The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, September 10, 1902, Page 14, Image 14

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-Wednesday September 10, 1902
1 Occasion of a Warm Discussion
I At International Mining
At tht! uiiuual HUHHiou of tin; Interna
tiiiiuil Mining eongrenn, held hint week
in llutte, tliu committee on renolntlonn
recommended on thu resolution Intro
dueed by S. L. Diguowity, of Utah, in
doming the Kearnn hill, providing for
the amendment of Hcutlon 'SM'l of tliu
revised HtatutcH to lo uwny with extra
lateral rlghlH thu imlri;iiiitiit of only
I he ilntl part of the hill providing for
tint aliolinhiiic'lil of extra lateral rightH
now In force.
Thu roiiiiiiitti'O nlno recommended that
tint Nei'ond part of the hill, providing
thai only onu claim ran hit located in u
llHtrict I iv a ninglo inilividiial, he not in
domed. DIni'iixkIoii waxed warm over tint Pig
nowity resolution iudorniug the Kearnn
hill. Diguowity linked that IiIh resolution
receive ininiedliite attention. A motion
followed to adjourn, which wiih hint. W.
II. Weed, of WiiNhiugton, moved thu
adoption of tint resolution, wliii;h wiih
nccnudcd anil carried. TIiEh canned much
excitemeiit, and .laiolw, jumping to IiIh
feet, loudly declared that hit uuilerHtood
that thu motion wan pimply to gut tint
matter beforu thu eongrenn for eoiiHiilurn
lion. Over a dor.en delcgaten went on tint
lliMir niuiultaucnunly during tliu dincun
hIoii. Tliu chair held that tint motion
wiih to get tliu hill before, thu Iioiihu.
Delegate Neill, of Utali, then moved u
recoiiHlderation of thu vote panning tliu
rcnolutinn, which wiih carried.
Delegate Martin, of South Dakota, ex
plained that thu idea of tint bill whh to
change the law of tint uhix no thnt it
liK'iitor would own tint Hiirfacu of thu
claim and all within tint end and Hide
linen extended vertically downward. Thu
hint part of thu hill, providing for a nlu-
.ght location in a district, had U'cn din-
Hit contendeil that thu nuhject of extra
lateral rlghtn had been dlncunncd for
' yearn, mid it had been fruitful of litiga
tion, lie had hcanl of expertn who had
Im'cii unable tndctermiuo thu true iihxuh
,of ledge. Thu present location area in
tXM by I AMI feet, and the proHnvd amend
ment provldeil for a location of 1500 by
1500 feet.
Mr. Neill, of Utah, naid that at pren
eut a locator, to have a valid claim,
uiiint have mineral in place. A nerlenof
claim would entirely cover the iiHx and
a tinoii trying to maku a location below,
in direction of thu depth, could nit mao
a valid location on the vein that aHxcd
hi thu original clatn. and in itn dip etc
tcrcd iMiicath the mirfacuof the nvcond
claim, for thi! rcanou that the mineral
could not Ih found in place, lie naid
that if thu Kearnn hill wan adopted
it would require marked changes in
the mining lawn I dative to location of
Delegate Joseph, of ('tali, wiih unal
terably opK)ne.l to the renolution. lie
naid it gave the pro."cclur 52,4 acres
and if it did not limit bin KisHiission ill it
miuingi-amp it would shut out n great deal
of proHKftinn. The evident purosc o(
the bill, he declared, wiih to throttle
proHHt'tiii and glvu everything to tliu
Mr. I Hallow I ty, the author of the ren
olution, tmid that hit could not sou where, j
thu proHMil law could injure the miner
or locator. They could take up 1500 1
feet Mpmre and locale an many clailnn a
they liked. Under the existing law, hei
naid, they could cscau thu work of thu;
following year ami afterward relocate In
another nuiuc, and nothing wan done to
the property. He said the abuKCR bene
flted the lawyers and not the miner.
The pren.:nt law originated with the
millionaire, and he referred to tlie
ownern of thu CouiHtock, who, he Hald,
located thu apexes and drove everyone
elnu out.
Thu congress finally rufuned tnemlorre
thu Kearnn bill.
Thu congress selected DcimIwimhI,
South Dakota, hh thu place for the next
annual meeting. J. II. Richards, of
Idaho, wiih elected prunident, against
Colonel John Temple ( J ray non, of Ore
gon. The liutte pnK'rn published an
excellent picture of Colonel dray Hon,
and nM)ke of him in terms of highest
The Making of Two Good Minn.
C. J. .lohnnon, terretiiry of the Hast
urn Oregon Mining & Milling company,
operating on the Climax mine, near
(iranite, ban received word that thu main
working tunnel hai. encountered rich
out when in over 2(M) feet. Akhii.vh made
in Spokane of thu ore nhow it to run
from fr! to t'HAO to thu ton. Thu main
working tunnel ban been run in on a
rronncut vein and ban Ih'cii in ore all thu
time, but thu find of tuch a rich Ixxly in
encouraging to the SjKikane ownern and
worK will bu rushed iih rapidly an oHsi
blu for thu main vein, which in ahead
about 450 feut. It is exacted that thu
tunnel will bit lliiinhed by thu llrnt of
next year, when thucompauy will iiiHtall
it big Htitiup mill to handle thu free mill
ing oru of thu mine. On thu Scaudla
Tunnel proerty, oMjrated by a Spokane
company, thu long tuiinul is now in 1700
feet, and in cxiected to reach thu II rot
vein in about thirty dayn. Thu tapping
of thin ledge will determine to a great
extent thu values of thu oru bodies at
depth. Thu deejient m Inu in the dintrlct
Ih thu North Pole, ut it depth of about
1200 feet. Thu Scandia Tunnel will bu
next, with a depth of over 1000 feet. All
of ton mines on Quebec hill are working.
SHikauu Chronicle.
Bftri Hmu Itock
PIwm 345
Wi niki i Spioiilty of Sippliis fir Miiwrs.
Niiizi's Cilibntid Guild Qm4s ami i
Fill Lin of fironriis
Stnwiirriis and Yigitiblis Fresh Eviry Diy.
American Brewing and Crystal Ice Co,
E. SIBER, General Manager.
Manufacturers of
First Class Draught and Bottled
Also Ice Made of
Distilled Water.
The most modern equipped plant in the state.
All orders promptly attended to.
Telephone, Main if. BAKER CITY, OREGON.
"Now b the Appointed Time."
Thu ). It. A N. Co. ban jtiHt innued a
haiidnomely llluntrated pamphlet en
titled, "Oregon, Washington mid Idaho
and their rcnourccn." People in thu cant
are anxloun for information about the !
Pacific north went. If you will give thu
(). It. V .V company agent at linker
City a lint of mimcH of eantern jieoplu,
who are likely to U lnterentel, thu
booklet will bu mailed free to such per-
hoiih. l ourn truly, a. i.. ring, i icnerai i
Passenger Agent.
Harrison, thu (iiaut I'owder nun
wantH every miner to maku IiIh otllce
headiuarterH when in Sumpler.
All thu latent noveltien in hatn hi
Neill Memiutile compiiuyV.
Quart and Placer Loca- -riii-
tions, Tunnel Claim and TrlE
Water Right Locations, C INDT-rc
Pnxif of Labor, Affidavit oUI H I tK
of Discovery Work M icp
Mining Deed, Option to I IIINLIx
Purchase, Quit Claim I
Deed, Lease, j jj j j
Friction Clutch
i i