K JZBllfctBBBMfcftMMK M BSSSSSSSgnWnnwnwnWjdnl jBJSSSSSSSSSSSSSiSSSSSSSSSSSpBBBSy B Es&ELh ESSvUSl psbbs$SsSsbpSB Vol iv. SUMPTER, OREGON, SEPTEMBER 10, 1902. NO. 1. BUILDING MILL ON ' Z. ZrRAaCER-OREGON Big Force of Men Now at '"Work there. . There nrt man than forty men now at work 011 the Cracker-Oregon group, in ilm Cracker Creek district, underground ami uhove, Twenty-the of these nrt' grading tlio tit for t (n mill. The contract for erect log the building mill installing the ma chinery lm been let to John Uildlow, n millman of long experience, who arrived hi Sumpter last spring and who Iium erected stamp mills, all over the world. For right yearn he wan with the Tread well company, In Alaska. Jorvis, Hilit ft Co., who own aMJrniill near Mc Kwen, are furnishing the 100,000 feet ot lumber required to build the mill, four carload of which have been delivered. It will be large enough to accommodate twenty stamps, and the engine mid boiler of Hiilllcieiit jiower to operate that number, though only ten will lie hit, tall ed at present. Thin machinery should have arrived here from Chicago now, and Id daily ex pected. Number 1 crosscut in now in twenty five feet lieyond the blind ledge cut two or three weeks since, where the fabu lously rich ore wax found, and Im thought to lie alxiiit seventy feet from the main M'in. No drift hai lieen run on the vein already out. Venterduy Kvurott llrown, the resident director, brought Into t4wn another one of those marvelously Huh pieces of riH-k. It weight alsitit tifly pounds, and in plastered over and er uirated with yellow gold. E. G. StcvccMoa Back From Butte K. !. Stewnson returned Monday from llutte, where he attended the meet iug of the International Miuingcongress. lie hays nothing of any itiisjrtauce wax accomplished, hut thinks that under the reorganization Home good will bu ac complbdied in future. Mr. Stevenson aayH he returns to eastern Oregon with more faith in it milieu than he ever had before. He wan privileged to examine carefully several of the big producer around Kutte, and found that they fol lowed little four to six-inch seauih of ore down three hundred feet, before largo ore bodieti wen encountered. Here the surface showings are all far better than thin, and he believe many great minea w ill In- developed. I omo Spokane people. He lived at the mine ami Hitperlntended the work last season. At. prer-eut lie N on the road I fora (taker City bout, and ban not yet learned of the Ktrike, unices he ban re ceived a telegram that has been follow I hi blm for two day. Fieo $2869 Rack to Cracker-Swank. I Word was received here Monday that on the previous afternoon u rich strike bad lieen made in the Cracker-Summit, a body of ore having been uncovered that assays -'000 in gold. The detail of thin llnd are not known here at thia f riting. Thin U the property. which, II. W..li-tuiiih owns, iii-.)irtiienihip with i Coal Near tb Friday Mint. Neil J. SoronHcn & Co. received a let tcr yesterday from Siicrintedcnt tlrlf lltli, ol the Friday mine, stating that lie had discovered indications of a good quality of coal under the lava capping in that vicinity. He will at once propect the ground with a drill, to ascertain the depth and extent of the dcosit. If coal in sntllcient quantities is found there, the Willow creek district will lie given, an Iiiitetuti that will tend it uhead of ull its neighbors, us the luck of fuel is the only drawback to the region. It will also materially increase Friday divi dends. Bat Bad 3 day Afternoon. There will be a base ball game here Sunday afternoon between the Elks of Baker City and Sumpter. An excursion train will be run out from linker and it in thought several hundred people will bv aboard. It will leave here on the re turn trip at seven o'clock in the evening. All of the local team has not yet been selected, but Walt Cronlu, who hits the matter In hand, says It la going to bu u winner. Hauswirth will be in the liox and Fontaine behind the bat, and Jhey constitute a good battery. Air Drill at Work oa Crowa Point. T. F. Baiboe, of the Crown Point mine, had some trouble in getting the air drills recently Installed them to work satisfactorily. He secured the ser vices of Tom Moen, one of the liest ma chinists in the west, and warned every body in the district to keep away while he was at work When Tom finished the machine was working to ierfectiou, and the drills are now boring into the mountain for the big ledge, which has been the objective Miint of throe years hard work. General Warrco Long for Eattc rn Oregon. It. 11. Kemp received a day or two since a letter from (Seneral Charles K. Warren, dated Han Francisco, Septem ber 5. The General saya Tonopah, Nu vadn, is a hot camp, and that in San Francisco every mail without money la looked upon an a hlgliwuymau. He ia organlxing a company in that city, but Bays it ia "an uphill pull with a cold col lar," and he hope to back in (tod's country again noon, which of course meana naatara Oregon. Aak Wettm Uoioa For a Win. J. G. Goee haa boon circulating a pe tition in town, nK-ueoting the Western Union Telegraph company to put hi a wire from Baker City to tfela place. The petition Iiaa boon largely signed. There' is no doubt it would be of treat benefit to Sumpter and a remunerative business, proposition for'the Western '.I' n ion com-j pony .--. - --.- . SALE OF SUMPTER ELECTRIC PLANT R. E. Strahorn Will Close the Deal Tomorrow. It. K. Strahorn, owner of the Sumptcr water works, is ex'iected to arrive in Sumpter tomorrow. He comes here at this time for the pursise of closing a deal for the pur chase of the electric Unlit plant, negotia tions for which have liceu x-nding for the past two or three weeks. The terms of the sale have practically been agreed upon, but just what they ure those interested refuse to divulge at this time. Seymour II. Hell, supssed to be one of the heaviest stockholders, says it is no sure thing that the sale will be made. He dearly loves to make a big deal, however, and it in not often that he turns down a bunch of money that will choke a cow ami Mr. Strahorn can produce it In i hut sire roll. No man who hits ever Invested money in this town or district has proven to ho a more valuablo friend than has Mr. Strahorn, and Tmr Minkk Iioms that he will secure the plant. And if he will now only take up this Townslto coin IMiiy's holdings, citizens of Sumpter will be coniNtrntively happy. Suit Agalmt Two Mloiog Con-panlci. Colonel John Temple tirayson has brought suit against the Haby .McKce and l-ast Clmiice Mining companies and Oscar Tow nsend, asking for an injunction against the removal of the general offices to Cincinnati, the apMiintmeiit of a re ceiver and the jMiymcnt to him of monies claimed to lie due. The complaint al leges .that the plaintiff owns slock in both comMinies; that Isith companies owe liim large sums of money for ser vices rendered; that Isith companies are Oregon corporations; that the Itahy McKce Consolidated Mines coinutiiy, a corporation of Arizona with otllce in Cincinnati, and the defendant Oscar Towusend, conspired together, relocated said mining claims ami deeded them to the new company last named and hao abandoned all interest In the old com panies in an effort to freeze out the plaintiff. Plaintiff prays for the u polntuient of a receiver, pending litiga tion ; for mone due for services amount ing to over 2000 ; for the setting aside of the relocations; for the annulment of the dead made by Townseud to the new company; for a ierpetual injunction; for the holding of .annual, meetings and the election of Ismrds of directors of the original companies, the majority of whom shall be residents of Oregon. iucorMirators. They, W. K. Lindsay, of New York, and .1. A .Mclaughlin, of Nebraska, are the directors; D. L. Kll len, president; II. I.. Stewart, vice pres ident; .1. A. Mclaughlin, secretary; W. K. Lindsay, treasurer; K. F. Warner, auditor. The company'ls capitallxud at nMMMM). The old tlrm hits deeded to the company all of Mis holdings in the several mining companies which it haa handled, development work on theso will Ihi pushed as rapidly as winh11Io, other iiroiM'rties will inj taken up, minea will Ik Isiught aid sold and a general mining business transacted.. This old lirm has doubtless brought as much money into eastern Oregon as any other one Inllueuce and the new company will operate on a still more extensive wale, and accomplish greater things for tho gold Holds of eastern Oregon. KtUao, Waracr it Stewart Iccorporaud. The linn of Killen, Warner & Stewart has lieen incorsratul under the name of the Killen, Warner A Stewart com pauy, the member of the tlrm being the Another Seattle Mkotog Man Here. Mr. Carter, of Seattle, arrived in Humpter Monday, and went nut to tho Cracker Creek district yesterday. Ho in there to examine the tSold King group, on the other side of the North I'ole ledge from the Cracker-Oregon group. II it suits him, he will take it up .end begin the work of dt.tolopu.cut atone.- -Mr. Carter has been ojieratiug in minea on the Sound for u half doxen years paei, and has established first class eeatern connections, that enables him towlm auy kind of a deal that looks good to him. His lsit here is the result of some missionary work done by Captain A. W. Anderson, of Seattle. Inatalllng Sinking Plant on ExccUor. Freil Lack, of llaker City, has lieen in Sumpter more or less for several weeks) mst. He is superintending the exten hive development work now in progress ut the Kxivlsinr, adjoining the Itcd Hoy on the north. Yesterday he awarded to K. Nordyke the contract for putting in place the gallows frume and erecting tho buildings for the sinking plant. A art of the machinery is already on tlm ground ; the remainder and the big tim bers will Ihi delhered at an early day. Contractor Nordyke will go to the mine and U'glu work next week. At Work on California Concentrator. Ten or a dozen miners at the Califor nia came in from that mine Monday to spend a few days in towu, while under ground work is teuiiorarily susmndcd. The boilers which furnish power for the air drills are Mug moved a hundred or ao yards to a siiut where the concen trating plant ia being erected, tin purpuMi being to hate all smer under one roof. Dr. Moulton left yesterday afternoon for Portland to attend to the shipment of the machinery' and to have some change made iu the engine pre-Ivou-ly ordered. For the finest cigars, Isith Key Woat ami domestic, the choicest confection, pocket knives, icecream, cider, tolaiccoo mid stationery, go to Slurglll's, on Mjll street, near (irnnite. . .:; , ',-' , ' '' No headaches from (J unit imdcr.'' ' '1 o ! I ' ,1 .T x IM M ft (.