THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, August 27, 1902 The Sumpter Miner MUIIIIMII II feVPhY WHIIVESDAV MY J. W. CONNELLA Enleren l the otoftk- In Sumplrr, Oregon, tor trantmlwltin through the mail it -conJ cl" matter. MlMM.WII'IIOS UA1I '" l,ac Onr Year Sl Months AI.WAVs IS AIIV4AO' - " " Nor liefnrc in llie Iiintiiry of the wnrM Iiiih tliere Ix-en hi uiileiireiiil, itlmo-i iiniveri-itl interect niiinifcMi d in iieeioiir met it I miliili. "11 1 it- in llinlonliteilly the rt'Miilt of eonditioiiH now exiVtiiif in other lirnnehcH of lMicinci-f , other hnliit-t rii-r. The hi eoinhinatloiiH that have ceenied control of inuniifuetiiriiij and traiiHpor tatinn entcririe, until reeeiitly the favorite in vent wentc, have watered the xttH'kH to ciieh an extent that it in iiti IMiMtihle for tliem to pay dividend on their luiiueUM1 I'apltailaiioii, auti hi 'ami will eiiahlc owiktm ot elmiiiH now inventor lutve heen forretl to put tlielr . llliworki-d to develop them. Ily eoiicen money in iniuinu' iro.oHiiloiir-, whieh I trillion, all hai-e orec with a few exiep iiru eiiiully iih niife mid, in compariHoii ' tioun thai earry vtilueH ol fit) ran ho, with all other iudiiHtiieri, payHenormoiiH I treated at a prolit to the mine owner, dividend. Thin condition of affaire Iiiih I'ntlur prereiit eonditloiiH IIiIm ore it not proven a reat lienetlt to the pdd lield I worth a dollar for a million ton. Mr. of ennlerii Oreitou, ecncliiiK many thou. , Itrown in. receiving much eiiL-oiiriit-eii.eut and of dollar into the country, which from haul miner and claim owner who Ih ImiIiik oxieiided in oieuiii- up our j are not ahle to install mill. They real npli'iidid oro ImmIIo. It Ih m'arcely ncc-1 i.e that their mine will hy thin mean vHHiiry to nay that thoe who luivu fur- priMluce for them a regular ineomu iiiHheil (IiIn money an; reaping a rich i while they am proei'iitiu development Ifoliliui harveht. work. Hkhk am Home wotd of profound win dow from the Mining and .S-ieutitlf I'reHri: It Ih tiHlay eaier to xet a iiiin- ItiK proM'rty that will pay mini T ht cent to rd) mt cent tluiii to net hold of an ordinary liu-ine lnvelinent that will pay a Mire, live ier cent. And in the In vuHtmeul that pay llvu ht cent tint in Vimtor or dividend receivern have to pi down into the HH'ket of other men to Kill it not in any wronu or dlhonet wny; they doiihlleH nlve and iet full value, hut, yet, the Iriiiinurtiou i only a Hwap. Tim money taken from the (round Ih iin much of a creation, no far a new money Ih concerned, a wan the earth itel( when it wiih created. The money ho produced in an addition to the wealth of the world and helpn not only him who priNluccH, hut him who receive it, ami lielpH, loo, every other Industry, for every miner underground Mipporta llvo M'opln on the Hiitfatv, and the lull lion ha piodticea Ih forevennore a part of the wealth of mankind. Ah for the gold miner, lie pinduccH the only tiling thai all men worahip. JiihI :CUKI year api a temple wiih luiill to hiicIi worship, and it Iiiim Itccii tliioiipMl with devotee ever mIiii'o. BiKhg-OmptxIl Nuptials, i AiiuoiincemeulH have Ih'cii received , here of the inurriue Aiii;ut 'JO at ('re--' well, Oregon, of Mr. Claude ('ou-icr llawlut and MiH tirace Harlow Camp-' liell. They will heat home in Sumpter after Soplenilier in, A pre dispatch stall' that they were married at tln'oloek p. in. at the home of Captain II, C. NoN and. The uroom wa assisted hy hi hrothei, l-'ri-d llasche, and tint hridit hy .leiiuiit I'ark, The wedding march was phiycil hy Norma Hendricks, of Mnnene. The hrlde was uixeu away hy .1. I'. Hay den. The home wa iK-autifiilly decor a ted with c.irnalioiis, hrides' roes, Hwivt '.i ami Oregon (-rape in pro fusion, Mean I'.. C. Sanderson otticiatisl I, , II , t. i i .i . only immediate friliidsol the fami ., ' . . i i ii I 11.. ........ ........... t I. .,..!.. .11 . i i. i i .i i i . i .. served, alter which the bridal lurtv left for Sail Francisco, The hrido wa ln-au tlfully itowniil in silk and pearl gray crepe de cheue over taffeta, and curried ii U'uutiful Ixiuipiet of white carnations. The hridcsnitild wiih churmiiiK in aowu of white chiffon over pink taffeta and curried a hompiel of p uk carnation. Mr. Hiim'Iii! Ih one of Hie timet HUiruPHful liiiHinuHM niuii in i'lifturn Orison mid Ih iiiiivfifiilly I'Mcciiii'd. Tin; bride in a (inter 1 if Mr. .1. I. Ilollnml mill cK-nl COMIC IIIOIltllM vihitlllj licr IlL'N', lllllkilljj ninny friend during lu;r etiiy. Custom Mill for Quartxburg District. .1. II. Ilrnwn, tin; iiiiiiini mail well mill fiiMirulilv known in Similiter, In on ' i f i (ruling thin k'iimiii iii (Jnnrl.liiirt' IIm- Uriel. Of him tin I'rnirie City Miner I nt : .1. II. Ilrowu, now of Simiiler, lint known nt a tliuroii)-li mining man , in iilmoht iivi'ry important ramp on the j eoncl, Iiiih hlieeeeiled in etiliHtili! the lit leiition i f eiiMern eapilalihtr in the unit ! ler of ( hIiiIiIIhIiIiil' a tcn-f tiiinii mill ami eoneentrator at Qimrtzhnrn, hy way of freiitiui a market for all availahli! ore in that tliMriet. The low rliurj-e of fll.H) a ton for trentlnc free milling ore will invite the priHluetion of thoiifaiidn of Ioiih of ore now thrown over the dump, ...J. W. COWDEN... HAS A FINK LINK' OF PHOTOGRAPHIC VIF.WS OF ALL THE MINbS AND PROS PECTS IN THE SUMPThR GOLD fields aasaaaasa MINE VIFWS ONLY A dd re ,1. W. (,'owdeu, Sumpter, Or. GOOD THINGS TO I AT- E. P. Bergman & Compa'y GROCERS Mill Street, New HuIIJIiir. INCORPORATE UNDER ARIZONA 1 LAWS. 1 Mot ISIhtmI corMratiou lawn in the I'nitiil Slate. No franchise tax or ex orhitaiit fee. 1'rivate pro-torty exempt from all corporate deht. ar value of stiK-k iiiadit any amount, Nolnuitoiicav italiatiou. Stock is non-assesahlu fur any purHie, Noamountof st(nkriMuinHl I.. I. ..l...,ll..ol v.. .... I -..I v.. '" ,"' fi"- I ,t,. ., ruin' imiiiiii. .! ... . ,. ... . ,, . , ... state examination of Inxik. lA'tfislature rau't re K'al your charter ,. , , , ' ..,' . . Kwp nlliov! jand do hiislncs anywhere. We attend to till hu-incs, ay all fee and charge you hut .V).00 in any can.1. Write for liookk't of CorHirtion Ijiw and other information. Addre mim CMPMATION CHARTER M., EAT SUMPTER LIGHT POWER COMPANY. A FULL LINE OF Electrical & Supplies Wiring Neatly Done. The finest light plant in eastern Oregon jj SEYMOUR H. BELL, Gan'l. Mgr. C. F. RAHT Assayer and Metallurgist OPPOSITE POSTOFF1CE SUMPTER, OREGON p A. E. STARR, AttorneyatLaw Cenltt.cuc. High Si, Sumpttr. Ortgon F. K. HUltSON. Civil and Mining Etigiueer. U. S. Deputy Mlncr'l Surveyor tcr Oregon, En gineer for the City ol Sumpter. IMirirn-i i4 Patent Sirx-i. IIm Prlfttlag i Oriiktl. QHAS. H. CHANCK ATTORNfV AT LAW City MtifMy U. S. Cinimlllle-tf Kooms 2 and 3 I 1131 liaiin VI hlUMIMtl BuildiiiK, L?i.- Dil . Cinnr SUMPTER, OREGON L T. BROCK, M. D., Physician and Surgeon. Sumpter, Oregon. SpecUl Attention (liven to Surgery anj 10 Dl. eet ot Women. Omce, Ncill Itlock; KeslJence, litinlte Slreel near Mill, DR PEARCE A ANDERSON Physicians and Surgeons PROI'HIUTOHS SUMI'TCR QKNUHAL HOSPITAL SUMI'IEB. OR0ON, , . lunu.r, mm ui, Telephone HoSHITAt. Main jt. INMUHANCB. E.L. MANNING, RIAL iSTATC City HecorJer anj Notarv Public. CollKtlonti Abtiracu Agent lor FyrlclJe Fir Emlngulther, Sumpter Basche Hardware Co. . . Sumpter GENERAL DEALERS IN Shelf and Heavy Hardware Iron and Steel Pipe Mining and Mill Machinery Agents for " HERCULES " Powder Fuse and Caps C.C. Basche MANAGER E. A. CLEM & CO. MINKS - PHOSI'KCTS - STOCKS Write us lor list of properties and lowest market A..... .!.... .... .liL, Ih mm I.,!., iv ...a mat M ..II weld. Excellent opportunity lor profit In low prlceJ stocks. 41liCliniu. of Com. PoRTi.ANn.Onwioy. First bank of sumpter Uco.-o-.t..) Capital Stock 20,ooo OFFICEDN. J. H. Rohblns President J. W. Scrlher Vlce-Irel4ent R. H. Miller Cashier niRCCTORS. J. W. Scrlr-er R. II. Miller Clark SnyJe J. H. Robblns TiiiiikucU n Gcnoml Banking and Kxcliiinge Btiine& . THE . . . SUMPTER MEAT MARKET AUSTIN MEAT CO. Props. Butcher and Packer Fresh and Cured Meats and Sausage of all Kinds SUMPTER, OREGON