The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, September 10, 1902, Page 6, Image 6

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Wednesday. September 10 1902
TIMIir.R LAND, ACT JUNE i. iS-S.-noth.b ior
Unit J States l.i n J Office. 1
La Grande, Oregon,
July 8, tool. J
Notice It hereby given that In compliance with the
provision of the act ot congress of June j, 1878,
entitled "An act for tlie tale of timber lands In the
tutu of California, Oregon, Nevada anj Washing
ton Territory," at extended to all the Public Land
Mates ny act or August 4, isot,
of Whitney, county of Maker, state of Oregon, has
this Jay tiled in this office hit sworn statement No.
too for the purchase of Hie ! nei sw' ntH anj
nwjt se 01 section "o. 0 in townsnip no. 11 south,
range No. if I.WM, anj will offer proof to show that
the laltd sought Ijt'more valuable fur its timber -or
stone than for agricultural purposes, anj to establish
Ms claim to saldtand before Charles H. Chance, U.
S. commissioner, at Sumpter, Oregon, on WeJnes
day, the Sth Jay nf October, toot.
He names as witnesses: Curren A. Smith, of Whit
ney, Oregon; Alice Kent, of Sumpter, Oregun; Leon
ard Stmt anj May Slmt, nf Whbnev, Oregon.
Any anj all persons claiming adversely the above
Jescrihed lands are requested to file their clalmt In
this ofllce on or before talj 9th Jay of October, tout,
I:. W Baruitt, Register.
TIMBER IANII, ACT JUNE 1. hw.-notick fow
UnlteJ States Land office,
La OranJe, Oregon
Julv 8. loa
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the
provisions of the act at congress of June 1, 1878, en
titled "An act for the sale of Umber lanJt In the stale
nf California, Oregon, NevaJa and Washington Ter
ritory," as ealended to all the I'ubllc Land states by
act ol'August 4, iSu,
ALICE S. KENT, unmarried,
uf Sumpter, county of Raker, state of Oregun, has
this Jay filed In this office her sworn statement No.
itoa for the purchase of Lot 1 anj teX neK and ej
H of section No. one (1). In township No. 11 south,
range No. it KWM. and will offer proof to show that
the land souerht it more valuable for Its timber or
-atone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish
htr claim lu said land belore Charles H. Ounce, U.
S. commissioner, at Sumpter, Oregon, on Wednes
day, the llli day of October, torn.
She name at witnestet: John William Fleegle,
Curren A. Smith, Leonard Sims, Lottie Fleegle, all of
Whitney, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming advrraely the above-
4escriMj lands are requeued ro nie their claims in
this office on or before said fill dav of October, tuoe.
li. W. IIARUKTT. RegMer.
Unlted.Slalet Land Office, )
La Grande, Oregon,
July -,, tooe.
Notice It hereby given that in compliance with the
provisions of the act of congress of June 1, tfJrl, en
titled "An act for the sale of timber landi In the
States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing
ton Territory," as extended to all the Public Land
Mates py act 01 August 4, 1891,
of Haines, countv of Baker, Slate nf Oregon, has
this Jay hied In this office his tworn statement No.
nf). for the purchase of the'tw 1-4 n e t-4 and n w
t-4 s e t-i nf section No as In townthln Nn. smiih.
range No. j8 E.W.M., and will offer proof to show
that the land sought It more valuable, for lis timber or
ttone than for agricultural purpotet. and to establish
hit claim to taM land belore the Register and Re
ceiver nf this office at La Grande, Oregon, on Mon
day, the 6th Jay of October, tuoe.
He names as witnesses: George II. Chase, I'eter
Hansen, Harry Joy and Mack Mullen, all of Rock
Creek, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
described lands are reuuetted to file their claims In
this office nn or belore said 6th Jav of October, tooe.
B. w. Register.
1878. Notice
United states LanJ Office, )
La Grande, Oregon, J
July I, torn. )
Notice It hereby given that In compllancs with the
provisions of the act of congress of June 1. i8r8, en
titled "An act for the tale of timber landi In tht stiles
of California. Oregon, Ntvada and Washington Ter
ritory," at extended to all tht Public Land States by
act of August 4, iBoa,
ol Garfield, county of Whitman, state of Washington,
hat this day filed In this office his sworn statement
No, 1147, for the purchase of the t e t-4 of section
No. t4 In township No. tt south, range No. 14 EWw,.
and will offer proof to show that the land sought It
more vatuablodor lit limber or stont than for agri
cultural purposes, and to tstabllih hit claim to said
land before the Register and Receiver of this office
at La Grande, Oregon, on Friday, the toth day of
September, 1001.
He names at witnesses: James T. Penn, George
v. i-enn, wiim u. imnxand Mugn taton.all of fcl
berton, Washington.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
described lands are requested to hie their claims In
this Oltlce On or bellire said toth dav nl Unlemhr.
tool. E. W. Bartuct. Register.
UnlteJ States Land Office,
La (irande, Oregon
lutv a .,.
Notice laiie'eby given that In compliance with the
provisions of the act of congress nf June 1, 1878, en
titled "An act for the sale ol timber lands In the states
of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter
ritory." as extended hi all the Public Land States by
acl of August 4, live,
of Whitney, county ut Baker, state ol Oregon, has
(hit Jay Wed In this oltice his sworn statement No.
leoi tor the purchase .it the t)( st of Sec, and
K swtf and swt sets' of section No. si In township
No. 11 south, range No. 14 KWM. and will oiler proof
to shew thai the land sought It more valuable for Its
linker or stone than lor agricultural purpotet. and to
ataeiitn ms ciaim 111 sau lana nerore uianet n.
Chance, U. S. commissioner, at Sumpter, Oregon, on
Wednesday, the Mil day ol October, loot.
He names at witnesses: John William Fleegle,
Lottie Fleegle and Leonard Sims, all of Whitney, ore
ton, and Alice S. Kent, of Sumpter, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
described lands are requested to hie their claims In
this office on or belore said fth day of October, 190s.
E. W. IIahiUTT, Register.
TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 1. ilrl.-sotlCH ior
United Stales Land Ofllce,
La (irande, Oregon
July 7, iuoe. I
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the
provisions of the act of congress of June 1, itif, en
titled, "An acl for the tale of limber lands In the
States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing
ton Territory, ' at extended to all the Public Land
Slates by act of August 4, i8g,
of Sumpter, county of Baker, stale of Oregon, has
nut aay men in mis omce nit sworn statement No.
1144. for the purchaseof then w 1-4 ol section No,
to In township No. it south, rani-e No. 16 E.W.M.
and will offer proof to show that the land sought It
more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agri
cultural purposes, and In establish his claim to said
land before Charles H. Chance. U. S. commissioner.
at Sumnler, Oregon, on Thursday, the 18th day of
September, torn.
He names at witnesses: V. R Mead, Frank E.
O Rourke, Percy Jackson and Ike Williamson, all ol
Sumpter, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the ahove
desctlbed land ire requested to li'e their claims In
this oltice on or before said i8lhday of September,
i. 1:. w. uawtujt, Keglster.
United States Land Office, (
La Grande, Oregon. July 1. tooe. (
Notice Is hereby given mat In compliance with the
provisions of the act of Gongrss of June i. il?8. en
titled "An act for the sale of timber lands In tht
Slates of California, Oregon, Ntvada, and Washing
ton Territory," as extended to all tht Public Land
States by acl of August 4, i8gt,
of Keystone, county of Adamt, Sute of Washington,
has this day filed in thlt office hit tworn statement
No. 1166, for tht purchase of tht n X n e 1-4 anj n
Kn w i-a of section No. o In townihln No. S
range No, 16 EWM, and will offer proof to show that
tht land sought It more valuable for Itt timber or
none than for agricultural purpotet, and to establish
his claim to said land before Charles H, Chance, U.
S. commissioner, at Sumpter, Oregon, on Tuesday
the tird day of Sept., toot.
He names at witnesses: Van Renseler Mead,
Frank E. O'Rourke, Fannie R. O'Rourke. Philip
Arsenault, all of Sumpter, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
described lands are requested to file their claims in
this office on or before said eird day of Sept. tooe.
E. W Bartlbtt, Register, j
United States Land Qtflce. )
La Grande, Oregon, J
July 9, 190a. )
Notice It hereby given that In compliance with the
provisions of the act of congress of June . 1878, en
titled "An act for the sale of timber lands In the states
of California, Oregon, Ntvada and Washington Ter
ritory," at extended to all the Public Land sutet by
act of Augusta, 189.
of Baker City, county of Baker, state of Oregon, has
this day filed In thlt office hit tworn statement No.
ti8e for the purchase of the neV of section No. to in
township No. 10 south, range no. 17 ewm, and will
offer proof to to ahow that the land sought Is more
valuable for Its timber or ttone than, for agriculture
fiurposes, and to establish his claim to said land be
ore the county clerk of Baker countv at Baker City,
Oregon, on Friday, the toth day of September, too.
He names at witnesses: Frank ShurtllfT. Grant
Geddes. David Balrd and W llllam Balrd, all of Baker
Cltv, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
described lands are requested to file their clalmt in
thlt olfke on or belore said eoth day of Sept., 1901.
E. W. Bartlett, Register.
United Statet Land Office, I
La Grande, Oregon, July 8, 190a,
Notice It hereby given that In compliance with the
provisions of tht act of Conereat of June 1. t8il. en
titled "An act for tht talc of timber lands In the
States of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing
ton Territory" as extended to all tht Public Land
atatts by a.'t of August 4, 189s,
of Elberton. county of Whitman, State of Washing
ton, has this day filed In this office hit tworn state
ment No. 1146, for the purchase of the Lots 1 and 4
and E!t s w 1-4 of section No. 19 In township No. 1 1
S, tange No. tj EWM, and will oiler proof to show
that the land sought Is more valuable for Its timber
or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to es
tablish his claim to said land before tht Register and
Receiver ot this office at La Grande, Oregon, on
Friday the 19th Jav of Sept. 1901.
He names as witnesses: James T. Penn, George
W. Penn, Willis G. Cronk, all of Elberton, Wash
ington, and David T. Clark, of Garfield. Washington.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
described lands are rexuested to file their claims In
this office on or before said 19th day of Sept. 190s.
li. W. Barttett, Register.
United States Land Oltice,
La Grande, or-gun,
July I ioe. )
Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the
provls'ons of tht act ol congress ot Junt 1, 187I. en
titled "An acl tor the salt or timber lands In tht stales
ol Calllointa, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Terri
tory," at extended to all the Public Land states by
ct ot August a. lite,
of Weltshurc, county ol Walla Walla, stale of Wash
ington, has Mils day hied in this oltice his sworn
statement No. 1 14) 'or the purchase ot the seMot
section No. ts In township No ti sou'h, range No. 14
HWM, and will oner pro t lo show that the land
siught is more valuable fir lis limber or stone than
lor agricultural putpnses, and lo establish his claim
to sard lai d belore the Register and Receiver ol thlt
office at I a Crande, Oregon, on wednetdav, the 8th
dav.ol October, iu
He names at witnesses: William Peterson. Solon
Peterson, t rank I!. I enJrr and Staptord D. Stimtr,
all at weitsnurg, Washington,
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
describe.! lands are requested 10 tile their claims In
this office 011 or. before said 8th dav ot October, te.
E. W. Bahiii'TT, Register.
United Stales Land Office, )
La (irande, Oregon,
July 7, tooe.)
Notice Is hereby civen tint in comrll nee with the
provisions of the act ot congress ot June ), 1878,
eniinea ao act ior ine sale or iimrer lanjs in tne
Slates of Calllnrnla, Oregon, NevaJa and Washing
ton Territory," as extended lo all the Public Land
Statet by act of August 4, i8),
ut Sumpter, county ol Baker, state ot Oregon, has
this day hied In this office his sworn statement No.
Hit lor the ourchase or the n 14 nl section No.
In township No. 11 south, range No. to EWM, a
will otter rroot to show that the land sought Is more
valuable tor lit limber or stone than lor agricultural
f'urposes, and to establish his claim to said land I e
ore (.harles H. Chance, U. S. commissioner, at
Sumpter, Oregon, on Thursday, the 18th day ol Sep
tember tuoj.
He names at witnesses: V. R. Mead, Philip Ar
senault, Ike Williamson and Percy Jackson, all nf
Sumpter. Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely Ihe above
described lands are requested m hie their claims In
this office nn or before said i8th day ot September,
turn. E. W. hAKHiilT. Register,
t-OH Publication.
United States Land Office, (
La Crande, Oregon, July 8, 190a. t
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the
provisions of the acl of Congress of June 1. 1878, en
titled "An act for the sale of timber lands In the
Slates of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing
ton Territory" as extendtd to all the Public Land
Slates by act of August 4, 189s.
of McEwen, county ol Baker. Stale of Oregon, has
this day hied In this office her sworn statement No.
1161, lor the purchase ol the s! sw 1-4. t'w 1-4 se
t-4 section 11, anj nwiqim 1-4 ol section No. t4
In township No. to S. range No. 8 EWM. and wl.l
offer proof 10 show that the land sought Is more val
uable for Us timber or ttone than for agricultural
purposes, and to establish her cUm to said land be
fore .iias n. inance, u, a. commissioner, at dump
ier, Oregon, nn Tuesday tht trd day of Sept., 190.
?ne names as witnesses: josenn no.jg.nt, Sam
uel Thompson, William Baker, Stilus Dean, Sr., all
of Sumpter, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
JesctlbeJ lands are requested to hie their clalmt In
this office on or before said tird day ol Sepl. tooa.
E. W. Bartlbtt, Register.
, vimuc.Atlos.
I'nlud Stales land Office,
- ,;.. . ..
. inndr, uriKnn,
Ulv I. IOUS.1
NolHeistterep) given that In compliance with the
ptovltontot t'e act ot.congrest ot June 1, ilrl. en
titled "An act fur M e tale ol timber lands In the ttates
of Callto i,la, Ofegvr, NevaJa and Washington Ter
ritory," at extended to all the Public Land stales by
acl of August 4. iM. , 1
of WaMskurg, ctiunry t Walla Walla, slatt ut Wash
ington, hat tulvdj) hlej in this office his tworn state
ment 10 teal lor tte puMiJieid thtntlfol section
Mo. tltaloamthun' south, range No 14 EWt),
aaaTtrttl oefrr proof ns" shots that the land sought la
tart valuable htr itt timber or stont than for agrf
cufturad iMMpostt. an J t establish hit claim to said
Iaa4 weioreshe KtgUter.'aaJ Reclvef of thlt oejet at
la GianaV. Oregon, i Wednesday, tht ttti slay of
Xhtuf, '"
He 1 eases as witnesses William Peterson, Joseph
M. feVtvr. hea l. Fender, Stanford D. Slonttf.
M of Wettskurg. weshMet.m.
Aay a4) oil persons claiming adversely the abovt
aWsfTsWdtaadtare'requrited'ohle their clalmt M
thisuBxemtar ventre sttd uh day ol October,' tso.
U. W. lUwriiTT, Register.
United States Land Office,
La (irande, Oregon,
Julv I. IllfM.l
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with tht
Jirovlslont ol Iht act ot Congress ot Junt 1, 1878, en
Itled "An act tor tht sale of Umber lands In Iht slates
of California. Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter
ritory," as txttnded toall the Public land states by
Cl 01 nugusi 4. ia9.
ot Elberton, county ol Whitman, stale ut Washing-
inn, nas nut aay niej in mis omce nit sworn state
ment No. 1141, tor Ihe purchase ol Ihe s e 1-4 of sec
tion No. 10 In township No. 11 south, range No it
twst.and will niter proof lo show that the land aoujhi
It more valuable for Its tin ber or stone than for agri
cultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said
land belore ihe Register and Receiver ol this office
at La (irande, Oregon, on I tlday, the luth day of
neptemrer, 1904,
He names as as wltnetset: Hupli Kainn. :,iria
W, Penn, Jame. T. Penn, all ol Llberton, Washing
ton, and David T. Clark, nl Gaiheld, Washington.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
dcsctlbed lands are requested ut hie their claims In
this office on at belore said ith dav ol September,
190a. h W. BskHm, Register.
tow Publication.
1878.- NOTICE
United Slates Land Oltice,
La Grande, Oregon.
, July 8, tuua.i
Notice It hereby given that Incompliance with the
provisions nt the acl of congress ol June 1. 1I7I, en
titled "An act for tht tale of timber lands la tht states
ot California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter
ritory, as extendedtoati ttit Public Land Mates by
actot Augutta. iM,
of Garfield, county of Whitman, stale of Washington,
hat this dav Med In this ofllce his sworn statement
No. 1149, tor tht purchase of tht nt 1-4 ot section
No. 11 In township No. 11 south, range No. it tWN
and will Oder proof to show that the land sougnl It
ore valuable tor Itt limber ot stone than .for agri
cultural DutDosts. and In establish his cLsla-iu ulJ
land before tht Rtgltttr and Receiver ot this ofllct'
at La Grande. Oregon, on. Friday, the 19th day ol
September, tuoe. ""
He names as witnesses: Hugh Eaton, Willis G.
Cronk, James T. Penn. allot Elberton, Washington,
and David T. Clark, of Garfield. Wash.
Aay and all persona claiming adversely iht above
described lands are requested to lit their clalmt fn
this otlce on or before said toth day ot September,
iot & W. Barultt. Register.
United Stales Land Office. (
La Grandt, Oregon, July 8. tooa, (
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the
provltlont of Iht act of Congress of Junt 1, tlrt. en
titled "An act for the salt of timber lands In tht
Stales of California, Oregon. Nevada and Washing
ton Territory," aa extended 10 all tht Public Land
States bv acl of August a, itoa. '.
of Llberton. countv of Whitman. Stale ol Washing
ton, has this day tiled In thlt office hit tworn state
ment no. 1 1 jo, ior tne purchase ol thene 1-4 of
section No. to In township No, 11 S, range No, E
W M, and will otter proof lo show that the land
sought Is more valuable for Its limber or stone than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim
to tald land belore the Register and Receiver ol this
oltice at La (irande, Oregon, on Friday the 19th day
of Sept. loot.
He names at witnesses: T, Penn, Willis G.
Cronk, Hugh Ealnn, all of Elberton, Washington,
anJ Urvld T. Clark, of Garfield, Washington.
Anv and all persons claiming liviruR- th .knu.
described lands art requested to hie thefr claims In
mis omce nn or wore said 19th day ol Sepl. 190a.
& W. Bakubtt, Register.
United States Land Office, )
La Grande, Oregon,
., July?, loot,) ,
Notice It hereby given that In compliance with tht
ptovislont of the act of congrttt ot Junt ). 1878, en
titled "An act for the salt of timber lands In the
States ol California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing
ton Territory, ' as extended to all tht Public Land
Slates by act of August 4. 189s.
ol Ellensburg, county of Kittitas, stale of Washing
ton, has this day hied In thlt office her sworn state
ment No. 1187, tor tht purchast of tht s 1 1-4 s 1 1-4
if section to and eU n e 1-4 anj n e 1-4 se 1-4 of sec
Ion No. ij In township No. 11 south, rangt No. )4
J.W.M., and will offer proof to show that tht land
sought It more valuable for Its timber or slont than
lor agricultural purposes, and to establish her claim
to said land before Charles H. Chance, U. S. com
missioner, at Sumpter, Oregon, on Monday, tht 6th
dav of October, inn.
She names at witnesses: Frances Tlte, of Ellens-
8 burg. Washingten: Frank H. Mackty. Clark M.
radshaw and Percy H. Bradshaw, all ot Austin,
'Any and all persons claiming adversely tht above
described lands art requtsted to file their claims In
thlt office on or belore said 6th day of October, 190a.
E. W. Bartlbtt. Rtgltttr.
onlted Statet Land Ofllct,
u orandt, urtgon.
United Stales Land nt(i-.
La GranJe, Oregon, Julv 8, tooe,
Notice Is hereby given that in compliance with the
provisions of Ihe act of Congress of June 1, ilt8, en
titled "An act lor the' sale ot timber lands In the
States ot California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing
ton Territory", as extended lo all Ihe Public Land
States by acl of August 4, iSoe,
ot llberten: county ot Whitman,' Stale 01 Washing
ton, has thlt day filed In this office his sworn suit
ment No. 1148, for Ihe purchase of Ihe Lots 1 andt,
andelinw i-a of section No., to In township No. 11
S. range No. )t, EWM, and trill offer proof to show
that the land sought Is more valuable for Its timber
.W? ."' '-grkultural purposes, and to t
uhUsh Ms claim to said land belore tht Rtgltttr aaj
Receiver of this o8ke at U Grande, Oregon, on
rrlday the' toth day of September, ton.
Ha namts as wttttttsea: Hugh Eaton, George W.
Pua ssriiii. ti r'.u.i. .11 -4 aSi.. iif-TT,rZ.
iSPSSSTi. aak rt Gd7w"JM,"w,
Any and all persons claiming adversely tht abovt'
described lands rra raouatteJso file their 1 talma In
.this office on or before said 19th dav ol Sept. tooe.
,c, w. bahueit, Kegister.
July I, 1000. I
Notice If hereby given that In coir ollanca with lha
provisions of Iht act of congress 01 Junt 1, 1878. en
tilled "An act for the salt uf timber lands In tht
States ot California, Oregon, Ntvada and Washing
ton Territory," as t Mended to all tht Public Land
Stales by act of August 4, 189s.
of Austin, county of Grant, state of Oregon, has this
aay niej in mis omce ms sworn statement No. 118$,
foi the purchase of tht n e 1-4 n w 1-4, nHnt 1-4
and st 1-4 nt 1-4 of section No. 14 In township No.
ti south, rangt No. 14 E W.M.,and will offer proof
10 showthtt tht land sought Is mora valuable for Us
timber or stont than for agricultural purposes, and to
establish his claim 10 tald land before Charles H.
Chance, U. S. commissioner, at Sumpter, Oregon,
on Monday, tht 6th day ol October, 190s,
He names aa witnesses: Frank H. Mackry, of Aus
tin, Oregen: Pearl Bradshaw, of Ellentburg, Wash
ington; R. T. Campbell and Justus Wright, ot Aus
tin. Oregon.
Any anJ all persons claiming adversely the above
described lands art requested to file their claims In
this office on or before said 6th day ot October, tooe.
E. W. Bartutt, Register,
United States Land Office.
La Grande. Oregon,
.. . , July . 100a.),
Notice it hereby elven that in romDltanca with the
provisions of tht act of congress ot Jute 1. 1I78, en
titled "An act for Ihe salt of timber lands in tht
Stales of California, Oregon, Ntvada, and Washing
ton Territory," as extended to all tht Public Land
States by act ol August 4, ttoe,
ol Ellentburg, county ot Kittitas, stale of Washing
ton, hat this day hied In this office her sworn state
ment No 1188, for tht purchase of tht sK s w 1-4 of
section No. it and tht wM a w 1-4 of section No, 14
In township No. 11 south, rangt No 14 E W.M., and
will offer proof to ahow thast tht laad sought la more
valuable for Its timber or stont than tor agricultural
purpotet. and to establish htr claim to saUTtaad bt-'
lore Charles H. Chaace. U S. commlssteoer, al
Sumpter, Oregon, on Monday, tht 6th day of Oc
tober. 190.
Sht namts at witnesses: Frank H. Mackty. ol
Aly,,S 5?0"- rWJwadshaw, ot EHenaburg.
Wartla4jionJustus Wright and H. T. Campbell, of
Aay'aT2ltsclatmwg ttwn.
described lands are requested to Bit their clalmt la
this ofllct on or before said Mi day 0t October. 190s. '
, E. W. BAarurrr, Register.
' J. -