Wednesday, August 27, 1902 THE SUMPTER MINER 1? OIL CONCENTRATION PROCESS. "Wi Tried Successfully t E. & E. Sev eral Year Ago. A press dispatch of recent date from Rossland, British Columbia, says: "I believe in the efficiency of a system of oil concentration and am perfectly satisfied that the he Roi ores can be treated by a process utilizing the princi ple of oil extraction with excellent re sults," says Oscar Szontagh, metallur gist at the Kortliport smelter, and a well known authority on metallurgy. The fact is that when the Klmore oil process, of which so much has been heard lately, was brought to Mr. Szon tagh 's attention, it came in the guise of an old friend in new clothing. While a resident of Maker City, Ore., in 18811, Mr. Szontagh met Carrie J. Kv erson, the patentee of a process of con centration which she had evolved in her assay office at Denver. Mr. Sxontagh took a third interest in the rights for the idea. Some sacks that were Impregnat ed with grease, oil, pulverised ore and other foreign bodies, such as are likely to accumulate about sacks iiBed for ship ping ore samples, were being washed. After the washing oieration had been concluded Miss Everson noticed that the grease had come to the surface of the water in the washtub and had carried with it particles of metal. Being an ex pert, assayor and chemist, she , perceived something odd about the matter, und in stituted a series of experiments, which resulted in tho patenting of a system of concentration utilizing oil to collect the metal contents of the ores treated. Mr. Szontagh endeavored to interest capital in the process, but without success, and he finally lost interest in the matter. While connected with tho Kvcrxoii process Mr. Szontagh made u scries of more than 100 tests in his laboratory as to the ellicacy of tliu proeefH, und the results achieved lie describes, us remark ably successful. In handling the ores of tliu Kurka-Kxuelsior property, for in stance, it was found that whereas the recognized methods of water concentra tion were unable to secure more 'than thirty-live per cent to forty pur cent of tliu values, tho oil proceps saved no lees than ninety per cent. He found that any tiality of oil or greai-u was useful in the process, thus obviating the purchase of high class oils. It was found iiNothut an advantage was frequently had by tier inltting a small Hrcentagu of the oil to remain in the concentrated product, so that if u slight roastinir was required after concentration, tliu residue of oil furnished the necessary fuel. Why Go East Over the sun-hurued t-ago brush and alkali plains when you may just as well take a delightful, cool and comfortablu ride through the heart of the Rocky mountains in view of the grandest scen ery on the American continent? This you can do by traveling on the Itio Grande system, the far famed "Scenic Line of the World," the only transconti nental line passing through Salt take City, Glen wood Springs, taadvllle, Col orado Springs and Denver, en route to eastern points. Three daily express trains make close connections with all trains east and west and afford a choice of five distinct routes of travel. The equipment of these trains is the best, in cluding free reclining chair cars, stand ard and tourist sleepon, a perfect dining car service, and also ersonally conduct ed excursion cars, each in charge of a competent guide, whose business is to look after the comfort of his guests. No more pleasant and inexpensive means of crossing the continent can be found than is provided by these excursions. For additional details address J. D. Muns field, general agent Itio Grande lines, No. 124 Third street. Portland, Ore. T. G. Harrison, agent for the Giant Powder company. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, Land Office at La Grande, Oregon, ) August 12, 11)02. ) Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to commute and make final proof in supKrt of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Frank L. Moore, U. 8. commissioner, at Baker City, Oregon, on Oct. 8, 1002, viz:, Ar thur W. King, of Whitney, Ore., II. E. 10234, for the s 1-2 nw 1-4 and e. 1-2 sw 1-4 Sec. 36 Tp. 10 S., R. 37 EWM. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: John W. Lundy and Lulu M. Thornburgh, of Whitney, Oregon; Frank Xerlaut, of Bourne, Ore ; V. R. Mead, of Sumpter, Oregon. K. W. Uakti.ktt, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, Land Office at ta Grande, Oregon, I August 12, 1002. ) Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of her intention to commute and make final proof in support of her claim, and that said proof will be made before Frank L. Moore, U. 8. commissioner, at Baker City, Oregon, on Oct. 8, 1002, viz : Lulu M. Thornburgh, of Whitney, Ore., II. E. 10337, for the aw 1-4 no 1-4, n 1-2 so 1-4 Sec. 2 and nw 1-4 sw 14 Sec 1 Tp. 11 S., R. 37 kwm. She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Arthur W. King and John W. Lundy, of Whitney, Ore. ; Frank Zerlnut, of Bourne, Ore. ; V. R. Mead, of Sumpter, Ore. E. W. Hartijctt, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. tand Office at Ij Grande, Oregon, ) August 12, 1002. )" Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has tiled notice of his intention to commute and make final proof in supxrt of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Frank L. Moore, U. S. commissioner, at Baker City, Oregon, on October 8, 1002, viz: John W. Lundy, of Whituev.Ore., II. E. 10283, for thu w 1-2 se 1-4, se 1-4 su 1-4 Sec. 35 Tp. 10 S., lot 1 and se 1-4 lie 1-4 Sec. 2Tp. 11 S., R. 37 kwm. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said laud, viz: Arthur W. King and Lulu M. Thornburgh, of Whit ney, Ore.; Frank Zerlaut, of llouruu, Ore.; V. It. Mead, of Sumpler. Ore. E. W. IIaiiti.ctt, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of tho Interior, tauil Office at l.a Grande, Oregon, August 12, UH2. f Notice is hereby given that the follow- iug-uumed settler ha filed notice of his intention to make final nrcof in suiqiort of his claim, and that said proof will bo made beforo Charles II. Chance, U. S. commissioner, at Sumpter, Ore., on Oct. 1, 1002, viz: Frank Zerlaut, of Itourue, Ore., II. E. 10140, for the s 1-2 se 1-4 Sec. 27 and e 1-2 no 1-4 Sec. 34 Tp. 10S., R. 37 KWM. He mimes the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence iioiiund cultivation of said land, viz: V. It. Mead, of Sumpter, Ore. ; John W. Lundy, of Whitney, Ore. ; William Wiegand and ('. F. Kear, of Ilourue, Ore. E. W. 1I.miti.ktt, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, Land Office at I .a Grande, Oregon, I August 12, 1002. f Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make tinul proof in suiqiort of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Charles II. Chance, U. S. commissioner, ut Sumpter, Ore., on Oct. 1,1002, viz: William Wiegand, of Bourne, Ore., II. E. 101311, for the n 1-2 nw 1-4, w 1-2 no 1.4 Sec. 34 Tp. 10 S., R. 37 kwm. He names the following witnesses to prove, his continuous residence itonund cultivation of said land, viz: V.K.Mcad, of Sumpter, Oie.: John W. Lundy, of Whitney, Ore. ; Frank Zerlaut and C. F. Kear, of Bourne. Ore. E. W. Bahti.ktt, Register. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN-TAKE NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that David Eccles, whose pottofhee addles If Baker City. Oregon, hat made application to select unJer Act ol June 4. 1897, ()o Stat., 6) the following deicrlbed tanj: Lot 1 ol Section In-Townshlp 11 South, Range ) East; SEtfol NEK ol Section n: SEtf or NEK ol Section ti In Township 10 South, Range it East; NWX ol SE ol Section it: SWK ol NWJt ol Sec tion it In Township 10 South, Range it East, all ol Willamette Meridian, All persons art hereby notified that within the next thirty days from date hereol they are requ'red to hie their protests or contest against the selection on the ground that the said tract or any portion thereol Is more valuable lor mineral than lor agricultural pur poses, with the Register of the Unite J States Land Office at La Grande, Oregon. uatej on tnt ground tnis am jay or juiy, 1001. E. W. UARTurT, Register. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 1. iSt8.-NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Office, I La Grande, Oregon, July at, I401. 1 Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act ol congress of June 1. ISjS, en titled "An act for the ale or timber lands In the states of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter ritory," as extedded to all the Public Land states by act ol August a. ISos, MELVIN W. SADDLER, ol Des Moines, county ol Polk, state ol Iowa, has this day hied In this office his sworn statement No. 1 110, for the purchase of the e)4 seK. nwtf seK. nex twjf of section No. In township No. II south, range Mo. it EWM, and will offer proof to show that theland sought Is more valuable for Its timber or stone than lor agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to Midland before the Register and Re ceiver ol this office, at La Grande, Oregon, on Mon day, the loth day ol November, lo. He names as witnesses: Francis G. Connelly, Thomas Tweet, of The Dalles, Oregen: Frank Eag len, of La Grande, Oregen: V, R. Mead, of Sumpter, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to hie their claims In this office on or before said loth day of Nov., loot. E. W. Bartutt. Register. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878. NOTICK KOK PIMIUCATION. United States Land Office, La Grande, Oregon, July It, loot. I Notice Is hereby given that m compliance with the provisions of the act ol congress of June I. I87J, en titled "An act for the sale oitlmber lands in the states ol California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter ritory," as extended to all the Public Land states by act of August 4, lOos, JOANNA fi. TRUE, of Pullman, county of Whitman, state ol Washington, has this day filed In this office her sworn statement no. Is4t for the partitas ol the sw ol section no. si In township No. II south, range ro. it BWM, and will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural Jiurposes. and to establish her claim to saldland be ore the Register and Receiver of this office at La Grande, Oregon, on Tuesday, the tlst Jay of Octo ber, loos She names as witnesses: Rowena Wlndus and Harry E. True, of Pullman, Washingten: William D. Arnold, of La Grande, Oregon, and V. R. Mead, of Sumpter, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to tile their claims In this office on or before sail elit day ol ctober, I40S. 13. W HMmiiTT, Register TIMBER UND. ACT JUNE 1, 1878.-NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United State Land Office, ( La Grande. Oreuon.Julv 91. ioo. t Notice' Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions ol the act ol Congress ol June 1, 187B. enntiej "An act lor me saie or umrer unjs in me States ol California, Oregon, Nevada, anj Washing ton Territory," us extenJed to all the I'ubllc Land States by act ol August 4, i8u, CHARLES O MO.KELL. ot Cullman, county of Whitman, titeol Washington, has this day tiled In this ottice lilt sworn statement No. 1 uu, tor the purchase ot the eJS c!, sw 1-4 se 1-4, se 1-4 sw 1-4 ol Sec, No. le in Tp. No. 12 s, R No. It i.WM.anJ will oiler proof to show that the land .ought Is more valuable for Us timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the 1 lerk of the Supreme Court at hlsofticrat I'endle on, Oregon, on I il Jay, the 14th Jay ol November, igoi. He names as witnesses: Joshua M. Cilmerton, Minnie SpaulJIng, Alfred H. Wlndus, of Pullman, Wash., and William J. Wlndus, ol Gillax, Wash. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above descrlbeJ lands are requested to tile their claims Jn this office on or before said Ulti dav of November, iooj. li. W. IIAHIIUIT, Register. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOB PATENT. Mineral Application No. 4T Mineral Survey No. N). United Stales Land Olnce, I La Grande, Oregon, July )o, lv. Notice Is hereby given that in pursuance of the United States Mining laws, A. W. Llllt, whose post office address Is Sumpter, Baker county, Oregon, has made application for patent lor .6o acres ol placer ground embracing the "MeaJow" and a por tion of the "No Name" placer claims, situated In no oiganlied mining district, liaker county, state ol Oregon, described as follows, to-wlt: MEADOW PLACER. Beginning at Cor. No. I. Identical with M cor. to Sec. )). T, 4 S., R. it E. W. M.. thence south &V tt mln. west 660.7 ft. to Cor. No. ; thence north l Is mln. west 660,6 It. to Cor. No. j: thence south 8 o mln, east66.ift. to Cor. No. 4: thence south I it mln. east 578.0 ft to Cor. No. I, the place of beginning. A PORTION OF NO NAMR PLACER: Beginning at Cor, No. I. whence Hie Y, Cor. to Sec. so-, T. qS., R. jt I:., W. M. bears north 840 tt mln. east 660.7 ft., thence south W tt mln. west 660.8 ft. to Cor. No. 4: thence north o" 48 mln. west 656.8 It. to Cor. No. 5; thence south Su 44 mln. west 656.0 It. lo Cor. No. 6: thence north o mln. west 654-6 It. to Cor. No. t; thence north 89 ) mln. east lit .s It. to Cor. No. 8; thence south 7 west 644.1 fl. to Cor. No. 9: thence south 8 east Ua.6 fl. to Cor. No. lo; thence south I Is mln. east 660.6 It. to Cor. No. I, the flacs of beginning, containing 17.60 acres, and turni ng a port ox ol die SWtf, Sec, q In Township 9 S., R.jt.WM The locations of these claims are recorJed in the office of the RecorJer of Conveyances In liaker county, Uregon, as follows, to-wii: "nieajow Placer 01 page 64 Vol. G, the "No Name" Placer on njiw 6x VnL fi. rernrht nf Placer Locations. Ad joining claims are Sumpter Placer Mine, J. D. Young Co. Placer Mine, Natcliei Placer Mining Claim and unknown claimants. Anv and alt persons ctalmlnz adversely any por tion of said mines or Surface ground are required to Me their adverse claims with the Register ol the United States Land Office, at La Grande, In the Stat I Oregon, during the Sixty days period ol publica tion hereol, or they will be barred by vlrlut ol the provisions 01 tne statutes. E. W. lUKUliTT, Register nfDPlOGMNOF mmmm RID I ! Only transcontinental line ' ' pastllng directly through Salt Lake Gty Lcadvillc Colorado Springs :: and Denver Three niilciulidly equipped tra m . . daily TO ALL POINTS EAST. ; ; ' ' Through Sleeping and DlningCars ; ', ', and free Reclining Chair Cars. , ' The tuoHt Magnificent scenery In ' ; ; America by daylight. ', ', ', ', St oi overs allowed on all clauses , . ' of tickets. For cheaiicrit rates and descriptive T literature, auuress . T. fMUSFIELTD, General Agent. 124 Third Street, Portland, Ore. I HHR OREGON Shorj line and union Pacific TO Salt Like, Denver, Kansas City. CHICAGO ST. LOUIS NEW YORK Occuii Mteiuners ltwecn Portland itutl San Francisco every live days. Low Rates ! Ticket to mid from till part of the United State, Cuntulu and Etiroic. For particular), call on or address II. 0. IioWKRH, Agent, liaker City, Ore.