Wednesday, August 27, 1902 sM "t THE SUMPTER MINER A WISE INVESTMENT MADE TO-DAY WILL SECURE FOR YOU AN INCOME FOR LIFE YOU NEED MAKE NO MISTAKE NOR RUN ANY RISK IN YOUR INVESTMENT. THE OVERLAND GOLD MINING CO. TJTAS 100 aores of mineral land in a proven district, the Cable Cove, that has been thoroughly explored and the ore bodies determined on three main veins for a distance of 4000 feet, which eliminates the CHANCE feature of mining. The company wishes to run a 600 foot tunnel whioh will gain an equal depth in three main veins, all the work necessary before the shipment of ore to the smelter. To raise funds for this work a limited amount of stock is offered at 7 1-2 cents a share. The California mine, adjoining the OVERLAND, has at tained a depth of 1000 feet and the ore bodies exposed represent a value of over $500,000. Th9 values on the OVERLA.ND and the size of veins are equal to those on the California. Character of ore similar. The company is organized under the laws of Oregon. Capitalized at $1,000,000; One Million shares of a par value of One Dollar each; 500,000 shares of stook in the treasury for development purposes. All stock is fully paid and non-assessable. The stock will be sold in blocks to suit purchasers at $75 per thousand shares. Order through the First Bank of Sumpter or direct from M. E. BAIN, Manager. ZaaZZZZa Sumpter, Oregon. W. S. EBERMAN, M. E. Consulting Engineer. D. L. KILLEN, President. sUs nM