The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, September 03, 1902, Page 14, Image 14

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Wednesday September j, 1902
Geological Survey.
I production of Ijiki! SiiH;rior( Montana
1 anil Arizona wuru hn follow h :
l-alu SiiK!rlor, (W.772 Ioiik tnun, lwr-
Ht'titBKu of total production, L'.Vtt; Moil-
!tnim, IOL',ni'l long Ioiih, iKTivntiue, :.'.;
D , L it C !r'x"""i S,38.'I loim toiiH, iNirt-uiitHgu,
Keport by the U. O. "1.7. Mr. Kirchlioff iIIm-iinki-h at hoiiio
IciiK'tli tin; condition ami production of
tliu iiiihuH In tin l.aki! SiiL'rlor tlintilct,
in .Montiinu, In Arizona, In I'tnli, ami In
Tlii production of li'iul In tint nulled ' Tliu total importx of copper in tliu
Stutcx in IIMII, Kityn ClmrlfM Klrolihoff, i I'ulti-il State in 1II0I from all Hiiuruun
in Mineral Iti'Houiwt of tliu l'ultcd ml In all form, amounted to ILM.IKW,-Stitti-H,
IIKII, now in pri-n, I'. S. HiiiIdk- :,-:i 'ihIh, an tonipari'd with IO.i,Htt.r,
ical Snrvi-v, wiih fnllv 1111 to tliu IiIkIi , - pound in ItKHI, with tW,17l,lltl
total uhlcli wan attained in IIKKI, mI II Ih in IH'W and with oOJiW.-ll'll
thonli lint output of iniliviilnal flintriutH i IuihIh in lHttS.
viirli'il pomculiut. I Tim total value of tlm export of coji-
Tlii' total production of rctlncil lead in l"'r front, tliu United State in WOI wiih
IIMII amounted to JlSl.tiSS idiort ton, an , :Mt,07l,HH, ii rotnp:iruil with f8,H75,
compared with :t77,H7!l t-liorl ton in ' in HHM), with ti:i,48fi,iM4 in I8IHI anil
I1HHI. Of tliU total production in Mil, with liVifito&l in I HIKS. (icrmauy in
tlw net American priMhii'tlon wan IWI,-' far our lartfet ciiMoiucr for copper,
7011 hhurl lone, iiltmM exactly tliu niiiui J hIik-u tliu twitter part of tliu metal
11- in l!KH). liippcd to tliu Xutlierlaiul i.x in transit
Tliu total output of Ihn M 111 ppl i fr Unit country; on thu other Iniiiil,
valley footed up to ahoilt (17, IKK) Ioiih, ' miiiiu of the coper which K"'" '" 'ho
or iilionl one-fourth of the whole plod lie ! I'ulled Kingdom in lilppcd from there
lion of thu country. Idaho coiiIImucm to oilier count ric. Tim detail of the-!
thu princiial coiitrihiilor, full 7fi,(W0 movement cannot well hu followed.
I hu ctiiuatcd coiiHUinplion of copper
in thu United Stale in IIKII wiih :W2,.
foeuril'Alene milieu. Colorado yielded 7(11,(114 ihiiiiiiIh, iih agaiiiHt :ioil,N!l,lL'l
ahoiil 7.'t,(MHMoiiH in IIMII. I.endville re-' IhmiiiiIh in HMO.
Thu htock of copper on hand in thu
United State on .lanuary I, II Hi:', in ch-
tilliated iih Ih'Iiik' at leant :IIHI,(KM),(KKI
ImmiiiiIh, equivalent to nix uioutlm pro-
ductioii. In the ilbhcuce of (Inure
which minlit Imi aid to represent norinal
yearn, it In lniHilile to do more than
make it kuchm ut what might Ihi connld.
unit thu exci-HM over a rcaHiiialile Htock.
It Ih prob.tlily fair toiiHH.iiuo that, even
at thu iNiuniiiK of tliu year IIKII, the
HtiM-kH of copM.'r in thin country were lie
yond thu working limit.
The copper market ooiied in 11X11
rather dull at the ollicial price of 17
ecu I h for Lake and U)i ceutH for electro
lytic, hut actual mile were made at HIJ,
centH for Ijtku nuil nt HI,1 for electro
lytic. Ily the l.'tlh of January, llHrJ, the
ollicial pricch had fallen to II1,, cent for
Lake coper.
The worldV priMluction of copper in
IIHII wiih fill, SO; I lonj Ioiih, iih aaliiht
187,'JiM Ioiih in HKHi, 4iu,(m:i ioiih in ihihi
and 4:ll,:i7tl tons in I8HS.
Ily far thu iiiohI iniHirtaut of the new
iniucH which have entered the world's
market in recent yearn Id that of tliu
Orcein) CuuhoIiiIuUmI (?opcr company,
whom prnertifH are heated at t'anaiien,
Sonora, Mexico. Therein every reaMiu
to Iwlieve that hefure the clofo of the
Ioiih of the total coiiiIiik' from that Mate,
mid nearly all ImiIiil' thu priMluct of the
maininc thu larent cinuli! ditrict, al
lliouj-li iu IIKII thin diHtrict furniHhud
Ii-hh lead than iu former yeaiH. Thu
priMluction of t'tah Iiiih hceu well Inalll
taineil, the ipiaiitity being 111,870 nhort
Ioiih, iiImiiiI I, SIX I Ioiih iu uxcchh of thu
piiHluctiou of I IKK).
Thu CMtlinaled cnnmimptinu of lead in
IIKII wiih iill,tKi5 nhort Ioiih, ai- compared
with '.tlii,:Mi:. Ioiih iu IIKM, and with .'il,-
:tir in iHtni.
The total value of the lead iuiMirteti
for eoiiHiimption in the United Staten iu
IIKII wiih :iill, I.V.I, iih compared with
f7'.',:M:i ill IIMMI. The value of thu ex
HirlH of lead from thin country in IIKII
wiih filL'I.IUtl, iih compared with ftflltfl
iMirlnn the lht eliieli luoutliH of IIKII
thu price of lead wiih maintained at
I.!l7'g cuiiIh at New York, hut iu Me
cemU'r the Ameiici.u Smeltiug and lie
lining company reduced the ollicial
pi icu to four ceutH. During tliu whole
year the lead market wan held hIiiIIoii
ary hy main force, although the (piantl
lien which coUHiimptlou would not ah
horh were added to thu Htock ill llrnt
IiiiuiIh. Low pricen prevailed in Kuroe
during the year, and towatd the clone of
nuyear n.ey reacie. a ngiiru in ine,,,.,,, lt, iril(m., fthiHcon.
i.ooiiiiu iiuirHui noicii in eipiivaii'iii in , iiunv will
'J. 10 tenth per hiiiuiI here
reach 4,ntKI,0(K to fi.lHKI.OIH)
iHiunilH ot line copiH-r iht inontii. ucli
The cimditiomi nurroundlug thu iiiih " rapitl development linn never More
... ,1., i i .i been wit iiffhcd iu the copiKir m iiiug hi-
r milling IndiiHlry tluring the year ,MHrv
IIKII were in many reHK'CtH uxtraordi
nary. I'nxlucliou wiih only nlightlv lenn
than it had Ueu iu IS1KI ami ItKKl, ami
couHumpliou iu thin country wan un
doubtedly counitlerably greater. Hut a
determined effort wan u.ade during thu
greater part of the year to maintain
vultifH in the face of advernu couditioun
in the count rit'H which are thu principal
ciiMtoincm for our largo nurplUM. I'rlcen I
were kept iiInixu the purity of Kuroe,
no thai large iuiorlatioun were atldetl
lo the niipply. Thu reniili wan an extra
ordinary iitviimulallon of the nil metal
iu the liauiln of leading iuterentn. For u
while ciMiieimiiou between thu pilncipal
prtHlucern wan trietl, mid, when thin
failed, coercion wan atteiupUil by thu
breaking of the nmrkel toward thu clone
of the year. Thin wan preceded by a
very nerioiin tltvlino in the rharcM of
eopjier iHiuipanlen on Kith niden of thu
The loUl prolilctiou of domentie eop
Hr iu thu United Staten iu ItXtl wan
IS,7S'.' long Ioiih, an aguiunt LO.IWS long
Ioiih iu ItKHI. The amouutn prtnluceil
and the relative porceutaen of thu total
Jg Wi mke a Specialty if Supplies for Miners.
Heinze's Celebrated Cumed Goods and a
Opera House Block Fu Line of firooerilS
suhipT- owgon. Strawbtrrios and VogotahlBs Frosh Evary Day.
American Brewing and Crystal Ice Co,
E. SIBER, General Manager.
Manufacturers of
First Class Draught and Bottled
Also Ice Made of
Distilled Water.
The most modern equipped plant in the state.
All orders promptly attended to.
Telephone, Main nj. BAKER CITY, OREGON.
Qiurl ami Placer Loca
tions, Tunnel Claim ami
Water Rigit Locations,
Proof of Labor, Affidavit
of Discovery Work
cMining Deed, Option to
Purchase, Quit Claim
Deed, Lease j j j j j
f m "i ,4iaaaaaar ".'BaaaiaiBaaaHHriBnBHRVBar
i BaaanBaaaa
Friction Clutch
TOn rURTHCR articulaub adbrcss
wf WMI