The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, September 17, 1902, Image 1

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    n -
Another Dam Being Built and
Ditch Dug to Increase
the Supply.
Itohcrt K. Struliorn Im pushing im
provement 011 the Sumpter water syn
tt'lll ill SUl'll u manner tlmt In 11 few days
tlio residents need have no iVnr of n
shortage fur till time to come.
1 The company Im built u dam uerosn
Wind creek, about one mile alsivu itM
junction with Powder river. From thin
dam 11 ditch coiiductH the water around
into Pole creek, where a dam started on
bedrock Im built acrnsn the canyon a Hh
tance of 250 feet and in at present twenty-five
feet in height. Fifteen feet more
will be added to the height of thin dam
in time. It will be uned an a storage
reaervolr, the rluld'bolng'.irawn into the
city reservoir an may bo required.
Near the mouth of Wind creek, an
other dam Ih being constructed to hold
all water that llown from HpringH be
tween that x)int and the dam one mile
aboe. In a few days thin spring water
will be conducted to the ditch leading to
the city reservoir.
These' improvements will 1'reate a
water supply siilllcient for a city of 4,000
people in the ilryeat (tart of the year.
Should the imputation iui-reaac, the sup
ply can In 'greatly augmented by the
erection of storage damn at intervulx
along Polo creek, of which tho coinany
owns nine inilex.
Kcgarding the electric light plant, Mr.
Htrahorn states that all the machinery
will bo renewed very noon and tho nyn
tern will Ih- put in llrnt cIiikh condition
for day and night service alter these im
provements are made.
Twenty Sump Mill to be Built When
Oft Body U Struck in Lower Tunnel.
.lamcH I'. Mcduigau, prefidcut and
general manager of the Alamo Consoli
dated Mining and Milling company's
property, wan in the city on Monday.
The lower cross cut tunnel Im now in
a diHtanre of 780 feet, and it in at tici
pated the ledge wilt be enetrated in a
short time.
Thin company own live full cIhIiiim and
a fraction on the north eaat tilopu of
Qutbee mountain at the town of Alamo,
1 m lien from Sumpter.
No. 1 tunnel in near the top of the
mountain and cutM the vein 75 feet in
depth. Fiotu tlib tunnel level a raise
in made to the surface and u level run
on the vein 120 feet. A wince in alxo
sunk 75 feet and a crow cut from the
bottom proven the vein to lie 20 feel be
tween walls.
No. 2 tunnel in 200 feet vertically be
low' No. 1, and folldwn the course of the
vein (WO feet. Numerous crosn cuts
nliow the vein to lie from 25 to SO feet
wide at thiH point. Sumplcs taken
range in value from f(l to $20 in -gold
Kr ton. Over 200,000 toun of ore are
blocked out almve thin level.
It in the intention of the company to
build a 20-ntamp mill near the mouth
of No. It, or the lower tunnel an noon an
the ore body in ocued up from that
level, which will Iks mime time thin fall.
Suunvilte Items.
F. A. K. Starr ban recently made sev
eral trips to Susanvllle. where lie Ihih ex
tensive InterctH of considerable value.
The camp has quite a prnsierounnpNar
mice and only requires la'tter trauxpor
tatiou facilities to lie a hummer. The
Badger, proerty of the Hunker Hill Vk
Sullivan Mining Co., of Wardner, Idaho,
in now working llfty-three men. Ore in
being extracted from a abaft 500 feet In
depth, in crushed by rolls ami concen
trated. Tho product in auriferoun galena
mid iron. Thin product in hauled by
wagons to Whitney, on thu S. V. ltv.,
for shipment to the eonipanyV nmelter
at Taconia. , ,, , !
General Warren' Latest Venture,
tiuneral Charlen S. Warren ban organ
ised the Hutte-Tonopnh Mining company
in San Francisco. The directorate of
the company are, ex-Senator Man
tle, of Hutte, Montana; Dr. .1. M. .Mer
rill, of Sail Francisco, formerly Identified
with theOraliite Mountain mines T. I..'
Addie, general manager of the Touopah
Mining company; Hogur Dougherty, of
Touopah, nuH'rintondent of Lease No. 2
on the MUiah vein ;' D. J. 'McDonald, of
Itonnlaud, II. C; Dr. F. O.Cliuiiilierliiiu,
of Hakerstield, .California, and .lohu
tier bur, of Lincoln, Colorado. I he head
oltice of the concern will be in S.iu Fran
cisco. Arrastra Mine Working.
Charles S. .Miller, manager for the (lid
Arrastra Gold Mining company, wan in
ftowu hint week. Thin company'n hold
ings are on irauite creek, about a mile
and a half east of the Cougar, , Air. Mil
ler reiorU plenty of high grade, grey
copverore in night which carries consid
erable gold. The work oil sinking the
abaft has been delayed nniiiewhatduriug
the tant week, on account of a consider
able iullow of water. A new pump, of
HtlHiclent capacity, ban been ordered ami
the work of sinking will tat pushed an
rapidly an (tonnihlc.
BuiUlag at Golden WUard.
J. M. McPhee, euperinteudent ot the
(ioldeu Wlaard mine, near McKwen, in
iu town today, lie state that owra
tioim at the mine are at present confined
to building. An engine houae, shaft
houae, bunk houae, barn and mill build
ing ura well under coume of construc
tion. He ia alao building a new road up
the canyoii and the Sumpter Valley rail
way ia nutting in a apur to facilitate the
traiiHiKjrtation of machinery. The new
sinking plant ban been ordered and will
arrive by the time he in ready for it.
SEPTEMBER 17. 190:1.
THAT E & E. DEAL.' '"ri""1' ""' "'"" "' "'n'('"1' r"n '' rHr
ried on more expeditiously. ' Water
ower ban been develoMi! to run tho
-' hoit and pump. A carload of high
Latest From the South Pole 'grade ore will In- shipped ninin. It in
'now lielng nackixl. The (ioldeli Hole
and Oregon Monarch. company, near by, will work mntlnu-
ouslv during the winter.
The recent visit of .1. II. Kohhhis to
Portland can nil a rumor to be circulat
ed that the Sumpter banker had made a
deal with .louathau I ton rue for the fam
ous K. K. mines and plant, located iu
the Cracker Creek district. Mr Itobbius
was seen in regind to thin mutter by a
Minkii rcMirter yesterday, ami quite wil
lingly gave bin version of the story.
It ban la'en an omii secret (or some time
that Mr. Kobblun ban had tho K, .V K.
property iu vlewan a mining investment,
and Mr. Ilourue himself has made the
statement that Mr. Knhhius wan negoti
ating for the same, but up to the present
nothing has been decided. It in also
well known that Alexander llariug, the
Ixiudou banker and owner of the cele
brated North l'ole mine, adjoining the
1'. & K., baa bad a ijenjrv to acquire thu
property, but itapHarn thu Sumpter
financier in this deal, like some others
he ban been iu recently, moved faster
than the wealthy Knglixhiiiuu and If any
one liana call iimiii the F.. : F. it in the
Sumpter man.
Mr. Itohhinn states that personiilly he
liana great deal of faith iu the h, it F..,
but that the affairs of the company now
controlling it are iu such a condition
that it 'would necessitate a law null, or a
foreclosure, which is really the same
thing, to untangle the complications
IU sides thin, it would require a huge
outlay of money to put the mine and
works in projtcr sliuc. This Mr. Itoh
hinn ban confidence enough to do, hut
doen not feel justified in advising his as
niM'iates to go into such a scheme at this
Ankeil as to the pluun for the future
development of the recently incnrsirnt
ed South I'ole mines. The answer was
that the work of running a tunnel In on
thu eiu from the Uock creek side was
now under way and preparations were
la-lug made for extensive development
under direction of W. W. Kohhius, the
company'n consulting engineer.
On the Oregon Monarch, near limited
Hoy, couipress.kl air wan turned onto tin.
I.eyncr drills yesterday and the long
crosscut tunnel Udug driven to cut the
several leads above Is being crowded for
ward an fast an men and machi.iery can
M-r(orm the work. No development ban
lieeu done on the rich blind vein en
countered about three weeks since iu
thin tunnel, as it wan cut so near the
surface. It In the intention of the com
pany to develop this rich find later on
by sinking.
Gipsy King Sacking Ore
W. II. Mather wan iu from thu tiipsy
King oil-Saturday lust. For some time
he has Is-en occupied with a force of
melt increasing thu capacity of the camp
preparatory for a winter's work, and en-
NO. 2.
Will Purchase Machinery for the 'Friday
- and Maxwtll Mines.
Nell . I. Sorensen, of the well known
linn of Sorensen it Co., left for thu east
last Monday. He may not extend bin
visit beyond St. I'aul ami cxpci-ln to Ik
absent three weekn. F.u route, he will
examine thu Friday mine, at Pearl, Ida
ho, wheio an extensive strike wan re
cently made iu the lower tunnel. Thu
ipiaulitv of ore developed in thin profHT-
ty justifies the erection of a stamp mill
to treat thu name. Mr. Sorensen will
purchase the plant laiforo ho returns;
also let contracts for mining thulium and
other nccensary supplies, no thal-coutiu-uinia
work can be carried on 'during 'the
winter. '.
Lint mouth (ieorge W. I'oague, of
Fargo, North Dakota, ouo of the atiaik
holders of the Friday mine, thoroughly
examined the proerty for himself and
other holders of the slock. When seen
Iu Sumpter by a Mi.nkii representative,
Mr. I'oaguuexi 'essed himself im highly
pleased and cert inly wan of the opinion
that the coniHiny had a wiluahlci mine
in thu Friday. The additional improve
ineiits now under way are prolMthly duo
us a lenull of Mr. I'oague's, favorablu. re
port. 1 1.
Mr. Sorensen will also, during his trip,
purchase more slumps, to add to thu ten
already on thu Maxwell mine; also a
power plant and additional cnucuutrat-.
lug machinery fortius mill, which 'will
cause thu Maxwell to lake rank .ai'nong
thu extensive prtnlucern of eastern 'Ore
gon. Work Begun on Deadwood Property.
Messrs. Huckuum and Wilson huvo
secured the old Deiulwissl property, tho
north extension of the Morris patented
claims, three and a half miles north of
(ireeuhoru City, laisl Friday a force of '
men and supplies were la ken out to tho
pronrly and active work Is-guii, Thin
mine has prcxluecd flfi.OOO iu the past.
The values are neveuty-llve ounces of
silver nr Ion, bcnidcn gold and copK'r
Fourteen toun of ore too now on tho
Jumbo Mine Sole.
M. K. Young, of Clifford station, wax
in town yesterday on business. He re
ceiilly sold thu .luinlsi and five other
claims on Pine creek to W. II. .Meade,
of SMkaue. Mr. Meude ban already
commenced onjratioun on contemplated
development work. He will put iu a
stamp mill and other improvements at
once and ojstn up the claims on an ex
tensive scale. Mr. Young dims not givu
out for publication the amount be,, re
ceived for his claims.