Wednesday, September 10, 1902 THE SUMPTER MINER OFFICIAL RECORDS. 1 4(H) 1IKI KM) 1 .Vtt 'Hie following instruments were fllctl at the Raker county court house during the week ending Sept. II, 1002. RKAI. KSTATB TKANSKKRS. nKKOd. J uly 31,. Tom K Diiib et ill to F S Bailliu 320 ucrca in two It & 7 tp Hr38 '. moo Aug in. Fml K Mukiuuou & wf in Uco U iiupp 80 ncreH in nee 16 & 22 tp 8 r L"000 Sept 1, 'm, Kd Cu-lwr to.! It Nelll lot 1 blk H Similiter 3000 Apr It, '01, I'S A to Joel Smith 150 hitch ill w H tp 10 r IM Sept 4. Uune Murrull t wf to Jen nie IUIuk !,' hit in n V, loL8llk:t linker Citv Sept 8, Joel Smith to V J Mcueli (in et ill loll m-ri'x in mhi :t lit 10 r Ull . Sept 4, I) I. Kent to M S KenHolH 1 A2 blk HI 1'iieilie mill linker C Aiiu' I, A It Klmer .V: wf to Jim M hlmer X hitch in hiv Io tp II r4ll Aug 12, V I. Tmiey A wf to John lliininionil 'JSOncres in Mr L'S, :' &KMp7r:l Sept 8, A It W In f i iv, iidmr, to It J Mourn & wf V II Ciimpbfll v lute iuteruct in H'lOiu-reM in cir 8 & 17 tji 12 r 4'-' Sept 0, J N Mitchell iV; wf to John iiteruiun HKH) ueri'H in k-c 22, 215 & 27 tp Or 40 11700 .Mel) III, '00, Jos Palmer & wf to T II Murray lots HI & 20 Mock 4 Wilovnle May 12, Jo Palmer ut ul to Mnrv K Smith 240 acre in hoc III & 30 tp I) and Mr I tp 10 r :!0 ami m; lltit Kir 40 1000 Apr 8, h It (iaylord to (ieo S Peek two acres in nee 21 tp 8 r 40 Sent 8, John Waterman et al to Nellie Ketcliuni lots 17 & 18 hlk 12 Paul lie aiiu linker Cit v 00 MIXIXti MATTKUS. IIKCDS. Apr 2, CIiiih M Warner to C'has M Iteed Iron Dvke uroim of oiiartr. claims 101,152 .ug , Unas .M Heeil et al to Iron Dyke Copper Mining Co, same as iiIkivu and the Northwest II v lands 4,000,000 feni -i, Mimuei .iay in .1 .1 lion ueHsy hit in Dewey. Wnllnllii it l-oct liTNle i)t. elms 1125 OTIIKH INSTHUMKNT8. Agreement Aug II, (3 II ConiHtovk &MK Young to I K Rose bond on Jumbo group of tjiuirtx elms, four months 2000 Ineororation Sept 8, Montie Con (iold Mining Co by John Sch m itx, Isidor Fuclis & V I. Vinson, 1 taker City 1,000,000 MOKTfiAtSKH. Aug 30, Win Hart to K Wilkinson 1110 hitch in set: 21 tn 8 r 4(1 MI0 Aug SI, W D Xnsh toOitixeiisbnk 5300Hheep S00 Aug 28, CIiiih Haskell A wf to An gle McCord OH acres in nee 25 A 2(ttp8r !) 500 Sept 2, J R Nelll wf to J II ltol- Dlii lot 1 ink 3 Mimpter Judgment H W Sloan favor P Hnsche 241 Why Go But Over the nun-burned sage brush and alkali plains when you may just an well take a delightful, cool and comfortable ride through the heart of the Rocky mountains in view of the grandest seen ery on the American continent? This yon can do by traveling on the Rio Grande system, the far famed "Scenic Line of the World," the only transconti nental lino passing through Salt l-ako City, (ilcnwood Springs, tandvillc, Col orado Springs and Denver, en route to eastern imints. Three dully express trains make close connections with all trains east and west and afford a choice of Ave distinct routes of travel. The equipment of these trains is the best, in cluding free reclining chair cars, stand ard and tourist slcccr, a icrfcct dining ear service, and also ihtsouiiIIv conduct ed excursion enrs, ench in chnrgc of a coniH.'tciit guide, whose business is to look after the comfort of his guests. No more pleasant and iuexHnsive means of crossing the continent can be found than in iirovided by these excursions. For additional details address J. D. Maun Held, general agent Rio (Srande lines, No. 124 Third street. Portland. Ore. "Now is the Appointed Time." The (). R. A N. Co. has just issued a handsomely illustrated pamphlet en titled, "Oregon, Washington and Idaho and their resources." People in the east are anxious for information about the Pacilic northwest. If you will give the (. It. A N. company agent at linker City a list of names of eastern ieople, who are likely to. be interested, the IsNiklet will he mailed free to such er sons. Yours truly, A. L. Craig, (ieneral Passenger Agent. Hoffman's Itakery makes, a siecinlty of furnishing ice cream for parties. Prompt attention given nil orders. The celebrated Guild's "the lieer of good cheer" always on draught at Dun pliy's The Club. T. U. Harrison, agent for Giant tow der comimny. Shoes of all kinds at Neill Mercantile company's. Something to depend tiou (ilant imwdcr. Use Giant powder, fuse and capa. NOTICH FOR PUBLICATION. 1500 1000 Aug 27, (i'W McCoiiuell to Anna K Cranston 1800 stock lambs... Sept tl, K I, Moodv A wf to Robt Wilkinson lots 4 it 3 blk 22 Pa uitln mlii linker Cit v Oct 10. '01, Cynthia M Iliimui lid to James Price lots 12 it 13 blk 10 Pdeitic ndn linker C ... Sent II. Henrv (iosnev to II W (.nusing two mures 100 Sent I), Nellie Kctchum & lid to K Morteiisou lots 17 it 18 block 12 Pacific ndn linker City 100 .1X1 Derailment of the Interior, Jrcnn, apl. o. etller ha flleJ notice of hit Intention in mike find United Slle Un i Office. J l-a iiranJe. urcon. Sstoi. o. loot. 1 Notice It hereby given that ihr following named prool In support of hi claim, and that Mid proof will be made before Charlea II. Chance, U. S. Commit loner, at Sumpter. Oregon, on October if, loo, vie II. E. No. Io ui. JOSIiPII P. DIAS. of McEwen, Orrcon. for the Lott i and 4, hVhw),' Sec. 6, Tr. ii S, K 8 and tt! tv',( Sec. 11 Tp. 10 S. R it HWM. He namet the following witnesses In prove hit continuous residence upon and culllvallon of tald land, vli: Lulher French and Charles (lardner of McEwen. Oregon; V. R. Mead and Manuel R. f ion salves of Sumpter, Oregon. W. lUUTLITT, Register. is 1 150! MlSCKU.ANKOr. The New Olympia I Injunction Kd D Lol'luro vs Con liomiiixa (iold Mining Co to re strain delts interfering villi Richmond No I it No 2, Crown Point it Itamshoru quartz elms; dummies 4000 Attachment P liaschevs Knstern Gold Mining Co it W (' Kitto, gotnls 1138 Action V It Aldrin vh Geo Craw ford to enforce agreement lie tween )rties hereto regarding ale and working of Spring Gup group of i)tx elms Actiou Idaho Implement Co vh K N Middlebrook unit notes. , . . 180 Agreement Sept 8, Osborn A George to I. K Chandler leases 1245 sheen . . . . ' .'. Action A Koehler vh J no J Roth amt of not -. 170 a E, E. MAUSER. I'KOPijililoM Fine Old (1884) 'Her mitage Whiskey. FINEST BRANDS OH . 1 WINES, ALES and PORTERS OLYMPIA BEER bottle or draught FINE CIGARS Cestui STHtcT, Off. P. O. SUMPTER t ' , Golden Eagle Hotel MRS. J. SPARKS, PaoPNicTacas A FIRST CLALL, MODERN HOTEL Table supplied with the best the market affords. Sample rooms for Commercial men. Electric light and Telephone. : ::::::: RATES Si. 00 AND Si. 25 PER DAY Half block from depot. Sumpter, Oregon ''.i A. P. (JOSS, President GEO. H. TRACY, Cashier & Bank of Sumpter Triniioti i Ciniril inhlni IiiiIaiii Interest Allowed on Time Deposits Drills Jiawu un al pail! tf the auiIJ Spc'hl attention tc .oilecticns. Safety Deposit boxes for rent. SUMPTER, OREGON THE GEM SALOON A. J STINSON, Prop. (Successor to Snyde 8t Stlnson) Only the Best Brands of Liquors Served Over the Bar SUMPTER, - - - OREGON --.S OPERA HOUSE SALOON SUMPTER BEER ON DRAUGHT BILLIARD AND POOL TABLES Agents for Matting ly and Moore Whis key ao-year-ol J whiskey as good as Elixir of Life. All whiskies are out of bond and guaran teed the genuine ar tide. Popular re sort for Commer cial Travelers and Miners. SUMPTER, OREGON .J Books and Stationery I liuvu udilod to my Mock of CijjiirH anil Tolmivoux u Urgo niitnlier of Hular novelr), thu lumliiiir H!rixliciilHnnil h coniplutii lino of utiitioncry ....The Elite Cigar Store... L. HARRIS, PnoprtiCTon JE FRED.G. LAWSON mm Ui laayste gftjsj WHOLESALE AND WETAH. GROCER Wi nki i Spuiilty if Siipliis fir Minn. Niizi's 6iMratii CiNMi Bin's iri i Fill Un if BrtMrits ItrtWNrriis im Vigitulis Frith Every lay. MGlsa (A