-""'RWjJCI r THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, September to, 1902 GOLD FIELDS OF EASTERN OREGON Writer of Long; Experience Sizes Up the Situation. In tho Isst Inniiu of Mining, ptiblinliftl at HMikano, in printed nn interontltiK, well writton article on thu eastern Ore Kou gold fleltln, written by KhikIhI II. Kunip, who in still In tin; district, pre paring other articles for Mint erlodlciil. IIh iimkcM tin following getiernl com munis, us Introductory rumsrks: A newcomer to tho eastern Oregon gold Ileitis, hIio Iimh HjK.'iit many years in tint minx rnnipM of thu went, meets with peculiarities to which Iui Iiiih not lieen accustomed elsewhere. Thu IhcIc of enthusiasm, the uhsuncu of hoMpiUlity ho prodigal ninong tho mining fraternity, ami tunny other features, servo in a measure to imprest thn stranger with thu helivf that ierhuff eastern Oregon in not a mining country afUir all. lint, if tho lati arrival will only Ih patient anil adant himself us much aa possible to thu wayit of tint country, hia fouling of repulHlou will soon pawn away. It in, however, when he guta out among thu milieu and sixes up some of thn wonderful IssHes of ore exposed, that he fully realir.es that this is really ouu of tho great gold fields of thu world. It Is not dlllleult to satisfy nu experi enced (HirHon that there aru immense devils of thu longed for yellow metal here and, coiimi!iciitl.v, thu apparent in difference of tho old timer is overlooked. These facts aru mentioned in this ar ticle for the reason that thu writer has understood that many irsons have vis iUxl this rn-ct Ion and after remaining a few days, and not lining made aware of thu customs of (lie country couiared , with other mining localities, have gone away with a had finding against thu dis trict which nothing could eradicate. Another fact: Many come here like the writer, with mi real knowledge of thu vasluesH of thu country and thu dis tancu apart of many of thu famous pro ducers. The writer was of thu opinion that he could cover the country and writu up his notes in two weeks. After one week's hard trip and hut a fraction ol the min ing MMsdiililic weru sir.cd up, a calcula tion was made and It was found that it would reiilru at least seven or eight weeks continuous traveling to lusHH't what is in sight in a Nirtiou of Maker ami tiraut counties, which aru in what Is known as thu Sumpter district. When one co isiders that the placer mines lime liceii turning out millions of , dollais worth of duxt and nuggets for. forty years, and twenty stamp mills and numerous cyanide plants have been pro ducing gold bricks for u score or more of years, there i little wonder that the residents do not get excited when a new strike is made or enthuse oer a new comer if he wishes to invest a hundred , thousand or so in a budding Uiimimi, for himself or his backers To one w ho contemplates u trip of in sNHtiou to eastern Oregon, the writer would say, do not exin-ct to liud the spirit and enthusiasm you have met ,a railway to a (Hiiut as close to the Kagle with in other million localities, but if range as possible, and It Is believed that you ire looking for mines of merit and Alger will substribu liberally to the Iron mines that contain gold, have (mtieiuv, , Dyke Copier Mining commny, which is look around, and you will come in con- the title of the merger corporation con tact wiHi what )nii are seeking. , trolling old Interests of the Northwest As intimated alsive, the writer has not Copper company, thu Snake river mines covered all the country, and as the time and the Northwest railway, for going to press is short, he can only Nothing definite can be learned in this give a description of the few properties city as to the Immediate plans of the visited. i new company,, but the course as above Thn trip west from Sumpter to the I outlined ,ii accepted by the knowing towu of Alamo, through ttie Ibex, Orau-1 ones as the one that is to be pursued. Ho and J$nt t)4y milling districts is in- Herald. deed an Interesting one, not only to the exierlenced miner, but likewise to those who for the first time visit a mining camp. This district in its entirety Is well styled "The Eastern Oregon Gold Fields ;" fields of gold they mirely are, beginning immediately after leaving the town of Sumpter are vast acres of placer ground under extensive oeratlon; streams run heavy with the wash from tunny hydraulic placer works, while higher up on the mountains quart min ing is engaged in, and at interval ex tensive mills in operation lend their aid to the wealth of thu nation. ANOTHER IRON DYKE DEAL. Tn Million Dollar Company Organised to Work the Property. Charles M. Warner, of Krie, Pennsyl vania, lias transferred a 11-10 Interest in thu Shey, Schley, Shatter, Saniison, Copier Oinnt, Madiu mid Violet claims, I, line No. 1 and Mine No. I, and thu Iron Dyke tunnel site, all in ami about thu property of the Iron Dyku mine, to Charles M. Heed, also of Krie, the con sideration being 1I)4,I5'J.71. Deeds weru tiled this morning with County Recorder Hubert Henry of the transfer and with it will undoubtedly go to fill another chapter in the somewhat checkered history of the famous Iron Dyku inlne and Northwest railroad. Hoveral transfers of considerable niagnl ' tilde uffectlnu thu nronerU of Uith con cerus have been made of late and under current rumors have it that the deals being consummated mean much for thu future of Isith procrty ami road. With thu deed of the transfer of thu Warner Interests to Mr. Heed is another showing the relinquishment of title by Mr. Heed and several other stockholders to thu Iron Dyke Coper Mining com pany, of thu Iron Dyke, located three and a half miles north ot the mouth of IMuo creek and thu same distance south of Mallard's Ijindiugand a mile from the Suaku river, thu Sley, Schley, Shatter, known as thu Vaiighan group, the Samp son and Copper (iiant, Madie, Violet, I. line No. I and No. 2 and the Iron Dyke tunnel site, and the stock, right of way, all tools and proK.rtv belonging to the Northwest railroad. The consideration is given as $1,(100,000, this to hu in fully paid, nou-asscssahio stock ol thu cot isiratiou. It is learned that the Krie eople who purchased thu Iron Dyku proerty and the Northwest railroad last year at sher iff's sale have iucorHrated a ten million dollar company to handle it, and that sutllcient stock has already lieun sub scribed to carry out thu plans of the pro moters, which is to completu thu railway along thu Suaku river mid open up the Iron Dyke mine ou a huge scale, .ludg- ing from thu consideration mimed In the deed of transfer Med yesterday, from Heed to thu Iron Dyke company, thu control of the new cortorntiou will remain in thu hands of thu Krie syndi cate. This is crhaps one of the most iui Hirtatil moves made this year, as affect- lug the future of the mines of Snake river and the Panhandle. At. the Her ald has heretofore Hiutcd out, the Alger syndicate, which is negotiating for a purchase of the Soarles mines at Cornu copia, are interested In thu extension of J. G. Connell Hay, Oats, Steamed Barley, Bran. All Kinds of Feed and Poultry Supplies, Condition Powders for Horses and Cattle. Truck and Transfer. Granite St. J. G. CONNELL, Prop. ALL & . ' t EUREKA FEED AND s A h 7 W T. H. TAYLOR, PROP. Horses boarded by the dav or month. First class turn-outs and saddle horses. Our specialty is the quick and safe delivery of freight and passengers to any and all points. OFFICE OF THE CABLE COVE STAGE LINE DELM0NIG0 HOTEL RATES, $1.11 PER BAY AMI UP. Electric Lights and Phone. Hot and Cold Baths. M. SPENGLER, Proprietor Joshua Hendy Machine Works Nos. 38 to 44 Fremont Street SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA IMPACT WATtH WHEEL .WRITE FOR CATALOGUE AND PRICES COMMISSION CO. mkmUmmlM mmA MttaU lull U The Celebrated Cream of the West Flour. WELL DRESSED MEN In Sumpter and vicinity have their clothes made by FLYNN, the Tailor. Big Line of Fall Goods Just Received. CKNTKK STRUCT, NKAH fOSTOFFICK SUMPTER, OREGON. LIVERY COMPANY Suartz Mining and Milling olsting. Pumping and Saw Mill Machinery, Hy draulic Mining Machinery. Liiants, Water Gates and Hydraulic Rivlted Pipe. J Water Wheels and Water Motors, Engines. Boilers. Pumps and Machinery of every description. j Jt ji Prospecting Machinery.