The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, September 24, 1902, Page 5, Image 5

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    Wednesday, September 24, 1Q02
Constellation Gold
P. O. Box 185
ProfesMr Shaler't View on the Subject
Conclusively Refuted.
I'rofcxxor N. S. Shalcr, tin geologixtof
Harvard unlvurxity, Who' 'prninnlgaUtl
xonie xtartlihg theoriex about gold pro
duction some time ago, ainlnowannoiin
ouh that gold widely diff lined through
ttoth the'water iiml IiiihI f thecarthaud
that the chief ilitlU'iilt'y eonxixtx in get
ting it out. TIiIh in a iroHriitiitii that
iloen not admit of xiiccexxfttl eoutradic
tion, even though it laekx thu merit of
originality. Thu melancholy fact wan
learned long ago.
Still the profuxMir admitH that a great
many men have overcount thutlitliculty,
that the gold production of thu world !
increasing, and hu therctiixin llgurux that
thu next thing there will hu "an in
creaxuinthepriceofeerylhing for which
money if paid," which meant that cold
will partly lose it present purchasing
Miwer. 1'rnfexxor Slialur further argue
that, uk thix rixe in prices will iuereaHO
the coxt of mining gold, It will "tend to
lexsen thu prntitx of xuch oMiratioux,"
and "at xomu Miint in thu movuuiuut" a
balance would Ixt attained which would
check thu further increment of thu cup
ply, or, in plain Kulixli, hu thinks that
if the world keep on increasing thu an
nual gold output everything will net ho
dear after a whilu that it won't pay to
mine any more and that there will then
be a decrease, in the world'x annual gold
Hut thu profexxor, in writing that way,
forgutx or ignore thu fact that even if
there wure xuch a general nxu in prieex,
all other fornix of miniiiK would have to
ceaxe before cold milling itxelf could hu
affected a condition that twentieth cen
tury progrexx makes manifestly liuxxi
ble, gold being thu standard of valuex,
monetarv and othcrwixe. The break ill
Comprising Ten full claims, Mill Situ anci Water Right, are.
located in the rich Cable Cove District of the Sumpter Gold
Fields. Upwards of 1000 feet of Development Work prove a
Continuous Ore Body, 3 to 8 feet wide, from which Fifty
assays give values of 4.50 to $9.50 per ton. . The
officers ancMireictors of the company comprise some of the
best known mining operators of "this district. J- The
Company is Incorporated for 1,000,000, Par Value Shares 1;
One-half, or 500,000 shares, is reserved as Treasury Stock ,
for Development Purposes. To provide an immediate De-' '
velopment Fund the company offers to the investing public .
I'rnfexxor Shalcr'x argument in lack of
recognition of thu one prime fact that
thu uiorti gold tint more money, of thu
value that gold alone can licxtow, and
that unlexx gold in "demonetized" and
xomu higher xtauiiaril of monetary
value created, present conditions will
Theru in, however, another, phase of
thu whole subject that hax more than an
academic interest. Tint increased out
put of gold in not the direct result of
gold milling ar xe. Nowaday there ix
a general tendency to having gold pri'
ductioii lower thu price of nearly nil
other nielalx mined in connection theru
with. Ax xilver xouie years agolK'gau to''
Ik1 a by-product to lead mining in many'
iiixtaucex, xo in gold mining there ix now '
incidental production of lead, copper;
and' xilver that Ix, where the ore in it-'
xelf would not pay to he the gold alone
extracted, other metalx are now pro
duced in the proccsx of mining gold, and
that, loo, in iucieaxiug ipiautitiex, to the
effect of deprexxiug the price under the
immutable lawx of xupply and demand
of all metalx xo produced, excepting
gold alone, wh:ch, being unaffected
by couiK'titiou, maliitaiux itx standard
Theru ix xtill another idea in connec
tion with thix that further leudx to up-
xut I'rofexxor Shaler'x argiimeiilx and
deduct ionx. lie overhxikx thu geciirnl
progrexx. Thu great development of the
world, thu tremendoiix business activity
and thu conxeipjcut monetary require
iiientx will more than offxet any increaxu
in gold xupply. South America and
South African deeopmeiitx, the ox'li
ingof thu Orient, thu Inevitable changu
of countries now dominated by .ior
money to the gold xtuudard are among
the xolid aiixwerx that negative the pro
fexHor'x argument.
Thu manner in which great production
of gold Ix dixtrihiited ludicatex how little
Mining Company I
Sumpter; Oregon
attention gold ininerx any where need
uiy to thexeeouxtaiitly rccnrrlngartielex
concerning n poxxiblu gold glut. Mining
and Scientific I'rcxx. ,t
- 'inninlony of exixteucu and iictxiixa pan-
KiiiToiiSieiiTKii.MiNKu: Inaxmuch'ax-, ' 'r dull care, by taking iim out of
there bax been a rexirt circulated 'll worn channelx of worldly anil
iipiiiiTiI Sumpter that Itnurue Miiierflt btixincxn xtiugglcM. Ileforo xtartln'g upon
I'nioii No. 42, Western Kederatloif of 'n-trip, whether on biixiuexri or reerea
Mluerx. would not crmU men to work'!1.-"". H I" '! lniiilru and invextlgato
at thu Cracker-Oregon, at lloiime, more-1 - varioux routex. mid ehiMtxe thn one
than nine hourx per day, wu would like1' offering thu licxt iiiiliicemenlx in thu way
to have all xiiple know that Xo. t'.' wax of comfort and at tract ionx." Thii trav
not cognizant of any difference between (Her, U touri-d or biixinexH man in wlxo
employer mid umployee, mid that we , In xeleetlng the Itio (inutile linen in a
took no part in the mutter whatmei. j Journey to and from the eaxt, ax it offer
And while the n.eii that axked for iiini-. 'tiT.v:r fort and modern comenlmico
hours havuour.xympalhy In the matter to xuit all claxxex of travel, with mi ar
id getting xliorte'r hourx to constitute a ray of xcenie attract ionx uiixurixxeil in
day'x work, llial wei xldered the mat-'lhe world. Caxtle (into, The Canon of
ter ouMdo of our jurlxdletl Il you U"' (irniiil, Marxhall I'axx, 'IVniiexxeo
will give thix publicity you will confer-U
faor 011 No, I J.
.1. I). Mi-Don.w.ii,
Till. See'y Itourne l. t No. 12. '
Itotirue, Oregon, September 17, MM2.
Lost Cable Mine Discovered. Kunxax City, Chicago mid St. Loiiix with-
The famolix l.oxt Cab due hax U-en '"' """I-"' A lM'r''', MnU ,,,r M'r-
linated on the xouth fork of Murderer'x vl'"- Agentx throughout the northwext
creek, forty ndk'H from CanonCitv and " "" I'I'Ih via thix route, ror
a like dixtance from Dayville. The .t . r""'H' "'"l,H "I''1!111 ',f,,r,,",l T .V '"r
cabin, from which thu pro,H.rlyac.,i.ire,l "W '( lx;"ti(ul (Hx.klet, "With Nature
itx name, wax found Inailihipidatedcou- '' ( "I"""'"," "'"' " 'l ' Mi-
ilitiou. Thu old xhaft xunk near the ,,'; u,'",'rl or M-J- K"';
cabin, in which wax found exccllngly 'II'W l-HxenKer agent, ll Ihlrd
rich placer gravel, wax alxo found. The , ,r,'',' INrtluil. Oregon.
Itslge, now Mng develop! wax about lirriHOI1 " ; (jilint ,.mvi,,.r
uighlinchuxwiduonthexurfaceaud at HaH tmv i(ir , ,,,,,,,, tMm
a depth of ten feet hax widened to two ,,,, ,mr.r, ttlutll Sl ,er.
feet. I-nun the xurfacu the ore wax
highly mineralied, mid hax the apx-ar-l
mice of developing into a propviiy win
of the fame. Now lllld the Itlue Hmket
mine, and Oregon hixtory will he indl-'
cated. rrlneville Journal.
One of Llfe'i Plenum.
'. There ix nothing in life more en joyahlo
mid at the xanie timu xo beneficial to
hnth'iulud and body, ax trawling. A
modem railway journey, intelligently
laW, lendx to prolong life, break tint
I'axx anil the worlil reuowiiMl Ifoyal
tlorgu are hut a few of thexo atlractioim
xeeu from the car wiiidowx, Thiee faxt
tiaiiix daily between Ogdeu and Denver.
I'lillmiiu palace mid ordinary xlecplng
carx on all tralux to Denver, Omaha.
Iaihmi your meaiuiru for a xuit of
clotliex at Neill Mercantile compauy'x.
Something to ileM;nd
iixin (iiant