f rft COVERS THOROUGHLY THE EASTERN INVESTORS IN OREGON MINES Pay for AND READ IT GOLD FIELDS of the INLAND EMPIRE " TALK OF THE TOWN. Mnt. A. It. Ilrown left Monday for I'tirtliiml, on u pleiiHiire trip (or u few Iiivh. Wultur Allen nH!iit nevera! Ih'h In J town (IiIn week, from tlit) Undo Sum mini!. Mr. and Mm. N. (', Itichardn returned hiivithI duyn. ninco from n vlnlt with fricnilH on the Sound. Profcnnor V. S. Khcrniun li'fl mil' day hint week for tlii1 fimt, on IiuhIiichh per taining to tint niucltur. Mr. unit Mrn. V. Ilnucn, of I'ortlunil, who Iiiivii Ix'i'ii In Sumpter for ncvcrul weckn paM, lmvi returned home. .Mrn. Miihiiii, of I'ortliitul, who Iiiih lieen vihiting frlcnilH in Sumpter for mmiik time pant, left for liomii Monday. .l Wilier Iiiih gone to I'ortliitul, to re iinilii a week anil make iirriiugcmcutn to rimliiiiiii work on the tinldcu Itolt! nil winter. .IIhh Muhol Carter, who Iiiih lieen ve iling her nlMcr, Mrn. (i. II. Trncy, for a fiuv iIiivh, Irft for her Iioiiii1 nt Salem Monday. Ilnv. .lami'H IIth, of IhoPrcHhyterlaii church, Iiiih returned from u month vn t'ntion vlnlt to Mnmliin, North Dakota, IiIh (ormur home. .1. N. Hoffman left for Portland thin iifterniHiii mi a nhnrl liUHlncnntrip. Mrn. I.. Purkcc will laKc charge of the bakery during IiIh uhncucc. Hoy Miller retiirned Mtvcral day, nince from Canyon City, when lie went to look into the proHiHition of cMahllnhlug a national hunk there. Mr. and Mrn. S. II. Hell, II. II. (irillln, .1. I. (iii'.H, MUh IIoIihoii, and a dozen or llflcen other left thin afternoon for Portland, to take In the Klk nil nival. F.ugene llartholf returned hint evening from the Miilhenr diMricI, where ho lo rated nix very prouiiniug ipiarl. cluinin. Hit brought buck a number of nuuiplcn which he In havinu unnayed. UiuIh Mi.hCH in iuicrcMcd with him in the claim. Captain Wood, the rcprcnciitatlvo and minim: expert for eiiHtem men of large capital, in again in Sumpter, mid every one who known the gentleman Iiikh that thin time he will land what he wantM and make thin hi crmiinciit hcadipiartcr. Mr. and Mrn. Seoiit, whoHHnt neveral week in Sumpter, the gucM of Mr. and Mrn. I). I.. Killed, earlier In the Hum mer, returned u few day ninco. from San Praucico and other coaM (mint. They will leave at an early date for their home in Ncbrunku. F. C Ilrodie Iium moved hi Mock of jewelry into the IK'Neffe A Mnxxy brick building, nd now hN one of the hand corneal MtoreH in caMcru Oregon. The building which he ban vacated will lie movtd (nun the lot hi make room for a brick, to be erected by Tom Dunpliy. Stierintendenl Warren Cable, of the Cracker Oregon, whh in town ycMerday. lie rtMirtel that he in Mill drifting through ore that car Hen fret gold in pro fiihion. llu didn't wear the nilk hat and )tmt leather hIioch that he wiih prom inod by Kicrctt ItroMii and other for making thin tind, but will upHjar ho ar rayed on IiIh next vlnlt to camp. It wiih ri'iMirteil on the ntreet here Monday that the long croHncut tunnel at the I la by McKee had limilly cut the iiiuiii ledge and wiih in llvt feet of good ore. (iencral Malinger (. Townncnd wiih In town Tuenday. llu Muted that the rumor wiih a iniMiike; that a blind ledge with Home gmnl ore wiih encountered, hut tliut tlni main vein in Mdl ahead. It 1h reHtrted that .1. II. KnhhliiH made a f liTi.tXK) cleanup Monday on Home of IiIh mining iutcrcMn, and that he at once reinvented it in the South I'olu Mining company. Seymour Hell in naid to have negotiated the deal, mid every IhmI.v know that hedncHii't turn trick of that kind for nothing. Neither gen tleman would takoTiiK Minkii man into their conlldn.ice regarding I lie deal. C. F. Itaht, the HHHiiyer, will leave the fifteenth of IIiIh month for the extreme Hiiuth of Old Mexico, to take the man agement of a big mining pioonitioii for a Seattle yndlcute. Mrn. Itaht will fol low later. The mine In ten mile be yond the teriuiiiUH of the Mexican Southern railroad. Ills many friend in Sumpter regret to have the gentleman leave here, hut are pleiiHcd at IiIh ginnl fortune in Hccuriuu hi iiiiMirtaut a ig nition. Monday night, an I 'rot. IliifTum, Char ley Ferry and Charley HeNeffe were returning from a dance at Itourue, they met a cub hear on the linn; bridge thin nidi) of the Halfway houne. An IiIh hearnhip nhowed no dlMiNltiipn to liurrv bin departure, the by pulleil up and allowed him to lake bin own time alniut it. DeNeffe wanted to get out and take a fall out of the cub, hut wan rcntraiiifil by Inn compiinioiiH, who did not wMi to nee tint lieant maugleil. Finally the obnl ruction moved itnelf hence and tin trip wan rcHiimcd without further inter ruption. "Now U the Appointed Time." The (). It. A N. Co. ban junt illcd a haudnomely illuntrateil pamphlet en titled, "Oregon, Wanhiugtou and Idaho and their renourcen." I'eople in theeant are auxioun (or iiiforiiiatiou almul the I'at'ilic. iiorlhwent. If you will give the O. It. Sc N. company agent at Maker City a lint of namen of eanteru icoplc, who tire likely to ho ititcrcntcd, the liooklet will lie mailed free to nuch Hr hoiih. Yotirn truly, A. I.. Craig, (ienentl I'HHHcugcr Agent. For the liuent cigarn, lioth Key Went and donientic, the choievnt confectioun, MKkel kniven, icecream, cider, tolmcvon and ntationery, g to Stiirgill'H, on Mill Mrei't, near tJranite. Iloffman'ri lUkery mukcH a nn.siulty of fiirnlnhlng ice cream (or partien. Prompt attention given all ordern. Ilarriiton, the Uiunt Powder man waiita every miner to make bin nttlre hedipirler when in Sumpter. Ilarrittou caii tell you why nil lucky ntrikixi are made with (iiatit Powder. If you wind to ntrike it rich tine tSianl Powder. Foiiiethiug to Kwder, deend iiK)ii Giant All the latent noveltien in hatn Neill Mercantile comiwny'n. '-"-" at THIS IS ONE OF THOSE ONCE IN A LIFETIME CHANCES TF YOU wish to handle a mining stock 1 proposition yourself, you need look no farther; but thorough investigate what we have to offer. Can deliver control of a company, with 42,000 of the original 500,000 shares still in the treasury. The property owned by the company is positively all right. The workings are in solid ledge matter, the width of which is not yet proven.though exposed for eighteen inches. Values carried are high, running from 520 to $50 in gold and silver. Personal ex amination invited. Less than 5,000, about half cash, required to secure this unequaled bargain. 5L 2 2 KILLEN WARNER & STEWART B MINING INVESTMENTS SUMPTER j j OREGON LAAli.lli.lli..l..tl..ti.J..l.i..l..l.iXl J. P. HOLLAND Wholesale and Retail Commission Business No. I I lay, Oatn, I In i ley, Hniti, Wheat, Kloitr mill I'otutocs Curium I lotn u Specialty Special Attention Given to the Mining Trade Office: .lulinV ft IJtiV WrnvhoiiM!. IMione 2H(i. gUMlTKIt, OREGON l F.E.O'Rourke&Co. M$J&M3&fi$MMmS8 llill tKITIIIRi mtM gCILL Granite St. &. Sumpter, Ore.