Wednesday, September 10, 1902 yqi im , i " "v"- 1 1 THE SUMPTER MINER FRIDAY GOLD MINING COMPANY FRIDAY MINE IN OPERATION WE have kept our word and have unwatered and opened up the Friday Mine, and are now mining ore from the lower workings. New bodies of ore have been en countered and are now being de veloped; they will add materially to the ore reserves already exposed. We are almost ready to install our stamp mill, and as soon as this is done, you will be unable to get stock in the Friday Mine, for many times the present price. Be wise and do not wait until the price has gone beyond your reach; buy now and profit from the advance the STOCK is steadily making. The next number on the program is a DIVIDEND. FOR FURTHER PAR1ICULARS ADDRESS Neil . Sorensen & Co FINANCIAL AGENTS SUMPTER, . OREGON FRIDAY GOLD MINING CO. f. i ' 1 'V