8 fc THE SUMPTER MINER 1 DIVIDENDS ' The Red Boy Consolidated Gold Mining Company OREGON'S GREATEST MINE Has Produced Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars in Gold and Will Produce Millions. A Great Electric Power Plant, Trebling the Present Stamp Mill and Other Vast Im provements will Soon Increase the Dividends Many Fold. Instead of Diverting the Dividends for this Purpose, Stock is Of fered for Sale for the First Time in the History of the Mine Jf If Sf THIS IS YOUR CHANCE BUY RED BOY STOCK WHY? Because: LATEST STRIKE From the lowest workings of the mine they have just taken ore that runs over 1000 to the ton IT is a great Producing Mine. IT has an immense ore reserve in Five rich veins. IT has the finest Mining Equipment in the Northwest. IT has clear title, no debts, no trouble. IT will steadily increase in value. IT pays dividends and will increase them many times. IT will provide for the rainy day. IT will take care of your latter years. I T will pay dividends to the next generation. ACT PROMPTLY. THE PRICE WILL ADVANCE KILLEN, WARNER STEWART SUMPTER, OREGON AGENTS 253 BROADWAY, NEW YORK REDFORD'MCNEAL CODE Wednesday, August 27, 19c 2 fc"