r THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, September io, 1902 v ' The Sumpter Miner fUHLISHPII EVERT WEDNESDAY IV J. W. CONNELLA EnterM at Hi pnloffcc In Sutapter, Oregon, for WwimMkIim Ihrtufh rh malW at wcond clatt taatiar. UBkt:IPTKIH WATIif. On Year Sla Mnnitn .I.oo l.tll ALWAYS IN ADVANCE. No h'oki Iiiih Ih'cii heard from tin protent m-iit nut from eaHeru Oregon againM the creation of Hint fnreet re nerve, 'l'lii- 1 1 en I wiih evidently llxcil ttood himI plenty before it mux Miriinir on the puhlle. Tin linker City De mnt'rut ix the only paer or person in eastern Oregon that lun uttered it word in mip Kjrt if lln itipuntic. Jul), tin ttaiippiircut mini. Ani IIom I'lefident Itnnr-evelt ih ailvn eating a eoiiHtitiitioinil ainendineiit, at a cure for the dangeroiiH truM evil. That remedy in of the Mime elinriii'ter pre ricrlhcd by tlie doelorH of tin- repuhliriin party for the greatent -if nil eennomie evlln, u dearth of the ciri'iilating ined iiiin, mIicii they recommended an Inter national agreement to cccurc the tree coinage of nllver. One in JiihI uHlmprac- Ileal, liiiiHHllile ax the other and eiiial Jy iliNineere. Tiikiik Ix not a tuiuiugdihtrict mi the, glolx.' tiHlay in which there ix the iictiv-j ity now ixible 011 eery liiiuil in the gold lleldN of eaxleru Oregon. Illg ilealx) are coiiHiiinmiili'd dull), rieb xtrikex are reMirted from every direction, hiiudredx of tlioiiHaiidx of ilollnrx are being ex iM'iided in developing nroiuixiui- proitct- tlex, the outputx of the xcore of produc-1 ing miiien are inereaxiug every mouth and not a ripple of excitement ix occa nioued. Thlx ix the ipieerext mining dlatrict on earth, ax well ax the riehext. Tr.N IlinUfUlid toux of xleel billelxfrom Kuro have liccn recently delivered in Clileago, and xtructiiral iron mid xleel hM iilxo ligurel in itx iniMirtx. It ix claimed that pricex, Iiieludiug freight cluirgex and tariff duliex, are not higher than thNM of the domextie. article.! Among tlm eauxex of thix topxy-turvey reverxnl of tliingx, miyx Wextem Mining World, are the xhortage of coal Ml p ply, mi uunralleled crowding of home do muiidx, and the charge Ih made that the wteW truxt In making a tactical move to xhul out couiH'tition from iudeiendcnt coiicernx luauufacturiug xteel and iron, lie tint oauxox, however, what they may, the laol mm given xtandx for all it xigul ilea in the iron and xteel market, at leant for Hie lime being. AtitiKiMMi to the extlmate of tieorge K. Roberta, illrootor of the I lilted Mitten mint, then) wax a divreaxe of f.Ml,(HlOlu the gold prixluotiou of HUM, ax compart d with that of HUM, though ten of the' nineteen xtutex retried on xliowed an iucreiihe, California leading with an In-' creiiMt of JI,07fi,'.!tHl wuh followed by Ne vada with an luoroiiho of ftfl",000, South Dakota with an iucroahc of lltOl.WO, Iduh'i with an iucreaxe of 11-11,000 and Orcein with an iucrcnxo of I'.M.IIH. Alaxka'x pr.xluotion fell off l,,.,s:.,:um, and Colorado yielded lerx by tl.ia-.HOO than in WOO. The annual leport of the) uiiuinter of iniuex for Hritixh t oluiubia , give the production of gold in HHU ax tVUH,71KI, an Increaxe of f.'HNI.MW over thut of I'.Mkl. Thixlx the largext produc tion of gold .vet refolded for Hritlxh Columbia. In uuotlmr eoliiuiu of Tiik Minkii in' tiriuted mu uu'ount oftlie troubles vvliivh tlm lend iniurrri of the Coeur d'Alenm nn Imviim with tlm biuelter trui-t. They iru cuiiinletely at the mercy of that hiw erf u I eouihiimtion, that haw no mercy, tiu auMO of julivu or. ii)uity; that in dominated entirely by reed ; have aliut , down tliulr milieu ami are now eauetiH ing with each other on May) and means for Hcciirlnu; relief. While aympatliining with theno unfortiinnteH, gold minero of eimtern Oregon are forcibly reminded .of the fact that tliuy have ounce for ralf uongrntiilation. The market and price 1 for their product Ih Hxed by a Morld wide, hungry demand. No MHMil)lc, no eonceivnlile cotnbinatioii of legullxed plrnlcH, hiicIi an Ih the mueltur truxt, can either regulate price or dictate term of treatment, for outHide cnielterH never re fucc rich gold ore, and the owner of a j free milling proerty Ih the moxl hide- iN-niieiit man on earth. I here If in a ' Held n( lilliniili endeavor today no ill , duMry mi ulliirinu; with iiilviiiitup'i tir until minim:, anil no pold minim rcjrinti . ho enticing an in the Stimptf r diMrict. Timber and Homestead Filings, j Timber mid hoinctcad HlingH, ax well ax linal proofx, can lie inadu before Charlex II. Chance, I'nited Stittex com mixxioner, otliee in I'irxt Hank of Sump ter building, Siiinpler, tbtix xnving " pliciinlH expeiihe of a trip to l.a (iraude. Leave your meaxiire for n xuit of elothexat N '.'ill Mercantile company'. Only the licnt hranilri ol liipiorx and j eigarx at Duiiphy'x "The Club." Hext hrandx ol eigarx at llolTnian'x llakery. Mining deedx for xale at thix olliee. ...J. W. COWDEN... HAS A FINK LINK OF PHOTOGRAPHIC VIKWS OF ALL THE MINhS AND PROS PECTS IN THE SUMPTER G O L 1) FIELDS 322222352 . MINE VIEWS ONLY Addrexx .1. W. Cow den, Sumpter, Or. GOOD THINGS TO i AT E. P. Bergman & Compa'y GROCERS Mill Street, New Building. INCORPORATE UNDER ARIZONA uws. Mi p.-1 lilierul eorHiratiou Iuwh in the I'nited Stuli'N No francliiN' tux or .ex orhitunt feen. I'rivate inHirty uxumpt from till eorKirate ilelitn. Tar value of ntiK'k iiuide any amount. No limit on cap italialiou. Slock in uon-aHieiMihle for any urMe, NoamouiitofHtiH'krsiiired to Im MiloH'rilHtl. No tate eoutml. No Htate exumiiiation of bonkx. I.eiicluture can't reH'al your charter. Keej olHcw and do IhipIiichh anywhere. Wu attend to all hiuineKH, ay all fee and charxo you but -V).00 in any cam.'. Write for Itooklel of CorMiration Imvvh and .other information. Addnwa AJUZMIA GMPMUTMN GIUUITEII .. I PPtpWlj NtHAiVRM EAT SUMPTER LIGHT I? POWER COMPANY. A FULL LINE OF Electrical Supplies Wiring Neatly Done. The finest light plant in eastern Oregon j j j j SEYMOUR N. IELL, Gcn'l. Mr. C. F. RAHT Assayer and Metallurgist OPPOSITE POSTOFFICE SUMPTER, OREGON C A. a STARK. Attorney-at-Law Outer, cor. High Si. Sunpttr, Oregon K. K. IIOHSON. Civil and Mining EnRineer. V. S. Deputy Mlntral Surveyor lor Ortfon, En (Inter (or Ihi City ot Sunpttr. WrirrMR4 PatMt lirii. ! 9 rUtlai tat) 'Mtatlai. QHAS. H. CHANCE ATTORNEY AT LAW City atttratf U. I. Ctataittltmr Rooms 2 and ), First Rank of Sumpter rtuuaitiR, SUMPTER, OREGON L. T. RROCK, M. D., 9 Physician and SurReon. Sumpter, Oregon. SpeJ.il Attentluti (ilvcn to Surger nj lo Dl. fiiet ol Women. Other, Nelll Bleck: ReIJence, iiranlte Street near Mill. j DR. PEARCE A ANDERSON Physicians and Surgeons PHOPRirrous MJMfTrW OKSaRAl MOSI'ITAL SUMPTEH, OkKiON. , , utticK. main un. Telephone HOSPITAL Main . DIAL tlTAIt JE.L. MANNING, " City Recorder anj Notary Ihibllc. Collection i Abtract i Atent lor F) rlcUe F're EttlnguUher. SufliDtar . .-- - i Basche Hardware Co. . . Sumpter . . GENERAL DEALERS IN Shelf and Heavy Hardware Iron and Steel Pipe Mining and Mill Machinery Agents for "HERCULES" Powder Fuse and Caps C.C. Basche MANAGER E. A. CLEM & CO. MINKS - I'ltOSPKCTH - STOCKS Write ua lor Hit ot propertlei and lowevl narktt quoiatlonton alocktln producing mmei and oil welU. Eacellenl opportunity for profit In low priced llocki. 4K!Cham. of Coin. Voktland.Orkgon. First bank of sumpter Capital Stock 2o,ooo OFFICERS. J. H. RobMns Prttldtnt J. W. Scrlber Vlct-Prtal Jtnl R. H. Miller Cavhler DIRECTORS. J. W. Scrlber R. H. Miller Clark SnyJe J. H. Robblna TntnsactH a General Bunking and Exchange Btixiiics Tlit . . . SUMPTER MEAT MARKET $ AUSTIN MEAT CO. Props. Butcher and Packer Fresh and Cured Meats and Sausage of all Kinds SUMPTER, OREGON