The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, September 10, 1902, Page 7, Image 7

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    Wednesday, September 10, 1962
TIMBER UNO, ACT JUNE.j,,i8t.-m)TK;h fon
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t United StAtes Land.Oflice, I
U La Grande. Oreron. .lulv 1 9. tool. I
Notice Is hereby. given lha In compliance with the J
provisions u( the act of congress of June 1. 1878, en '
tilieJ "An act lor the sale 01 umber lands in the statei
of California, Oregon, Nevada anj Washington Ter
tltorv, as extended to all the Public Land states by
act of August 4. iBoi,
of Spokane, county of Spokane, staleVf Washington,
has this .tay filrJ In this oitice his sworn statement
No--, for the purchase ol the nel of section No.
17 In township so. 11 south, range No is tww, anj
vvllloher proof to show that the land sought Is more
valuable for Its timber or stone thin for agricultural
f'urposes, anj to establish his claim to said tanJ be
ore the Register an J Receiver of this ottice at La
GianJe, Oregon, on Friday, the 17th Jay of October,
lie names as witnesses' Edsnn (1. Marston. Lib
He Marston, (ieorge E. Terry, Susannah D. Terry,
all of Spokane, Washington.
Anv an J all persons claiming adversely the above
described lands are revested to hie their claims In
this uftice on or before sat J 1 7th Jav of October, too.
E. W. IUWTUTT, Register.
L'nlteJ States LanJ Oftice,
' La (iranJe, Oregon, July it, looj. I
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the
provisions of the act of congress of June 1, 1878, en
titled "An act for the site ot timber lanJs In the stales
of California, Oregon, NevaJa anJ Washington Ter
lltor." as extended to all the Public lanJ states by
act of August 4, i8v,
ot Spokane, countv of Spokane, state ot Washington,
has this Jav fileJ In this oftice her sworn statement
No. isj, for the purchase of the sw of section No.
t In township No. 11 south, rang No. it EWM, anJ
will offer proof to show that the lanJ sought Is more
valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural
f'urposes. anj to establish her claim to said lanJ be
ore the Register anJ Receiver of this oftice at La
(iranJe, Oregon, on TrlJay, the 17th Jay of October,
She names as witnesses: Charles M. LonraJ,
Flora A. ConraJ, (ieorge E. Terry anj Susannah D.
Terry, all ol Spokane, wash.
Anv anJ all persons claiming aJverselv the above
descrlbeJ lanJs are requesteJ to file their claims In
this ofhce un or before sslJ nth Jay of October, 100a.
E. W, llAHTLLTT, Register.
UnlleJ States LanJ Oftice, I
La (iranJe, Oregon, July it, loot. I
Notice Is hereby given that in compliance with the
provisions of the act of congress of June ). 1878. en
titled "An act tor the sale of timber lanJs In the states
of California, Oregon, NevaJa anj Washington Ter
ritory." as extenJeJ to all the Public LanJ states. by
act of August 4, i8as,
of Spokane, countv of Spokane, state of Washington,
has this Jay hlej In this oftice his sworn statement
No. 4, for the purchase of the s! sw! section S
njn)nw! of section No. 17 In township No. it
south, range No. it LWM, an J will offer proof to show
that the lanJ sought Is more valuable for Its Umber
or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to estab
lish his claim to salj lanJ bclore the Register anJ
Receiver of this oftice at La (iranJe, Oregon, on Fri
day, the t?th day of October, 1001.
It names as witnesses: Ldson G. Marston, Lib
He Marston, Charles II. ConraJ, Flora A. ConraJ, all
of Spokane, Wash. ,
Any anJ all persons claiming aJverselv the above
descrlbeJ lanJs are requested to tilt their claims In
tills oftice on or before sal J 17th Jav of October, iodj.
E. W. BsNTLOT, Register.
- UnlteJ States LanJ Ottice, j
,- La (iranJe, Oregon, Julv it, twos.
Nollce Is hereby given that in compliance with the
provisions of the act of Congress of June 1. 1878, en
titled "An act lor the sale of timber lands In the
States ot California, Oregon, NevaJa anJ Washing
ton Territory," as extended to all the Public LanJ
States by act of August 4, 180a.
of Spokane, countv of Spokane, State of Washing
ton, lias this Jav hleJ In this ottice her sworn state
ment No it), lor the purchase ot the s ! n e K anj
t Jj n w i4',ot section No. a In township No. 11 S,
range No. it f w m: anj will oiler proof to show that
theland sought Is more valuable for Its Umber or
stone than for agricultural purposes, anj to establish
hrr claim to said land before the Register anJ Re
ceiver ot this oftice at La (iranJe. Oregon, on Friday,
the I7th Jay of October, iuo.
She names as witnesses: EJton G. Marston,
Chatlaa H. Conrad, Llbbie Marston, Flora A. Con
rad.'all ot Spokane, Washington.
Aav and ill persons'clalmlng adversely the above
descilhcdjands are. request J to M their claims In
ttils office on or before said nth day, of October, 1001.
' ii '' E. W. Hawultt. Register.
' "ft -s - " "1 I
1 aK
-, J p ' v I
A I'UDI.It.AlliJ'Si
unnea niates uaa umn, 1.
La Grande. Oregon. Julv ifuaaea.
iswataa. j-,
I N lice Is hereby given that In compliance svllt.thi
pro slons of the act of congress of ilune 1, lit!) tnj
till. "An act for the sale ot timber snds In se sUBM
ot ( iilfornla, Oregon, NevaJa anJ Vashlnajo r
rite , as extended 10 all the Kublf Lana ffatea psj
act I August 4, 184-,
Of ! okane, county of Spokane, tU 1 of Washington,
Has liis Jay MeJ In this oftice his sworn statement
No. nt. for the purchase of the t!i nwW.nwi-anw
-4 U nc 1-4 sw i-a ot section No. 1 in -SMWSjNO
. 1 nth. ranre No. n LWM. anJ w I odss-Miel It!
ihe that Ihe lanJ sought It more valuable lor lu
dm tor stone than lor agrlcultur I purposes. -and
-V. . .I.ltak ht lal-j. ,n -.-.M ltn.l fi '.tf thm
th. teceiver of this ofhce at U Gr ide. 6reea: on
frl y. Ihe 17th day of October. i",",,',T"". "
tt names as witnesses: 1 ieorge c. ierr. nutan
tlat . Terrv. Cliarles A ConraJ, Flora AConrad,
all Spokane, Washington. . :
j-i irmmnn reuut.rcj to rue tneir claims in
lVWia-gel-irforsaWrtlh'taivwOtlii(i ll
c. w. anun, rcegister.
United States Land Oftice.
La Grande, Oregon, Julv it loot. I
Noike Is hertbv given that In compliance with the
provisions ot the act of -Congress of June 1. 1878, en
titled "An act fof the sale ot timber lands In the states
of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington ter
ritory ," as extended to all Public LanJ states fey act
of August 4. 1891. .
of Baker Cltv, countv of Raker, slate of Oregon, has
this Jay filed In this ottice his sworn statement No.
1-40. for the purchase of the s M n c (, n H 1 e f of
section No t8 In township No 10 S, range No 17 b W
M, anj will offer proof to show that the land sought
Is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for ag
ricultural purposes, anj to establish his claim 10 salj
lanJ before the Register anj Re. elver ot this oftice
at La (iranJe, Oregon, on ThursJay, the 16th Jay of
October, loot.
He names as witnesses: I". M. Shurtliff, W. C
Geddes. Nels Moen, D. W. Balrd, all of Baker Cltv,
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
described lands are requested to tile Ihelr claims In
this ottice on or belore sau mm jav 01 net., iqoa.
L. w. UAWUUTl. Register.
United States Land Office, (
La Grande, Oregon, July tt, to.t
Notice Is hereby trlven that In compliance with the
provisions of the act of Congress of June I. 1878,
entitled "An act for the sate ot Umbel lanJs In the
states of California, Oregon, NevaJa, anj Washing
ton Territory," as extended to all the public land
states by act of Augusta, 184,
of BakerClty, county of Baker, State ot Oregon, has
tins day mej in misomce nis sworn statement ri.
is i, for the purchase ol the w ,' n t )(, Lots 1 an J
a of section No 11, in township No 10 south, range
J- ..1 CIST 11 .l..lll M- a.r.u.1 ... .hnuf .hat
isu. 's;t E - Htt flNJ wm fun., iu u" ii.
the lanJ sought is more valuable for Its timber or
stone than for agricultural purposes, anj to estab
lish his claim to saU lanJ betoie the Register anj
Receiver ol this oftice at La uranJe, uregon, on
ThursJay. the 16th Jav of October, io
He names as witnesses: Nettle Thompson, Nels
Moen. Cleora Moen and Heber C. Ilallant) ne, all of
Baker Cltv. Oregon.
Anv and all persons clalmlne adversely the above
descrlbeJ lands are requested to tile their claims In
this office on or before said i6th day of Oct,
1001, fc. w. rfARUETT, Kegister.
Untied States Land Oftice, )
La Grande, Oregon,
Julv to, IQDS. )
Nollce Is hereby given that In compliance with the
provisions of the act of congress ot June 1, 187I, en
titled "An act for the sale of timber lands In the stales
of California, Oregon, NevaJa and Washington Ter
of Whitney, counts- of Baker, state of Oregon, has
this day filed In this oftice his sworn statement No.
itia for the purchase of the s! se( and setf swU of
rcilon township 10 south, range 14 EWM and lots
1 anj t of section No. t In township No. 11 south,
range No. 14 EWM, anj win oner proor 10 snow mat
thtland tough! Is more valuable for Its limber or
stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish
his claim to salilanj before Charles H. Chance. ,U.
S. commissioner, at Sumpter. Oregon, on TuesJay.
the 14th Jay ot October, 1001.
He names as witnesses: James Schurli, Bert
Brownlee, of Whitney, Oregen: John McDowell, of
Ml. Vernon, Oregon, anj Bailey Smith, ot Lawton,
Any an J all persons claiming aJverselv the above
JescrlbeJ lands are reijuesleJ In tile Ihelr claims In
this ottice on or before salj 14U1 Jav of October, loot.
I., w. iiAWTitTT, Kegister.
UnlteJ States LanJ Oftice. j
La UranJe, Oregon, July 11, io I
Notice Is hereby riven that In compliance wllh the
provisions ot the act of congress of June 1, 1878, en
iitu.t "An met fnr th tit nttl-aher lands In the states
of California, Oregon. Nevada and Washington Ter
ritory, as extended in an ine runic i-sna siaies ry
act of August 4, i8ot,
of Baker City, county of Baker, stale of Oregon, has
this Jay nied in tnis onice nis sworn statement no.
ias7, tor the purchase ol the e.' ne'i section 11 anj
wH nwtf ot section No. 14 In township No. to south,
range No. ij.'i tvvw, anj will offer prool to show that
Ihe land sought Is more valuable for its Umber or
stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish
his claim to said land before Ihe Register and Re
ceiver of this office at La Grande, Oregon, on Thurs
Jay, the 16th Jay of October, io.
He names at witnesses: Nettle 1 hompson, Cleora
Moen, F. M. Shurtliff and William Geddes. all ol Ba
ker City. Oregon
Any anJ all persons claiming adversely the above
JescrlbeJ lands are requeued to file their claims In
this oftice on or before saU 16th Jav of October, it.
U w. IIAHTISTT, Kegister.
TIMBER LAND. ACT JUNE 1, iB78.-notii:i. row
js .
UnlteJ States Land Ofhce,
on, July it, iuaa-.
compliance s-llh
01 Jtas 1, Isaac
ma ss-asftni
of Spokane, county of Spokane, state otjMt a-tanMoj-M
hat this day filed In ihls office her ,swaV tiaitaMnl
NO. it(0, tor me purcnasa 01 ine sr swh, oh swh
'm&?X&r, wolrer
roof J show thai the land sought It more valuable
or Its Umber or stone than for agiicjtlljMral.puraejtM.
an to esubllsh her claim toMltfltWMarTtailletf
I l.ilr and Racelver of thls-oJlict at La Gran Je . .Off
1 gWrWTrfW.'wrlWI mj W IJtM'rTtJb.
She names at witnesses:
Edson G. Marston. Lib
ble Marston, George E. TerT)'. Susaanalr D, Tfm
all of Spokaae. Washlnj:lo-i -.. - ; "
jtirnrMij uni ! ivuiariM-a hi iiiw iiivii Lijiinia in
k 11 aTl . fi . -A ..-AJ a. dCI-h lLli IaI-b la
- 1 .-. U traaiil. Uaas
.JNotcek hJreb)lv-i tht hi
aVtolafoB. of the art ol conarait
ky ! forae tilt ofll
awstalMr-M, Urtaon.-Nttpja l
Jlto.iasalajtlaV Irtjtll ftciTu
act of August 4. itvt.
t W. HAWUijTiiKeg'ISIefl1
. . - mmm.
Unite.' Slates I anj Office. 1
La (iranJe. Oregon,
July 10, IVM4. )
Notice Is hereby given that in comrllance with the
provisions of the act of rongteta ol Junr t, 1878. en
title J "An net fnr Ihe ssle ol timber Ian Js In the states
ol Calllotnla, Oregon, NevaJa anj Withlngton Tel
illorv." as extended In all tin-Public land stales bv
act of August 4. 1801,
of Baker Cllv, cou.ttvof Biker, state of Or r ton, has
tills Jav tiled In litis ottice his sworn statement No.
ttia for the ptirthase ol the ' j se ij, sw 1-4 e 1-4
section tiand nw 1-4 s 1-4 ol section No,tlnlin
ship No. in south, range No. it1, EWM and will oiler
ptoof to show that the land sought Is n ore valuable
tor Its timber or stone than fnr agricultural purposes,
and to establish his claim to said land belote the Reg
ister and Receiver of this oilier al La Grande, Ore
gon, on TursJav, the mil J.-v of October, tvt.
He names as witnesses: Amv (i. Atkinson, Flor
ence llvde, J. W. Iardlvy, Dvld Geddes, all of Bi
ker Cltv . Oregon.
Anv and all persons ilalmlng adv ersetv Ihe abov e
desciibed lands ars requested to file thrlr claims In
this of lice on or before said t4lh day of October. tu.
I-. W. HvRTIITT. Register.
UnlteJ Stales LtnJ Olfice.
la (iranJe. Oregon, July u.lunj. I
Notice Is heteby given 'hat In compliance with Ihe
provisions ol the act ot Congress ot June 1. 1818, en
lilted "An act for Ihe sate ol limber lands In the
Stales of Calllotnla, Oregon. Neavda and Washing
ion Territory," as extended to all Ihe Public Lin J
States bv act til August 4. I&j.
otStarbuck, countv of Columbls, Slate ol Washing
ton, has this dav filed In this nlhce his swum state
ment No. II78, lor Ihe purchase ot Ihe s e 14 ol sec
tion No. lu. In township no. II S, range No. It V M '
and will tiller rroof to show that Ihe land sought Is
mort valuable for lit Umber or slone than tor agri
cultural purposes, and to estihllsh hit ilalm to said
land befoid the Register and Receiver nl this olfice
a La Grande, Oregon, on Wednesday ihe 8th day ol
October, lto.
He names as witnesses: Stanford ) Stouter,
William Peterson, Frank I: Tender all of Wallsbuig,
Washington, and John H. Roddy, ol Statbuck,
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
described lands are requested to Me their claims In
Ihls ottice on or belore said 8th Jav of October, loot.
E. W. IIahtlctt, Register,
UnlteJ States I and Olllce. )
La (irande. Oregon,
Julylo luot.)
Nollce Is hereby given thai In compliance with the
provisions ol the acl ot congress ol June 1, I818, en
titled "An act lor the sale of Umber lands In the stales
ot California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter
ritory," at exltndtd to all the Public LanJ slates by
act ot August 4,19,
ol Baker City, county of Baker, state ol Oregon, has
this Jay tiled In ihls ofhce her sworn stateneni No.
tan for the purchase of the se 1-4 ne 1-4. e)i se 1-4
section -s township o south, range it'j and lot a
section to In township 10 range iHlwm. and will til
ler proof to show that the lanJ sought Is more valu-
acic tor us timrer or stnoe itieniur hkcvuhuihi i-ui-noses,
and to establish her claim to said lanJ before
the Register an J Receiver nl tills oilier at La GranJe,
Oregon, tin TuesJay, the Ulh Jay of October, bice.
She names as witnesses: liorence llvJe. J. W.
HyJe.J. W. fcarJtey, DavlJ GeJJes, all of Baker
Cilv, Oregon.
Any anJ all persons claiming aJversely the above
JescrlbeJ lands are revested to file their claims In
this othce on or before said 14th Jay of October, met.
E. W. HaHUBTT. Reg tier.
UnlteJ Slates Land Olfice,
Ulfice, ,
ily h, tvwa. 1
la GianJe, o
Notice Is lirrrbv given thai In compliance wllh Ihe
provisions of the act of congress of June 1. 188, en
titled "An act lor Ihe sale ol Umber lanJs In Ihe slates
nf California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter
ritory," s extended to all the Public 1-anJ states by
act of August 4. I8o
of Biker Clly. county of Baker, state of Oregon, has
this dy hied In this ofhce her sworn statement No.
till for the purchase nl Ihe w!, se 1-4. ne 14 sw 1.4,
se 14 nw 1-4 nl section No. tt m township No In
south, range No. litt LWM, and will ntfer proo In
show that Ihe land sought Is more valuable tor its
timhiror stone than tor agricultural puipnses.and In
establish her claim to said land before the Register
anj Receiver of Ihls nlhce al La GianJe, Oregon, on
Tuesday. Ihe I4U1 day ol October. Jum.
She names as witnesses: J. W HyJe. Amv G. Air
klnson.J. W. Ear die) -t David tiedd.s. all of Baker
City, Orea-on.
Anv and all persons claiming adversely the above
described lands are re uetled 10 file Ihelr claims In
Ihls oftice on or before said I4U1 Jav ol October, !-.
E, '". IIAMTIUIT, Register,
ACT JUNt 1. 1171
UnlleJ Sfafei land olfUV, . '
r Km Grande. Oreiron. July t. luot. I
Notice laietby;glrn Uiatjn coinDllaaia.wlih the
isl-aiB ui wir tail m S4faiv,-rs u, .-si--;. . r"
UsVa tA4 acl nsVilst Ml
.iiimr-ara-ijs an in
Nevaslainl Wafhlni
ill m Publlf I
. m' si f.
7.... .S - A -Me.... ' ' w- ' -
(.niriALU A, tiruajn.s,
hf I a GranJt. county ot Union, Stale of Oregon
ia-MiltAIn Ihlsolhce his sworn statement so.
iMWait Mtilitu of the Lois I. anj 1. e 14 its
1-4 and H s e 1-4 ot section no. I in township Not )l
S, radge tso. n E w at; and win
mat use land sougni is more v
or ms-aie IhafLJaf aarlfullural
: .T. . .;.T . Tl n..T .. -. I. ,
wxmrnacssrA ms&'VEz:
I Tuesday the 7th Jay, nfiaoberytoot.
I IWPJIWBBilllllsW1 nWJ?
Grand, oreeen: Frank HurtaJ Ualwr Clly. Oregen:
WUIIas-rJ. KawtonntNlbley, Oregen: N. J. Chrls-
tenson 01 La uran je. Oregon.
Willie ll,,l,U
I a a m a-lih 4 lass la aaeaa . II I A&fla
i yviii-u tcnni irst-"" .. .. hi... s - -r ...,i
iafif at CaHrsf al i Met J N
njYe ltsfy"1 lsPli
Jtajes4vct if rudutlii, ,
ortaraDaf jaumnos . MIUyV. t''lwf "
aiuaet-MaaTai txsnrrri sws-i--ar--ae "" t
ti.tinn. mwJ to .- tural nurnoses. araf tt
,.r..-. n-.KHM, nraister.
..... s .. '
I a Grande. Otecon. Julv 7. loo. I .
. Nollce Is heiebv given that in comrllance wllhjlhe
provisions m ine .let 01 v.roKirss u- junr 1. iptp. fn-
tilled "An act lor the tale ol Umbel lands Inline
states ol California, Oregon. NevaJa anJ washing
tun Tenlioiv," as extended 10 all the Public LanJ
Mates bv act of August .,18)1,
of Li Gtande, countv of Onion, State of oiegnn. has
this .lav tiled In this nlhce hrr sworn stalrmrnt No
llul. lor the purchsse ot the I ots I. , and 4, s e l-a
s w I-4, ot secilnn No. j In township No. II S. range)
No in I! vv W: and will oiler proof to show that the
land sought Is inorp valuable tor Its Umber or stone
than lor agricultural purposes, and to establish her
claim to said land belore the Register and Receiver
nl this olllfe at 1. 1 Grande, Oregon, on Tuesday Ihe
7lh Jav til o lobri.lo .
She names as witnesses: I lank J l!raniel of
I a Grande, Oregen: I rank Bun of Paker Cltv, Ore Ore
eon: Willi im. I. Rawsoh ol Nlblrv, Oregon; N, J.
Chrlsienson nl I a Grande, otegon.
Anv .tn.l all persons ilalmlng adttrvelv Ihe above
JescilbeJ lands ate lequestf J jo tile Ihrlr claims In
Ihls office on or belore said tth day ot October, Iqoj.
I'., W llsklim. Register.
, " -" "uJ"","l,-"0T,CI "
United States Land olfice.
ily u, ton. )
La Grande 01
Notlie Is heiebv given that In compliance with Ihe
provisions tit the att til congress ol June 1, 1878, en
titled "An act lor Hie sale ol Umbel lands In the statea
ol Calltornla, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter
ritory," as extendrd to all Die Public land Stales by
acl of August 4, i8u.
of Wallsbuig, county ol walla w.illa, stale of Wash
ington, has ihls J.i tiled In this office his sworn
statement No. 1180 for the purchase nl the s w 14
s e 1-4, s 14 w 1 4, w!t s w t-4 nt section No. t
In low nsli p No. 11 south, range no. is twvt. and will
oiler prool to show that the land sought Is more val-
uapie inr 11s nmrer or stone man lor agricultural pur
poses, and to establish his ilalm In said land before
the Register and Recelv rr of this olfice at t a Grande,
Oregon, on Wednesday, the Dili Jav nl Oregon, looa,
He names as witnesses: SlanfoiJ D. Slnufer.
Trank I:. FenJer, nf Wallsbuig, Washingten: John II,
RoJdv and William I.', Spmut, of Statbuck, Wash.
Any and all persons claiming a.tveiseiv Ihe above
described lands are requested to We Ihelr claims In
Ihls olfice un or belore said 8th dav ol October, tona.
E. W. Hamuli, Register.
UnlleJ Slates LanJ ottice, )
La GianJe, Oregon,
July u, loin.)
Notice Is hereby glvtn thai In compliance wllh the
provisions ot Ihe acl ol congress of June 1, Iii8, en
tltleJ "An act Inr the sale ol timber lands In Ihe statea
ot California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter
ritory," as extended to all the Public Land States by
by act tit August 4. I8o.
of Waltsburg, county ot Walla Walla, stale ol Wash
ington, has Ihls Jay hied In this nlhce his sworn
statement No. IItvi tor Ihe pruchase of the wHtel-i,
n e 14 w 1-4, section tr, and s e 14 s e l-a of tac
tion No. el In township No. II touin, range No. ) aWM,
and will offer proof to show thai the land sought la
more valuable lor Us tlmcer or stone than for agri
cultural purposes, and to establish tils claim- to aald)
Ian J before Ihe Register and Receiver ot this office
at La GranJe, Oregon, on WeJnesday, Ihe Ith Jay! or
He names as witnesses: William Peterson, Frank
E. FenJer, nt vvallsborg, Uashlniun; William I!.
Sproul anJ John II, Roddy, ol Statbuck, wash.
Anv and all persons claiming adversely the above
described lands aie requested 10 tile Ihelr claims In
Hilt oftice on or beton said 8th Jay ol October. Sao.
I.. W, Hapulii. Register.
t'nltrd States Land Olllce. )
la (irande. Oregon, July 17, twu. j
Notice Is heieby given thai In compliance wllh Ihe
provisions of the act of congress of June, 1, 1878, en
titled "An art lor the sale of timber lands In the statea
of CaHfornla, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter-
of Whitney, cnunlv of Baker, state ol Oregon, haa
Ihls'dav filed In this nlhce his sworn statement No.
1 J7i, Inr the purchase ol the nw 14 sw 1-4 ol section
ai and n'i se 14 and sw 1-4 ne 14 of section No. to
in low nshlp No. 11 south, range No. nlU'M, and will
offer proof to show that the land sought Is more val
uable lor Its timber or stone ihan fur agilciillural pur
poses, and In establish his claim to said land before
Charles II, Chance, U. S commissioner, at Sumpter,
Oregon, on Wednesday, the md Javof October, itnt.
He names as witnesses' Marshal K. Young, Roy
Chittenden, Ed A. Wienn and Percy ,M. Fy, all o
Whitney, Oregon.
Any and allpersons claiming advrrselv the above
descrlbed lands are requested to Me Ihelr claims Ire
this ntlice on or before said tind Jav of Oct.. tons.
L. W. Bakhitt, Register.
jhotici! row
it'.:ii.s. c...;.. 1 ... i na.. 1
is'lHird .ti. ..o- v,,,v. 1
iranJe, Oregon, July 17. U"a.
Nailer Is iierebV given that In
n compliance wlllt the
ivlslmsbf Ihe acl of congress of June 1, ilrl.'an-
1 ine
'Af acl for (Tie sale 01 timrer lanjs in ine swie-t
on. NevaJa anj Wastilngian
7 1.
' i 1
ol Whitney, count
of Baker, state of Oregon
am. An.1
1 ihls dav tiled In II
s office his sworn stalemenl
1 1170, lor ihe pul
section t and lots
base of tot 4 anJ sw 14 nw 1
, a anj 1 anJ se 14 ne 14 of
tlion no. 1 in townt
nip No. it south, range No. 14
1 stiosts isaa, vta, ian j- suui
ihow, tttas, Vte), land- sddj
llmkea or slolseihais for agrl
-1 ffet,
establish his claim 10 sal.
Chance. U. S. commissioner
JUMlerM egon Jon WeJnesJav , Uie tind day t
1 ate -aa-ala-aes-aiiiesses: James Shurta and
Brownlee, of Whitney, Oregen: John McDowell
Ml. Vernon, Oregon, and Bailey Smith, of Law
- r - ..-. ...-. ..-. .
I'nlted Stairs land Olfice.
I Meal
(v oJi
ind before Charles HJ
... 'V
.!' f