The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, September 03, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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Wednesday, September j, 1902
Bonanza Mines Cost as Much
As They Are Worth.
lie to intercut the probablo inventor, not
ho much in buying a mine n "KinK
mine," bh our European frit-nd would
eay hh in developing nil new. There Ih
really more in it for en pita I in making a
mine for ItHelf t lit ri in paying bit: money
for 11 roHTty already ileveloK-l and
paying. For IIiIh reunon tbiH iuxr
vieuH with favor the orKanixation of do-
I vulopnient coinpank-H that liuvu ample
I money to invent, knowledge enough to
The pronpwt of today may be a mine hi vent it eenclbly, and IiuhIiiuhh patience
tomorrow, for iiiIiicm are made, not enough to not Ik) in too big u hurry for
found. One often hear of a ceareli he return, (iood inline can be made in
iug made by heavy inpitaliMH for big H'" wy Indicated. There are plenty
producing milieu, and yet, of late, the food' proKieetH tiiat deserve develop
lendeiiey in to make inxextmeiitH In ment, bill it in little iihc to tell the prox
prtiiiiiriti pro-pcetx, with a ilew of de- lector "Develop your dainiH." Ilu Iiiih
velopiugllieiu itilu paying pioiKiHitiKiic,!110"1' pretty well to diccover tlu If
and it ban In-cii demoiiHtraleil, lime and ' he. had I he money to develop III rlainiH,
time again, that moru money N to le I probably he wouldn't be a prnHcctor.
made by thiH methixl than inaniilnil!ou He in trying hard enough to develop
of a develojM-d mine which already Iiiih ' tliem, but the way indicated would lie
priMlmed it hundred of tliou-iind. more in the line of good IiuhIiichh. AIIii-
At lime the imprison prevailed hig and .S-iculiliu Preen.
in IIiIh wenlern euiiiitrv that the Ixiimii-,
zan already found and lielug woiked About Thil Sale of Victor Group,
coinprlncd all the iiiIiich priNlurtive of Tiik Sihiitkk Minkii, of Wednesday
the precioiiH inelalH that ever could or .hint, wiyn: "Seymour II. IU-II today
ever would Imi found. Of late year, J Imiight for V. II. TIIiIniIh and other Salt
however, it Iiiih been pioven that thin i l-ake eople the Victor group of nix
a miMakeu idea, an, during uliuoxt every elaluiH, in the lied Hoy diHtricl. Itoy
xeawiii, Mime wonderful limit are lieiug Miller represented the nwnera and Hindu
made throiighiiut the mining dintriclH of tlmwile. The full detailH of the trail
tliltt iiiti'r.iiiiiiiiihttn ri'irlim. I'lnli i-nniii faction could II t Im' learned. A ciihIi
have them by the i-core, and the reportH ' payment of about f I.IHH) wiih made thin
of important tiiuln in the mountain of afternoon, Junt licforo 1 iik .Minkii went
adjoining MatcHHuliHtautiate the claiuiH to prer-n. Thin iimiiuut ih ieMirlcd to lie
often made that, an yet, we know liotli- ten per cnnl of the purchaxe price, the
lug of what we actually poteen in (lie remainder of which will Ih- pi' id at an
way of mineral wealth. early day." When bin attention wiih
Ten or lifteen yearn ban wrought a called In the iiInivv item yenlerday, I'rof.
wouderliil change in the mining hitiia-" iidiuitted that in Hie main it wan
tiou of thin wenteru country. At thai correct. The property, he naid, had
time we weie proud of our ureal ilivi- Ih'cii recommended an a good buy nome
deud pa.vern, hoiiehtlybelieviugthat lime time auo, and, after luw-itiL'aliug iln
would not proitucu their eipial, and yet, , merlin thoroughly, he and an eanteru
after ho brief a period in our mining hir inventor, wlione identity he did not care
lory, our old lime woudem have been to dlnelone at thin time, had decided to J
more than duplicated by a large number lake the properly over, ami Mr. Hell wiih
of new iniiien, mime of which otcmhailow aulliori.ed to clone the deal. The mine, ,
the recoidn made by our tirnt great he naid, wan located about Iwo uiHch'
ininiH in a m. inner that given iucicancd went of the fainoiin lied Hoy. It had
coulldcuci) in llie iniiiiiig i mho-try of the I teen opened with two tuuneln, a nhaft j
Itocky mountain region, and neveral oH'ii cutn along the ledge,,
The niiccenn thai ban attended mining and the nampllitg had been perfectly
in all i In luaiichcH during the pant few natinfactory. The ore in productive of I
yearn niioiiiu nave a niiuiuiaiiiig eiteci goiu nun nnxer vaiuen, aooiu ciiiauy in-
upon the propMvtnr and iimiii the own- vided. A batch of nine n.implcH had din-
cloed an averaise value of flMMKI; two
ern of mining claiuin. Ah "tall treen
from little acoriiH grow," no it in In min
ing affair. The greatent dividend pay
ern of today were, at one time, nothing
NimplcH from another Miiut luuldit-cloncd
a value of fUll; live from another went
7ll, while the average of a nnckfulof the
more than iirojiH'ctn. and iironiieclH are ore taken from all iiarlnof the miiiu and
lieing develoxd Into paying iniiien in al I nent here for annay u few dayn ago gave
iiiohI every milling camp in the went, rcltinm of 210.7 oiiiicen of nilver and
Thin being the cane, the proHoctor ' I0I.M) In gold per ton. In addition to
nhould not become dint-enraged, nor I the other reportn on the proHrly, .1. II. i
nhoiild the owner of a piomlniug uiiiilug I Kobbiun, inaiiager of the liolcoiida and'
claim deninl in liin effort n to develop the mayor of bumpier, had recommended its ,
name becaiine it in not a Silvei King, u i piirchane, while V. Hobbinn, of the
Paly Went, a Horn Silver or a Highland lied Hoy, had declined it to Ik a good
Hoy, which, at one time, were nothing prncity. The purclumem are now- in
but pioipcctn, Salt Lake Mining He- ionnennloii of tlie mine, and work upon
Ulg Money In Developing Mums.
The pio-peclor ban uUnit an much ad'
vice given him an uiivhmlv. And con
siderable of It In worth Jllnl what Itcontn.
it will liculu at once. It in expected to
1h a inouey-iuaker from the ntart. Salt
Lake Tiibuiie,
Th But is None Too Good For You
And weean (iiruinh oii with the iu:ht for
There In ud ice enough on hand now to llll)n. ,ltm y MIB,t ,Mtv f(ir tll0,
run mm lor a while. VHiat lie really woiim. Iheiefore, don'l tlnow awav giMnl ,
net dn more than advice I- wood c.-' m,muV for KM)r, but if villi are
ample. I luring IW.' he him been told, pdnu cant, or have friendn coming went,
nnuieronnly, 'Develop your claiuin." ,., I1H ,,. unl w ,. n, m.r c,,. '
Might It not be well to In-nlow a little cage, Wani.lngton, New York, llonton, '
Mich admonition on the inventor. Ordi- Sl, I(mHi M,.,,,,,!,, .,.- OrU-tiiif and
narily the only thing thai keepn a pron- n u.rniwtl, H,illls. Our railn are
IH'clor from developing bin elaimn in lack l(il Jn f(,rU.,. different Ma ten of the
of money. Souietimen the man who ,.oli (V.unumdcate with in rearding
buyn the pro-poet for a very little and (n.x Hlll p.,nnenger bimluensj itV u
maken a mine out of it telln the pronpeo. ,,,.rtHlri. lo replv to letter. i
lor he wanfoolinh to nell noelieap, which J. c. I.imwkv, ' ' I). II. Tiii'Miinx, .
in adding iunult to injury. In nuch a Ti ,.-. ,., . .., Commercial Agent,
paper an thin it in never trf any line to , u T,,iri, St( .r,ttllll( 0riT,,i,. ,
)niint out a defect or want, without prof- ' I
fering meimsly or aid for itn netsl. In siun-n of all kinds at Nolll Mercantile
thin canti tlie inont likely beuclll would ' company V. '
J. G. Connell
VfhilMiit ud MiH iMtart it
Hay, Oats,
Steamed Barley,
Bran. All
Kinds of Feed and
Poultry Supplies,
Cream of
the West
Condition Powders for Horses and Cattle.
Truck and Transfer.
Granite St. J. G. CONNELL, Prop.
In Sumpter and vicinity have their clothes
made by
FLYNN, the Tailor.
Big Line of Fall Goods Just Received.
Horses boarded by the dav or month. First
class turn-outs and saddle horses. Our
specialty is the quick and safe delivery of
freight and passengers to any and all points.
Electric Lights and Phone. Hot and Cold Baths.
M. SPENGLER, Proprietor
Joshua Hendy Machine Works
Nos. 8 to 44 Fremont Street
Suartz Mining and Milling
olstlnR, Pumping and
Saw Mill Machinery. Hy
draulic Mining Macnineiy.
Utants, Water Gates and
Hydraulic Rivlted Pipe. j
Water Wheels and Water
Motors, Engines. Boilers.
Pumps and Machinery of
every description, jt jt
j Prospecting Machinery.