lor agricultural purpotet, and to etunitn hit claim to said land before Chailet II. Chanie. U. S. commlstloner, at Sumpter, Oregon, on Wednet dav, the Sill day ot Ok toper, ioo. He namet at wltnettet: Curren A. Smith, ul Whit ney, Oregon; Allte Kent, ot Sumpter, Oregon; Leon ard Sims and May Sims, ol Whlinet Oregon. An) and all peitont ilalmlng adiettcly the abuie detcrlbed landt are requeued 10 hie tlirlr clalmt in thlt ottlce on or before tald 8th dav ot October, ioj, i:. W. lUwuilT, Register. TIMBER LAND. ACT JUNE 1. iSiD.-voilCK Hn PUHUOlTION. United States I an J Office -! La (irande. Oregon Jui B. iim Notice It hereby git en that In compliance with the proiltions ol the act ol consressot June I, i8?l, en titled "An act tor the tale ot limber landt in the stales of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter ritory." as extended lo all the Public Land states by acl ol August a. ilot, ALICE S. KENT, unmarried, of Sumpter, county of Baker, tut of Oregon, hat this day filed in this office htr sworn statement No. 1 toe for the purchase of Lot t and H neX and M ae'i of section no. On (1), In township No. ti south, range No. 14 ewM, and will offer prool lo show thai the land sought la more valuable for It timber or Hone than lor agricultural purpose, and lo esUblith her claim to tail land before Charlea H. Chance, U. S. commissioner, al Sumpter, Oregon, on Wednes day, the Mi day of October, loos. Sh name ai wltnettei: John William Fleegle, Curren A. Smith, Leonard Slmt, Lottie Fleegle, all ol Whitney, Oregon. Any and allparsons claiming adversely the above described land are requested to file their claim In this office on or before said Ith day of October, ioo. E. W. BARUITT, Register. TIMBER UNO. ACT JUNE j. 1M.-N0TICB roR PUBLICATION. United Suits Land Office. La (irande. Oregon Julv 8. too. Notice It herebv given that In compliance with th provision of the act of congress of June , i8. en titled "An act for th tale of timber landt In the atatea ot California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter ritory," at extended to all th Public Land Sutes by act ol August 4. io. CURREN A. SMITH, af Whitney, county ot Baker, atat of Oregon, has thlt day filed In thlt office hi tworn ttatement so. ttoi lor Ih purchase ol th uki tekj of Sec. and a! swW and twit Mia of section No. i In township No it south, range No. is BWM, and will offer proof to ttiow that th find aought la more valuable for It timber or tton than lor agricultural purposes, and to estaensn nis ciaim 10 sau ianj peior .nariea n. Chance. U. S. commissioner, at Sumpter, Oregon, off Wednesday, in am jay or octooer, too. He names aa witnesses: John William Fleegle, Lottie Fleegle and Leonard Slmt. all of Whitney, Ore gon, and ATlc S, Kent, of Sumpter, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely Ih above described lands ar requested 10 fit their claim In this offic on or before said Ith day of October, too. E. W. BARriITT, Register. TIMHER LAND, ACT JUNE ), itS.-NOTIca ro PUBLICATION. United Sutes Land One. La (irande, or-gon, Julv 8 100, Nolle Is hereby given that In compliance with th provisions ol th acl ol congress of June 1, 1878, en titled "An act lor th talc of limber landa In th states ol California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Terri tory." at extended lo all the Public Land tUtet by acl of Auguit 4. ia. JOSEPH M. DENNEY, f Walttburg, county ol walla walla, tut of Wash ington, hat this day Wed In thlt office hit tworn statement No. nog 'or the purchase of th tk of section No. In lownthlp No it south, rang No. 14 ewm, and will offer proof to thow that the land tough! it mora valuable lor It timber or tton than lor agricultural purpotet, and to ettabllth hit claim to tald land Ntor the Register and Receiver ol this office al la Crande. Oregon, on wednetday, Ih tth day 01 ocioper, iocs. Ht names at wltnettet: William Peterson, Solon Peterson, Frank E. Fender and Stanford D. Stonfer, all of waltaburg, Washington. Any and an persons claiming ajverseiy in aoove described landt ar requeued to hit their clalmt In thit office on or before tald 8th day of October, tooa, E. W. Bartutt. Register. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE j, iS78.-OTICK for PUBLICATION, United States Land Office La lirande. Oregon Julv 8. 100) OOJ.J Nolle Is hereby given that In com pi lane with th niovls ons ot Hi act ot congress of June 1. 1878, en titled "An act tor the sale oftlmber landa in th tutet I California, Oregon, Nevada and wathlngton Ter ritory," at extended to all th Public Land sutes by acl of August 4. 180s. SOLON PETERSON, al waltaburg, county ol Walla Walla, slat of wath lngton, hat thlt day Med In thlt offlc hit tworn ttate ment bo. 1198 lor tn purchat of th nH ot taction No. In township No. it south, rang No 14 swat, and will offer proot to thow that th land sought I mor valuable lor it timber or tton than for agri cultural purposes, and lo etubllsh hit claim to tald land before tha Register and Reclvtr ot this offic at La (irande, Oregon, on Wednesday, th 8th day of October, io. H names aa witnesses: William Peterson, Joseph M. Denney, Frank E. Fender, Stanford D. Stonier, all ol waltaburg, Washington. Any and all pertont claiming adversely th above described landt ar requested 10 til their clalmt in thlt office on or before tald 8th day ol October, too. b. W. BAUTIETT. Rtgltter. NOTICE OF APPLjQJiTMN FOR PATENT. Mineral Application No. tf. Mineral Survey No. 0. United States Land Office. I La Grande. Oregon, July 10, loo. Notice Is hereby given that In pursuance ol th United States Mining Laws, A. W. Ellis, whos post office address Is Sumpter. Baker county, Oregon, has made application for patent for 17.60 acres ot placer ground embracing the "Meadow" and a por tion ol the "No Name" placer claims, situated In no nrganlied mining district. Baker count)', sute ol Oregon, described as follows, to-wlt: MEADOW PLACER. Beginning at Cor. No. I, Identical with cor, to Sec. ). T. o S.. R. it E. W. M., thence south 8o' U mln. west 600.7 tt. to Cor. No. s: thence north I Is mln. wett fo,6 tt. to Cor, No, i: thence south 81 o mln, eastoot.t tt. to Cor. No. 4: thence south I (7 mln. east 578.911 to Cor, No. I, the place ot beginning, A IH3RTION OH NO NAME PUCER: Beginning at Cor. No. I, whence the ) Cor, to Sec. jg-l. T. S.. R. I? L. W. M. bears north 84 j; mln. east boo-t It., thence south 8g 55 mln. west66o.8 It. tn Cor. No. 4: thence north a 4S mln. west 6)6.8 tt. tn lot. no. : thence south 84 at mln. wrst 616.0 tt. loCor. so. 6; thence noimoij mln. west 654.6 It. to cor, o 7; tnencenortn aa-11 mm. east list Tt. to Cor. No. 8: thence south j wett 644.I tt. lo Cor. N0.9: thence south 81 east Us n It. to Cor. No. lo; thente south I Is mln. east 660.6 tt. to Cor. No. I, the filacs ol beginning, containing 1-60 acres, and form ng a portion ot ihe SW,i, , Sec. to In Township o S., R. 17. fcWM The ligations ot these clalmt are recorded In the onice ot the Recorder ol Conveyances In Baker count), Oregon, at follows, to-wit: "Meadow" Placer on page 64 Vol. G, the "No Name" Placer on page 6, Vol. (i, recorbs ot Placer Locations. Ad joining claims are Sumpter Placer Mine, J. D. Young Co. Placer Mine. Natchei Placer Mining Claim and unknown claimants. Any and all persons claiming adversely any por tion ol said mines or surface ground ar required to file their adverse claims with tha Register of the United States Land Office, al La Grande, In th Stat f Oregon, during the Slaty days period of publica tion hereof, or they will be barred by virtu of th provisions of the statutes. E. W. Bartlitt. Register. XOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, Jjuid Office at Ijx Grande, Oregon, August IL', 11102. f Notice in hereby given that the follow ing-named nettler ha filed notice of bin intention to commute and make final proof in support of Ida claim, and that -.aid proof will be made before Frank I,. Moore, U. S. commltloner, at Baker Citv, Oregon, on Oct. 8, W02, via: Ar tbu'r W. King, of Whitney, Oce., II. K WU, for the a l-'J nw 1-4 and e 1-2 hw 1-4 Sec. 86 Tp. 10 8.. R. 37 KWM. He named the following witnesses' to prove hi continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: John V. I.undy and Lulu M. Thornburgh, of Whitney,' Oregon; Frank Zerlaut, of Bourne, Ore. ; V. R. Mead, of Sumpter, Oregon. K. W. Bahtlxtt, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, Iand Office at Im Grande, Oregon, August IS, 1002. f Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has tiled notice of her intention to commute and make final proof in support of her claim, and that said proof-will be. made before Frank L. Moore, IT. 8. commissioner, at Baker City, Oregon, on Oct. 8.' 1902, viz : Lulu M. Thornburgh, of Whitney, Ore., H. K. 10337, for the sw 1-4 ne 1-4, n 1-2 se 1-4 Sec. 2 and nw 1-4 sw M Sec 1 Tp. 11 S R. 37 kwm. She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vie : Arthur W. King and John W. Lundy, of Whitney, Ore. : Frank Zerlaut, of Bourne, Ore. ; V. R. Mead, of Sumpter, Ore. E. W. Haktlrtt, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. I .a nd Oltice at La Grande, Oregon,.) August 12, 1902. f Notice is hereby given that the follow ing-named nettler ha tiled notice of his intention to commute ami make final proof In supMirt of hi cIhIiii, hi id that aald proof will lie uiiide Itefore Frank L. Moore. U. S. com in thinner, at Baker City, Oregon, on October H, 11102, via: John W. Lundy, of Whitney, Ore., II. E. 10283, for tlm w 1-2 u l4, e 1-4 w. 1-4 Sec. 3A Tp. 10 S lot I unil e 1-4 lie 1-4 8ec. 2Tp. IIS., It. 37 kwm. He namea the following witnceM to prove Ida continuou residence upon and cultivation of naid laud, viz: Arthur W. King and Lulu M. Thornburgh, of Whit ney, Ore.; Frank Zerlaut, of Bourne, Ore.; V. R. Mead, of Sumpier, Ore. E. W. IUktmctt, Register. NOTICE FOR ITlil.lCATION. Department of the Interior, ljind Oltice ut l.a (iriintlti, Oregon, ) AugtiHt 12, 11102. j" Notice is hereby given that the following-named nettler hif tiled notice of his intention to iimke tiual proof In upiort of Ida claim, und that ald proof will be made before Charle II. Chuuce, V. S. commisHioner, ul Sumpter, Ore., on Oct. 1, 1002, vis: Frank Zerluut, of lloiirue, Ore., II. E. 10140, for the 1-2 ne 1-4 Sec. 27 and e 1-2 lie 1-4 See. 34 Tp. 10S It. 37 KWM. He name the following witiiCHMe to prove his continuous reideuco iiwiuaud cultivation of mid liinil, viz : V. R. Mead, of Sumpter, Ore. ; John W. I.undy, of Whitney, Ore. ; William Wiegund anil t'. F. Keitr, of itotirue, Ore. E. W. Bakti.ktt, ltegiter. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of (he Interior, Lund Office at l.a (irande, Oregon, ) August 12, 11KI2. )" Notice i hereby given that thefollou-ing-UHiticd vettler ha tiled notice of hi intention to make tlmtl proof iu cumMirt of hi claim, and that Miid proof will be made before Charle II. Chance, U. S. comiiiiioucr, at Similiter, Ore., on Oct. 1, 1002, vir.: William Wieguml, of Bourne, Ore., 11. E. 10130, for the u 1-2 nw 1-4, w 1-2 ne 1-4 See. 34 Tp. 10 S., R. 37 kwm. He name the following wituete to prove hi continuou rei-idunco uiouand cultivation of Haiti WW. Mead, of Sumpter, Oie. ; John W. Litudv, of Whitney, Ore, ; Frank Zerlaut and C. F. Kear, ol llourue, Ore. E. W. BsiiTurrr, Register. "'?BJl!SB,