WSj f THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, September $, 1902 wpw iV The Sumpter Miner I'UIIIISHHO HVFkY WeDSBMMY HV J W CONNfil.LA Entered al Mi nottoftlci In Summer. Orevon. tor transmission through the mails as second class "alter. Kmm suiisc.kiftiov waiis One Year . f j . Civ Munllii - t.Js! AlUMYS IN AIIVANI.I' ' raiHt-c. - - I It would therefore ecotii tlmt ciiNtern Umii.k ilntc of AiiniiHt :tl, ii Wn-lil !!).' Oregon it unfortunate in the matter of ton pri-MH dispatch nave thai tint Clilnci-c the character of it" mine owner. They Kovurutintut thrnu.'h iln legation there ' ari' for tliu iiio-t rt nonresident. They Iimm linked tint Mate department to nee him no lnteict in I lit iiphuililing of the that Justice is iloiii' by t lu Mute of Ore-' cniintiy ; they lime good tiling- them gon to the Ohiucso who were attacked selves, want nion1 of the "nine mill icully liy riotern in linker City, Oregon, on prefer that the world should not know of Aliquot H. On that date ahotit Mil the itlieinalled riches of (heboid lleld-of Chinese, who were cinpliHed in thecity, eastern Oregon. That In merely one were attacked hv a inoli, thtee of them phase of liuivcisiil liillinili hcIM-Iiih-hh. uiri hIiiiI. mill tin reiiiiilmli! uiiriiliUiii .Mr. Willi'. In elntrire tA tin I' out of the town Mini forbidden to return. Thu matter wiim troiiiitly reported to tint Chinese, legation hy the neareHt (!hlnei"t) I'oitHtil and the legation an thoritieH, having awaited what they considered a reiiMiiiiuhle limit for some activity on tint part of the local nil llioritieN, have now presented the matter to the statu ihtpartineiit, Mint ing out that they do ho Itccausn the local aullioritieri have shown no dlMpo Hit ion to prosecute tint offender and miike repartition. The departtiient will, following tlio usual courH, forward " ., tint complaint to tin governor of Oregon ' with tint rcipieM for an explanation. The riot did not occur in linker City, but down on I tn rut iier, somewhere. Knn:its Oregon gold field have cause for self congratulation over tint fact that a local syndicate, lieadeil by Miivnr.l. II. ItobbiliH, secured the valuable mining ground in Cracker Creek district, contig iiiiiiH to tint North Colo mine, instead of Abtxiiuder Daring, the I.0111I011 banker, who wanted it, but wan not willing to pay a reasonable price. The people now in control will develop tin ground, in Mull a mill of adeipiate capacity and lake out tint U"ld, which will be beliellcial to the entire icgiou. On the other baud, had tint KnuliMi company bought tin ground, it would doiibtlen have remain d imde. eloeil for earn. While in lin ker City recently, Mr, lliuinn Htated ton reMirter Hint thu policy of the North Pole, in the future an In tint paM, would lie to block out ore iMHlieri and mill only what rock in iiccceHiiry, to K'i't it out of thu way of tint miner. I'or heveral yenrn the coinp.iuy Iiiih Ihiii opcr ntiiiK only ten Hlampi, when fifty could have been worked to advantage. Thin m'acou leu more are bcinti iiiHtalled, when a hundred could he fed with rich ortt. Such couip.iuifH are o( little benetlt I to tint dihtrict and it in fortunate thai ' mtyi who know they ant alive have ce-' cured control id thin nmrvclotfly rich ' Kiound. I Tiik Mi.Ntit piiblirtheH tiwlay a com iiiunicatniu fioiu It. II. Kemp, xoicin.' ' tint Niirprii.c, complaint, almoM irrita tion, that olberh have experieucot who! nave come lo eaxiern orison to write of itn gold IIuMh, when tlicy have found it iniMiMIble to securi the iiiformatinii dc fired, CHHcially accurate olllcial lliiiiicn relative lo (he productou tif thu two or three iloeu uiiuori. Hut, an Tiik .Minku Iiiih once or twice Utforn had K'catioii to i-tate, it U'lieieH that Mr. Kemp in mi taken in bin opinion that any Mute law can ho enacted that will force mine own em to make public thu output of their proHrticH, At llrnl kIuiicu, oiiu mi)hlMUpomt tlmt tbiH could be accompllHlied by taxing in I lie on a IimhIh of their hroM produc-1, bHckiHlhyan elaU.rate .).ti.. (, Kover,,,m,,tal HU,K.rv.mui, of the clean. 11 pN. Hut Tmb Minkk in infornieil by an attorney who Inu untdu a niieclul ittudy of tl.U ..l.jH.t that even thin method uoulil fall ; that mitten can not Ix mi taxed, uti'vHH fnrniH tin- alco; that a law tliiHliHcrIiii!niitiii(nnailitiMliit'i',lilcli iiru considered real ectutu, would mi iitctiomihly ho declared uncomtitutioii- til lit lliu l.tillw.r l-nlirlu ft iiiillVdii . "... ' t I'Vury one klliiWH that lid M'KiMliltor, no .Iliil.... i.i .1,,... 1,... "'iiiliinii niriiiii lit I'liuii i 1 taxing tin' flintier on the amount ofj wheat 1111)1 lilt III Imt of pUlllpkim III i ' i ( " - I Slater assay ollice at Sei'ttlc, Iiiih heen I tletailed to ascertain tin precious metal output of Oregon, and lie haxheen work nig on the prnhleni for more tliiiniiyeiir. While in Sumpter a couple of mouth)' niucn, he informed the writer that ho hud iH'rfcctcd a h.vhIciii, through thu en oH!ratiou of a-Hiiy ofliceH, hunks, smelt cth and the mint, whereby hu would he able to make an accurate estimate for thu year 1 1 NIL' which will surely o-h-ii tlio eyes of tint mining world. Tim eelebruteil f! mill's ' tin. I r nf good cheer" always on draught at Pun phyV The Club. ...J. W. COWDEN... HAS A FINI: LINF: OF FHUTOGKAFHIC VIHWS OF ALL THK MINI:S AND I'ROS-IM-CTS IN TIIK SUMI'TKK G O L D FIKLDS SiilalJliJli 2 MINI? VII-WS ONLY Adilre-H J. W. Cowilen, Sumpter, Or. I GOOD THINGS TO I AT E. P. Bergman & Compa'y GROCERS Mill Street, New RuildiiiR. INCORPORATE UNDER ARIZONA UWS. Moot lihenil ctirHirntion Iuwh in the fulled StutcH. No francliiKt tux or ex orliitiint fccH. I'riwite proHrty exempt from nil cororttttt dehtv. l'ur vuluoof Htook niiulu uiiy amount. Nolnnitonc itiilixiitiou. Stock in iioii-uHvetitiublu for any purMit-c. Noitmouutof t(H-kreuirtHl to Ixt fulwrllKil, No Htnte contrtil. No Htitte I'xamimitioii of bookn. lA'itlature oin't riKul your charter. Keep ullira and 1I0 IhihIiichw anywhere. We attend to till liUHineHM, iay all fees and churxe you but K0.00 in any case. Write for J, , Hir-UolUw; am, 0lor nformillim Mmm lnu mabbaBITIAM AHIBTri M UllMk yURrUMIIM GURItR VI.. MUll NUMM, PNEHL AKHL EAT SUMPTER LIGHT POWER COMPANY. A FULL LINK OF Electrical e Supplies Wiring Neatly Done. The finest light plant in eastern Oregon jjj j SEYMOUR H. BELL, Gn'l. Mr. C. F. RAHT Assayer and Metallurgist OPPOSITE POSTOFFICE SUMPTER, OREGON p A. E. STAKR. Attomey-at-Law Crn'tr, cor. High St. Sumpter, OrKon V. K. IIOItSON. Civil and Mining Engineer. U. S. Deputy Mineral Survrynr tcr Oregon, En gineer for the Cliy ol Sutnpier. UritM i PittM lret. Hat Filtlt H OnMIt. CHAS. H. CHANCE ATTORNEY AT LAW Cltf ttttoiiy U. S. CemmluliMr Roomn 2 and ), First Bank of Sumpter Huiiaing, SUMPTER, OREGON 1 J L T. BROCK, M. D., Physician and Surgeon. Sumpter. Oregon. Speclil Attention Given to Surgerv ani tu Dl. eoet ot Women. Ottice, Nellt IIIikk; RetlJence, iiranltc Street nrir Mill. QR. PEARCE A ANDERSON Physicians and Surgeons ROPttierous SUWI'TIR OBMiKAL HOSPITAL SUMPTIR. OBEOON, , . 1 Office. Main iti. Telephone HosflTAt. Main . INSURANCI. E,L. MANNING, RIAL ISTATI City RKorier ani Notarv Public. Collection. Abttrtctt Agent (or Fyrklie Fire Enttngulthet. Sutapler Basche Hardware Co. . . Sumpter GENERAL DEALERS IN Shelf and Heavy Hardware Iron and Steel Pipe Mining and Mill Machinery Agents for " HERCULES " Powder Fuse and Caps C.C. Basche MANAGER E. A. CLEM & CO. MINKS - I'UOSI'KCTS - STOCKS Write us lor Mil ol properties anJ lowest market luotitlonson stock In projucing mines anJ oil ueltk. hxcellrnt opportunity lor profit In low prlceJ stock. -llilL'ham. of Com. I'oiiti..nii,()kk(Io.v. First bank of sumpter Uco. ....,.) Capital Stock Ji2o,ooo OFFICIKS. J. II. RubMns PreslJent J. W. Scrlber Vke-l'reIJent R. H. Miller Cashier DIPtCTOMs. J. W. Scrlber R. H. Miller Clark SnJe J. II. Robblns Traii-nets a General Banking and Kxchango JJiiHiucfw THE . . . SUMPTER MEAT MARKET AUSTIN MEAT CO. Props. Butcher and Packer Fresh and Cured Meats and Sausage of all Kittds SUMPTER, OREGON