Wednesday, September 3, 190? TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNG . iSrS.-NOTlCB TOR I'UHLICATION. TIMBER UND, ACT JUNE 1, 1878.-NOTICE FOR I'UHLICATION. TIMBER UND, ACT JUNE . i8j8.-NOTICE for Publication. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 1. 1878.-.NOTICB FOR PUBLICATION. THE SUMPTER MINER UnlleJ States LanJ Oltirc, l.i GranJe, Oregon, Julv 8. looa. Nolle li herrhv elven Ilia' In compliance with the provisions of the act of congress nf June j, 1878, entitled "An id for Hie ile of tl nher lanJs In the states of California. Oregon. NevaJa inJ Washlne- ton Territory," it ettenJeJ tu all the Public l.inJ Stales by let of Augutt 4. 1801. JOHN WILLIAM FLEEGI E of Whitney, county of llaker. ttale nl Oregon, hit thlt day filed In this office hit sworn statement No. too for the purchiie of thee'i nets', sw'f neK md nwV tK tectlon so. II In townthlp No. ti louih range No. n i'W, inJ will oiler proof In thow Hut the land sought It more valuable tor lit limber or alone than for agricultural purposes, anj to ettaHlth till claim to tald land hef"re Charlet H Chance, U S, commlitloner, at Sumpter, Oregon, on Wednet day, the lh day ol October, 19ja. lie namet it witnesses Curren A. Smith, ol Whit ney, Oregen: Alice Kent, of Sumpler, Oregon I eon ard Slmt and May Whl n-v, Oregon. Any md all erton claiming ijvertelv Hie above deictlheJ lanjt ar reuetleJ to file their c'almt In thlt olllce on or helore talj Rth Jav ol October, loot, I'. W IMVTIIIT, Regltter. TIMBER LAND, ACT MINI. 1.187. I'UIII II.ATtON, -NOIICB K) UnlleJ Stales land nllue, ) la GranJe, Oregon, July 8, 1971. ) Notice It hereby given that In compliance with Ihe provisions of Ihe act l congress of June 1, 1818, en titled "An act for Ihe tale of timber Ian Jt In the stales nf California, Otegon, NevaJa and Washington Ter ritory," at ealenjej Mali ihe Public LanJ ttJtet by act ot Augutt 4, i8i, ALICE S. KENT, untnarrleJ, of Sumpter, county ol Baker, stile of Oregon, has this day fileJ In thlt office her sworn statement no, isoa for Ihe purchase ol I ot 1 and teU nets' anJ eM t'i ot teclliin No. one (1), In township So. 11 south, range No. 14 1 Wat, anj will nlfer prout lo show thai Hie land sought It more valuable for Its limber or stone than for agricultural purposes, anj to establish liar claim lo talj land belore Charles If, Chance, U. S. commissioner, at Sumpter, Oregon, on Wednes day, Ihe "III Jay of October, ivii. Mie names at wltnettet' John William I leegle, Curren A Smith, I eonarJ Slmt, Lottie I leegle, all ol Whitney, Oregon. Any and alfpetsnns claiming adversely Ihe above tlescrlheJ lanjt ate requested to tile their claiTit In mis omce on or before tau Bin jav nr ocinper, I9 I!. W. llAkltl'TT, Register. TIMBER UNI), ACT JUNE 1. I Ok I'UHLICATION. UnlleJ Slalet LanJ Oltice, La GranJe, otegim July 8, 1911. I Notice It he'eby git en thai In compliance with Ihe provisions ol the act ol congrett ot June 1, 1878, en titled "An ad lor Ihe ta'e ot limber lanjt In Ihe slates nf Callloinla, Oregon, Nevada anj Washington Ter ritory," at etlendej tu all the Public Unj Slalet by act ol Augutl 4, titu, CURREN A. SMITH, nl Whitney, county nl llaker, stale nf Otegon, hat Hilt dav filed In Hilt nttice hit swntn ttateinent N11 mi for Ihe puttiiase il the tr self nl Sec, aa anj t tn'i and tw, telf nf sect. on No. 11 In limnshlp No 11 toulh, range No. 11 iw ,. in I will uller prool to thow thai Hie IjiiJ sought It mote valuable for Its limber or slone Ihan lor agricultural purpntea. anj to etlabllsh hit claim In talj land before diaries II. Chance. U. S. commissioner, al Sumpter, otegon, on v ednetdav. Hie Mil J iv ol Oi tuber, . He niiiiet at witnesses Joint William I leegle, I ottle I leegle anj I eonar J Sims, all ol V. hliney, Ore gon, anj Alice S. Kent, ol Sumpler, Oregon. Any anj all pelt ins claiming adversely Ihe above detcilbeJIanJs ate requested In tile their claims In thlt iittic e on nr belnte tald Kill Jav ol October, tuot. I.. W. llAkill IT, Register. TIMIIER I ANI), ACT JUNE 1, 1818. low IH'llllUtTION. Untied Slatet lanJ Oltice, I nttice, ) r, or"gun, July 8 tool.) M tiranje Notice It heieby given that In compliance with the provlt'ont ol the act ol congress ot June 1, i8r8, en tilled "An ac I Im the tale nl timber lands In Ihe ttalet of Callloinla, oiegun, Nevada anj Washing on Terri tory," at etlenleJ lo all Hie Public LanJ ttatet by act ol Augutl 4, irlti. JOSI Pll M. PENNEY, ol WallthuigtCnutitynt Walla Walla, ttale ol Wash ington, lias tills Jay hleJ In this nttice hit twmn statement No. 1191 'or Hie punhase nl Ihe tel nl tecllnn No. at In township No 11 tnu h, tange No. 14 IW'H, and will oiler pro I in sliiw that Hie lanJ sought is mote valuable tcr lit limber nr stone than lor igiiculltiial puipntes.and lo etlabllsh hit claim In salJ land belnte Ihe Register and Receiver nl Hits little eat la Ciande, Olegnn, on WeJnet Jav, the 8th Javol Oetobei, I9i He names as wltnetses: William Peterson, Solon Pelettein, I rank I.. I ender anj StanlorJ I). Slontr, allot walltbuig, W aldington. An and all pet tout claiming aJverselv Iheabnve JrtCtlbed lands ale lequetted In lile their claims in this uhice on m belnte tald 8th day ot October, loot. I). W. lUuuttl, Register. TIMIII R LAND, ACT JUNE 1, ittt8. I'UIIUI'stlON. NOflCI 1 ou UnlleJ States l-anj Oltice. U Grande, Oregon, July 8,190a.) Notice Is heieby given thai In compliance with Ihe pun Is nils ol Hie acl of congress of June 1, 1878. en tilled "An act fur Hie talent limber lauds In Ihe slates ot Calllo nla, Otegon, Nevada and was'iinjion Iff iiliii," as evtendej leiall Hie Public land stales bv aclol August 4, 1811, SOLON PETERSON. nl Wallsburg, county nl Walla Walla, side ol Wash ington, lias Hits day tiled in this ulhce tils vwnrn state ment ru 1198 Inr the purchase t ihe ne't nl section No. tt, In township so. 11 toulh, range No 11 IWN, and will ultel ptonl tn shnw that the land tnught It mule valuable lor lit limber nr stone than lot agtl Cultural puiposet, and to etlablltti hit claim to alj lanJ belnte the Register and Rrclver nt this omce al la GtanJe, (Metun, 1111 vveJnetdav, the 8th Jav nt OCIobei, 1 ei 1. He raraes at witnesses) William Prtrrson, Joseph M. Drntiey. 1 rank I- lepjer, StanlorJ I). Stonier, all ol vvalitbuig, wathlngmn. Any anj ill persons claiming a Jv erselv Hie ibu e JetcnbeJ lands ate requested o tile their claims In thlt utile e on. or uetnie said tth Jav nl O lober, ijo. E. W ItAtftltU, Register. UnlleJ States LanJ Office La Grande. Oregon, July , toot, ot. v Notice Is hereby given that in compliance Willi the provisions of the act of congress of June 1, 1878, en titled "An id for the tile of timber lands In the States of California, Oregon, NevaJa, anJ Washing ton Territory." it extenJeJ to all the I'ubllf Land States by id of August 4. 1891, JOHN COLLINS, of Milnes, countv of Raker, State of Oregon, lias Ih It Jay fileJ in thlt office tilt sworn statement No. ti8, for the purchaseof the'sw 1-4 n e 1-4 and n w 4 s e t-4 of section No 11 In township No, 7 south, range No. fl E.W.M., and will nlfer proof to show that the linj sought Is more valuable for Its limber or stone than fur agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim In talj lanj belore the Register anJ Re ceiver of this offiie at la (innJe, Oregon, on Mon Jav, the 6th Jay of October, 1001. He names at witnesses' George H. Chase, Peter Hansen, Harry Joy anj Mack Mullen, all of Rock C'eek, Oregon. Any anJ all persons claiming adversely the alove JetcrlbeJ lands are reursleJ In Me their claims In thlt office on or before talj 6th Jav ot October, to-a. f: W, Baruitt. Regltter. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 1, 1878 -NOTICE TOR I'UHLICATION. UnlteJ States LanJ Oflice, La Grande. Oregon, Jull' 9. IIMtX. Notice It hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act ol congrett of June 1. 1871", en tilled, "An act for Ihe tale ol limber lands In Ihe Stiles of CalHurnla, Oregon, NevaJa, and Washing Ion Territory," as extended mall Ihe Public land Mates by act of Augutl 4, 1891, PHILIP ARSENAULT, ot Sumpter, county of llaker, state of Oregon, has this day filed In this nttice hit sworn statement No. ti44. for Ihe purchaseof then w 1-4 nf section No, 10 In township No. 11 south, range No. iM-.W.M, inJ will nfter proof to show tint Ihe land sought Is more valuable for lit limber or slone Ihan for agri cultural purpotet, inJ In establish hit claim lo talj lanJ before Charles II. Chance, U. S. commissioner, at Sumpter, Oregon, on Thursday, the s 8th Jay nf aepietnrer, 190?. He namet as witnesses: V. R Mead, frank P. O'Rnurkc. Percy Jackson and Ike Williamson, all of aumprer, uregnn. Any and all persons claiming aJverselv the above desctlbed land ire requested to It e their claims In this oltice on nr belore tald 1 8111 day nl September, ou. C. W. llAHTtm, Regltter. TIMIIER I AND, ACT JUNE 1, 1878.-NOTICE I OR PUBLICATION. UnlleJ Slalet LanJ Oftue, La GranJe, Oregun, , July 7, 190a.) Nnllce It hereby given tint In tompll nee with the provisions ot the act of congress ol June J, 1878, entitled "An act tor the sale nl limber lands In Hie Stales ot Catllnrnla, Oregnn, NevaJa anj Washing ton Territory ," at extenJeJ to all ihe Public lanJ Slatet by acl ol Augutt 4, i8, I RANK E. O'ROURKE. ot Sumpter, county ol Baker, ttale ol Oregon, fiat Hilt Jav hleJ In thlt oltice lilt tworn ttalement No. H4 Inr Hie purchase or the It e 1-4 nl section No. 1; In township No. i) south, range No. io EWAI. a- will oiler proof In show that the lanJ sought Is more vaiuarie tor lit limber nr stone Ihan lor agricultural purposes, anj In establish his claim In sal J Ian 1 I v- line Charles II. Chance, U. S. commissioner, at I...-....-, fi. ... - t, e.- ... ... ..... .iHni'in, worKuii, nil iiuijv , ine loin day CM ai'p- tembet, 1901. He namet at ullnettet: V. R. MeaJ, Philip Ar tenant!, Ike Williamson and Percy Jackson, .ill ol Sumpter, Oregon. Any anj all persons claiming aJversely Ihe atnve described lands ate requested 10 Me ilielr claims in Hilt oltle eon or belore tald 181I1 day ot September, luce. E. W. II .kill IT. Regltter. TIMIII R UND. ACT JUNE 1. 878.-Notlt:e TOW PUHLICATION. United Slates LanJ Oflice. ) La GranJe, Oregon, July 8. 190a.) Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with Ihe provisions nf the act of Congress nt June 1, 1878, en titled "An acl tor the sale ot limber linjt In the ttalet nt California, Otegon, NevaJa inJ Wathlngmn Ter ritory," at etteflJeJ load Ihe Public land ttalet by aclot Augutt 4, 189a, WILLIS G CRONK, ot Elbetlun, county ot Whitman, ttale ot Washing ton, has ilils Jay HleJ In Itil. his sworn state ment No. nsi, lor the pur, base of the t e 1-4 of tec tlon No m In luwnthlp No. 11 south, range No if IW, anj will niter proof to show that the lanJ sought Is mure valuable for lis tin ber nr stone Ihan tor agri cultural purpotet, anj to establish lilt claim lo talj land belore Ihe Regltter anJ Receiver ol thlt ufhee al la Grande, Oregnn, on III Jay, the 19th day ol September, ion. He namet at it wltnettet' Hugh Eaton. George W, Penn, Jamei T. Penn, allot Llbellnn, Washing ton, and David T. Clark, nt Gattield, Washington. Any and ill prisons claiming advettely the above desctlbed lands ale Irquetted In lite their claims In this ollice nil 01 belore said 19II1 day ol September, 190a, 1.'. w, hshtllit, Kegitter, TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 1, 1 oh I'uiii 10 vtion. 1878. Nones United States I anj Olllce, La litanJe, Oregon. July 8, looa.) Nnllce Is heieby given that Incompliance tlih Hie provisions ol the ad ol congrett ot June 1. 1878. en tilled "An act lor Ihe sale ol limber lanjt in the states ul Cahtninla, Oregnn, NevaJa and Washington Ter ritory," at ettendej Mall the Public LanJ Mates by act nt August 4, Hki'. rOCiAR N. GILES, nl Garfield, county of Whitman, slate ot Washington, has tills Jav tiled in this otIUe his swotn ttalement No. 1149, lor Ihe purchase ot then 1-4 ot section No- n In township No. 11 south, range No t fcvvH and will nHcr ptool to show that Ihe lanJ sougnt Is mote valuable lor Its timber or stone than fnr agri Cultural purposes, anj hi establish hit claim to talj lanJ be loie the Register and Receiver ol thlt nttice at La (itande, Oregon, on Friday, the 19th Jav ot September, 190a. He namet at witnesses: Hugh Eaton. Willis G. Cronk, James T. Penn, all ol Lirerton, Washington, and David I. Clatk, ol GartirlJ. Wash Any and all persons dilating aJversely Ihe above described lands are requested to Me their claims In thls.onlce on or belore salJ 19th Jay of September, is a W. IUktUTT. Register. UnlteJ State LanJ Oflice, ) La Grande. Oregon, July 8, loos. ) Notice Is hereby given thai In compliancs with the provisions of the act of congress of June 1. 1878, en tltlej "An act for the sale ol timber lands In the statel of Calllnlnla, Oregon, NevaJa anJ Washington Ter ritory," as emended to all the Public LanJ Stites by act of Augusta, 1891, DAVID T. CLARK, of (iarfielJ, countv of Whitman, state of Washington, his this day tile J in this office his sworn statement No, 1147, for the purchase of the s e 1-4 of section No 14 In township No. tt south, range No. 14 EWM, anj will offer proof to show that the lanJ sought Is more vaiuapie tor its timber or stone than lor agrt- cultural purposes, anj to establish his claim to said lanJ before Ihe Register and Receiver of this office at La Grande, Oregon, on Friday, Ihe 19th Jay of September, 1001. lie names as witnesses: James T. I'enn, George W. Penn. Willis (i. Crnnk and Hueh Eaton, all of bl berton, Washington. Anv and all persons claiming ajvertelv the above described lands ire requested to file their claims In this oflice on or before said 10th day ol September, luoi. E. W. HaRUUIT, Register, riMBIiR LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. UnlleJ States LanJ Oltice. ( La GranJe. Oregon, July 8, 1907. ( Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with Hie provisions of the acl of Uongrss of June 1, 1878, en tltlej "Anact for the sale ol timber lanJs In the Stales of California, Oregon, NevaJa, and Washing Inn Territory," as extended In all the Public Land States by act of August 4, 189a, JOHN W. SMITH, of Kev stone, county of Adams, State ot Washington, his this diy filed in this oflice his sworn statement No. 1166, for Ihe purchaseof then Mne 1-4 and n ,4 n w i-4 of section No. 9 in township No. 11 S range No, )f EWM, anJ will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuible lor Its timber or stone Ihan for agricultural purposes, and lo establish his claim to said land before Charles II, Chance, U. S. commissioner. at Sumpter, Oregon, on Tuesday Ihe urd day ol Sept.. toot. He names as witnesses: Van Renseler Mead, Frank E. O'Rourke, bannle R. O'Rourke. Philip Artenaull, all of Sumpter, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming aJversely Ihe above described lands ire requested to hie their claims In thlt office on or before said iirJ Jay of Sept. tooa. E.W Baptlhtt. Register. riMllhR UND, ACT JUNE 1, 1878.-NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United Stiles Land Oflice, U Crande, Oregon, Jutv 8, loua. I Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with Hie provisions ol the act of Congress of June 1, 1878, en tilled "An act tor Ihe sale nl Umber lands In the States ol California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing ion Territory" as extended 10 all Ihe Public Land Stales by acl ol August 4, 1891, ROME A. MCCORMICK, ul McEwcn, countv nl Baker, Stale of Oregon, has till dav tiled In this oltice her tworn statement No. n6, lor Hie purchase ol the s! sw 1-4, s w 1-4 se t-4 section 1 1. and n w i-a n w i-a nt section Nn. . in township No. 10 S. ranee No. 18 I.WM. and ul I oiler prool 10 show thai the land sought It mote val uable lor lis limber or ttone than fur agricultural purpoie.N, and lo etMblMi her cl Im in said land be lore (.hat. II. Chance. U. S. commissioner, at Sump ter, Oregon, on Tuesday the iird day nl Sept., 1901. Shv names as witnesses: Joseph llodg.ns, Sam uel Thompson, William llakir, Stilus Dean, M., all ot Sumpter, Oregon. Anv and all pertort claiming aJverselv Ihe above JetctibeJ lands are requested to tile their claims In tills oflice on or belore satj iirJ Jay ot Sept. ion. E. W. liAUHLTT, Register. TIMBER UND. ACT JUNE 1. 1878-NOTICE I OR PUBLICATION. UnlteJ States LanJ Office, I La GranJe, Oregon, July 8, 190a, I Nnllce Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of Iht act of Congress ot June t, 1878, en titled "An act for the sale ot timber lands in the States ol California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing ton Territory," as extenJeJ lo all the Public LanJ Slalet bv act of August 4, t8), '. GEORGE W. PENN ot I Iberton, county of Whitman, Slate of Washing ton, has this Jay tiled in this oltice hit sworn state ment No. 11 jo, for the lurchase ol ihene 1-4 of section No. 10 In township No, 11 S, range No, it E n- m, ana win oner prooi 10 tnnw mat tne land sought Is mure valuable for Its timber or stone Ihan lor agricultural purposes, anJ tn establish his claim lo salJ Ian J before the Register anJ Receiver of this olhce al La (irande. Oregon, nn Friday the 19II1 Jay nl Sept. 190a, lie names attvlinesset: I, I'enn, Willis G. Ctnnk. Hueh Eali n. all ot Llbeilon. Wastiinptnn anJ DrvlJ T. Clark, of GarhelJ, Washington. Any anJ all persons clalmlne adversely the ahnew JesctlbcJ lands are requesteJ In Me their claims In this nttice on or belore talj 19th Jav of Sept. 190a. E. W. II sHuett. Register. TIA.UUK LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United Stales Land Olhce, I La GtanJe. Oregon, Julv 8, tooa. Notice It hereby given that in compliance with the prov Islcnt ol the act nl Congress ol June 1, 1878, en titled "An act lor the sale ol timber lands In the Slalet of California, Oregon, NevaJa anj Wathlng ton Territory" at ettenJeJ in all Ihe Public Land States b acl ot Augutt 4, 184a, JAMES T. PENN ot Llbeilon; countv of Whitman. Slate ot Washing Ion, has thlt day Med In this cilice his sworn state ment No. 1148, (or Ihe purchise ol Ihe Lois 1 snd 1, and e'i n w t-4 of tectlon No. to In townthlp No. 11 S, range No. it, EWM, and will otter proof 10 show that Ihe land sought Is more valuable lor Its timber or slone than Inr agricultural purpotet, and to es tablish his claim to said land belore the Register and Receiver ot this office al La Grande, Oregnn, on rrlJay the 19th Jay of September, 190a. He names as witnesses- Hugh Eaton, George W. Penn, Willis G. Crunk, all of Elberlon. Washington, and David T. Clatk of GartielJ. Washington. Any and all persons claiming adversely ihe above described lands ire requesteJ In Me their claims In this oltice nn or belore sal J toih Jav of Sept. tooa. E. W. BskUETT, Register. United States LanJ Office, ) La GranJe, Oregon, July 9, iota. ) Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions nf the act of congress of June 1. 1878, en titled "An act for the sale of timber lands In the stales if California, Oregon, NevaJi anj Washington Ter ritory," as extended to all ihe Public LanJ states by ict of August 4, 189a. WILLIAM S. LEWIS, of Biker City, county of Biker, state of Oregon, has this day Med In this office his sworn statement No. 1181 for the purchase of the neU of tectlon No. ao In township No. to south, range No. 17 BWM, and will offer proof to to show that the Ian J sought Is more vaiuarie tor us tirr per or stone man for igncuitura 1 purposes. anJ to establish his claim to said land be fore Ihe county clerk of Biker countv it Biker City, I Oregon, on Friday, the 16th day of September, tooa. He names as witnesses: Hank Miurtllff, Grant UeJJes, David Ualrd and w illlam Halrd. all of Baker City. Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their claims In this oltice on or belore said s6ih dav of Sept., 1001. E. W. BAR! LETT, Register. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 1. i878-Noticb for Publication. United Stiles LanJ Office. ( La GranJe, Oregon, July 8, 1001, j Notice Is hereby given tint In compliance with the provisions ol the act of Congress of June 1, 1878, en titled "An act for Ihe sale of timber lands In the Slates of California, Oregon, NevaJa anJ Washing ton Territory" as extenJeJ lo all Hie Public Land Stales by a. I of August a, 189a, HUGH EATON of Elberlon, county of Whitman. Stale of Washing ton, has this day filed In this ollice his sworn state ment No. 1146, for the purchaseof the Lois and 4 and Eli i4 ol section No. 19 In township No. it S, tange No. u bWM, anj will offer proof to show thlt the linj sought Is more valuable for lis timber or stone thin fnr agricultural purposes, anj to es tablish his claim 10 said lanJ betnre the Register inJ Receiver ot thlt office 11 Li GranJe, Oregon, on t-rlJay the 19th Jav of Sept. looa. He names as witnesses: James T. Penn, George W. Penn, Willis U. Cronk, all ol Elberlon. Wish Inglon, and DavlJ T. Clark, nt GarfielJ, Washington. Anv anJ ill persons claiming aJversely Ihe above described lands are rexuesled in file their claims In thlt ollice on or belore siiJ 191I1 Jav of Sept. 190a. I W llllITTDT b- -l.,.. . , ' L I TIMBER LAND. ACT JUNE ,. t878.-NOTICE TOR PUBLICATION. UnlteJ States L nj Oflice. La GranJe, Oregnn, ., July 5, 1901,) Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the piovlslons of the act nl congress ol June 1. 1878, en titleJ "An act lor the sale ot timber lands in the Sutes of California, Oregon, NevaJa, ar J Washing ton Territory," as ettenJed lo all ihe Public LanJ Stales bv act of August 4, 1891, PURL BRADSHAW, ol Ellensburg, countv ol Kittitas, stale nl Washing Inn, has this dty tiled In this oflice her sworn state ment No 1 187. lor Ihe purchase ol H-e s e 1-4 s e 1 -a I section 10 and eU n e 1-4 and net-ase 1-4 of sec south, range No 14 d.W.M., and will offer proof lo show that the land sought Is more valuable for. its limber or stone Ihan or agricultural purroscs. and 10 etlabllsh her claim lo said lanJ before Charles II. Chance, U. S. com missioner, al Sumpier, Oregon, on Monday, the 6th day nf October, 190a. She namet as witnesses: Frances Tlie, of Ellens burg. Washingten: I rank II. Mackey. Clark M. Ilradshaw and Percy II. BraJshaw, all of Austin, Oregon. Anv and all persons claiming adversely Ihe above described lanJs are requesteJ to Me their claims In this office on or before salJ 6ih day ot October. 1001. E. W. BAkTLBTT, Register. TIMBLR UND. ACT JUNE 1. 1878.-NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. unite J Sutes LanJ Oflice, ) La GranJe, Oregon, July 5, 1901. 1 Notice li hereby given that In coirpllince with the provisions of the act ot congress u June 1,1878, en titled "An act lor the sale of timber lands In the Slates ol California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing ion Territory," as evlenjej to all ihe Public Land Slates by act ol Augutl 4, 1891, CURK M. BRADSHAW, of Austin, county of Grant, state of Oregon, has this day Med in this oitice his sworn slatrmenl No. ti8j. foi Ihe purchase of Ihe n t i-a n w i-a. nKm 1-1 anj se fa n e t-4 of section No. 14 in township .No. it south, range No. 14 E W.M.,anJ will offer proof to show thit the lanJ sought Is more valuable lor Its limber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to etlabllsh his claim lo said land belore Charles II. Chance, U, S. commissioner, at Sumpter, Oregon, on Monday, the 6th day ot October, tooa. He names at witnesses: I rank II. Mackey, of Aus tin, Oregen: Pearl Bradshaw, of Ellensburg, Wash ington; It. T. Campbell and Justus Wright, ol Aus tin. Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely Ihe above described lands are requested to hie their claims In this office on or before said tth day ot October, 190a. E. W. Uarueit, Regltter, TIMBER UND. ACT JUNE 1, 1878.-NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. UnlleJ Slates LanJ Office, ) La GranJe. Oregon, 5 July. 100 a.) Nnllce Is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions ot ihe act of congress ot June j, 1878, en HlleJ "An act for the sale ol timber lands in the Slatet of Calllornla, Otegon. Nevada, anj Washing ton Territory," as extenJeJ to all the Public LanJ Statet bv act of August 4, 189a, TRANCLS TICE. ul Ellrnsburg, county of Kittitas, state of Washing ton, Ins this Jay hied In this office het swnrn state ment No 1188, for ihe purchaseof the sK sw 1-4 of section No. 11 and the w! n w 1-4 ot sect on No, 14 In township No. 11 south, range No 14 E W.M., and will otfer proof to show that the lanJ sought Is more valuable lor Its limber or stone than lor agricultural purposes, anj to establish her claim to said land be fore Charles H. Chance. U S. commissioner, al Sumpter, Oregon, on Monday, the 6th day of Oc tober, tooa. She names as witnesses'. Frank II. Mackey, of Austin, Oregon; Pearl BnJshaw, ot Ellensburg, Washington; Justus Wright and II. T. Campbell, ot Austin, Oregon. Any an J ill persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to tile their claims In this office on or belore slid 6th Jay of October, 190a. E. W. BAkTLBTT, Register. A"