The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, September 24, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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    ' '
Wednesday, September 24, 1902
Puget Sound Mining Men
Want to Take Gold Out
Of the Ground.
Tin: Minimi Iikh on ccvcral iHTiinioiiH
tin; ('(iiiiiiiiIl'h organized in tlmt Mate.
TIii'ho promoterH liavu their eye on
tliu unld I1l'I1h of uiitdern Oreiron. Tin-re
J in not another illHtrict on tliu continent
J tlmt offer wiicli alluring inducuiiieiitH.
And tliuy arc :ood eiiili; to havi) in any
country, too. They will Imj welcomed
here ami treated while.
Hills Are Now Full of Men and None of
Tbem Are Idle.
t'oinuiented on the fact that the enter-1 Mr. Cliainlmre, who in lunrulv rcMiiou-
prlfi iiu. honel niliilii'.' operator at St- flhlu for the leveloiuieut ol the AIiiiih)
utile who liue r-old a ureal ileal of Moek illhtriet and the Hig Producer, hail iiiite.
. in eoniiauii-, the iroieitlc of which a urinl of uewn fro.m the varioux cainiH.
have proven liy development to he prac-! He calil :
tically woithle, have come to eastern "All of the upper camps urn jri'liernlly
Oreuou ami houuht either eliilui or ' In km conilitioii ami are uiukiuif a In-t-tuine
for the purpose of protecting their ter hlm'wiiiji toy far than at thin time hint
Htocklioldei. They hae met with re- year. There are lot of ieophi in thu
nmrkahle riicce.H here and aie the lied hilh ami no idle men. Thin HiealH well
friemlH and ailverttxerH thin country haN, for the entire camp and more develop
' The writer mii in Seattle laxt week lueut work Ih in prorexH than ever lie
nud having known a iiumher of iIii-h- , fore in itn liii-tnry.
Koutleiiieu for ten yearn pa ht, he wan I "The I. X. L. mine, in tliu tireeiihoru
much in demand. A half ilocnnr more dictricl, which I wiim iuxtriiiueiitul in
of them called :t hi hotel to enquire m'IIIiik to Kelly, now Iiiih itM tdiaft down
tthout comlillouM here. They had heard ' I" the 200-foot level ami it in all Inxplon
the gold lleliln of eiiHtern Oregon com- did ore. A cronHcut ououeof theclaiiiiH,
tneiited 011 favorably and were eager for the Hidden Treawure, cIiowm u Hue vein
informatioii n-gnnllng the Smupter din-' of ore which iivcniucH fit) to the ton free
trict. Several ntuted that they would ' milling.
-onm heie at an early day, for the pur-l "The Oro Finn people are ilrivinir u
pone of liuylng propcrticr. I tunnel on the No. II vein, which Iiiih jujt
One hroker, wlio Iiiih ilmilitlcHO mid ' cut a four-foot ledge of high gradu
more xtock in more compaiiieH lhaii any 'ore .'MX) feet fiom the mouth of thu
other one individual on the coaxl, xaid: tunnel.
"I have Hpeiit many thoui'iiudH of dollar "The Alamo ieople. have their tunnel
'developing proNtectH in the Canide ' in 700 feet and will cut the vein at u
Nliiriug the laxt live or xix yearx, ami I depth of AIM) feet
lutveii I luaiiea miiiu yel, llilx money
wiih expended honextly ami economical-
' ly, under the direction of intelligent, ex
Htrieuced mining men. Many of the
f iuvextoiH own xtm'k in all the com pan lex
which I Imvu organiii-d. They have re
lict I on my m-i-iiiiiiI judgment, and even
if my iuteiitioiix weie nut good, I am
'There ix general activity in the lied
Hoy ilixlrict. The Oregon Monarch ix
running two drillx. The Hxcelxior will
lieuln grading Monday for itx new hnixt.
The Yellow Dalxy, which ix uutler IniiiiI
to Mi-tttiigau ami I'earce, hax xtruvk u
xix-foot vein of Hue ore. Thefctrulnirg,
the pro'rty of Kemiugtnii, of Tacoma,
IhmhiiI to protect thee ix-ople and make hax xtarted up again, after u year'x xlml
Home money for them, or go mil of the down. Iloyer, of Walla Walla, hax he
liuxliiexx. I'p in thix couulry, I have gun work again on the Van Anda.
hut one hope left, and that ix that I will Wheeler, of the St. Anthony, hax open
make a mine of a property which I am ed a new vein of rich ore." Democrat.
now developi i( in the Mount Itaker dlx-, '
trict. If I fall down on that nr xition. I Pl"y f Gold In the Trmury.
I am goimt to eaxteru Oregon and get
hold of xomethiUK from w hich I can take
xome gold, to replace that which I have
. Im-cii extraction from the HN-ketx of eaxt
eru utiM-kholderx during the puxl half
doxeu ycarx."
Another gentleman remarketl of n
mutual frieml, in hix prexeuce: "(ieuu
ix unloading hix miiiiii) interextx ax faxt
Hx Mihxihle. Hit turned a great trick
liixl week, awiug off a bin block on
HchiiialU, the faxhionahle tailor. He had
Mgieed to give him lO.OOOxharcxfnraxuit
of clotht-x, hut when they were linixhctl
he hituded him a beautifully lithograph
Thu xuiu of gold now in the I'nited
Statt-x treaxury cxccctlx that ol any pre
viotiN time in the hixtory of I he country,
nud with one poxxihle exception it ex
weda that of any country at any time in
the hixtory of tne world. The Hingle re
ported exception ix that of Kuxxia altuut
eight yeHrx ago, when that country wax
preparing- to rexiiuie gold paymcntx. At
tliat time Ituxxin ix xaitl to have had in
itx treaxury fo1W,000,000 in gold. I.axt
Saturday the vaullx of the I'nited Statex
treaxury i-outniued "T7:i,.VHt, 11H, an in
creaxe xiucu July I, ItMl, of 7t),OH7,Ktl7.
Thix xtock of piltl Ix now Mux adtletl to
oil certllicate for W),000. The tailor , at the rate of ulxiut flilXt.lKW to t;HH),000
w.iiitetl to know if there waxn't Home a day, with no immediate pnwpect of a
mlxt.ike uIhiuI the matter uiiil wax told : ' cexxatiun in thu rate of ilcpoxitx. Thix
'Ob no, lliat'x all riht. You mittht ax
well keep the chuiitfe; I have plenty
more of the xame kind.' Hut Mr. Tai
condition of tliingx ix eminently xatixfac
tory to the treaxury ollicialx, who regard
it ax the tH'xt Hixxihle evidence of pro-
xtiihility of thix country. The uold uow
coiniut; in ix ladii)! replaced hy (jold cer
tillcaten, I'nited Statex notex and xilver
certitlcatex, thu former Ir-Iiil' xupidieil
loi'Mxiixpiclou wax arouxetl ami lie en-' perity untl of coiitlduuce in tlie tlmincial
ipiiitsl auxioiixly if there wax any liabil
ity attached, if It hIihuM Ih dlxcoveretl
he h tl xiich proH'rty ill hix M)xxexxioil-,
without a liceiixe. He tlually coiixenteil
to retain the certllicate, on Ix-luu ear-1 where the deiiomiuationx wantetl uref'.l)
ne-lly Hniiiired that the xtock wu-t fully , and over, the I'uited Statex uotex for
p.iid, uou-aMiexxahle, nou-forfeitahle, teux and xilver certillcntex for livex, twox
iiiui-t.txithle and iinn-productivc." tiud ouex. WnxhiiiKtou, P. C, prexxdix1-
Aiel all thexe are factx. It ix a coutll-' juUcli.
titui Mini not a theory that confroutx the,
milling men of t'litfi-t Sound. Tiik Minkk. For the fluent ciyarx, Ixttli Key Went
doesn't to a-Miiuc the of ' and iltuncxtio, the vhoicext tNUifectionx,
kuiH-ker, hut it ix the living truth that i MK'ket knivcx, icecream, citlcr, ttilaccon
them i.- not . dividciul paying mine in .ami xtationery, gt toSturnillV, on Mill
the nUteof Waihiiuttou. You can count
the prinliuvrx on the lllim-rx of inn' hand,
and it would require the lingerx of a
'ri'l-d iHtload of n-ople to enumerate '
Htreet, near (iriiuite.
Krexh candy daily at Hoffomn'x Hak-eryi
J. G; Connell
Wlnlmluirflitiil Outers ill
Hay, Oats,
Steamed Barley,
Bran. All
Kinds of Feed and
Poultry Supplies,
Cream of
the West
Condition Powders for Horses and Cattle. '
Truck and Transfer.
Granite St. J. G. CONNELL, Prop.
In Sumpter and vicinity have their clothes
made by
FLYNN, the Tailor.
Big Line of Fall Goods Just Received.
Horses boarded by the dav or month. First
class turn-outs and saddle horses. Our
specialty is the quick and safe delivery of
freight and passengers to any and all points.
Electric Lights and Phone. Hot and Cold Baths.
M. SPENGLER, Proprietor
Joshua Hendy Machine Works
Nos. 38 to 44 Fremont Street
& Quartz Mining and MillinE
jBTHJSW Hoisting, Pumping and
9LflMjPk Saw Mill Machinery, Hy
JL draulic Mining Machinery.
MHMMMHHHHHHHHHJ Giants, Water Gates and
HHr Hydraulic Pipe. J
.M LMMaMBmMMM Water Wheels and Water
.fljBflMPHHHHCBHBuA Motors, Engines. Boilers.
MMBflMjMBMMRMMHHj Pumps and Machinery of
TMHHHHEpMBMMHHBHfi every description, j j
MHHHSHHHHJHHHBMHBr J Prospecting Machinery.
! .