iuBV&S&Z ssass&z 10 THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday September jo. 1902 VI y i'. TIMHKIt LAND, ACT -JUNK 3, 187H . , NOTICK FOR PUI1LICATIOX. ; United States IjiihI Olllce, ) , , I.11 (irande, Oregon, July 10, IW.W. ) Nhticc Ih hereby glcn t f lit t in compli ance with t'iu provisions i( tint net of C'ongrees of June !1, 1K7H, entitled "An 4:t for tin! Mile of timber lnmlr in the Mute of (,'iiliforiiin, Oiegon, Nevada mid WichiiiiMou Territory," as extended to all tin; Public Land States hv nit of August 4, It,!!:.', i SAMUKL SOUTIIWICK, of Cove, County of Union, Stntt) of Ore gon, lilt h this day tlleil in this olllce his sworn statement No. l'JI'i for the pur chase of the s w n w '4 , n w ' w Ki Heel Ion I 'J, mill s it ,' II e '.f, ll c ! e li NM'tion ii, township ii a, range :!h kw.m. .iackson v. iikninokh, of linker City, County of linker, Slate of Oregon, sworn statement Vo. 1 11 (t for the purchase of w 'J ho '4 , 11 elj s o Mini s w ! 11 e ', section II) towiediip II S, lungcUS, i:V.M. Airrnrit m. rawsox, of Nlhley, Union count v. State of I Ire gon, sworn statement No. IL'17 for the purchiipc of the 11 w ' 11 e ', e 11 e ( ee. 1 1, ami 11 w i 11 w '( See lit To II S, range 38 K V .M. MANS J. NKILSKN, of Xihley, I'liiou eoiiutv, State of (be gun, sworn statement No. I 'J IS for the purchase ot e ',, s e '4 !cc II ami w '4 s w I.' Sec III To 1 1 S. riuiiM:W K W M. I'llANCIS M. IIIA'IT of Nibley, Union county, Stnto of Ore gon, sworn statement No. I2III for the Miircliii'e of the ',. s u '4 Sec II noil 11 ).j 11 w i Sec 14 Tp 1 1 S, rnnucM K W .M. I'ltANKI.INS. IIIIAMU'KM. of l.n (irnmle, Oregon, sworn statement No. 1 2211 for the purchase of the w s e i, HI' -A W t! "4 fMT I I 1IIIU P ;4 r ii 1 1 ami s w ,'i s w Set! 12 Tp 1 1 S, range !W K W M. ItOIIKKTW. tlAltUKTT, of Aliccl, Union county, State of Oregon, sworn statement No. 1221 for the pur chase of the s 'tf n it '. and h ,'tf n w ( See III Tp 1 1 S, range 1(8 I'. W .M. UDIIKKTA. I.KATIIAM of Aliccl, Union comity, Stateof Orvxuii, sworn statement .No. r.'.'.', lor the pur chase of the u it i ii e '4 Sec l4'S li, s e 'I s See. It) ami w ' s w v II Tp II K, tiiugeiiH 1; w M. C.MII.V ItltA.MWKI.I, of l.a (irnnile, I'nion county, Slate of Oregon, sworn statement No. I22.'i for the taircliaso of the s e 1 1 s w U Set! 12. u e li 11 w '4 and 11 y, 11 e '4 Sec. CI Tp II ? range ;w : M., nil 111 tlie UIH trlct of lands subject to sale at l.n tiruiide, Oiegon, and they and each of tlieiu will offer prMif to rdiow that the lauds sought hy them is more valuable for its timlH'r or stone than for agricul tural purposes, ami to i'tahlish their claim to (lie land sought for by them Isifore the Register and Receiver of this olllce at m llramle, Oiegon, on Wednes day the lotlulayot OoIoIht, IIHI2. 'Vhey name as witnesses; Arthur .M. Kaw'sou. Minis J. Nielsen, Traui'ls M, lllult. ail of Niblev. Oregen: Robert A. 1.1'iitliam ami UoIktI W. tiarrelt, of Aliccl, Oiegon; Kmilv Itrauiwell ami Franklin S, llraiuwci), of m (iramle, Oiegon; Jackson W, llcuiugcr, of linker City, Oregon, ami Samuel Southwick, of t'oxe, tlregon. Auv and all iwrsoiis claliniuu adversely the alsive descriUil lautls are reiiiestel to Hie their claims lit this olllce on or More said Kith day of Octoltcr, 11X12. K. W. llHTi.KTr, Register. TIMIIKR I.ANII, ACT JUNK :if 1878. !' xoTicK nw I'l'iu.irxTiuv. 1 UnlUil SlattM Laud Olllce, ( , Iji Grande, Ore., July ill, 11)02. . i.Notlce Is hereby given that (11 compU tiiico with the provisions of the act of ininuressol.liine I. IN7N. elltltUMl "At mil for the sule of itmlrr lauds in thr ntlitcs of California, lrtigoii, Nevada an ivasiiiuuton territory, as extemieii 1 111 the I'utiM tViifal IKUS14, l8fUO. VMM Vl Cold !4tUi.-44te rushiAtrliWNlii till ily-'liTi'rr' W thii licit his sworn stii nt No. i:uti, Uii lo niireliUM ol Bli si nw 1 4, n'i s ill section Ao.'iw nr towiisiiiiio. 11a mngi-.No. a. kwm. ami wiuoiierjirisii USA 1 Mutt Ih "hnfir siii4flif s-nrfl Mor'ilk iiiAImt or rtone tJmn Tiyij r Liiltuml,uiiriNir4Mr.iuul Id, imtMhl si -- in,.'. ... -. -.- v . - -,- i fc JYl'.WVM.J.OVlNpUi,,,,, kal.1'MWIWIVI claim losnn laiiu iK'iorniiio,ciif JtoiitniMKiiK.'iU'Uiih otQM rUitViriVVurt of (WiWtlllfcf.rPwrtfiT. dv tt XnxVmih!,! November HKtt. lie names an witnesses: Alfred It. Wimlus, Joshua M. Palmertnii, Mrs. LlilleU. Piilnicrton, .Minnie Spuulding, all of I'ullinaii, Washington. Any anil all tersons claiming adverse- Iv the ahovu described lauds are rcuiiest- ed to (lie their claims in thin olllce on or, before Mild Hth diiv of November, 1IHK K. W. .Uaiiti.ktt, Register. TIMIIKIt LAND, ACT JUNK 3, 1878.. .NOTIt'K foil IM'III.ICATION. 1 foiled Slates bind Olllce. I I.11 liriiinlo. Ore., .lull- .'II. I'.HIL'. f Notice is herehv given tiint in comnli ancu with the provision of the uct ofj congress of June It, I818, entitled "An act fur the Mile of timber hinds in the elates of California, Oregon, Nevada and WiiHhliiuton Territory," as extended to all the Public l.uuif flute hv act of August 1, I8!i: MIXXIK SPAULDINO, of I'lilluiiin. county of W'liitlimn, stateof Washington, has this day Hied in this olllce her sworn statement Xo. 1318, for the purchase of tb" lots 1 1 1 sj uu 1-1 of hcction No. 'J In towiisliii No. 12 S.. ramie No. :(' i:vi. and will offer tirisif to show that the laud souuht is more vain- Any ami all imrsoiiH clniniinn adverse a'le for its timber or stone than for uu-1 ly the alsivuHleseribed lands are reiiK'st riciiltnnil purHises, and to establish her 'ed to Hie their claims in this olllce on or claim to Mild laud before the clerk of the before said 14th day of November, 1INI2. Suiireine Court of the state of Oreuon.at I'eudletou, Oregon, on Friday, tint 14th lay of NoveiuDcr, I1HI2. She names as witnesses: William J. Wimlus, or Colfax, Wash.; Alfred Win dus, JihIuui M. I'almerton, Mrs. I.illie C. I'almerton, all of Pullinnn, Wash. Any and all per-ons claiming adverse ly the alsive described hinds are rifUcst e'd to Hie their claims in tills olllce on or lsfore "iiid 14th diiv ol Xovemlicr, IINI2. K. W. mirri.r.TT, Registtir. TIMIIKR I.AX1), ACTJI'XKa, 1878. .MITII'K toil I'l'lll.lt'ATIO.V. United Stntes IjiikI Olllce, ) m tirandu, Ore., July .'II. 11)02. )" Notice In hereby given that in compli ance wit lit ho provisions of the uct of congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber hinds in the states of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," us extended to till the Public I .ami states by act of August I, 181)2, AI.IHKI) R. WINDI3S, of Pullman, county of Whitman, stateof Washington, lias this day Hied ill this olllce his sworn statement No. l.'lW, for the purchase of the ni sw 1-4, w M so 1-4 of section No. :io in township No. II S., range No. :t- kwm, ami will offer prtsif to show that the land sought is more valu able for its tlmlicr r stone than for ag ricultural purisiscs, and to establish bis claim to Mild land before the clerk of the Supreme Court of Oregon, at Pendleton, Oregon, on Fridav, the Hth day of Xo ember, UMtt. He names as witnesses: William J. Wimlus, of Colfax, Wash.; Joshua M. Paliuerton. MinnioSpaiildlng, l.illiiiPnl inerton, all of Pullman, Washington. Auv ami all iersouH claiming adverser ly thii alsive-descrllKil lauds are rt'iiitst- isl to Hie their claims in this olllceon or Ih'fore said Hth dav of Novtiinuer, 111)2. K. W. llAUTi.irrr, Register. TIMIIKR LAND, ACT JUNK It, 1878. NOTici: run rt'iu.icATios. United States Laud Olllce, La (iramle, Ore., July HI, IIMI2. , Notice is hereh" given that in compli ance with the provisions of the act of congress of June :t, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the state of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended to all the Public IjiikI states by act of August 4, 181)2, I.II.LIK ;: l'Al.MKRTON, of Pullman, county of Whitman, tato of Washington, lia1 thii i.Uy IlieilUr. tlit' illllce her sworn statement No. 1351, for the pitrrhitH of tin w 1-4 nt section No.1 J lu township ,o. vj ., ntugv .no.. ;w 4m, and will iiMi, iwiVtf to shoVthat Mie html Nmghilfliuor.vnjiwbletftirita titulwr or slope than for 'agricultural jurists,, and ti.rMalUUt litV?:Walr.Mto MA laud U'ftini.fJjtttJvfJfi Uie Stiprf im Court of 'the state' lif Orefeonl nt Tendle J... m-.. s- t l i... i.i. I ,-aJul u, regou, on rriimv, ion itin oay- i4 l ve ih lMt V V , i Minmu)iiN,ts .wjinesses: mi ma in .)., lindds. LfJl fa4!VjisTj, IIMM I'indfis. JimlinJMl IWi)rlnian Mlui ivaUMing, all -of Pullman, Washington. A nnflil1iTliNMIs"rti1iW,l.nl,HiV the alsivetleM-rus'sl iwin -m --.-.- .',.-. . .T , .. .1 ...I TIMI1KR LAND, ACT JUNK 3, 1878. NOTHT. KOK PTHI.ICATION. United States Ullll Ollil'P, ) l.n Orundo, Ore . July HI, 12. f Notice is hereby given that in compli- iince with tlio provisions of the act of congress of June It, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the 1 states of California, Oregon, Nevada and ' Washington Territory," as extended to all the Public Land states ny act of Auutist 4, lHill', JO.SUCA M. I'AI.MKKTON, of Pullman, county of Whitman, state of W'liwlihitftmi. liiiH iIiIm iluv HIimI in tbirt ! olllce Ills sworn statement No. i:i')2, for the iiurcluise of the sw 1-4 of section No. 1 in tnwnshiii No. 12 S., ranue No. .'15 kw'.m, and wilt ofler proof to show that the land souuht is more valuable for its ( timber or stone th in for aurieultural I purposes, and to establish his claim to said land U'fore the clerk of the Supreme murt 01 the state 01 tircuuu, at reiaiie ton, Oregon, on Friday, the 14th day of November, 1IKI2. He names as witnesses: William J. Wimlus, of Colfax, Wash; Alfred It. Wimlii", Minnie Spauldiuu, MllieC. Pnl- I merlon, all of I'ullmaii. Washington K. W. flAiiTLvrrr, Register. TIMIIKIt LAND, AtFr Jl.'XK :, 1878. .SOTIOK foil I'lUU.IfATIOX. UnlteJ States UnJ Oftice, j La GranJe, Oregon, July 7, 1001. Notice is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act of congress of June 1, 1878, en tllleJ "An act for the sale ot timber lands in the states of California, Oregon, NevaJa anJ Washington Ter ritory, as extenJeJ to all the Public LanJ states by act ot August 4, I8ja, FRANK PULLER, ol Baker City, county of Baker, state of Oregon, has this Jay filed in this otfice his sworn statement No. tig I for the purchase ol the ne l-a ne 1-4 section 14. ej? se 1-4, sw 1-4 se 14 of section No. 21 In township No. lo south, range No 8 EWH. anJ will offer proof to show that Ihe lanJ sought Is mora valuable lor lis timber or stone than lor agricultural purposes, anJ to establish his claim lo sail lanJ before the Register an J Receiver of this office, at La GranJe, Oregon, on Tuesday, the 7th Jay of October, ly. II names as witnesses: James W. EarJIey, DavlJ GeJJes, F. W. Shurlllfl. WlllarJ GeJJes, all ot Ba ker City, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming aJvcrselv the above described lanJs are requesleJ 10 file ihelr claims in this otfice on or before salj 7th Jay of October, loot. E. W. BARUITT, Register. TIMIIKR LAND, ACT Jl'XK 3, 1878. MITII'K rllll Cl'III.ICATIOX. UnlteJ Slates UnJ OMice, ( la GranJe, Oregon, July 7. 100a. ( Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with lh pros Islons of the acl ol congress of June 1, 1878, en titleJ "An act tor the sale ol timber lanJs In Ihe stales ICllf?nii 67egon "Nada and Washington Te" . .. ..i.n 1.1 infill,. I'nhii,- Ijind .i.i. h.. rltorv, as extended lo all Ihe Public UnJ slates by acl ot August 4, 1891, DAVID GLDDES. of Baker Cltv, C"unt"ot Uaker, slate nl Oregon, lias this dav hleJ In this otlice his sworn statement No. IIim, lor the purchase of Ihe nw 1-4 ne 1-4, n nw 1-4,, sw 1-4 nw 1-4 ol section No. 11 In township No. 10 south, range No. ,8 IWM, and will ofler proof 10 show thai the land sough! Is more valuable lor lis timber or stone than lor agricultural purposes, anJ to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this olhce at La Grande, Oregon, on Tuesday, Ihe 7th Jav of October, lgo. He names as witnesses' James W. EarJIey, F. W. Shurttllf, Frank Fuller. Wlllard GeJJes, alt ot Baker Cllv , Oregon. Anv and all persons claiming adversely the above descilbeJ lands, are requeue J In tile their; claims In' this otfice on or belore salj 7th Jay ol October Ivo. E. W. BAWlim. Register. TIMIIKIt LAXD, ACT JUNK 3, 1878. MiriCK llllt I'lUILH'ATIOX. UnlteJ States UnJ Olhce, j I a GranJe, Oregon, Julv 17, iw. t Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the prov islons of the acl of congress of June 1, I878, en titled "An act for the sale ot limber lanJs In the slates of California, Oregon, NevaJa an J Washington Ter rltorv ," as extenJeJ to all the Public UnJ slates by acl of August 4, I8u, HARRV Lv TRUE, of Pullman, counts' of Whitman, stale ol Washington, has this dav lileJIn this olhce his sworn statement no. trSi lor Use purchase ol Ihe w! se) section t n) ne''t section vo. 6 In township so II south, range Ms. n LWM.anJ will offer proof to show that the land sought ra more -valuable for lit Maber or stone than for agricultural purposes, anJ lo establish ill claim t Midland retort the Register aid Re ceiver of this office ar U Ural Je, Oregoo. on Tue (tav, the aril day ol Otiobtr. o.i k He names as witnesses: Joanna E. True, Howena Wlndiis;.iliitla. Wistmsflanr Wlllstii-D. Ar nol J, ot U GranJe, Ore; V. R. Mea J. ol Sumpftr, ' Anvan'jill persons claiming- adversely ihe above- Wribi4VTlrMstHlJ'i' '' ' ihli ulrice on of WtW sal J ns faytof October, loa. KV ,?lhf YfiWeilteypT. Keg.ster. ft'MBTjt:KnatUirsl, 1878.- jkMMjf, .wiii r ri'n nnwirtuw.ii ,m srfkftfMltttllrtf I ' 5th Iht !. e ttstWate TirmWMfmwv . M,Kml..-las M'ullnvan.co-untsolWhUmaflWoM1ttoM JiulJsiJahle in mis olhce her sworn L (irassAe. llressun. JUIVV17 M'l ollfllsftsv(JMn JkaClaKominaBC 'lnrdMlotU IhTayol jJailT of JuTl. i AAJWsWMeli 11 smMofenaflsW l4VHa4ll ol lecllnn No. 18 In ftmnihlp No. II oulh, ranire " IS EWM, anjHlllolTer proof lo how that the lanJ ought la more valuable for In limber or itonc than for agricultural purpose. anJ lo cslaMUh hrr-tfalm lo salj lanJ brfnrr the Reglsler anJ Rrcrlver ol' lhl olhce nl La (ir.inJi-, Oregon, on Tuesday, the atst Jav of Octoher, Iqoj. She name as witnesses: Joanna r..' True, Ham' H. True, if Pullman Washington; William I). ArnoU. of La GranJe, Ore.; V. H. MeaJ.Vil Sumpler, Ore. " Anv onJ all persons claiming adversely the aboe JescrlheJ lanJs are requesteJ to file their claims In Hits office on or before salj 1sl Jav of October, luoa. p. W. BAWUnT. Register. TIMBER UNI). ACT JUNE 1. i8j8-NOTICE TOR PUBLICATION. IfmleJ Slates LanJ Office, I La GranJe, Oregon, Jalv 7. 1009. 1 Nollce Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June ), 1878, en tllleJ "An act for ihe sale of limber lanJs In the slatet nl California, Oregon, NevaJa anJ Washing Ington Territory," as extenJeJ to all Ihe Public LanJ states by act of August 4, 1841. JAMES W. EARDLKY. of Baker Cltv. county of Halter, state of On gon, has this Jav hleJ In this office his snrn statement No. 1 iq tor the purchase of the rH of ne 1-4 anJ e of se 1-4 of section No. 15 In township No, 10 south, range No. 18 LWW, anJ will otfer proof to show that Ihe lanJ sought Is more valuable lor its Umber or ltone llian for agricultural purposes. anJ 10 establish his claim to salj lanJ belore Ihe Kegltter anJ Re ceiver of this office at La (iranje, Oregon, on Tues day, the 7II1 Jay of October, 1001. lie names as witnesses: frank Culler, DavlJ GeJJes, K W. ShurtllN, AlllarJ GeJJes, all ol Ba ker Cliy, lltegon. Anv anJ all persons claiming aJversely the above JescribeJ lands are requested to file their claims In (Ms office on or before salj 7th Jay ol October, tool. E. W, liAkUKTT, Register. TIMBER UNI), ACT JUNE t. lor Publication. 1878.-NOTICI: UnlteJ States LanJ Oftice, I La (iranje, Oregon, July ig, iuoj. i Notice Is hereby given thai In compliance with the provisions of the act of cnng.ess of June l I878, en tllleJ "An aci for the sale ol timber lands In Ihe stales nf California, Oregon, Nevada anJ Washington Ter ritory," JAMES W. CALL. of Sumpler, county of Baker, state of Oregon, has this Jay MeJ in this olhce his sworn statement No. 084 lor Ihe purchase of the h nw 1-4 anJ nw 1-4 su-1-4 of section t anJ ne 1-4 se I- of section No. 6 In township No. lo south, range No. i? LWU, anJ wilt oiler proof to show that Ihe lanJ sought Is more val uable for its timber or stone than for agricultural pur Bises anJ to establish his claim to salj lanJ before harles II. Chance, U. S. commissioner, al Sumpler. Oregon, on frlday, the 4th Jay of October, looi. He names as witnesses: Thomas Moore, Nicholas L Talllero, William A. Green anJ FreJ Tlelen, all of Sumpler, Oregon. Any anJ all persons claiming aJversely Ihe above JescribeJ lands are requested to tile lhlr claims In this oftice on or before salj 14th Jav of October luoi. E. W. Babtiett, Register. TIMBER UND, ACT JUNE 1, i878.-NOTicn role PUBLICATION. UnlteJ States LanJ ODice, I La Grande, Oregon, Julv 10, luoa.f Notice Is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions ol the act nt congress of June 1. 1878, en tllleJ "An act for the sale of timber lands In Ihe slates. of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter ritory," OLE T. STRANDNESS. r,'.SU,,,.rJf?nU,;r.0o,,"i:.i?Jrn," ST"-. ' this Jay hleJ In this olhce his sworn statement No, on, for the purchase of ttie s! se 1-4 of section l township ll south, range ib I vv.M, anJ lot 4 of section 18 anJ lot I of section No lain township No. II south, range No. 17 I WH. anJ will offer proof lo show thai the lanJ sought Is more valuable lor lit limber or Slnne than for agricultural purposes, anJ to establish his claim to satJ lanJ belore Cliailes H. Chance, U. S. commissioner, at Sumpler, Oregon, onWeJnesJay, the amd Jav of October, looe. He names as witnesses: I'reJ Mall, Mark C Car ver. lbett H. Witt anJ Wm. J. Robertson, all ol Sumpler, Oregon. Anv anJ all persons claiming aJveiselv Ihe above JescribeJ lanJs are requesteJ to hie their claims In this oftice on or belore salj nj Jay of Oct., Ion. IL W. BAHTim, Register. TIMBER UND. ACT JUNE 1, i878.-notic:i I'UntlOATIOM. I Ok UnlteJ States UnJ Oftice, J U GranJe, Oregon, Julv 16, iuu, Notice Is hereby given that in compliance with Ihe 1 pros Islons ol Ihe act of congress of June 1, I878, en I tllleJ "An acl lor Ihe sale ol limber lanJs In Ihe states. of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter ritory, MARK C GARVER, of Sumpler, couniv of Baker, slate of Oregon, has this Jay Med In this olhce his sworn statement No. Ii8, tor the purchase ol Ihe se 1-4 nw 1-4 and ne 1-4 sw 1-4 anJ lot 1 ol section 18 township II south, range IT EW w. an J ne 1-4 se 1-4 ot section No. 1 1 In township No. 11 south, range No. 16 lv,, anJ will offer proof to show thai Ihe Ian J sought Is more valuable for lis timber or stone than lor agricultural purposes, anJ to establish his claim In salj rand belore Charles H. Chance, U. S. commissioner, al Sumpler, Oregon, on Monday, the oth Jay ot October, lun. He names 41 witnesses: FreJ Molt. Albert H. Will, Ole StraJness anJ Frank Zerlant, all of Sumpler. Oregon. Any aJ all persons claiming aJversely the above described lands are requested to Me their claims in this office on or belore sal J torn Jay 6f October, o. ' K. W. Baruett, Register. mm IF FMftlTHK. I' . To WUtlatB p. Stssut:,) Vow arelwrtky nollhej thai I have expenJeJ One HunJreJ (109) Dollar lo labor' and kaafianimmt upon 'the EtsatMkstto claim, ta taox organttaJ mining Jlstrl.t, sjluatej on Sarjint creek., aJNjul oiar-haTf Mle tVwn.lti Mounuln Vtest iffMHi BUsl.u.prrW.alsylUjVsM hy ;tfljtv3at. SleJ Atlgusl si, ioe. In th otwt of th recorjer ol sat nmwii lnawltr tMJ aaU piltsisxn nt JTisttf provision art Mellon t Revised MJUUe of jtjus. United Suits, being lheXj!eJlrtfMoW41V. VliftyiTromeS? .' wMtsSati4aOTi afterlM mk 4 inbvtiHy sacn esxsxsxsiiufs ro-oanti. s-ovr miemriei'maia" der iillseclfon em. !" ' r ; - -"w- arr.l wM iimUaii'lILLi0tr ' r'"'"l,;'' - -. .;". ,. ' Slr?. w .jUBvAMi.ttyrUr-- I ,Liu).wll5.iroJTTx-Rtt ft ,o,iu. 101, It '- Tl"l IHTIW - r l s, , . " "'" r ' i I M ? -y 1 : t r Ait'." Vr J. cce' ji-S'SK IKOV- r v. f v r.oa3o .-i.ir.rje'Mii'i t V