The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, September 03, 1902, Page 5, Image 5

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Wednesday, September j, .1902
Story in "The Miner" Leads
to Discovery of a Rich
C. II. Brook, wlio Iiuh been in eliurge
of the Iliex mine ciiu-e work wiih huh
(n'mlitl there over u year ugu. wiih in
town Monday, lie stated while liure
that he read in Tiik Minkii two or three
weeks since of the rich tttrike in the
(iipxy Klnjr, in which it wits ntutetl that
the ore resembled dry niortur. He had
a few day previoti8ly,levii working on a
iroerty of IiIh own in tlie vicinity of
the Ibex, and hail tunneled through a
lot of rook that at the time i in prone.. I
him with the idea that it looked like
nothing elce ho much as mouth old
mortar, no he decided Irt have Home of it
UHHayed the next time he wiih in town.
Monday he received IiIh return from it
liulf do.en HHHiiyn and wuh agreeably nur
pritteil to learn that it carried nearly
fLIX) in valiien, mostly in gold.
It Id a fact, that miner overatlng in
thin district know Iohh iilxiut the oren
found here than in any other forty year
old mining region on earth. Why thin
in ho, 1h a problem dililcult to solve.
Dr. Greenlee also met with a mirprise
party a few duyH since in getting Home
assays of Gipsy King ore. lie Iiiih al
ways been tin enthusiastic believer in
the great worth of that projorty, ho
shortly after IiIh recent return from
Wallowa county, he went up to the
mine to see how things are looking. Of
course, he brought down it lot of ore. He
had not seen the sain pics previously as
sayed that showed the high values, ho
he selected a piece that he thought
would carry much gold an also an aver
age sample. II in assay returns proved
the fallacy of his judgment, just an they
did of a half dozen other gentlemen a
few weeks since, as stated in Tiik Minkh
at the time; what looked to bo the rich
est piece of ore carried only a few dol
lars, live or six, while the average went
close to 1 100.
In none of thin rock could a color bo
found by imnning u ton. It pays to have
assayed every unusual looking piece of
ore encountered. So far as accurate
knowledge of the many different kinds
ot mineral bearing rock found in this
district is concerned, the first discovery
might have lceu made only yesterday.
Klondike'! Golden Star Wining.
A Washington, D. C, press illspatth
of recent dale says : The golden star of
thpJttiendiko is on the wane, according
to the ollicial resrt of George II. I lees,
who war recently sent to Dawson by the
Canadian Manufacturers' association, to
make a thorough investigation into the
business prosects of the Yukon terri
tory. The state dewrtiiient today made
public a statement from United Stales
Consul Bruili at Niagara Falls, dated
August 8, giving sonie of the principal
features of Mr. Hees' report. He points
to the fact that the total yield of the
Klondike last year was (24,000,000. The
production of the coming year will not,
according to government estimates, ex
ceed $14,000,000, a falling off of nearly
one-half. Moreover, no new discoveries
have been made for over a year, al
though since 1807 thousands of prospec
tors have been exploring every creek and
mountain in the country.
Nattoul Baak For Csayoo City.
At a meeting of a number of citixens
of Grant county at the county judge's of
fice at the court house yesterday morn
ing, steps were tukeu to organize and
establish in thin city a national hank,
with a capital stock in the neighborhood
of 150,000. It. II. Miller, cashier of the
First Bank of Sunipter, was present at
the meeting and explained the necessary
steps to be taken in the organization of a
national bank. The name of the now
institution will he the First National
hank of Grant County, and the Ditto
Mountain F.agle is informed that the
necessary stock Iiiih Iteen pledged. Steps
looking toward the early completion of
the organization have lieen taken and it
is the intention of the new institution to
be open and ready for business as soon
as Uh charter Is granted by the govern
ment and arrangements made for its cir
culation. Blue Mountain Kagle.
Ieave your measure for it suit of
clothes at Neill Mercantile company's.
T. G. Harrison, agent for Giant w
der company.
Department of the Interior,
.Laud Olllce at Iji Grande, Oregon, )
August 1L', 1WW. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has (lied notice of IiIh
intention to commute and make Dual
proof In stipMirt of his claim, and that
said proof will be made before Frank L.
Moore, U. S. commissioner, at linker
Cltv, Oregon, on Oct. 8, ltKJt viz: Ar
thur W. King, of Whitney, Ore., II. K
11)234, for the s 1-2 uw 1-4 and e 1-2 hw
1-4 Sec. 35 Tp. 10 S.. It. 37 KWM.
He names the following witnesses to
prove IiIh continuous residence upon
and cultivation of said land, viz: John
W. Lttndy and Lulu M. Thorn burgh, of
Whitney, Oregon; Frank Kcrlatit, of
Bourne, Ore ; V. It. Mead, of Sunipter,
K. W. Hakti.ktt, Register.
Department of the Interior,
Lund Olllce at Im Grande, Oregon, I
August 12, lm. ,
Notice is hereby ulven that the follow
ing-named settler hns Hied notice of her
intention to commute and make final
proof in mipport of her claim, and that
sain prooi win iw mane neiore mink I..
Moore, IT. S. commissioner, at Baker
City, Oregon, on Oct. K. ItHTJ, viz: l.ulu
M. Thoriiburgh, of Wlittnev, Ore., 11. K.
10337, for the hw 1-4 lie 1-4, u 1-2 He 1-4
Sec. 2 and nw 1-4 hw 1-4 Sec 1 Tp. 11 S.,
It. 37 KWM.
She names the following witnesses to
prove her continuous residence uouund
cultivation of said laud, viz: Arthur W.
King and John W. I.undy, of Whituev,
Ore. ; Frank Zcrlaut, of Bourne, Ore. ; V.
It. Mead, of Sunipter, Ore.
K. W. IUhti.ktt, Itegister.
Department of the Interior.
I .and Olllce at I -a Grande, Oregon, )
August 12, 1002. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has Hied notice of IiIh
intention to commute and make final
proof in Hiiptort of his claim, and that
said proof will be made liefore Frunk L.
Moore, U. S. commissioner, at Baker
City, Oregon, on October 8, 11102, viz:
John W. Lundy, of Whitney, Ore., II. K.
10283, for the w 12 He 1-4, se 1-4 s 1.4
Sec. 3T Tp. 10 S lot 1 and se 1-4 lie 1-4
Sec. 2 Tp.l IS., It. 37 kwm.
He names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence tiioiiund
cultivation of said land, viz: Arthur W.
King and Lulu M. Thornhurgh.of Whit
ney, Ore.; Frank Xerlaut, of Bourne,
Ore. ; V. It. Mead, of Sunipter. Ore.
K. W. Bahtlkxt, Register.
Department of the Interior,
taml Office at Iji Grande, Oregon, )
August 12, 1002. f
Notice Is hereby given that the following-named
settler ha filed notice of his
intention to make final proof in support
of his claim, and that said proof will be
made before Charles II. Chance, U. S.
commissioner, at Sunipter, Ore., on Oct.
1.11)02, via: Frank Zerlaut, of Bourne,
Ore., II. K. 10140, for the s 1-2 se 1-4 See.
27 and el-2 lie 1-4 Sec. 34 Tp. 108., It. 3J
He names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon and
cultivation of said laud, viz: V R. Mead,
of Sunipter, Ore. ; John W. Lundy, ol
Whitney, Ore. ; William Wiegand and
C. F. Kear, of Bourne, Ore.
K. W. Bahtlltt, Register.
DtMrtmeut of the Interior,
Land Olllce at l.u Grande, Oregon, I
August 12, 1102. S
Notice is hereby given that the follow-
ing-uamed settler has tiled notice of his
intention to make linal nroof in sunnort
of his claim, and that said proof will be
made liefore Charles II. Chance. U. S.
commissioner, at Sunipter, Ore., on Oct.
i liyk ..tu. 111111 It'l I ..en
I, ll, I IK; 1. Illllllll II ll-Cllll1l,1H iMiiirilt',
Ore., H. K. 101311. for the u 1-2 nw 1-4,
w 1-2 lie 1-4 See. 34 Tp. 10 S., 11. 37 kwm.
He names the following witnesses to
nrove his continuous residence uimui and I
cultivation of said hind, viz: V. It. Mead, '
of Sunipter, Oie. ; John W. I.undy. of!
iiiinev, (ire. ; r rutin .eriaiu ami . r.
Kear, of Bourne, Ore. I
l. It II.. . .- II. ... !.....
r.. ii. iiAmi.Krr, iitKiri r.
United States Land Office,
La Grande, Oregon, Aug. x, luos. I
Notice Is herebv clven thai In compliance with the
provisions of the acl of Congress ot June 1. 1878.
entitled "An act lor the sale ol limber lands In the
Stales of tLalltornla, Oregon, NevaJa and washing
ton Territory," as extended lo all the Public Land
states by act of August a, tin,
of Sum pier, counlv of H.iker. stale ol Oregon, has this
day filed In this orhce his sworn statement No. uo,
for the purchase ol lot 4 of Sec, t and lots i& t ol sec
tion No. 18 Intownshlp No. 11 south, range No. 40
cum, ana win oner prour to snow inai me lanj
sought Is more valuable lor Us timber or stone than lor
agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to
said land before (.has. II. Chance, U, S. commission
er al Sunipter, Oregon, on Thursday, the 1 lh day ol
November, i.
He names as witnesses: Harvey K. Ilrown and J.
S. Ken) on. ol Baker Cltv. Oregen: lloyd Dennis, ol
Sumpter, Ore.; John I'hllllps, 01 Milwaukee, Wis,
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
described lands are requested to file their claims In
this oftlec on or before said ith day ol No ember.
E. W. BahHW, Register.
United Slates Land Otlice, (
La Grande, Olegun, Aug. to, iuoi.
Notice Ii hereby given that In compliance with the
provisions ol the act of Congress of June 1, ilrl,
entitled "An acl lor the sale of timber lands In the
states of California. Oreron. Nevada, and Washing
ton Territory," as estenjej lo all the Public LanJ
stales by act of August 4, i(?t,
of Milwaukee, county of Milwaukee, slate ol Wiscon
sin, has this day filed In this oltice hit sworn state
ment No. i4so. for the purchase oftotsa. ift aof sec
tion No, 19, In township No, ti south, range No. 40
wis, and win oner prooi 10 snow mat tne lanj
sought It more valuable for lit limber or ttone than
ror agricultural purposes, anj 10 estanisn nis Claim
lo said land before Chat. H. Chance, U. S commis
sioner at Sumpter, Oregon, on Thursday, the ith day
of November, 1001.
He names as witnesses: Harvey K. Ilrown and J.
S. Kenyon, of Paker City, Oregon; lloyd Dennis, of
Sumpter. Oregon; John I'hllllps. ol Milwaukee, Wis.
Any and all persons claiming adversely Ihe above
described lands are requested 10 file llielr claims In
this olhce on or belore salJ ih day of November,
E. W. llAHTierr, Register.
riMBER LAND, ACT JUNK 3, 1878.
United States Land Otlice.
La Grande, Oregon, Aug. id, tout I
Notice Is hereby given thai In compliance with the
provisions of Ihe acl of Congress of June 1, 8?8, j
entitled An act ror tne saie or limner lands in tne
States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Wash
ington Territory," as extended lo all Ihe Public LanJ
slates by act of August 4, i8ai,
of Milwaukee, counlv of Milwaukee, slate ol Wiscon
sin, hat this Jay Med In this oflice his sworn state
ment No. i48, lor the purchase of lots 1 and 4 of
section No. 18 and tot One (1) ol section No. tu
Intownshlp No. 11 south. range No. 40 EWM, and
will offer proof lo show thai Ihe land sought Is more
valuable for Us timber or ttone than for arricullaral
purposes, anj to establish his claim lo said land be
fore Chas. H. Chance, U. S, commissioner al Sump
ter, Oregon, on Thursday, Ihe 1 ith day of Novem
ber, too.
Me names as witnesses: i-.Tieit r. Warner an.i
lloyd Dennis, of Sumpter, Oregen: J. S. Ken on an J j
llarvey K. mown, or uaxer uty, uregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely Ihe above
Jescrlbed lands are requested to fid their claims In
fits omce on or before said 1 th day ol November,
E. W. BAtrniw, Register.
Notice It hereby given that David Ecclet, whose
postofHce adJtess It Baker City, Oreron, hat made
application to select under Acl ol June 4. iM. o
Stat.. t6) the loliowlng detained land:
Lot 1 01 section 1 in lowntnip 11 -wutn, Kenge S 1
East; SEN of NEW of Section 11; SE! ol NEK U
Section 11 In Township to South, Mange it Easi;
NWX ol SEN ol Section it: SWK of NWk of Sec 1
lliA . In Tt-MavAthlft in Snulh. BaMeM i latf. mil ot
Willamette Meridian. I
All persons are hereby notified that within the neat
winy days trom jate nereor iney.are requ-rea lu rue
more valuable lor mineral than for agricultural pur-
- - .:.". ." .t: 1 r-------.-"--." :
pom, with the Kegitter of Hit I nlted States Land
Otice at La Grande, Oregon.
Dalai on the ground thlt yth day ol July. loot.
E. W. Babtisit. Register.
United Stales Land Office, j
La Grande, Oregon, July ti, loot, i
Notice It hereby given that In compliance with the
provisions ot the act of congress of June 1, IItI, en
titled "An acl for the sale of timber lands in the suits
ot Calllomla, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter
ritory," as estedded to all Ihe Public Land suits bv
CI ol August 4. Iy
pi Des Moines, coumv ot Polk, state ol I own, ha
thlsdax hied In ihl office Ms sworn statement No.
Ilto, (or the purchase ol the e!i t'(, nw; seX.
nt( '' ot section No. et In township No. II south,
ranee No. is fiWM, nj will offer proof to how that
theland sought Is more valuable lor Us timber or
stone than lor agricultural purpose x, and to suhtlsti
his claim to said land betoie the Re glsier and Re
ceiver ol this office, at La Grande, Oregon, on Mon
day, the loih day ol November, lot.
lit nimrt as ltneses: Irancls li. (.nnneliy.
Thomas reel. of The Dalles, Oregon; Crank Eag-
llrs, ureci
! V. R. &
If n, ot Li
len, ot La (irandc. Oregon; V, Sumpter.
Ant nJ all wruim rlalmlnip aJvrslv the above-
described lands are requested to tile their claims In
this otlice on or before said loth Jav ol Nov., Igo.
i:. W. HAMTIBTT, Register.
United Slates Land Olhce. I
Iji Grande, Oregon, July It, iuu.
I Notice Is hereby given thai In compliance with the
piuiisions 01 mr at, tn iimKini 01 June . ijt0. en'
titled "An acl for the sale ol limber lanJs in the states
ol California. Oreenn. NevaJa and Washington Ter
ritory," ns extended lo all the Public Land stales by
' acl of August 4, aV),
of Pullman, countv of Whitman, state ol Washington,
has this day filed In this olllce her sworn statement
I No. I4l for the purchase ol the aw of section No. ti
In tonshlp No. II south, range ro. u I WM, and will
nder i-HHit 10 show thai the land sought Is mnrr
valuable for its limber or stone than lor agricultural
f'urposes, and lo establish her claim lo said land he
me the Register and Receiver ol this olhce at la
Grande, Oregon, on Tuesday, the lsl day of Octo
ber, luua.
She names as witnesses' Howena Wlndus and
I Harry Ii. True, ul Pullman. Washingten: William I).
Arnold, ol La Orande. Oregon, and V. R. Mead, of
; Sumpter, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming aJterselv the above
described lanJs are requested to tile their claims In
1 this olllce on or belore said lsl day ol October, luoi.
I E. W llAMtlMT, Register
United Slates Land Oflice, I
I a Grande, Oregon, July t, ivoe. t
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance wiih Ihe
provisions ol the act ol Congress of June I. till,
entitled "An act for the tale ol timber lands In the
Stalet ol California, Oregon, NevaJa, and Washing
Ion Territory," as extended to all the Public Land)
States by acl ol August 4, i.
ol Pullman, county ot Whitman, stale ol Washington,
has this day filed In thlt office hit sworn statement
No. t uu, tor the purchase of the eM seW. sw 1-4 tt
t-4. te 1-4 tw t-4 of Sec. No. it In Tp. No. it 5, R No.
it t wm. and will oiler proof to show that the land
toughl It more valuable for lit timber or ttone than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish hit claim
to said land before the clerk ot the Supreme Court at
his oflice at Pendleton, Oregon, on I rlday, the 14th
day of November, tout.
He names at witnesses: Joshua M, Palmerton,
Minnie SpaulJIng, Alfred R. Wlndus, of Pullman,
Wash., and William J. Wlndus, of Collax, Wash.
Any and all persons claiming adversely Ihe above
described lands are requested lo file their claims In
thlt office on or belore said lain dav of November,
toot. E. W. Uahuitt, Register.
To William D. Sleut: You are hereby nollfird that
I have expended One HunJreJ f lool Dollars In labor
and Improvements upon the Empire lode claim. In no
organlted mining district, situated on Sardine creek,
about one-half mile from Ihe Mountain View mine, In
Maker county. Oregon, as will appear by certificate
tiled August ti, ict, In the oflice ol the recorder of
said count). In order lo hold said premises under the
f revisions ol section a 114 Revised Statutes of the
(nlleJ Stales, t-ilnp Ihe amount leuuired to hold Ihe
same lor Ihe ear ending December it, tool. And If
within ninety dais Imm the service of this notice, or
within ninety dais after this notice bv publication.
ou tailor reluse to contribute )nur proportion of
such expenditure as co-owner,) our interest In said
claim will become Ihe ptoperiy 01 tne subscriber un
der said section tt4.
first publication, August ar, ivot.
IjisI publication, November ad, iij.
Mineral Application No. 4J.
Mineral Survey No. i.
United Stales Land Office,
La Grande, Oregon, July 10, lv.
Notice Is hereby given that In pursuance of the
United Stales Mining laws, A. W. Ellis, whose post
office address Is Sumpter, Haker lountv, Oregon.
has made application for palent lor it 60 acret of
placer gruund embracing Ihe "Mradnw" and a por
tion of ihe "No Name" placer claims, situated In no
organlird mining district, Baker county, stale of
Oregon, described as follows, lo-wlt:
Beginning al Cor. No. I, Identical with M cor, to
Sec, ea-jt, T. u S.. R. it E. W. M., thence south t
M mln. west 660.7 ft. lo Cor. No. a; thence north I I
rain. wet C6o,6 It, 10 Cor, No. 1; t ence south Ii o
mln, east Cdi.t It. to Cor. No. 4; thence south I it'
mln. east sri-o Ii to Cor No. I, Ihe plice ot beginning.
Beginning al Cor. ta. I, whence Ihe H Cor, to Sec-en-It,
T. u S R. f E., W. M. heart north to st
rain, east M0.7 lt thence south 89 stmin.wetl6fio.t
tt. lo cor. No. a: thence north o" al mln. wett 6x6.1 It.
lo Cor. No. ; thence touth lo 44 mln. west 6v6-o II..
loCor No. 6; Ihtnce noilhu tj mln. wett 654.6 II..
lo Cor, sg. Ti thence noilh lu n esln. east Itsv-a ft
lo Cor. No. I; Ihtnce south t' west 644-1 It to Cor
No. : thence south Ii east lat.6 It. to Cor. No. lo;
thence south I It mln. ei tt 660.6 ft. to Cor. No. I, Ihe
ttlmt. . k,.innin. f onialnlne arrea. and lofts-
If. it.kWM
The locations of these claims are recorded In lh
olhce ot ihe Recorder of Conveyances In Baker
county, Oregon, at follows, to-w.i: "Meadow"
Placer on page 6a Vol. G, Ihe "No Name Placer on
page tt Vol; I i, recortt of Placer locatlont. Ad
joining claims are Sumpter Placer Mine, J. D. Ynuaa;
Co. Placer Mine, Natchei I'ltcer Mining Oaist and
unknown clalaiants.
Any and all persons claiming adversely any por
tion ot Said mints or Surface ground art required 10
ftle their adverse claims with Ihe Ragisier ol lh
United Suits Land Olhce, at la Grande, in the Slat
f Oregon, during ihe Slaty days period of publica
tion hereul, or thev will be barred by virtue of lilt
pruvlsions ul the statutes.
E. W. Bahhw, Register.