Wednesday, September 10, 1902 TH& 'SUMPTER MINER VV1' ' J r j X r : DREDGE FOR CANYON CREEK. Pomeroyi 'Will Put to Another Machine Over John Day Way A correspondent at John Day .writes the Portland Telegram that another monster dredge, similar to the one in operation on the North Fork o( the John Day river, will probably be started in a xhort time, and utter completion be put to work on Canyon creek, a tributary of the North Fork. It in understood that a good deal of Portland money wilt be be hind the enterprise, eastern Oregon men putting up the balance. If the proposed dredge is as large as the plant now work ing on the North Fork, they will have to put up about ilL'5,000. Thomas Pomeroy A Sons, the well known constructors of the Pomeroy dredge, are to build the Canyon creek affair, whose construction will take most of a year. The sands of Canyon creek, which is n swift, turbulent mountain stream along a great part of its course, are said to Imj heavily impregnated with placurdiiHt, with the creek bed eader of access than the river bottom of the North Fork. After a short stopnige becauxe of scar city of fuel, the dredgo now in oeration has rcMimcd work, and is handling from HOO to 1(100 cubic yards daily. The ca pacity is far greater than this, however, as it is possible when running at full seed for a dozen buckets o revolve every minute, each bucket raising sev eral cubic yurds of gravel. The dredge has been running less thau forty days, and the company does not know accu rately what the saving when the plant is going full blast will be. Panning of the coarse gravel and mud now being worked shows gold in paying quantities, and ex amination of the gravel after it has pass ed down the long sluice does not show many specks in the tullings, so it is fig ured that the saving Is very large. The showing, at any rate, made by this dredge since sturtiiig up has ligured largely in influencing the company to build the Canyon creek proositinn. An idea of the probable profits from the Nortli Fork dredge can be gained readily from reference to similar enter prises in the Northwest. Three little uf fairs at Han nock City, Montunn, earn ahout filOO a day, while u dredue at Boise, Idaho, mukes 1300. It is thought the North Fork dredge surpasses any of these, as it is the biggest plant of the kind in the Northwest, and hus fairly easy ground to work in. In days gone by Chinamen with pans made fair wages working the ground where the Pomeroy machine is. but tliu socksnre too Hue to encourage placer oerations on anything except a large scale. If the Pomeroy dredge worked every duy in the year for 100 years, handling dirt at its full capacity of thousands of yurds a day, it would hurdly exhaust the placer bearing bed of the North Fork and tributaries throughout the 10 odd miles for which concessions have been obtain . ed. The ultimate profit on a plant which Wist an eighth of a million dollars can be dimly estimated from this, while the in centive to construct a dredger for every stretch of placer bearing bottom obtain able, can readily be seen. As there are stores of creeks and rivers in 'eastern Oregon with sands like those of the tur bulent Nortli Fork, placer dredging seems likely to become one of the big things of the future for eastern Oregon. HwanhoMt Rock Goat S5I,N0. Thomas Clark, who recently purchas ed the Humboldt group of mine in the Greenhorn mountain district, half a utile from the new city of Greenhorn, came down from the hills yesterday on busi ness. He brought withjiim a quantity of magnificent specimens from the Hum - boldt. whicli are arnoitii the irottirt eWfc.1.1 w..;i- ..... :.i.iw,1i""y V:. " '"'" "" ...V pVH. nn,... ap.V-. .,,. .-..-. W.Wa. .IM that celebrated section. The specimens will assay variously from $50 up to 50, 000 per ton. The ore was taken from a twelve-inch pay streak along the foot wall side of a three-foot ledge, at a point only thirty feet from the surface. The specimens are on exhibition at Palmer Brothers' jewelry store in this city and are attracting considerable attention. Mr. Clark also Dossessei a KM ounce vial of gold dust which he secured from pouncung upanu punning a lew oi me smaller specimens. The Humboldt lies surrounded bv such well known paying mines as the Virginia, Black Hawk and I. X. I.. The Virginia is now being equipped with a ten-stamp mill and orders have been placed for a plant of equal capacity for the I. X. 1.. The Black Hawk's five-stamp mill is running steadily on rich ore. Mr. Clark is high ly elated over the sensational showing made on his mine and correctly lielievea that the Humboldt will prove a bona nxa. He has a force of men employed sinking on the vein, and if the pay holds out as it promises, he will shortly arrange for the erection of u mill. Herald. M I N HOW TO BECOME INTERESTED. We will prove by reasouableiirgumeut and establislifcd facts that the oinrtuii ttlcs wo" offer to become jMisscssed of large interests in Oregon mining proper tics cannot lie surassed by anyone. It will not require u fortune, but to the contrary a very small amount of money. Any person having a few dollars to in vest in an enterprise which has the most encouraging features, and where 'one person has no siiieriority or advantage over another, will And by addressing the undersigned that these conditions exist. This opportunity will not last long. Tiik Advanck Mining Co., 1Kk Box F, Sumptcr, Oregon. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, bind Office at In Grande, Oregon, ) August 12, 1002. f Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to commute and make final proof in fttipport of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Frank I.. Moore, U. S. commissioner, at Baker City, Oregon, on Oct. 8, 11102, vix: Ar thur W. KIiik. of Whitney. Ore.. II. K 1 103:14. for the s 1-2 uw 1-4 and e 1-2 aw 1 1-4 8ec 36 Tp. 10 8.. It. 37 KWM. He names the following witnesses to I prove his continuous residence upon 'and cultivation of said land, vis: John W. I.undy nnd l.ulu M. Thorn burgh, of Whitney, Oregon; Frank Zerluut, of Bourne, Ore ; V. It. Mead, of Sumptcr, Oregon'. K. W. Hakti.ktt, -Register. NOTICK FOB PUBLICATION. Department of thu Interior, Land Ohice at l.a Grande, Oregon, ) August 12, 1902. f Notice is hereby ixiven that the follow ing-named settler has tiled notice of her . intention to commute and make linal proof in support of her claim, and that I said proof will he mude before Frank L. , Moore, 1'. S. commissioner, at Baker nit.. nu .,.. u ioo ul . lulu VI. I WIVTgi'M, .ill ...... ... ..I,.., ... a...... M. Thorn burgh, of Whitney, Ore., II. K. 10H37, for the sw 1-4 lie 1-4, n 1-2 se 1-4 Sec. 2 mid nw 1-4 sw 1-4 Sec 1 Tp. II H., It. 37 KWM. She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation of said hind, viz: Arthur W King and John W. I.undy, of Whitney. Ore. ; Frank Zcrlaut, of Bourne, Qre. ; V. It. Mead, of Kumpter, Ore: K. W. Bakti.ktt, Itegister. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. I-aiid Office at I -a Grande, Oregon, 1 August 12, 1002. J Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has Hied notice of his intention to commute and make final proof in support of his claim, and that i said proof will be made before Frank L. Moore, U. 8. commissioner, at Baker City, Oregon, on October 8, 1H02, via: .'John W. I.undy, of Whitney, Ore., II. K. , 10383. fur the w 1-2 ae 1-4, se 1-4 aa 1-4 Sec. So Tp. 10 8., lot 1 and ae 1-4 ne 1-4 :Sec. 2Tp. 1IH., K.37kwm. He names the following witnesses to ' prove hia continuous residence upon ami 1 cultivation of said land, vis: Arthur W. . Kln " Lu'n M: Thoriiburgh.of Whlt- Or. V. H. Umil. nt Hiimhietr. Or. I . ' v; K. W. BAKTMcrr.Registifr NOTICK FOH PUBLICATION. Departmeiit of the Interior, l-und Office ut lot Grande, Oregon, J August 12, MHI2. , Notice is hereby given that the following-mimed settler ha tiled notice of his Intuiitlmt tn niulrn Hnnl ir uf In .muuirt iiiieiiiinn lomaKennai i.r.oi msupori Of his claim, lllld that saill proof will he mane neiore iiianes n. ciiiuuv, i . r. commissioner, at Sumpter, Ore., on Oct. I. 11102. vix: Frank .erlaut, of Bourne, Ore., II. K. 10140, for the s 1-2 se 1-4 Sec. 27 and e 1-2 tie 1-4 Sec. 34 Tp. 10S.. It. 37 KWM. I 111- llllll.t'l lilt! UMIOIVIIIK HHIIl'l-M-P III! prove his continuous residence iiimhi and cultivation of suitllantl, vix: V It. Mend. .in .. ... . i. .i.I. it- i i.. ..i of Sumptcr, Ore. : John W. I.undy, of rltorv," at exteJJeJ to all the Public UnJ .tate b.-tt-i. i . ii'im t-i r i... tt iiiiiii-.v, tire. ; it iiiiiiiii it u-giinii nun (!. F. Keur, of Bourne. Ore. K. W. Hahti.ktt, Itgistcr. NOTICK FOIt PUBLICATION. Deimrtmeut of the Interior, IjiiuI Olllce at a Gramle, Oregon, ) August 12, BHI2. ' Notice is hereby given that the follow- ing-namcil settler has tiled uotiiv of his intention to make linal proof in supimrt of his claim, and that saitl proof will Ik- made before Clmrlcs II. Chance, 1. S. comtnlssloiier. at Similiter. Ore., on Oct. 1, 11)02, vix: William Wiegaud, of Bourne, Ore., II. K. I0i:m. for the u 1-2 nw I-. aii.'i,,i.jitu, 'tiTi, to ii !i?L. w 1-2 tie 1-4 Sec. 34 Tp. 10 S.. It. 37 kwm He mimes the following witnesses to prove his continuous resilience upon urn! cultivation ol said laml, ylx: . It. .Meat I, of Sumpter, Ote. J John W. I.UIIllv. of WhltnJy, Ore. : Frank Zcrh.ut un.l V, F. hear, of Bmiriie. On1. K. W. liAKTI.KTT, Itegister. TIMUER LAND, ACT JUNE , iBtB. FOR PUBLICATION. NOTICE i UnlleJ Stalet LanJ Office, ( Nu- l,l llr l,lr purchate ol Ihe tw)( ol section No. ti La Uranlf, Orcton, Au(. i4, luot. I ln tonthlp No. II tuuth, fance to. it fWM, anj will Notice It hereby Riven thai In compl ance with Ihe I offer proof to thow thai Ihe IjnJ umghl It more provltlom ol Ihe act ol Congrett ol June i. i8rt. valuable for lit limber or alone lhaitslor atrlcu lural entltltJ "An acl lor lha tale ol timber lanJt In the purpotet. anj lo etlabllah her claim to talJ lanj bt Sutet of California, Oregon. Neva Ja an J Wathlnx- I t" Regltler anJ ! Receiver ol thlt iilhce at la ton Terrllory," at etlenJtJ lo all the Public LanJ . JiranJe, Oregon, on TuetJa), the tltl Jay ol Oclo ttatet by act o( Augutt 4. iBm, ber. lout. cumcct c uiiuuiu i Sf nainet at wltnettef Rowena WlnJut anJ tKNtbT p. WAKNLK, ((. n Trur o( .umiin, Wathlnglun; William II. ol Sumpter. countv of BaWtr, tlaleol Oregon, hat thlt , Arnol J, ol La Orande, Oregon, an J V. R. MeaJ, of oay tiled In thlt oftict hit tworn alatemeni No. 14 s. Sumpter. Oregon. lor Iht purchate ol lot a ol Sec. ? anj Iota 1 A a ol tec- Any anj all pertont claiming a Jvertely the above tlon No. il Intownthlp No. 11 toulh, range No. u I JetcrlbeJ lanJt are requeued tn tile their claim In EWM, anj will otter prool lo thow thai tht lanj 1 Itilt olhce on or before talJ tltl Jay til October, loot, touthi It more valuable tor lit limber or ttone than lor 1 E. W llAkUlUT, Megltttr agricultural oumotei. an J lo ettabllth hit claim to I - Chance. U.S. coinmlttlon- er at Sumpttr. Oregon, on ThurtJay, the 1 th Jay ot novemper, igua. He name! at wltnettet: Harvey K. Drown anj J. S. Kenyon, ol Baker CHv. Oregon; I'loyJ Dennlt, of Sumpter, Ore.: John I'hllllpt. of Milwaukee. Wit. Any anj an pertont Claiming ajverteiy me above- JetcrlbeJ lanJt are renuetteJ to file their clalmt In nil omce on or btlora talJ 1 tn Jay of November, ivoe E. W. UaMTIIIT, Regltlrr. IIMIIbK LANU, llt.1 JUNI: I. Ill I OR PUBLICATION. UnlteJ Slatet LanJ Olllce, I I La liranJe. Oiegon, Aug. to, luui.) Notice It hereby given that In compliance with the provltlom of Ihe act ot Congrett ol June , 1 HtB, .MlltUJ I An .I tnm llaA ..I. a. llmha. I.n.l. In .ha ttatet ol California. Oregon. NevaJa. anj Wathlng - ton Territory," at etlenJeJ to all Ihe Public LanJ ueuuv smith. w HENHY ORTMAN. ol Milwaukee, count)' ol Milwaukee, stale ot Wltcon-' tin, hat thlt Jay flleJ In thlt ofNce hit tworn tiate- ment No, 149, lor the purchate of Intt a, ft tot tec-' Hon No, 10, In townthlp No. 11 touth, range No. 40 EWM, anj will offer proof lo thow that the lanJ a...,iBn. la ... .ja.a.aM, ...v l.rf l, .. a... a... ...a.. ' WW,,I IB IIIVI. n.MB.'IV ,W, ,1 .,,,,. FT, ., r.,v,,v ,,,,, for agricultural purpotet, anj to ettabllth hit claim to talJ lanJ before Chat. II. Chance, U S commit-1 tloner at Sumpter, Oregon, on ThurtJay, the 1 ili Jay 1 of November, toot. I He name at wltnettet: Harvev K. Ilrown anj J, n. senynn, 01 raker iity, uregnn; 1 iovj nennit. 01 Sumpter. Oregon; John I'hllllpt, uf Milwaukee. Wit. Any anJ all pertont claiming aJvertely Ihe above JetcrlbeJ lanJt are rejuetteJ to tile their clalmt In Ihlt office on or before talJ 1 ih Jay ot November, tooe. t. w. IIAHUUIT, Kegltler. - riMBER LAND, ACT JUNK 1 IH7H. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION United Slatet LanJ Office, j .. La liranJe, Oregon, Aug. 16, iuue. I Nollcelt hereby given that In compliance with the provltiont ot the acl ol Congrett ol June 1, i8, entitled "An act lor the tale ol limber lanjt In the State! ot Calllomla. Oregon, NevaJa. anj With Ington Territory." at attended 10 all Ihe Public Land tUtet by acl of Augutl 4. itut. JOHN PHILLIPS, ot Milwaukee, county of Milwaukee, title ol Wltcon tin. has Ihlt day filed In ihlt office hit tworn title men! No. ittt, lor Ihe purchate ol lott 1 anJ 4 ol tecllon No. it and lot One (1) ol tecllon No. 11 Intownthlp No. 11 touth, range No. 40 EWM, and will offer proof 10 thnw thai the land toughl Ii more valuable tor In timber or ttone thin lor agrlcultaral purpotet, and to ettebllth hit claim lo tald land be fore Chat. H. Chance. U. S. commlttloner at Sump ter, Oregon, on ThurtJay. tht nth day ol Noveat- He naatet at wltnettet: E-nett F- Warner anJ Reyd Dennlt, ol Sumpter, Oregen: J. S. Kenyon and Harvey K. Brotn, of Baker City, Oregon. Any and all pertont claiming advertely the above Jetcrtbed landt are requeued 10 Alt their clalmt In rMaoMceonor before tald iph day nt November, too. B. W. HfTiaTT. Regltler. TO WrtOMIT MAVOONCbRN-TAKE NOTICE Notice It hereby given that David Ecclet, wlwee potiotkc oddtett It Baker Oiy, Oregon, hat autde applkaiiaa-10 talect under Acl ot Juaee, Stat, 6) the followlag JeKrlbeJ lanJ: Lot 1 ol Section 7 In Townthlp It South, Range n Eatl: SEV of NEV of Section n; SEY ol NIV ol "ectlon u In Townthlp to South, Range 6 hail; NW'f of SEV ot Section it: SWH ol NWjf ol Sec tion ti In Townthlp to South, Hung 17 Eatl, .til of Willamette MtrlJIan All pertont are herebv nollheJ thai within the next thirl)' Java from Jute hereof they are reu'rr J til file their protean or content agalntt the teleclktn on the KTounj mat me mm iraci or anv portion inereai i, more valuable lor mineral than for agricultural pur- i more valuable lor mlneiat than Inr agricultural pur- h,h(.Hf ,rro, tne Vpnti Su, UnJ ' Omce at I a (iranJe. Oregon. DateJ nn the eiounJ Ihu nth Jav of .lulv. lun,. I:. W. HAHTItliT, Hetltler. TIMUER UNO. ACT JllNfc i. lSt8.-NOTICE I OR I'lHILICATION. UnlleJ State Un,l Othce. ta (iranJe. Oregon. Julv at. luoa, I Notice l heieri clieti that In compll.mce with the proviion ol the act i i ! ,'W,,,'?" K'ffJj!.'V i tjntiornia, ureKim, p ol rongre in .nine I, IB7, en iale ol timber lanJ In Ihe ktatt . M.i,.l..nttU..liliii,,.in Ttf. 'i" r.i,Kui, .-v. MEI.VIN W. SADDICR, ul Det Mulnet. (ountv of I'olk. xtite of Inwa, hat lhl hleJ In Ihlt omce hit om ttalemenl No. Ilto. lor the purchase of Ihe e) eV, nw! tri, i net w, ol section No. at In limnthlp No. II Nouth, ranite No. it KWM. an J will otter pi mil tn how that I thelanj unuiihl l more valuable lor lit limber or 1 Hone than lor agricultural ptirpotr. anj to ettabllth hit claim In t..tlJ lanl before the Hegltler anj Re ceiver of this ottice. at'on, on Mnn Ja , the l"ili Jav ol November. ki, Me namea at wltnettet: lianclt (! Connelly, Thiimao I'weel. of The Pallet, Oieven: I'rank l- len, ol I a (iranJe, Oregon; V, R. MrjJ, of Sumpttr. Oreuon. Anv anj all pertuns (lalinlni; aJi ritety the above- l JetcrlbeJ lanJt are reiiiettr J to lile their clalmt In thlt oSicr on or before talJ loth Jai-nl Nov.. I. p. W. Uahtiiit, .MeRltter. ' 'riMIIKtt t N'h AIT IIINF l 1H7H i.aimi, ai i .n'r, ,i, nun. .NOTICK IOII I'CIII.IIMTION. UnlleJ Siatrt Un.l Oftice. I a I iranJe. Oreeon. Julv It. luut. I . Nnllce It hereby itlven that In en $&&'&VX!&- ol California, Oregon, NevaJa anj .rltiir;."atettenJeJloalllhel'iibll I m t aftf Atlrtllal a llf.a Nnllce It hereby itlven that In compliance with the jun i, iiti, en lanjt In the ttatet Wathlna ton Ter- ubllc LtnJ atatei bv act ot AURUtt 4, lavt. ' JOANNA 1 TRUE. ol Pullman, cuunlv of Whitman, tlaleol Wathlnnlun. hat Dili Jav MeJ In thlt ollur her nwoin ttatemtnl TIMUER LAND, ACT JUNE 1. iliL-NOTICh rvjit I'uiiLiuniiun. United Stalet LanJ Ollice. ' ( La (iranJe. Oregon, July tt ,uu. i Notice It hereby given that In compliance with the provltlom ol ihe act of Congrett uf June . iltl. I enlllleJ "An acl for Ihe tale ot Umber lanJtlnlht Stalet of California, Oregon, NevaJa, anj Wathlng- . ton Terrllory," at etlenJeJ to all Ihe I'uNIc UnJ Slalet by acl of Augutl 4. iSut, CHARLES O. MORRELL, ol Pullman, County ol Whitman, tl.ile uf Wathlngton. hat thlt Jay hleJ In Ihlt oftice hit twiun tatement , No. 1 hn, lor Ihe purchate ol Ihe ) te!.', tw 1-4 ae i-4, te 1-4 aw 1-4 of Sec. Nik it In Tp. No. itK.RNo. It IWM.anJ will offer prool to thow .that Ihe lanJ toughl It niOre valuable lor lit timber or ttone than lor agricultural purpotet, and in atte pntn nit. ciaiet 1 '" ' " S,"!;'"" Court at I " oftice at I'enJIe on. Oregon, on liLUy. the ntli u", " "",tm'- y- . , . ., , 1 He namet at wltnrtet! .lothiia At. I'almerton, ' Minnie SpaulJIng. AllreJ R. WlnJut. ol Pullman, Wath., anj J. WlnJut, ol Oillat, With, 1 Any anJ all pertont claiming aJveitely Mie above JetcrlbeJ Ian Jt ure reituettej In tile their clalmt In . Ihlt oftice on or before tulj lath Jar nf November, 1001. E. W. Iiakiieit, Regltler. NOTICE OF APPLICATIIN Fff. PATEMT. Mineral Application Nu. 147. Mineral Survey No. wb. UnlleJ Slalet UnJ Office. j U (iranJe. Oregon, Julv p-.lvue.i Notice It hereby glvm thai In pur t nance ol Hie UnlleJ Slalet Mlnlns Lawt. A. W. I.HI.whoteDott- oltice aJJrett It Sumpter, Baker niiiniy, Oregon. 1 t.a h.a.u .nl.llii.lluB l. a....... I... mm tj . ...... iml placer grnunJ emhraclnir Ihe "MeaJow" anj a por- linn ., llin -'Nil. Nin." rmmrw rtalnifc. hllil.lJ In nn- organlieJ mining Jltlrlct. Ilaker county, tlale of tiregon. aetciined at louowt. iown. MEADOW PLACER. Beginning at Cor. No. I, Uenlkal with !,' cor. lo Sec. to-it. T. g S, R. t E. W. M., thence toulh to 51 mln. wetl 660.7 ft. In Oir. No. r, thence north I le mln. wett 660,6 It. to Cor. No, 1; fence toulh Si ral, eatl 661.1 tl. lo Cor. No. 4; Ihrnce toulh I it mln. rati 51I.0 ft id'Cor No. I, the pi ne ol beginning. A PORTION Oh' NO NAME I'LACER: Beginning at Cor. no. I, whence Ihe H Cor, to Sec. to-it, T.uS.. R. itE., W. M. beart north to" mln. eatt 661..7 It., thence toulh hi ttuiln.wett66o.t ti. lo Cor. No. 4; thence noith o 4I mln. wetl tto.1 It. to Cor, No. t; thence toulh lo 44 mln. wetl 6t.o tt, to Cor No. 6; ihence noilho mln. wetl 654-6 It lo Cor. No. t: thence north to mln. eatl lt II. 10 uir. No. I; thence touth t wetl 644.1 II. to Cor, No. ; Ihence touth l eatl Ut.6 II. lo Cor, no. to; Ihence touth I la mln. fail (4W.6 II. lo Cor, No. I, ihe plan ot beginning, containing' i6dacrei, anj form ing a rn on of heSWM, Sf. f) in Townthlp 9 S., R.jt. cWM The kiiailont ol thete claim are recorJfJ In Ihe omce ol the Recorder ol Conveyance! ht Baker county, Oregon, oa toilowt. to-wl: "MeaJow" llace r o 1 page 64 Vol. O, the "No Name I'tecer ott page et Vol. ti. recorbt ol Placer Lotaliont. A4--Mninm cUlma are Suatpter J'lacer Mine, J. 0. Tnuar Co. Placer Mtae, Natchet Placer Mining Claim art uaknewn clalmasia. , Any and all persons claiming adverkely aay por tion ot MlJ stwet or surface ground are required file their adverse clalmt with in Regltler el Ike Unite J Stale. Usd Osue, al la (irande, Is Ihe lUtt I Oregon, during the titty doyt ceflaa.ty. peMlca lion hereol, or Ihey will be kerred by virtue al the provisions uf the suiuie E. W. IIamutt, KeglNUr. fA