COVERS THOROUGHLY THE GOLD FIELDS of the INLAND EMPIRE EASTERN INVESTORS ' IN OREGON MINES Pay for AND READ IT TALK OF THE TOWN. Tom Moffett and ('liurloy Wurraii are ii town from tint Oregon' Monarch. Minn Kiiima Slurr, of linker City, in visiting her sisters, Mrs. .Ion Hurt anil Mr, (irillln. Mr. ami Mrn. (i. II. Sturglll. of llakur City, lire In Siimptcr, the guests of their hhi, .1. .1. Sturglll. .' .1. V. Talior, (i. I.. Lindsay and .1. O. Wonley, prominent citlxciiM of (intuitu, with lii'm yesterday. II. I. Lewis, of I .it (iraudc, a leading lifu insurance iiiiiii of eastern Oregon, was in low ii yesterday. W. K. Muni, tin) mining mail, in In town liNlay, talking over the wires with his New York broker. (icorgo Itaiiucr, superintendent of the smelter nt .Mineral City, Malio, was in town yesterday, calling on Neil ,1. Sor- ensen tt Co. .loliu Mather, of Seattle, representing Caldwell Urns.' machinery house, was in town thin week doing I hi i-i tfi-.H with tho mining limn. A i'iii'IoiiiI of machinery arrived in town last week for tint North I'olii Min ing company, Im1hk ii part of the twenty stamp addition to tint mill. A. I., (iillllth, of Danville, IIIIiioIh, has been iii town for a week, visiting his old Hi'hiMilmate, Olto llerloekur. Mr. tirllllth left for home, yesterday. Misses l.aurn anil l.uhi Minion, who iiavii heonin I'ortlanil for souiti mouths past, huvti relumed to the homo of their purentH, Mr. and Mrs. .1. .1. Iliiitou. A. Snyder, of Dulutli, and M. K. Il.iiu left Monday for St. I'aul, on a big min ing ileal. They will put in sonic days at the Mule fair, now being held then1. Tim musical to bo. given hy the ladies of the Methodist eliureh next Friday evening has been i-1hiiii'I, on account of the eliureh not being finished. The i date will Ih) aiinouueed later. ' Iiiih heeu prououneeil hy till! hunt assay ers ill the North went to I hi sylvanitc. The valueH are high. K. (i. StevenNou and bin two hoiih, Leon C. and Harry, from the tirucu horiix, art) in town today. Mr. Stuven hoii and Leon are on their way to llutte, the former to attend the International Mining emigres, and tho latter to reen ter tho Htale m-honl of milieu there, thin being Ii Ik second year. (). K. Weymouth, n traveling man from Seattle, wiih lined 10 and contH in Justice. Kvans' court last week, for over drivinir a livery team belonging to Wil liam Kitchen. Weymouth Iiiih taken an apl'iil to the Circuit court. Attorney McColloch represented the complaining witness and Attorney Chance, tho de fendant. It wiih a jury trial. Big New Hotel For Hot Lab. tirnuud wiih broken thin week for a new hotel to be erected at Hot Lake, four milcH from Union, to cost about fL'fi.tHX). The present facillticH are en tirely Inadequate to meet tho iloniandH at that great report, .and tliix big struc ture will supply the, need. TIiIh meaiiH that Hot Lake is destined to become one. of tho great health resorts; of tho coun try. Union llupiihllcan. Leave your lucMiiro for a suit of clothuH at Nelll Mercantile company's. Tho most Mjwerful and popular explo hive I Slant Miwdor. NOTICE OF FORFEITURE. To William 1). Slum: Vnu are herebv millhrJ thai I lur rirnJrJ One HunJrrJ (ion) Dollart In labor anj Improvement upon Ihr l.'mrlrr loJr claim, In no ortfanlrJ mining Jlttrlcl. tltuatrJ on S.irJIne creek, about nne-liall mile Irnm the Mountain View mine, In H.iUrr cuunlt, Oregon, at ulll apprar by (crilticalr tileJ AuKiitl ii, luoj, In Hi oilier ol ilie recorjer ol v.tlj couim , In orJrr lo liotj talJ rwltet unJer Hie tnnltlont ol tecllon in KevlteJ Matulet ol Hit UnlteJ Sialet, brlni: the amount reulreJ to hoi J the tame lor llir )rarrnJlni; Drcrmbrr n, 1111. AnJ II Hlihln nlnrly Jat Imm llir tervlce ol tilt miller, or Mlihln nlnrt Jat alter this notice by publication. Mill tail in relute to cnntilbult our pmpoftlon ol uch rxrenjlturr at coMnrr.)our inirretl In tIJ claim hIII become llir pioprily ol ihr tubtcriber un Jri taljfcecilon 1114. WILLIAM IMIILLII'S. I list publlcailon, Aui;ul 17, iuo. lav! publication, Notrmber tb, 141. Dick Nelll returned Monday from San j I'rauclhCii, where ho had been to attend tho KnlglitM of I'vlhiiiH eiieauipiuent. , When anked by a friend If he had been good while away (ruin home, ho replied: "Well, I had a khmI time, all right." The "Old Folks' exeiioluii last week wiih the iihiial pleiiHaut annual event. Tlue who were in charge of the eutel taluiiieut of the guotH say that Denny, the restaurant man, served refreshment in a manner euliiely satisfactory, thus bteakliig the Iih-iiI catering recoul. Dr. bin t'leaer was in town a day or two since, lie is now worKiug on what he thinks Is the nm-t wonderful miiieial ilchti oxer discim-rcd in the state. It " liK'atiil in Wallowa countv. The ore Tihhih Lam, act June i, i8t8-soih:e iok i'uiiiicaiion. l.'nllfj Statrt LanJ Otticr. . La (iranJr, Uircon, Aug. 18, iuoj. Notlcr It lirirby i;ltrn that In compllancr llh the pioklon ol thr act ol Coni;rr ol Junr 1. 1878 rnililrJ "An act lor Hie talr ol Umber lanJs In llir blatrt. ol California, Oregon, NrvaJa.anJ Wavhlnf Ion Tritllory," ai eMrnJeJ to alt Ihr I'ubllc LanJ Siatrt by act ol Augutt 4, 184, lOSli: ALLCN. ol Sumplrr. countv ol Maker, tlatr ol Oregon, ha IhU Jay lilr J In Ihlt oilier her nvtoin ilatemeM No. 1 w8, lor the purchase ol ihr t)i net anJ lota I anj 1 ol Sri. No. 4. anj lots 1, 1, anJ 4 ol Section No. 1, In Tp. No. o S.. H. No. it E W M.anJ will otlrr piisil lu ihow that the lanJ nought It more al liable tor lit limber or Hone than lor agricultural puipotrt, anj lo rttabllth her claim In valj lanJ be tote l.hailet II. Chance U. S Cominlttloner at hiimpier, Oregon, on WeJnrtJay, Ihr jili Jav ol No vember, low. Mie name at ltneie: Moult II, Allen, Kalph MraJ, V. H. AteaJ, W. C CalJer, alt ol .Sumpter, Oregon. Any anJ all prrtont claiming ajtertcly the above JrtcilbeJ lanJt air rrquettr J to tile their clalmt In thl uRicr imor beturr ta'J sill Jav ol Notrmber. igot. i:. W, IUhiieti'. Register Books and Stationery I haxoaddeil to my stock of Cigars ami Tobaccoes a largo iiuiuIht of Mipular iioxcls, the leading H'iiHllcalsand a completo lino of staiionery ....The Elite Cigar Store... m rTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTflTI THIS IS ONE OF THOSE ONCE IN A LIFETIME CHANCES TF YOU wish to handle a mining stock 1 proposition yourself, you need look no farther: but thorough investigate what we have to offer " Can deliver control of a company, with 42C,ooo of the original 500,000 shares still in the treasury. The property owned by the company is positively all right. The workings are in solid ledge matter, the width of which isnotyet proven.though exposed for eighteen inches. Values carried are high, running from $20 to $350 in gold and silver. Personal ex amination invited. Less than 5,000, about half cash, required to secure this unequaled bargain. 2 2 2 9 w KILLEN WARNER & STEWART MINING INVESTMENTS SUMPTER j j OREGON R RRR J. P. HOLLAND && Wholesale and Retail Commission Business No. 1 Hay, Outs, Dai ley, Hran, Wheat, Flour iiml I'otutoos Carload lits a Specialty Special Attention Given to the Mining Trade JLSLJLSLSUULSLSLSLSLSLSUULSUUUU Office: .loliti's & Vn Warehouse'. Finnic 28H. SUMFTKR, OREGON IV,- , r r.c.u ixourKecxo. S 2 .. SL S RIGHT EVERHHINE FRESH 0 ?a98fa"sj8a,ss?a3ssasiras83 I PRICES I III GROCERIES C!.LL .rritaa Ql C. C. i innrf pr r W VJI CJI IIIO J e.H. kJUl I lril VIvji K it? L. HARRIS, Proprietor