f Wednesday, September ), 1902 THE SUMPTER MINER TIMBER UND. ACT JUNE j. i8.-noticeio " PUBLICATION. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE ?, 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. TIMER UH. MT Mi 3. M7I.-NTKE FN NIUCkTIN. TINICR UND. ACT JUKI 1. Illl-MTICI FOR UlllCaTIO". United States UnJ Oltice. U GranJe. Orernn. Julv 19. iuo. I Notice l herebv given that In compliance with the provisions ol the act of congress ot June i, 1878, en-' tilled "An act for the sale of Umber lands in the states of California, Oregon, NevaJa and Washington Ter ritory,.as extenJeJ to all the Public Und states by act ol August 4, t8o CHARLES A. CONRAD, of Spokane, county of Spokane, state of Washington, has this Jay hleJ In this ofnce Ills sworn statement No. it)i, for the purchase of the netf of section No. it In township No. ii south, range No is CWVi, anJ will olier proof to show that the lanj sought Is more valuable lor Its timber or stone than for agricultural Jiurposes, anj to establish his claim to salJ lanJ be ore the Register .inJ Receiver of this office at l.a GranJe, Oregon, on I'riJav, the nth Jav ol October, 19' He names as witnesses: EJson Ci. Marston. Lib He Marston, George E. Terry, Susannah D. Terr)', all of Spokane, Washington. Anv anj all persons claiming aJverselv the above describe J lands are requested to Me their claims In this ofhce on or belore salJ i?lh Jav ol October, iooj E. W. BsHUETT, Register. TIMBER UNI). ACT JUNE , i88.-NOTICli IOM I'UIIUCATION. United States Land Office, I . La Grande, Oregon, July u. igoi. Notice Is herebv given that In compliance with the provisions ol the act of congress of June ), 1878, en titled "An act lor the sile oftlmber lands In the states ol California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter ritory," as extended to all the I'ubllc Land states by act of August 4, 189a, LU1I1IE MARSTON, of Spokane, counlv of Spokane, stale of Washington, has this Jav fileJ In this ofhce her sworn statement K. tit. Irir thi mirfhase uf the vmM ol section No. 9 In township o. 11 souih, range No. is LWM. and will offer proof to show that the lanj sought Is more valuable for Its limber or stone than for agricultural purposes, anj to establish her claim to said land be fore the Register anj Receiver of this office at La GranJe, Oregon, on I rlJay, Hie 1 jlh Ja of Ociober, loos. , She names as witnesses: Charles H. ConraJ, Flora A. ConraJ, George E. Terry anJ Susannah l. Terry, all of Spokane, wash. Any anJ all persons claiming aJverselv the above describeJ lands are requsteJ to tile their claims In this office on or before ssiJ tth Jay ol October, ivoj. E. W. Hahtutt, Register. TIMBER LAND. ACT JUNE ). iSrS.-NOTICli ion PUI11ICATION. UniteJ States LanJ Office, La GranJe, Oregon, July it, 1901. 1 Notice Is herebv given that In compliance with the provisions ot the act of congress of June 1, 1878, en titled "An act for the sale of timber lanjs In the states of California, Oregon, NevaJa anJ Washington Ter ritory." as extenJeJ to all the Public Lanj states by act of August 4. 1891, GEORGE E. TERRY. of Spokane, countv of Spokane, state of Washington, nas wis day iiiea in wis uimr m , .i..... No. itu, for the purchase of the s!a swtf section S anjnhnwtf of section No.it In township No. 11 south, range No.' is BWM, anj will offer proof to show that the lanj sought Is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, anj to estab lish his claim to sal J lanj before the Register an J Receiver of Ihls office at La GranJe, Oregon, on Fri day, the nth Jay ol Ociober, 1001. He names as witnesses: LJson U. Marston, Lib ble Marston, Charles II. ConraJ, Tlora A. ConraJ, all ol Spokane, Wash. Anv anJ all persons claiming aJverselv the above describeJ lanjs are requesleJ to tilt their claims In Ihls office on or before said 17th dav of October, iv. E. W. UartUTT. Register. TIMBER UND, ACT JUNE i. i878-notiCk row PUHLIOATION, UniteJ Slates LanJ Office, I La GranJe. Oregon, July it. toot. Notice Is herebv given that In compliance with the provisions ol the act ol Congress of June 1. 1878, en tlileJ "An act for the sale of timber lanJs In the States of Calllornla, Oregon, NevaJa anJ Washing ton Territory," as extenJeJ to all the Public LanJ States by act of August 4, 189s, SUSANNAH D. TERRY, of Spokane, county of Spokane, Slate of Washing ton, has Ihls Jay tile J In Ihls office her sworn state ment no it 11, lor the purchase of the s ii n K rJ s Ji n w U. of section No. o In township No. S. rant No. it E w m; anJ will offer proof to show that the lanj sought Is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, anj to establish her claim to salJ lanj belore the Register anJ Re ceiver of this office at La GranJe, Oregon, on, Fri Jav. the 17th Jay of Ociober, 190a. She names as witnesses: EJson G. Marston, Charles H. ConraJ, Llbble Marston, Flora A. Con raJ, all ol Spokane, Washington. Any anJ all persons claiming aJverselv tht above describeJ lands are requested to tilt their claims in ihls office on or before salJ isth day of October, 190a. & W. BAHTtLTT, Register. TIMBER UND, ACT JUNE j. i78.-noticb ron PUBLICATION. UniteJ Slates LanJ Office, j La GranJe. Oregon, July it, iot. I Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with tht provisions ot the act of congress of June 1, 1878, en titled "An act tor the sale ot timber lan Js In At stale of California, Oregon, NevaJa anJ Washington Ter ritory," at extenJed to all the I'ubllc LanJ sUtes by act ot August a, t8o. EDSON a MARSTON, of Spokane, county of Spokane, stale of Washington, has nils day filed In this office his sworn statement No. it 18, for the purchase of tht s nwtf, nw 1-4 nw .... an.l na i-a sw i-a of section No. I In township No. 11 south, range No. 11 ewm, and wHI offtr proof 10 show thai int lanj tougni is more vaiuanie rar 11s timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, anj to establish hit claim to said land before tht Register and Receiver ol this office al La Grande, Oregon, on Friday, the iTth dav of October, 190a. tit names as witnesses: George E. Terry, Susan nah D. Terry. Charles A. Conrad, Flora A. Conrad, all of Spokane, Washington. Aav and all persons claiming adversely the above-, dttcrWit4 lands ae rtajotittdlo Ht their claims 'In t his office on or belor sal J 1 jth day of October, 100a E. W. BAkTieTT, Register. Unite J States I an J Office, j La GranJe, Oregon, Julv i too, t Notice Is hereby given thai In compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 1. 1878, en titled "An act for the sale of timber lanjs In the states ol California, Oregon, NevaJa and Washington ter ritory," as extenJeJ to all I'ubllc LanJ states by act of Augusta. 189s. HEBER C BALLANTYNE. of Baker Cltv, county of Baker, state ol Oregon, has this Jav filed In this office his sworn statement No it4o, for the purchase of the s i n e !. n ' e 11J section No 18 In township No 10 S. range No it t W M, anJ will offer proof to show that the lanj sought Is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for ag ricultural purposes. anJ to establish his claim to alj lanj before the Register and Re.'elver of this office at La I iranJe, Oregon, on Thursday, the 16th Jay ol Ociober, 100a. , ... ,. He names as w'tnesse: I. M. Shurtllfl, W. C. GeJJes, Nels Morn, I). W. Balrd, all ol H.ker Cltv. Oregon Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to hie their claims In this office on or belore said 16th dav ul Oct., tooe. E. W. BAKU BT1, Register. UMBER UND, ACT JUNE ,. i8t8.-NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Lanj Office, ( La (irande, Oregon, July it, iuu. I Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act ol Congress of June 1. 1878, entitled "An act tor the sale of tlmbet lands In the states of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing Ion Territory," as extenJeJ to all the public lanj states by act uf August 4, 189s, WILLIAM C GEDDES, of BakerCltv. county ol Baker, Slate of Oregon, has this day fileJ In this office his swoin statement No. tig, for the purchase ol the )i!li Lots 1 and a of section No . In township No 10 south, range wo. n; t w fn, ana win oner rrooi 10 souw 1,1.1, the land sought Is more valuable lor Us timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, anj to estab lish his claim to salJ lanj before the Register anj Receiver of this office at La GranJe, Oregon, on Thursday, the itth Jav ol October, iooj. He names as witnesses' Nettle Thompson, Nels Moen, Cleora Moen anj Heber C. Ilallantne, all of Baker City, Oregon. . , Anv and all persons claiming aJverselv the above describeJ lands are requested to tile their claims In this office on or belore salJ 16th Jay of Oct., iooj, E. W. Hartibtt, Register. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 1, i87B.-sotu:b ron I'UHUOATION. United States LanJ Office. La GranJe. Oregon n, 190a. I Julv to, 190a, Notice Is herebv given thai In compliance with the provisions of the act ol congress ot June 1, 1878. en titled "An act for the sale ol timber lanjs In the states of California. Oregon, NevaJa anJ Washington Ter ritory," IIARLEY CRAWFORD, of Whitney, county ot Baker, state of Oregon, has Ihls Jay HleJ in mis omca nis sworn svaienjeni j-u. ma tor Ihe purchase of the sit M "'- "K ! of section lownshlpio south, range 14 LWM anJ lots 1 an J t ol section No. t In township No. 11 south, range No. 14 ewm, anj will otfer proof to show thai the lanj sought Is more valuable lor Its timber or stone than tor agricultural purposes, an J to establish his claim to saliland before Charles H. Chance, U. S. commissioner, at Sumpler, Oregon, on Tuesday, the tails Jav ol October, toot. ... He names as witnesses: James Schutli, ilerl Brownlee. of Whitney, Oregon; John McDowell, ol Ml. Vernon. Oregon, anj lialley Smith, ot Lawton, Oregon. Any anj an persons claiming aarrisnv ,,.r ..,... r JescribeJ lands are reguested to tile their claims In this office on or before said 14th Jav ol Ociober, loot. E. W. Bamti gtt, Register. TIMBER UND, ACT JUNE 1, i878.-NOfli:u lOk PUBLICATION. UnlleJ States UnJ Office, La GranJe, Oregon, July 11, ivu. t Noilce Is hereby given that In compliance whh the provisions of the act of congress ot June 1, 1B78, en iti.4 An m?t far iha aala nt ilmhar lands In the states of Calllornla. Oregon, NevaJa anJ Washington Ter ritory, at txtenjej loan me runic tana mm ? act of August 4, 1B9'. NELS MOEN, of Baker Clly. counlv of Baker, stale of Oregon, has this Jay filed In this office his sworn statement No. ittT. lor ihe purchase of the t!i ne'i section 11 anJ w)i nwX of section No. 14 In township No. 10 south, range No. jt EWM, anj will offer proof to show thai IhelanJ sought Is more valuable lor Its limber or slone than for agricultural purposes, anj to establish his claim to salJ lanJ before Ihe Reglsler anJ Re ceiver ol this office at La GranJe, Oregon, on Thurs day, Ihe 16U1 day ot Ociober. I9pt. He names as witnesses: Nettle Thompson. Cleora Moen, F. M. Shurlllff anJ William GeJJes. all ol Ba ker Clly. Oregon Any and all rersont claiming adversely the above described lanJs are requesteJ to hie their claims In this office on or belore salJ i6lh day ol October, 1901. E. W. Hahtiutt, Reglsler. TIMBER UND, ACT JUNE 1. i878.-notk:b low PUBLICATION. United Suits UnJ Ofhce. ( La GranJe, Oregon, July 11, 1901. i Notlct It hereby glvtn that In compliance with Ihe provlsloas of tht act ol Congrats nt June 1, 1878. tn rJtltJ " An act foe the sale ofthriber lands In tht stales of CalHaraU. Oregon. Nevada and Washington Ter ritory." at Mien Jad to all the Public Land Stales by act ot August a, iH. FLORA A. CONRAD, of Spokane, county of Spokane, state o Washington, hat this day hied In this office her sworn- statement No. i6. for the purchase of the t)i swK. nef and n w K K ol section No. it In township no. 11 south, range No. if IWM, and will offer proof to show that tht land sought It more valuable lor lit timber or stone than lor agricultural purposes, and to establish her claim to sal J UnJ before tht Reg ister and Receiver of this office at La GranJe, Ore gon, oa Friday, tht it day ot October, ioe. She names as witnesses: EJson (1. Marston, Lib bit Marston. George E. Terr)', Susannah D. Terry, all of Spokane, Washington. . Any and all persoos dalolng adversely tht above Jescrlbed lands art requested to file their claims In Ihls oltice on of belore salJ 17th dav ol October, 100a. b, W. Hauustt, Reglsler. iale Lanj Olhce, La Grin Je, Oregon, Julv 10, igoi. Notice Is hereby given lh.it In comrllance with the prov islons of the act of congress ol June t, 1878, en titled "An act lor the sale ol timber lands In the states of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter ritory," as extended to all the Public Land stales by act of August 4l8q, JOHN W. HYDE, of Baker Clly, county ol Biker, slate ol Oregon, has llils Jav hleJ In this ullice his sworn slateine"! No. nit for the purchase of the n'j se 1-4, sw 1-4 e 1-4 section 6anJ nw 1-4 1-4 nlseitlmivo.avlntvwn ship No. in viuih, range No. n' EWM anj will oiler pinof to show that the lanj sought is n ore valuable tor lis limber or sione than lor nerlcutlui.il purposes, anj to establish his claim to salJ land before the Reg ister and Receiver of this olhce at La Grande, Ore gon, on Tuesday, the 14II1 Jav ol Ociober, it a. He names as witnesses: Arm G. Atkinson, llnr ence HvJe. J. W. EarJIev. David Geddes.all of Hi ker Cilv . Oregon. Anv an I nil persons claiming adversely the above Jescrlbed lands ars requested to tile their claims in this oltice on or hetoie said 14th dav ol October, io. C W. HvwillTT. Register. TINIER LAKD. ACT JIIE 3, 1878 MOTICE FOR , NIUCATIN. I UniteJ States I anj Oltice. La GranJe. Oregon, July u.tiu. I Notice Is hereby given hal In compliance with the provisions ol the act lit Congress of June I, I878, en titled "An act for the sale ol timber lands In the Stales ot Calllmnla, Oregon. Neav'Ja anj Washing ton Tertllorv," as exirnJrl ! all the Public IjinJ Stales bv act ot August 4 I8g, WILLIAM E. SPROUT ol Starbuck, county of Ciiluinbli, Stale ol washing ton, has this Jiv hleJ In this olhce his swum state ment No. II78. lor Ihe purchase of the se 1 .4 of sec tion No. U, In township no. II S, range No. I! anj will otter prool to show that the lanj sought Is mote valuable for lis timber or lon- than for agtl culiur.il purposes, anJ toestvblWi his claim to -.si J land befnrd the Register an J Receiver of this olhce at Li Grande, Oiegon, on Wednesday the 81I1 Jay ot October, lo. He names as witnesses: SlanforJ 1 1. Mouter, William Peterson, Trank I'. I'enJer nil ot Waltsbi re, Washington, anJ John II. RoJdy, of Siatbuck, Washington. Anv anj all persons claiming aJverselv the above Jescrlbed lanjs ate re (iiesteJ to file their claims In this oltice on or wore xau am jav 111 v.iciorer. wu. E. W. BAMTUrfT, Register. TWER UH, ACT ME 3. U7I.-R0TKE FOR PIILICATIN. UniteJ States I anj Office, La GtanJe, orego I Office, e, Oregon, July lo li. Julv lo luo, Nnili-i. Is hxrehv Riven thai In compliance with Ihe 1 provisions of the act ol congnssof June , I818, en ' HtleJ "An act lor Ihe sale of timber lands In the states ol Calllornla. Oregon, Nevaja and vvasiiinginn ler- tllory. as extenJeJ lo all me runic Lanj states py ad 01 AUgUSI 4,IB9 AMY G. ATKINSON, of Baker City, county of Baker, stale of Oregon, hat this Jay fileJ In this office her sworn statement No. itu for the purchase of Hit se 1-4 ne 1-4. eli se 1-4 section t township io souih, range u' anJ Inl t section 10 In township to range lAIWM.anJ will oi ler proof to show that Ihe lanj sought Is more valu able for lis timber or stone than for agricultural pur poses, and 10 establish her claim lo salJ lanj .helore Hit Register an J Receiver of ihls olhce al I a GranJe, Oregon, on TuesJav, the lath Jav of Ociober, lost. She names as witnesses: I iorence llvde, J. W. HyJe.J. W. LarJIey, David UeJJes, all of llakrr Citv, Oregon. Am an.i all nrfcn italinlnir aJverselv lie above- JesctlbeJ lands ate requesteJ 10 tile their claims In this ollict on or retote saia 14m nay m ucrioer, it. Ii. W. IIAMUHIT. Ncgster. TIMIM uno, ACT JUNE , II7I.-N0TICI fOR PUIllCaTION. UniteJ States LanJ Olhce, 1 U GranJe, 0 egon, July lo, liari. ) Notice Is herebv- given Ihal In compliance with Ihe provisions ot the acl of congress ot Jrne 1. 1818, en iiiu.i "An ar 1 inr itie sale of timber lanjs in Ihe s'ales of Calllornla, Oregon. Nevada anj Washlng.nn Ter- tllotv, s extenJed lo all ine I'unuc i-anj suits ry act ot August 4, l8o. FLORENCE HYDE, ol Baker Clly. county ol Baker, stale of Oregon, has Ihls dy hleJ In this olhce her swotn sialrmenl No. lal 1 for Ihe purchase of Ihe w1 , se I-4, ne 1-4 sw 14. se 1-4 nw 14 ol section No. 11 in township No In south, range No. uSs liWM, and will oiler proo to show that Ihe lanJ sought Is more valuable lor lis limb, rot stone than for agricultural puiposrs, and lo establish her claim lo said land belore the Rrglster and Receiver of this olhce al U GranJe, Oregon, on TuesJay.theUth Jay ol October laj. She names as witnesses: J. W HyJe, Amy G. At kinson. J. W. CarJIey; DavlJ GeJJes. all ol Baker City, Oregon. Anv anJ all persons claiming aJversely tht above JescrlbeJ lanjs are re luesleJ to tile thrlr claims In Ihls office on or before salJ I4II1 Jav ol ociober, lo a. I:, ". HAWTim, Register, Timi" UNO, ACT JUNI 1, lilt UIUCATION. -NOTICI FOR UniteJ Stale UnJ office, t 1 GranJe. Oregon. Julv T. iuut 1. 1 Notice Is hereby given that In compliant t with the provisions of tht act ol Congress ol Junt , tgrl. en dileJ "An act for tht salt ol limber lanjs In ihe tlalet ol Calllornla, orecon, NevaJa. and watlilng ton Territory" aa ixlenjed 10 all the Public Und Stales by acl of August 4. . ARCHIBALD S, GEDDES, of I a Grande, county of Union, State of Oregon, lies Ihls day tiled In Ihls ollict lilt sworn statement u. loo for the purchase of the Lots I. a and 1, e 1-4 nr 1-4 and Jise 1-4 01 secilon So. Mn township No. II S, range No. 18 1! W M; and will offer prool to show that Iht Un J sought Is more valuable for Itt tlmbet or stone than lor agrlculiur.l purposes, and to es tablish his cUlm to said lan J belore Ihe Reglsler and Receiver of this oltice al U (iranJe, Oregon, on Tuesday Ihe 7II1 day ot October, k, . .. . . He names as wlinetset: I rank J. Urainwell ol U GranJe. Oregon; Frank Burl ol Baker Clly, Oregen: JllllamJ. Rawton ul Nlblry, Oregen: N. J. Uirl tenson of U GranJe, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the stove Jescrlbed lands art requested to file their claims In this olhce on or belore salJ ith Jay of ociober, iv'J. t.W. Baku UT, Reglsler. Unite' S'ales Lanj Olhce, United States I anj Olhce, I La GranJe, Oregon, Julv 7, looa. I Notice Is herebv given that In compliance with the proiis'ons ot the act of Crrigress o' June 1, I878. tn tlileJ "An act lor the sale ot timber lands In the slates of California, Oregon, NevaJa anJ Washing ton Tertltorv ." as extenJeJ to all the Public Lan J States bvaclol August 4,l8jt, HELEN M. GEDDES, of I a (Iran Je. countv ot Union, Slate of Oregon, has Ihls Jav tiled In this olhce her sworn statement No Hal. lor the purchase ot the I ots I, t, anj 4. s e l-a s 1-4. ol section No. 7 In township No. II S, range No ul VV It: anJ will nllrr prim' to show that liie 1 lanj sought Is more valuable lor Its limber or stone than lur agricultural purposes, anj to establish her claim to said ian.1 fe-ore 'lie Ketister and Kecelver ul this otfi'e at la Grande, Oregon, on Tuesday the 7th dav of o tobrr, la a. She names aswltnrsses' I lank J, llramwell of I a Grande, Oiegen: I rank Burt of Paker Clly, Ore gon; William J. Rawson ot Mbley, Oiegon; N, J, Uitlvtensonnf la Grande, oiegon' Anv and all peisons claiming aJvetselv the above described lands ate requested to tile llirir claims In this olhce on or before salJ 7th Jav ot October, loot, L, W llAkltl'TT. Register. " "". "J" ' "0TI" " pu,ll"TI0N UniteJ Stales LanJ olhce. La (iranJe Oregon, Julv u. itme. NotUe Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions ot the act ol Congtrss ol June 1, 1878, en tilled "An act lor the sale ot Umbel lands In the states ol Calllornla, Oregon, NevaJa anj Washington Ter tllotv , ' us i-Mrndi d to all the Public I and Males by ail ol August 4, tFo, WILLIAM PLTEHSON, ol Waltsbiitg, counts- ol Walla Walla, slate ol Wash ington, has this d.iv tiled In Mils olhce his swotn statement No. 1180 lor Hie putchase ol Ihe s w 1-4 s e i4, s e t-4 s w 1 4, u !s s w 1-4 of section No. to In township No. 11 south, range No. u I WW, anj will oiler prool to show that the lanj sought Is more val uable tot Its limber or stone than lor agiicollural pur poses, anj to establish disclaim to saiJ lanj before the Reglsler anj Recdver ol this olhce at I a GranJe, Oregon, on Wednesl.iv, the 8th dav ot Oregon, 1901, He names as witnesses: Stanford I). Stouter, I tank E. I enJer, ot Wallsburg, Washingten: John II, RnJJy anj William I.. Sprout, ol Slaibuck, Wash. Anv an J all persons claiming advetseiy Ihe above described lands are requested to hie their claims In this olhce on or belore said 8th Jav of October, iot L. W, llAUlim, Register. timim uno, act juhi s. n?i.- nonet rott ruiticMio". UnlleJ States UnJ olhce. re. La GranJe, Oregon, Julv U. 9. I9"t. Notice Is heiebv nlven that In cnmnllance with the provisions of Ihe acl ol congiess of June 1, I878, en title J "An acl tor the sale ot Umber lan Js in Ihe stalea ol CaMlornla, Oiegon, NevaJa anj Washington Ter ritory," as extenJeJ to all the Public UnJ Slates by by act ol Aui ust 4, I89S, STANFORD D STOUI ER, !nf wallsburg, countv of walla walla, stale of wash- 1 I--.-.- a... ,1.1. .... .,u. ,.- ......... Kl. .U...M (ikiui,, iim i,ii uaj itiru iois ,i)iie ,,, rwhiii statement No. II79 lor Ihe pruchase of the w)s swl-4, n e 1-4 1 w 1-4, section ti, and s e l-a s e I -4 of sec lion No. 8 In township No. Hsoutn,rangeNo. ivtWM, and will offer prtxil lo show that the land sought Is more valuable lor lis llmier or stone than for agri cultural purposes, anJ to establish his claim lo tali lanJ hrfore Ihe Register and Receiver ol this office al U GranJe, Oregon, on WeJnesJay, the 8th Jay ot October, loa. He names as witnesses: William Peleison. Frank K. iVnJer, ol Waitsbuig, Washington; William E. Sprout and John II, Roddy, ot Slatbuck, Wash. Anv and all ptisnns claiming aJverselv the above JesctlbeJ lanJs are teqursieJ 10 file their claims In this olllce on or before salJ 8th Jav ol October, 190s. I.. W. IfAWiiiru, Register. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 1, 1878.-NoiuinroK I'UIILICATION. UniteJ States UnJ Office, U GranJe, Oregon, July it, i9oa. Notice Is hereby given that in compliance wllh Ihe provisions ot the act ot congress of June 1, 1878, en tlileJ "An acl for the sate ot limber lan Js In the states ot ( jilllornla, Oregon, NevaJa anj Washington Ter- ' "f ' BURTON MILLER, ol Whllnev, county of Baker, stale ol Oregon, hat this Jav hleJ In this olhce his sworn statement No. is n, lor Ihe purchase of Ihe nw 1-4 sw 1-4 of section 11 anJ nl se 1-4 anj sw 1-4 ne 1-4 of section No. to In lownslilp No. 11 south, tange No. t IWM, anj wilt oiler proof In show that the lanj sought Is more val uable for lis limber or slone than lor agricultural pur poses, anJ to establish his claim lo saij lanJ belore Charles II. Chance, U. S commissioner, al Sumpler, Oregon, on WeJnesJav, Ihe tanJ Jav ol October, loot. He names as witnesses: Marshal K. Young, Roy Chlllrnden, EJ A. Wrenn anj Percy M. Iry, all of Whitney, Oregon. Anv anJ allpersons cljlmlng adversely Ihe above Jescrlbed lands art requested lo hit Ihelr claims In this olhce on or belore said tmd dav- ol Oct., tooe, b. W. llAmiiriT, Reglsler. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 1, 1878. notiou row I'UHIICATION. United States Und Office. J la GranJe, Oregon, July it, I9nt. Notice Is hereby given thai In compliance wllh Ihe provisions of the acl ol congress ot June 1, 1878, en title J "An act for the sale ol timber lanjs In the slate of CaMlornla, Oregon, NevaJa anj Washington Ter- ,"0,y EUGENE A. CRAWFORD, of Whllnev, coun-y of Baker, slate ot Oregon, ha this Jay tiled In this olhce his sworn statement No. isto, lor Ihe purchase ot Iota anJ sw i-anw 1-4 of section a anJ lots 1, t anj 1 and se 1-4 ne i-a of sec tion No. 1 In township No. 11 south, range No. 14 LWM, an J will oiler proof to show that the lanj sought I mora valuable lor Its limber or stonejhan for agricul tural purposes, and to establish tils claim lo said Und belore Charles II. Chancti U. S. commissioner, at Sumpler, Oregon, on WeJnesJay, the unJ day of Oc tober, I9"t. . He names as witnesses: James ShorU and Bert Biownlee, of Whitney, Oregon; John McDowell, of Ml. Vernon, Oregon, and Bailey Smllh, ol Uwlon, Oregon. Anv anj all persons claiming aJversely Ihe above Jescrlbed lands are requested 10 flit Their clalmt In Ihls olhce on ore belore salJ inj Jay ol Oct., 1001. E. W, HAkUtilT, Register.