t VOL III. . I ll Wi iKKIlXIV I J A VI S I 1W Sumpter Banker Takes a Fall Out of London . Financier Secures Over 5000 Feet of Rich North Pole Ledge. Two or three weeks ago Tiik Minkk published mi interesting story iilamt Alexander I taring, thogreut Imnkur ami financier of bimlon mid owner of the North Pole mine, securing 5000 fcct ex tension of thnt ledge, undoubtedly thu richest over uncovered on earth. It was a fact that he practically had all of thin gold-ground, but lit failed to hold it. J. II. Hobbins, the Sumpter banker, out witted the Naioleonic IliiMicier from the world's financial center and took it away from him. Thin Htory Ih all about how it liappeued and how the trick" wax turned. ' To make the narrative mute clear to Minkk readers not familiar with the ground, a diagram would Iw useful, but not having one, he who would under stand thu situation miiHt carefully read this description of the proerty : Thu North 1'oIc'h original holdings consisted of the claim by that name, the More or Iawi and the Gold Dollar, the latter a fraction 128 feet in lun'th ; total, 3128 feet. Utter the couiMiuv bought an undivided one-lialf interest in the next claim, the Villard. I. Ham-he, of Baker City, owned an undivided one quarter of thin and a Mn. Fault, of Cal ifornia, the other quarter. Then cornea the Itlue .Mountain, 55H f.iet in length, commonly known na the Clark Snydo fraction. Next to this ia the Vankeo Jim, owned by W. N. Proeladel and Andrew Hansen, each an undivided half. The end line of thin claim ia near the summit. On the other aide of the divide are the CllpHr, the Deer Ixxlge and the Hansen, the last named being a fraction (150 feet long. On it ia a five stamp mill. This ia the way Mr. 'Baring, the hrewd London financier, started in to play the game. He bought the Snyde fraction for $90,000, which ia about $54 a foot. He persuaded Messrs. Proebstcl and Hansen to divide ther interests in the Yankee Jim and paid the former 122,500 for Ida half interact, lie had a aort of verbal understanding with the owners of the other half of the Villard regarding ita purchase, and a bond on the Hanaen property. Having paid for alternate section of the great ledge, be went to the owners of other sections and informed them in Ida rather blunt, dic tatorial manner that he had then "bot tled up;" that they would have to do business with him in order to work their claims ; that lie didn't care to do busi ness that way, would prefer to buy and that they would have to accept the price r f SUMPTER, OREGON, i r k. -. A I KV I I i II I M, Ai A A I 9 M. VtaVJ. he would offer, or let the proicrty re main undcvclnHd. Fancy a limn making a bluff of tlitit kind at Peter Huschu and Andrew Han sen ! About that time Mayor Itobbliis, through Ida innumerable sources for ac quiring valuable information when it will do thu most good, learned of thu atatu of affairs, quietly, unostentatiously butted into the mime and secured op tions on every font of this ground, the title of which does not rest with thu North Pole, aggregating 5182 feet. To limit up a tree, it looks us if Alexander Haringisina bottle himself, with the cork driven in and wired down. During thu pui-t tun days Mr. Itohhins has hud surveyors on thu ground. Their work has disclosed this almost sensa tional piece of informatien: He t ween thu Snyde fraction unil the half of thu Yankee .liu., that was houuht by the North 1'ole, there was u piece of vacant ground 32 feet and 10 inches widu. It is not vacant now. Viewed us a strategic point, for tliu working of adjoining claims, it ia worth more a-r foot than corner lota on The Strand. In order to extend the working tunnel into the Snyde fraction, through thu Villard, Hanker Itariug, of londou, will have to negotiate a little deal with Hanker Itohhins of Sumpter. If that obstacle ia successfully surmounted, the same gentleman will have have to hold another caucus and reach a compromise, in order that the same tunnel can Imj driven through that 32 feet and 10 Inch fraction into the North 1'ole'a half of the Yankee Jim. When it is Inowu that the fabulously rich ore shoot on the Mora or leaa, from which rock carrying (300,000 in gold to the ton ia being taken, ia only 200 feet distant from the end line of the Villard, it will be seen at the Unit glance that the "plot ia thickening;" that the whole proposition is becoming entertaining. On the other hand, Mr. Itobbliis can start in on the Rock creek aide of the divide and drive his tuHnel 3050 feet to a point directly under the apex, and 750 feet beyond, without encountering even a temporary injunction as an obstacle. To develop this ground a company has been Incorporated under the name of the South Plate CoHSolidatedOolil Mines company, capitalised at $5,000,000. The Incorporators are J. II. Itobliios.thu man who turned the trick, W. W, Hob-' building a dam and digging ditches for bins, whose skill as a mining engineer,1.,!,-... to dv,loi, the excellent water made a mine of the Concord, and Col-1 SEPTEMBER 3, 1902. M'I Haley, nf IViitllfton, unit of the shrewdest, most profoundly Irani,,! lawyers in the state, one who ha forgot ten how to ou a case. The directors will be elected today or tomorrow. They will probably lie. I. II. Itohhins, I. Hiisehe, Andrew Hansen, .1. II. Haley and W. W. Itohhins. The, -III- eers oi i lie company nave not yet imvii decided Ux.u. A. P. Gou Sells Canyon City Bank. The (Smut County bank passed into new hands last week, A. P. (Whs selling thu entire business to V. II. Johnson : Sous, of John Day. The new'otlicers of the hunk arc: V. II. Johnson, presi dent; Clarence Johnson, vice president; A. P. (ioxs, cashier; V. II. Johnson, Clarence Johnson and C. P. Johnson arn thu directors. Under thu miiungu incut and ownership of A. P. Goss, thu (iraut County bank has beun one of the strong and substantial enterprises of thu county, and cHHH:iully will it lm so un der thu present miiimgumciit, which ia coiiiamcd of men who uru not only liminciully strong, hut ileiiiauil thu re- sited of the business men of Grunt county. It ia not thu intention of thu new management to change thu location ot thu hunk, as has In-en rumored, but to continue the business in this city, us heretofore. Mr. Goss, who has so suc cessfully built up the bank to its present standard, will lie retained us cashier Thu capital stock of thu inlitutioii will, in thu near future, 1st increased from $25,0000 to $50,000. Grant County News. Reception to Sumpter Band. Last Thursday evening thu iiiuiiiIhts of the Sumpter bund, alsmt sixteen In number, wure hospitably entertained at a reception given in their honor by Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Kiigluud. Husides thu band boys, there were present Professor I.. D. Kdwurds, D. W. llair.l and Miss Kmlly Herutsoii, of Huker City. Pro gressive whist was the order of business, the prixe winners being as follews: Firt prixe, Professor Hiiffiim, silver Miihnld- er; second prixe, ucorgu White, sliver hook mark; first hoohy prixe, ('. K. IV Neffe, imckagu of cigarettes; mi'oud IkkiIiv prixe, I .eon Stoddard, doll. A nice lunch was served at II o'clock. One of ties most entertaining features was an instrumental solo, by Professor Kd wurds. After a song by Miss Herntsnn and a duet by Mr. Haird and Mlaa Herut soii, the iarty broke up, everyone de claring that they hail had a very enjoy able evening. Work at the Gissy King. V. 11. Mather was in town Monday from the Gly King, coining in for suit plies. He reports that the pump se cured from A. V. Kill has liceu install ed and ja working admirably, keeping the shaft as dry aa a powder house. They lire in good ore of uniform quality and the ledge la gradually widening out. A force of men ia at work getting out tiiiilwm tit liiHt nil u'liitur. Oilier iir power. NO. 52. SECOND PAYMENT ON THE MAXWELL Ledge Cut 1800 Feet Below the Apex, Monday. C. P. Herkey, of Miiiiicuilis, mot W. M. Price, of Pendleton ami J. K.Knmig, of I .a Grande, in Nell J. Snrensen fc Co'solllec Monday and made to them the second payment of $12,000 on the Maxwell mine, now owned and nitr ated by the Klkhorn Consolidated Gold Mining company. The payment was scarcely made when Mr. Snrensen, who is general manager of thu mine nnd thu resident director of the coniaiiy, received a telephone mes sage from Ida superintendent, atating thnt a laaly of excellent ore, of the same general character as that found elswhere in thu mine, hud Ist-n uncovered in tin crosscut run from tunnel No. 18. The crosscut was started at a jiolnt 800 feet from the mouth of the tunnel, driven north mid thu u-ln was cut at a distance of 200 feet. This is n very important strike, aa it opens up the ore Isidy 400 feet dccMr than it is expoHi-d In any of thu other workings, No, M lieing thu dccst heretofore. This last strike proves tho ledge ton depth of 1800 feet below tho llMX. N. J. Sorcusen und Otto Herlocker hud intended to go out to the mine thin afternoon, hut owing to another call on their time, will have to postmnu tho trip for r day or two. Improvement! at Pine and Olive Placers. Superintendent Itavu McCoy, of Kil led, Warner .V Stewart's Pine und Olive creek placers, was in town yesterday. He says that though hydruulicking haa been stopad for the season, there la still plenty of water, esHcially in Pine creek. He ia now constructing a series of reservoirs that will furnish water for thu entire season next year, and making other extensive improvements, that will insure big cleanups in the fu ture. The "dry season" is fully a month later in arriving this year than last, ami all placer miners have taken out an un usually large amount of gold. Another Cracker Creek Property Seal.. Several daya since Klllen, Warner ev Stewart bought from Brig Ballantyn the War Kagle group, consisting of the claim by that name, the North Star and the Jack 8nlw, situated in the Cracker Creek district, near to and on the same ledge with the Cracker-Oregon. The price a id has not lawn made public. The new owners will at once drive the tunnel 100 feet further in, to cut the ledge, and then drift 100 feet, to ace what the thing looks like. Cracker creek prowrtiea are positively the cor rect stylo in fall mining fashions. I' i If1 v j,,aw..nTeii.iTBi'Taw'"'i-,yy?1