The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, August 27, 1902, Page 6, Image 6

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    Wednesday, August 27, 1902
TIMBER UNt), ACT JUNE i, 1878 -notice FOR
for Publication.
Unit J Sniti LanJ Office.
U Grande, Oregon,
July 8, i'joi. )
Notice Is hereby given Ilia' In compliance with the
provision nl the acl ol congress nf June , 1878.
entitle J "An tct for the sale nl tl niter lanJs In the
stiles ol California, Oregon, NevaJa anJ Washing
ton Territory," as esiendeJ to all the Public LanJ
States by act nl August 4, 1897,
ol Whitney, county of llaker. state nl Oregon, has
this Jay file J In this nflice his sworn statement No
lion lor the purchase of the t'A net, sw'f ntX anJ
nwjf sK of section No 8 In township No. 11 south
range No. it I wx, anj will offer proof to show that
the lanJ sought Is more valuable fnr Its Umber or
itone than lor agricultural purposes, anJ to establish
Ms claim to salJ lanJ before Charles If. Chance, If.
S. commissioner, at Sumpler, Oregon, on Wednes
day, the 8II1 day nl October, loos.
lie names as witnesses' Curren A. Smith, ol Whit
ney, Oregon; Alice Kent, ol Sumpler, Oregon; Leon
aril Sims anJ May Sims, ol Whl'nty, Oregon.
Any anj all persons ctalmlnir aJverselv the above-
cletcrlhej lanJs are requesteJ to tile their c'alms In
this office on or before salJ 8lh Jay ol October, tout,
I:. W. Marhi'TT, Register.
UnlleJ States lanJ office,
La Grande, Oregon,
Jutv H. 101
Notice Is hereby given thai In compliance with the
provisions ol the act l congress nl June 1, 1818, en
title J "An acl lor the sale ol timber lanJs In the stales
of California, Oregon, Nevaja anJ Washington Ter
ritory," as estenJeJ to all the I'ubllc LanJ slates by
aclol August a, i'i.
ALICE S. KENT. unmarrleJ,
ol Sumpter, county ol Maker, stale ol Oregon, has
this Jay rileJ In this office her sworn statement No.
sue lor the purchase nl I ol 1 anJ se'( neX anJ eK
se" 4 of section No. One (1), In Inwnshlp No. it south,
range No. 14 rwM.anJ willttfler prinil to show that
Ihe land sought l more valuable for Us limber or
stone than lor agricultural purposes, an J In establish
htr claim to salJIanJ belore Charles II, Chance, U.
S. commissioner, at Sumpter, Oregon, on WeJnes-
aav, tne nils day or octoner, nana.
She name as witnesses John William Fleegle,
Curren A. Smith, LeonarJ Sims, I ottle I leegle, all ol
Whitney, Oregon.
Any anJ all persons claiming aJverselv the above
tlescrlheJ lanJs are reiuestej to hie their claims In
this office on or before sal I 8th Jav ol October, 1001,
M W. llARtlllTT. Register.
TIMIII.M UNO, ACT JUNE 1. 1878. -noiicb ior
UnlteJ States UnJ Office. )
La Grande, Oregon
July 8, 191s. r
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the
provisions ol the acl ol congress ol June 1, 1878, en
titled "An act lor the sale of Umber lanJs In the states
ol Calllornla, Oregon, NevaJa anJ Washington Ter
ritory." as estenJeJ to all the Public UnJ Stales by
acl ol August 4, 1H-11,
il Whitney, county nl Maker, state ol Oregon, has
this Jay filej In this office his swum statement No.
ttui lor the purchase .it the se self ol Sec. anj
sM swts anJ sw ri ol section No. tx In township
No 11 south, rrnge No. 14 IWA.and will oiler prnut
lo show thai the land sought Is more valuable lor Its
limber or slime than lor agricultural purposes, anJ to
esiai-iitii 111-.CM1111 10 iu lanj r-eioie L.nartes 11.
Chance, (1. S. ciininilsslnner, at Sumpter, Oregon, on
WeJnetJav, the Hill Jay ol October, iuoi.
He names as wlinesses John William I leegle,
I ntlle I leegle anJ I eonjr J Sims, all ol V, Mine) , Ore
gon, anJ Alice S. Kent, ol Sumpter, Oregon.
Any and all pets ns claiming adversely the above
JescrlbeJ lauds ale requetteJ to hie their claims In
this iiffice 011 or betoie salJ Mils diy of October, Ivor.
I:. W. ItsRlll'lT, Register.
UnlteJ States UnJ Office,
gun, 1
la (iranje, or
Noliie Is hereby git en that In compliance with the
provlt'ons ot Ihe aclol congress ot June i.iliD, en
titled "An acl tin the sale ol timber lanJs In the stales
( California, oiegon, NevaJa anJ Washington Terri
tory," as estenJeJ In all the Public UnJ states by
aclol August 4, 1H91,
if Waltsbutg, county ol Walla walla, state ol Wash
ington, has ilils Jay hleJ In this office his swoin
statement No. ii99 'or the purchase ol the setf ol
section No, t- in township No 11 sou'h, range No. 14
LWM, and will offer proul in show that the lanJ
sought Is more valuable tnr Its timber or stone than
for agricultural purposes, anJ to establish his claim
lo salJ land heloie the Register anJ Receiver ol Ihls
office at la Ctanje, Oregon, on weJnesJav, the 8th
Jay of 0 tuber, 1901.
He names as witnesses: William Peterson Solon
Peteison, I rank I:. I enJer anJ StantorJ I). Slnnlrr,
II ol Waltsburg, Washington.
Any anJ all peisons claiming aJverselv the above
JescrlbeJ lands are requested tn tile Iheir claims in
this office on m belore salJ Sits Jay ol October, ium,
E. W. IIAHILITT, Register.
TIMIILR I AND. ACT JUNE 1, iBis.-sotlcu ion
UnlteJ Slates LanJ Office, )
U (itenJe, Oregon,
July 8, 1904.)
Notice Is heieby gUen lhal In compliance wlih the
provis on nt lie acl ol cimgress ol June , 1818, en
tltleJ "An ad Inr Hie sale ol limber lands In Ihe states
ol Calllornla, Oregon, NevaJa anJ Washington In
lllory," as estenJeJ In all the Public LanJ states b
aclol Augutt 4, ilja,
ol waltsbuig.cuunt) nl Walla Walla, state ol Wash
ington, has this Jay MeJ In ihls office his swum state
ment ro 1198 Inr the putchase ol the ne nt section
No M In Innnshlp No. 11 south, range Nu 11 LW ,
and will ultrr prool to show that Ihe Ian J sought Is
mole valuable Inr Its timber or stone than lor agll
culluial puiputet, anJM establish his Claim to salJ
lanJ belore the Register and Re U er ol this office at
La Giandr, oieiion, 011 Wednesdi), Ihe Sth Ja ot
Ottobei, iv.
He names as witnesses, William Peterson. Joserh
M. Dcnney, I lank I- I enJer, StantorJ l. Stonier,
all "t Malisbuig, Washington.
Any 411J all persons claiming adterselv the abtne
JrtnlkrJ lands aie requesteJ 'o tile their cjalms in
Ihls office on ir belore said bill Jayot O.tober, 1901.
I.. W. IIskhiti. Register.
UnlteJ S'ates LanJ Office.
La Grande, Oregon,
July 1, iqos.
Notice It hereby given thai in compliance with the
provisions of the act of congress of June 1, 1878, en
lllleJ "An acl lor the sale of timber lanJs In the
States of California, Oregon, Nevaja, anJ Washing
ton Territory," as extenJeJ to all the Public LanJ
Stales by act of August 4, 1891,
of Haines, county of llaker. State of Oregon, has
this Jay filej In this office his sworn statement No.
1181, tor the purchase of the'sw 1-4 n e 1-4 anJ n w
t-4 s e 1-4 nf section No i In township No, 7 south,
range No. 8 E.W.M., and will nlfer proof to show
that the lanJ sought Is more valuable lor Us timber or
stone than for agricultural purposes, anJ to establish
his claim lo salJ lanJ before the Register anJ Re
ceiver ol this office al La (iranje, Oregon, on Mon
Jav, the 6lh Jay of October, ioo.
lie names as witnesses: George II. (.hate. I'eter
Hansen. Harry Jov anJ Mack Mullen, all of Rock
C'eek, Oregon.
Any anJ all persons claiming a Jversely the above
JescrlbeJ lanJs are requested lo file their claims In
this office on or before salJ 6th Jav of October, tore.
E. W. BARTLETT, Register.
UnlteJ Stales UnJ Office,
U GranJe. Oregon, i
July 7. I9". '
Notice Is hereby given thai In compliance with the
provisions ol the act nf congress ol June 1, ilrf , en
lllleJ, "An acl (or the sale ol limber lanJs In the
Slates ol California, Oregon, NevaJa, anJ Washing
ton Territory," as extenJeJ to all the Public UnJ
Stales by act of August t, 189s,
nf Sumpter, county of Raker, state ol Oregon, hat
Ihls day Med In this office hit sworn tlatemenl No.
1144, for the purchase ol the n w t-4 of section No,
10 In township No. it south, range No. 4 E.W.M,
anJ will niter proof to show that the lanJ sought It
more valuable for lit limber or stone than for agri
cultural purposes, anJ to establish his claim lo salJ
lanJ before Charles H. Chance, U. S. commissioner,
at Sumpter. Orecnn. on ThurtJav. the 18th Jav of
oepiemrer, looz.
He names at witnesses: V, R MeaJ, Frank E.
0 Rnurke, Percy Jackson anJ Ike Williamson, all of
Sumpler, Oregon.
Any anJ all persons claiming aJverselv the above
JescilbeJ land ire requesteJ In III their claims In
this office on or belore talJ 18th Jay of September.
1 via- I:. W. IIARUBTT, Register,
UnlleJ States UnJ Office, )
U Grande, Oregon,
July t. toot.)
Notice Is hereby given Hut In compll mce with the
provisions ol the acl ol congress ol June 1, 1878,
entltleJ "An acl lor the tale of limber lanjt in the
Stales ol Calllornla, Oregon, Nevaja anJ Washing
Inn Territory," as extenJeJ lo all the Public LanJ
States by acl ol August 4, i8)i.
ol Sumpler, county of Maker, stale ol Oregon, has
this Jav hleJ In this office lilt sworn statement No.
ntl lor the purchase or the n e 1-4 nf section No. 17
In township No. south, range No. 6 UW.M.
will otter priMil to show that the lanJ sought Is more
valuable lor Its Umber or stone than lor agricultural
fiurposes, an J to establish disclaim lo sal J lam le
nre Charles II. Chance, U. S. commissioner, at
Sumpter, Oregon, on Thursday, the 18th Jay ul Sep
lembet, 19m.
He names as wlinesses: V. R. MeaJ, Philip Ar
senaull, Ike Williamson anJ Percy Jackson, all ol
Sumpler. Oregon.
Any an J all persons claiming Jersely the above
JescrlbeJ lands are requesteJ l tile their claims In
this office on or belore salJ 181I1 Jay ol September,
iiu. E. W. IIARTLI'IT. Register.
UnlteJ Stales UnJ Office, )
I a GranJe, Oregon,
July 8, tooa.l
Notice It hereby git en thai In compliance with Ihe
provisions ot Ihe acl ol Congress ol June 1, 1878, en
tltleJ "An acl lor Ihe sale ol timber tan Js In the ttatet
nt Calllornla. Oregon, NevaJa anJ Washington Ter
ritory ," as extenJeJ In all the Public UnJ states by
aclol Augusta, 1891,
ol Llberlon, county ol Whitman, stale ul Washing
Ion, has Ihls Jay hied In this office his sworn state
ment No. iim, tor Ihe purchase ol the s e i-t of sec
tion No win township No. 11 south, range No, it
UW w, an J will offer proof to show that the lanJ sought
It more valuable tor lit limber or ttone than lor agri
cultural purposes, anJ to establish his claim to salJ
lanJ belore ihe Register anJ Receiver ot Ihls office
at La GranJe, Oregon, on I rlJay, Ihe 19th Jay of
September, 190a,
He names as as witnesses: Hugh Eaton, George
W. Penn, Jamet T. Penn, alt of Elberton, Washing
ton, anJ DaviJ T. Clark, ol GaifielJ. Washington.
Anv anJ all persons claiming aJverselv Ihe above-
JescrlbeJ lands are requesteJ lo tile their claims In
this office on 01 belore salJ 19th Jay ol September,
1901, ,:. w. iiAKiicrr, Register.
UnlleJ Slates UnJ Office, )
U GranJe, Oregon.
July 8, igoj.l
Notice Is hereby git en that In compliance with the
provisions ot the act ol congress of June 1. 1878, en
titled "An acl lor the sale ol limber lanJs In the statet
ul Calllornla, Oregon, Netaja anJ Washington Ter
llloi)," as eslenJeJtoall the Public UnJ States by
act ol August a, 189a,
of GaihelJ, county ol Whitman, state ol Washington,
has Ihls JavlileJIn Ihls office his sworn statement
No. 1149, tor the purchase ol the n e 1-4 ol section
No. 11 in township No. 11 south, lange No it LWM
and will offer piool to show that the land sougnl Is
more taluable lor Its timber or stone than lor agrl
cultura! purposes, anJ lo establish his claim 10 salJ
lanJ betoie Ihe Register anJ Receiver ol Ihls olllce
at La Grande, Oregon, on I rfda , the 19th Jay ot
September, ie.
, He names as wlinesses: Hugh Eaton. Willis G.
Ctonk, James T. Penn, all ol Llberlon, Washington,
and DaviJ T. Claik, ot GaihelJ, Wash
Any an J all persons claiming aJverselv the abote
JescrlbeJ lands are requesteJ to Me their claims In
this olllce on or belore said 10th Ja nt September,
1904 E. W. lltHTUlT. Register.
UnlteJ States LanJ Office, )
La Grande, Oregon,
July 8, 1001. 1
Notice Is hereby given that In compllanct with the
provisions of the act ol congress of June 1, 1878, en
titled "An act for the sate or timber lands In the states
of California, Oregon, Nevaja anJ Washington Ter
ritory," as extenJeJ to all the Public LanJ States by
act of August 4, 189a,
ol GarlielJ, county of Whitman, state ol Washington,
has this Jay filej In this office his sworn statement
No, ii47, for the purchase of the 1 e 1-4 ol section
No. 14 in township No. 11 south, range No. 14 EWM,
anJ will offer proof to show that the lanJ sought Is
more valuable for Its Umber or stone than for agri
cultural purposes, anJ to establish his claim to salJ
Ian J before the Register anJ Receiver of this office
at La Grande, Oregon, on Friday, the 19th Jay of
September, iooj.
He names as witnesses: James T. Penn, George
w, I'enn, wims u. ironx am Hugh baton, til of tl
berlon, Washington.
Any anJ all persons claiming ajversely the above
JescrlbeJ lands are requetteJ to file their claims In
this office on or before salJ 19th Jay of September,
1901- E. W. BaRTLBTT. Register.
UnlleJ States UnJ Office, (
U GranJe, Oregon. July 8, 190s. t
Notice It hereby given mat In compliance with the
provisions of the act of of June T. 1878, en
tltleJ "An acl for the tale of timber lands In the
States ol Calllornla. Oregon, NevaJa, anJ Washing
ton Territory," at extended to all the Public UnJ
Statet by act of Augutt 4, 189a,
ol Keystone, county of Adams. State ol Washington,
hat thlt Jay filed in this office hit sworn ttatement
No. 1166, for the purchase of then Km 1-4 and n
)in w 1-4 ol section No. 9 In township No. ti S
range No, )6 EWM, anJ will offer proof to show that
the Ian J sought Is more valuable (or Its timber or
ttone than for agricultural purposes, anJ lo establish
his claim to sal J Ian J belore Charles H, Chance, U.
S. commissioner, at Sumpter, Oregon, on Tuesday
the trj Jay of Sept.. igot.
He names at wltnettet: Van Renteler MeaJ,
frank li. O'Rourke. Fannie R. O'Rourke. Phillo
Artenaull. all ol Sumpter. Oregon.
Any and all persona claiming ajversely the above
JescrlbeJ lands are requesteJ lo Me their claims In
this office on or before sal J air J Jay of Sept. 1901.
E. W. Barrett, Register.
UnlteJ States UnJ Office,
U CranJe, Oregon. July S, 100. I
Notice It hereby given lhal In compllanct with Ihe
provisions of the acl ol Congress of June 1. 1878, en
tltleJ "An act for the tale of timber lands In the
Slates ol Calllornla, Oregon, NevaJa and Washing
ton Territory" at extenJeJ to all Ihe Public UnJ
States by act ol August 4. 189,
of McEwen, county ol Baker, State of Oregon, has
this Jay hleJ In Ihls office her tworn tlatemenl No.
1161. lor Ihe purchase ol the sis sw 1-4. s w i-a te
t-4 section 11, anJ n w 1-4 n w 1-4 ol section No. as',
in township No. 10 s. range No. ,8 tWM, anJ wi I
nffer proof to show that the Ian J sought Is more val
uable lor Us timber or stone than (or agricultural
purposes, anJ to establish her claim lo said lanJ be
lore Chas. II. Chance, U.S. commissioner, at Sump
ter, Oregon, on TuesJay ihe sir J Jay of Sept., 1901.
She namet as witnesses: Joseph Hojg.ns, Sam
uel Thompson, William llaker. Stilus Dean, Sr., all
nl Sumpler, Oregon.
Anv and all persons claiming ajversely the above
JescilbeJ lanJs are requesteJ to tile their claims In
this office on or belore saij sir J Jay ol Sept. 190a.
E. W. BAWTLETT. Register.
UnlteJ Statet UnJ Office,
La GranJe, Oregon, July 8, 1901, (
Notice It hereby given that In compliance with Ihe
provisions or tne act or ongrett 01 June 1, ,878, en
tltleJ "An act for Ihe tale of timber lands In the
Stales ol Calllornla, Oregon, Nevaja anJ Washing
ton Territory," at extenJeJ to all Iht Public UnJ
Slatet by aclol Augutt 4. 1891,
of llberlon, county ol Whitman, Slate of Washing
ton, hat thlt Jay hleJ In thlt office hit tworn tlate
menl No. mo. lor Ihe purchase of Ihe n e i-t ol
section No. o In township No. 11 S, range No, it E
W M, anJ will offer prool to thow thai the lanJ
sought Is more valuable for Us timber or ttone than
lor agricultural purposes, anJ lo establish hit claim
to talJ lanJ belore ihe Register anJ Receiver of this
office al U GranJe. Oregon, on Friday the 19th Jay
ol Sept. toot.
He namet at wltnetstt: Jamet T. Penn, Willis G.
Cronk, Hugh Eaton, all ol Elberton, Washington,
an J Drvl J T. Clark, ol GaihelJ, Washington.
Any and all persons claiming (Jvertely Iht above
JescrlbeJ lanJs are requesteJ 10 Hit their claims In
this olhce on or belore said 19th Jay of Sept. 190a.
E W. Bartlett, Register.
UnlteJ Statet UnJ Olfice,
U GranJe, Oregon, Julv 8, 190a. (
Notice It hereby given that in compliance with Ihe
provisions of the acl of Congress nt June 1, 1878, en
tltleJ "An act lor Ihe tale ol timber lands In the
Slates of Calllornla, Oregon, Nevaja an J Washing
ton Territory" as extenJeJ to all Ihe Public UnJ
Slates by act of August 4, i)t.
ot Elberton; county ot Whitman, State 01 Washing
ton, has this Jay filej In this office his sworn state
ment No. 114S, for Ihe purchase ol the Lots 1 anJt,
anJeH nw i-aol section No. 10 In township No 11
S, range No. it, EWM, an J will offer proof to show
thai Ihe lanJ sought It more valuable lor Its timber
or stone than tor agricultural purposes, and to es-
iapi'sii nis ciaim tn sau ianj reiore me Kegisier anj
Receiver ot this office at U Grande, Oregon, on
rrUay the 19th Jay of September, toot.
He names as witnesses: Hugh Eaton. George W,
Penn. Willis G. Crunk, all ol Elberton. Washington.
an J DatlJ T. Clark ol GarhelJ, Washington.
An an J all persons claiming aJteisely the abote
JescrlbeJ lands rre requesteJ to hie Iheir claims In
this office on or belore salJ iaih Jav ol Sept. 190a.
u. w. uaktiett, Kegister.
U GranJe, Oregon,
Juivo. toci.
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the
provisions of the act of congress of June 1. 1878, en
titled "An act for the sale ol timber lands In the states
of California, Oregon, Nevaja anJ Washington Ter
ritory," at extenJeJ to all the Public UnJ ttatet by
act of August a, 1891.
of Baker City, county of Baker, state of Oregon, has
this Jay filej In this office his sworn statement No.
tt8a for the purchase of the ne'4 of lection No. to In
township No. 10 south, rangt No. 17 Ewst. anJ wilt
offer proof to to show that the Ian J sought Is more
valuable for its tltrber or stone than for agrlcultura
fiurposes, anJ to establish hit claim to talJ lanJ be
ore the county clerk of Baker countv at Baker City,
Oregon, on Frl Jay, the t6th Jay of September, loot.
He namet at witnesses: Frank Snurtllff, Grant
GeJJet, Davl J Balr J anJ VJ. lltlam BalrJ, all of Baker
City. Oregon.
Any an J all persons claiming aJverselv the above
JescrlbeJ lands are requesteJ to file their claims in
(hit office on or before salJ aoth Jay of Sept.. 1901.
E. W. BARUBTT, Register.
UnlteJ Slates LanJ Office.
U GranJe. Oregon, July 8, 190a,
Notice Is hereby given thai In compliance with the
provisions ol the act of Congress of June 1, 1878, en
tltleJ "An act lor the tale of timber lands In the
Statet ol Calllornla, Oregon, NevaJa anJ Washing
ton Territory" at extenJeJ to all the Public LanJ
Slates by a.t of August 4, 189s,
of Elberton, county of Whitman, State of Washing
ton, hat thlt Jay hleJ In this office hit tworn state
ment No. 1146, (or the purchase ol the Lots 1 anJ 4
anJ EJj iwi-inl section No. 19 In township No. ti
S, tange No. h EWM. anJ will offer proof lo show
thai the lanJ sought It more valuable for lit timber
or ttone than for agricultural purposes. anJ to es
tablish his claim to salJ lanJ before the Register anJ
Receiver ol this office at La GranJe, Oregon, on
Friday the 19th Jav of Sept. 190.
He names as witnesses: James T. Penn, George
W. Penn, Willis G. Crnnk, all ol Elberton, Wash
ington, anJ DaviJ T. Clark, ol Garfield. Washington.
Any anJ all pecsont claiming adversely the aboye
JescrlbeJ lanJs are rexuesteJ to file their claims In
Lthls office on or before salJ 19th Jay of Sept. 190a.
b. tt, IJAKI iai 1. nvKHicr.
UnlteJ Slates UnJ Office, )
u Grande, Oregon,
1.I90J, 1
Notice It hereby given that In compllanct with the
provisions of Ihe act ol congress ol June ). 1B18, en
tltleJ "An act lor the tale ol timber lands In the
Statet ol Calllornla, Oregon, NevaJa, an J Washing
ton Territory," at extenJeJ to all Iht Public UnJ
Statet by act ol August 4. 189a.
of Eilensburg. county of Kittitas, ttata of Washing
ton, hat thlt Jay hleJ In Ihls office her tworn state
ment No. 1187. lor the purchased the te 1-4 te I-
it section loanJ e!i n e 1-4 and n 1-4 se 1-4 of sec
Ion No. it In township No. 11 south, range No. 14
i.W.M., anJ will offer proof lo thow that Ihe lanJ
sought It more valuable lor lit limber or stone than
tor agricultural purposes, anJ to establish her claim
to said lanJ before Charles H. Chance, U. S. com
missioner, at Sumpter, Oregon, on MonJay, the 6th
Jay ol October, 1901.
She names at witnesses: Frances Tlce. ol Ellens
burg. Washingten: Frank II. Mackev, Clark M,
MraJshaw and Percy H. BraJshaw, all ol Austin,
Any anJ all persons claiming ajversely the above
JescilbeJ lanJs are requesteJ to hie their claims In
this office on or before salJ 6ih Jay ol October, 1901.
E. W. Bartlett. Register.
iJnlleJ Suits UnJ Office.
U GranJe. Oregon,
Julv 1. 1009.
Notice If hereby given lhal In cot pi lance with the
provisions otthe act ol congrettot June 1, 1878, en
tltleJ "An act lor the tale of timber lands in the
Statet of Calllornla, Oregon, NevaJa an J Washing
Ion Territory," as estenJeJ lo all the Public UnJ
Statet by acl ol August 4. 1891,
of Austin, county of Grant, state ol Oregon, hat this
Jay tileJ In this office hit tworn ttatement No. iiSj,
foi the purchase of the n e i-a n w 1-4, nMni s-a
anjte i-a n e i-a of section No. 14 In township No.
11 south. range No. 14 E W.M.,anJ will offer proof
to show th"t the lanJ sought It more valuable for lit
limber or ttone than for agilcullural purposes. anJ to
establish hit claim to said lanJ belore Charles H.
Chance. U. S. commissioner, al Sumpter, Oregon,
on MonJay, the 6th Jay of October, toot.
He names at wltnettet: Frank H. Mackey, of Aus
tin, Oregen: Pearl BraJshaw. of Eilensburg. Wash
ington; R. T. Campbell and Justus Wright, ol Aus
tin. Oregon.
Any anJ all persons claiming adversely the above
JescrlbeJ lands art) requesteJ to file their claims In
thlt office on or before talJ 6th day ol October, 1901.
E. W. Bart Lin, Register,
UnlteJ Statet UnJ Office. t
U Grande, Oregon,
July s, root. I
Notice It hereby given that In compliance with the
provisions ol the act ol congress ol June 1. 1878, en
tltleJ "An acl tor the tale ol timber lands In Ihe
States of California, Oregon, Nevaja, an J Washing
ton Territory," as extenJeJ to all the Public UnJ
Statet by aci of August 4, i9,
ol Eilensburg, county ol Kittitas, state of Washing
Ion, has this Jay hied In this office her sworn ttate
ment No 1188, lor ihe purchase of the iKie i-t of
section No. it an J the w,H n w 1-4 of sect on No, 14
In township No. 11 south, range No 14 E W.M., an J
will otter proof to show that the lanJ sought It more
taluable lor its timber or stone than for agricultural
purposes, and 10 establish her claim to said lanJ be
fore Charles H. Chance, U S. commlsslorer, at
Sumpter, Oregon, on MonJay, the 6th Jay of Oc
tober, 1931.
She names as witnesses'. Frank H. Mackey, of
Austin, Oregon; Pearl BraJshaw, ol Eilensburg,
Washington; Justus Wright anj H. T. Campbell, of
Austin, Oregon.
Any an J all persons claiming ajversely the above
JescrlbeJ lands are requesteJ to tile their claims In
ihls office on or belore salJ 6th Jay ol October, 190a.
E. W. Bartlett. Register.
UnlteJ States LanJ Office,