The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, September 24, 1902, Page 14, Image 14

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    , 1
Wednesday September 24. 1902
Property is Being Intelligently
and Rapidly Developed.
Having learned (if 1111 uuunuully rich
Mrlku recently uiudu.ut the (Mil Arantru
mine, nil (irmilti! creek, four milen nurtli i
of iniiiltc,'the editor of thin paper init-'
Jed tlin proiiertv thin week unci found
came nwannn of tit. almond-eyed (len
tinl. In tin- placer liuldn, iliiy by ilny,
for iiimiy long yearn toiled thcne dincb
pli'M of ('ouluciun. Itow miiiiy nilllioiiH
they extracted from the gravel iiml the
hiiiiiIh in only it matter of conjecture, uh
.lolin li iiitiin 11 11 iinikc- no Htutcmuutn lo
the public of IiIh gaiun. Like, their pre
ilcecnnorn, tin Chinamen pnlil no ntti'ii
tiun to tliu mineral ribbed IiIIIh which
development ban proven in the real
noureu of tllu noble, metal wlilt'h tliey
Again it remained for theCuuciiHlan to
do tliethinkliie undimuku the effort to
Active tiNTiitioiiK 011 thin rich iroK!r-1 ,Hcover h nnw Hoirtee of wealth.
My ero begun only two wcckn ago. A Jt ,W1'H ) ,WMl tft tliis Mammoth, the
good tunnel mid nhaft bonne, are already ,rHt ,nnrU mnnK t.itiMi ,, ,K.atw.
completed uud now fully Mocked up with 1 'n,0 dlmovenini, Andy riniith ami .lack
l.lackMiiltli and carimnterV outfltn. A Sandernon, idiould go down in hlntory uh
working fhaft Iiiih juM U'cu e itemed 1 1,,0 tw ntm w, gnw ,(,mrU mnftK
and In no' down about thirty feet, and j,muof t,0 moMt t.xu.nHive ond richeit
well timliereil. Work on tllln nluill Ik ,lHtril.tN In the world. It tirt.
that "the half had not been told."
Mug puxhcd vigoroiinly, night and day,
with two nhiftn of men. The nliufl In lie
ing nuuk on the Arantru ledge, which in
nearly vertieal. It carricn wry high
'grade, free gold ore, which In Itcing Hack
ed for nhipmcut.
The Aruntru (iold .Mining company in
For thirty yearn following the discov
ery of the Mammoth mint) there in not
much hi the way of uurtr. mining for
the liiHtoriau to record.
The region wan remote from linen of
trannMirtation. The principal itopul
tion (.'hlucnu, who took out all thuv
.. .. .. 1
a eoriH.raiiou reeeuuy inruici ior ", e(,,,d und put nothing back. Tim com
purport of oeruting mlncn on Granite mrutVM inueeennibllltv ami other catiMM,
creek. The company in ollicercd uh fH although there wcru nmnuilnu HhowitiKM
Ieh: I'reHident, .1. K. Saylor, huiktIii- in t, ,lrV( ku,,t c-upitaliHtH and
' lent of SMikano public wIkm)Ihj vice ,nn,1(, .n from InvcHllgutlng itn re-
prenldont, I). I.. Klllun, if tti tirm of J H,,nr,.,.H lo Krt.rtt uxtcnt.
Killou, Wamur A Stewart, of Sumpler; j In m three decade after the Unit
treaHiirer. I-.. I-. Warner, of Sumpler; ',Hevrry of u,uiirtx gold, thellttluGruR
necrctary. Dr. W. II. Hcppe,ofSuinptr; vim, ,wg rom, Htyll the Sumpter
HiiH.riulendont and n pi I mummer, , Vulli-y railway, extende.1 ItH diminutive
Capt. C. S. Miller, of (iranite. HUrup (,,. raiH ,,,( nu, itH Bim, ,imt
.iiemrx. ixiueii, itiinienx Dicwarv nro . ,,. ,.. hwoih hand tov earn into
the lineal HucntH of the company, and
their ability uh IIiiiiim-Icix luxiireH a kimnI
workiuit capital for development work,
which will lie vlKorounly punlied duriiiK
the winter on the (iiiiiouh old Wcljjman
Croup of iuIiich.
The nelectlou oUJipt. ('. S. Miller uh
Kcncial mummer uud pupcrinteudcut of
the compuuy will iiiMpire conlidunce in
an able, Intelligent and houct adminix
(ration of ItH affiilrN. 1 1 in vawt million
exMrlence In all ltHbraucheN,comuieuc
ed thirty yearn ap at SilvcrCity, Idaho,
where at one time he had in chure for
San l;rauclhcocapituliHtMthreemiiieNaud
two iiiIIIh, for which he received unitary
of tlNKl er Uh. ('apt. Mlller'i ex-
Hrieuce in miuex and mill hi thiHcanip
cnvern a htIcmI of twenty-live yearn. He
. formed the original Monumentul com
pany anil under bin entire miperviiiiou
the mine wiih IhiuhIiI, extensively dovel
optnl and a nillliuu plant erected there-
'on, which Miccenhfullv treateil the ore.
We do not heidtate lo cay that no mill-
let: man in the nlitto ouiraukH him in
ahilitv iu the mtlihitf
Old Ara-tra (iold
texceeiliut:ly (oituuate in i-ccuriuK u man
-n( bin ability and eeiicnce for general
maiumer. (iranite (ieiu.
Sumjitcr, tlniH funuectiiiK. in a meaiuin,
the heart of the mining dltUrlcl with the
Oregon Kuilroad & Navigation Co.'h linen
at (taker City.
With thin narrow tillage, the dintrict
from that date Ix-gan to forge ahead.
The hill Itecame alive with iriMec
torn. Mining men and iuveHtora began
iMiuring iu and the country awoke into
new life. Naturally it took about three
yearn to prove the many niinen that had
Im'cii found, and it in authoritatively
utatetl that iu no inntance when prnHr
mining ban been carried on ban then,
been u failure.
Some of the mont prominent geolo
gintn and uilneralogintN of the continent
have cap-fully examined the entire din
Irict. and all are of the name opinion,
vl. : that the ore ImkIich go down to
nucha depth that modern mechanical
appliance can not Imttnu1 them.
The mineral licit ha" I teen traced nixty
milcf iu length and twenty mile iii
width, vet provpeiiiug in that area in
iu itn Infancy.
I low cut. in tue nuon I'inc unit u
g profennlon, and the ' elopmeiit luin been ging on, there ilr.
mi.,1 .,... i,. now T'.'l ntnnipndioppiug in tliodlMriel
Mi ilng conipaio in ,, ,. Kemp in Minim:.
Jib Wi mike t Specialty of Supplies fer Miners.
HiiRzi's Giliintu1 CmhmI 6els mi i
Ofir. khii Mick Fill LtHt if Greciriis
uT a!L Strawbtrriis xii Yititiblis Fresh Every Diy.
American Brewing and Crystal Ice Co.
E. SIBER, General Manager.
Manufacturers of
First Cliss Draught and Bottled
Also Ice Made of
Distilled Water.
The most modern equipped plant in the state.
All orders promptly attended to.
Telephone, Main ij. BAKER CITY, OREGON.
Mining ;
Blanks ,
Quart and Placer Loca- -run
lions, Tunnel Claim and T ML
Water RjM Locations, C .Mdtc:d
Proof of Labor, Affidavit zAjvW I tK
of Discovery Work IV1IMPO
Mining Deed, Option to I lllNLlA
Purchase, Quit Claim
Deed, Lease j j j j
Brief Sketch ol the District Since the Dit
covcry ol the Yellow Metal in 1861.
In the year ISHI gold milling Hint be
gun iu tthat in now the lamed Minuter
dUtiict of eanteru Oiegou. I'lacer uiiu
iug wan the attraction which diew
thoiiMiudnof hardy aigiiuautn from ('ill
ifornia and other p.irtn of the world.
After exhaiinting, a they nupponed,
the rich nhallow digglugn on the many
ercckn, thene braxe pioncem moved on
to eoniUer other obntaclen, for lliu-e
weie lint dayn of ntaniHHlen and dintant
lleldn apMarel more green, no ntlll fur
ther northward llowed the ntreaui of
gold diggern, leaving behind them un
told millioiin of the yellow metal buried
iu the eternal htlln ateiii: the lia-e of
which they wanhetl out the iiucgctn and
i diint, giving no ihouiiht to the nource
' from whence the precioitn metal came.
i rollowiux the deparijug white mail
r BrVKpHeF Z
Friction Clutch