The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, August 27, 1902, Page 13, Image 13

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    Wednesday, August 27, 1902
Hundreds of Men Working on
a Dozen Rich Mines.
01110 handsome iiixl rich sccimcuttof
massive Iron ore were brought In from
tin) Standard mino, in tho Cable Cove,
by N. I. Knyler, into of the owner,
ilny or two since, which ordinarily would
cause u stampede to nny district except
eastern Oregon. Hero strike have Ihou
o common during the punt two yearn
that they hardly cause a ripple of excite
ment. Tho people here do not seem to
In; co impulsive as In most camps, and
no matter what in discovered they go
along tl(e even tenor of their way and
-confidently believe that tho next strike
will be in their mine, ami that they had
better May with what they have, rather
than go into a new portion. Thin now
fltrlke in similar in character to the other
ores foiuiil in tho Cable Cove, carrying
3I2 in gold, a few ounce)! of silver and
come lead. Tho excess of iron found in
the other veiiiH Ih also noticeable.
The general formation throughout the
district is similar, luting a grandiorito,
4ind it Ih natural to excct tho ore to be
similar in character, but hardly that tho
high value Hhould bo found in all tho
proportion. Tho shoots of ore are appar
ently continuous and all the veins carry
them. From indication! tho Cove Ih
slestiticd to lie one of the bent producerH
in eastern Oregon, ax tho district Ih
large and tho number of properties be
ing oened up Ih greater than in any
other section. So far there Ih not a sin
gle instance where good values have not
been found where depth has heeii at
tained. The California mine, with Home two
mileM of underground workings, the most
extensive of any, baa tho beHt showing,
its largest hodicH of ores and best values
being found in tho decK)st workings,
about 10(10 feet below the surlaco. On
tho surface of this proierty tho values
were not high, only from ten to fourteen
dollars, with many samples running
much less, but as depth wan attained
tho values increased and assays running
over 0110 hundred dollars are common.
Tho exHjrience of tho owners of the
Imperial mine, to the east of the Califor
nia, has been similar to tho sister prop
erty, and they have now commenced
sinking a shaft to gain several feet in
depth. They have Hhipied a good many
thousand tons of ore to the various outside
smelters, but am now Kicking and hold
ing tho output of the mine until tho
Sumpter smeltar is ready to receive
On the Overland, to the west of tho
California, they have good bodies of ore
running up to flSO a ton hi the shaft,
which is the deepest workings, and W
and (41 in tho face of tunnel No. 1. On
tho surface the values run from twelve
to fifteen dollars. Tho holography Ih
such that a depth of (100 feet can lie
gained by running a tunnel less than
that distance, and it is the intention of
the owners to have this tunnel run dur
ing tho fall months so that ore can be
taken out cheaply and in large ipianti
ties by the time the local smelter is
ready for otieriition. There are Home
four hundred feet of work already com
pleted, hut no great depth has been at
tained, the idea being rather to deter
mine where the best ore was and then
go tii work and oieu it up in the most
economical manner. Surface work is
much cheaper than underground and all
the work so far has been done with that
fact in view. Another feature about the
development of the Overland, is that all
work is done under the advice of a com
petent mining engineer, i'rofestor Kbcr-
man heing the consulting engineer. That
tho Overland will make one of tho larg
est mines in the Cove is conceded by all
mining men who have looked over the
situation. They have three large veins
extending and oened up for a distance
of over 4,000 feet and all three show good
values. In most sections one vein is
sullicient to make a mine and on many
of the Cove properties they have but one
or two veins.
There arc good wagon roads into the
Cove, crossing tho Overland ground,
making it accessible and rendering trans
portation of ore cheap, but in this re
soct the prosieets are extremely bright
for the Installing of an electric lino in
connection with the road to the Cracker
creek district. This would reduce tho
cost of getting ore to the smelter to
ulsuit ouii dollar ier ton and thereby
add that much to tho value of tho ore
The Crown Point mine, lying to tho
imuth of tho 0erlaud and carrying some
of tho same veins, is being equipped
with a compressor and the tunnel will
soon bo into tho vein. In tho uper
workings of this proierty some line ore
was encountered and it is to tap this at
donth that the tunnel is being run.
Joining the Crown I'oint is the Gran
ite Mountain, which carries some of tho
Overland and California veins. On this
proierty they are running a tunnel on
the vein and taking out hoiiiii good ore
of the same character as that found in
the other proitertles. At the head of the
John Day, -just over tho divide, the Al
pine group is having extensive buildings
erected and a tunnel has been started.
Tho l-nst Chance has ordered a hoist
and sinking plant and will soon start a
shaft on their main vein. Tho Ha by
McKce has a tunnel in over 2,000 feet
and has cut three largo veins. Sinking
has been started on the Gypsy King and
Home good ore was encountered at tho
surface. The Owl and Klephantandthe
Constellation are also doing extensive
development work. A little to tho north
of the above mentioned proiertles, but
in tho same belt, is the Kamcralda group.
This mine was located about the llrst in
the district, but the development work
has not been so extensive as some and
consequently it is not in the producing
list. The veins are very strong and show
good surface values. Some live hundred
feet of tunnels have been run and the
showing is very promising.
Tho proiierties of the Cove aro now
employing hundred of men, not only in
the mines but in the woods, getting out
wood and timbers for winter work. In
this rcscct the district is aho favored,
as there is an abundance of good pine,
tamarack and 11 r, sullicient to last for
Harrison can tell you why all lucky
strikes are made with (Slant Powder.
Rich Rock From the Chloride.
Thomas Marhce brought in some splen
did ore from the Chloride, in tho Green
horns, a few days since. It was taken
from surface croppiuus and assays f'JOO.
The tunnel is in SOO feet, which has
gained foot for foot. It is expected that
the ledge will bo cut in a day or two, at
a point directly under where this rich
rock was found. Mr. Harlee says he
will ship three carloads as soon as it can
Ik- taken out.
Hoffman's llakery makes a sccialty
of furnishing ice cream for parties.
Prompt attention given all orders.
nclol August 4. tfc,
nf Pk r Cllv, cnunlv nf tUker, stale of Oregon, hs
lhl day fild In this oftice his sworn statement No.
1414. (or the purchase nl the swf anj w j t( of
section No. it In township No. 8 south, ranee No. 3
EWM, anJ will oiler proof to show thai the lanJ
sought Is more valuable lor Its timber or stone th.m
for agricultural purposes, nnj to establish his claim
to s.ilJ Ian J before the Heglster anJ Receiver of this
othce al La (iranJe. Oregon, on SaturJay, the 6th
Jay of December, igr.
lie name as witnesses: Joseph ManauJas, Homer
C. Innls, Henry J. Wlthr) . Charles Carson, all of
Maker Clh, Oregon.
Artv anj all persons claiming aversely the above
JescrlbeJ lanJs ate reiuesteJ to Me their claims in
this otlice on or belore salJ 6th Jav ol December, tut .
I:. W. llsWIIITT. Register.
Harrison, the Giant Powder man
wants every miner to make his olllce
headquarters when in Suiupter.
Tho celebrated Gtiiul's) the beer of
good cheer" always on draught at Pun
phy's Tho Club.
Unite J States l.anj Oftice, I
La (iran Je, Oregon. Aug. , 19m. i
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the
pro Islam ol the act of congress of June 1, 1878, en
tltlcJ "An act for the tale ot limber In the stales
ol California, Oregon, Nevada an J Washington Ter
ritory," as extenJeJ to all the Public UnJ states by
UnlteJ States I nj Ottlce,
1.4 (, Oregon, Aug. ir, rqoi. I
Notice Is herebv gUen that In compliance with the
pro Worn of the ait of congress nl June 1, i8?8, en
title.! "An a I lor the ulr ol Umber lanJs In the slates
nf California. Oregon, NevaJa anJ Washington Ter
ritory, as estinJeJ to all the Public I an J states by
ailot August 4, 1841,
ol ll.ikrr City, county of linker, state of Oregon, has
this Jav MeJ In this ottice his sworn statement No.
1410. lor the pun hW nl the ett se( Sec. 8 ft ,
sw ( ol section No. it In township No. 8 south, range
No. 18 HWM.anJ will olfer proof lo show that the
Ian J sought Is more valuable lor Us timber or stone
than lor agricultural purposes, anJ lo establish his
claim to salJ l.mJ belore the county cteik of Maker
county, at Maker City, Oregon, on WeJnesJay, Hie
jth Jav nl November, tgoi.
Me names as witnesses: Joe ManauJas, II. J.
Wlthev, Chatles Carsons, Julius Ulman, all ol Maker
Cllv. Oregon.
Any anJ all persons claiming adversely the above
JescrlbeJ lanJs are trqurstrJ to hie their claims In
this oftice on or before salJ Mh Jav of Nov., luot.
E. W. MsHHOT. Register.
Golden Eagle Hotel
Headquarters for Mining and Commercial Men. Sam
ple Rooms. Electric Light. Telephone, etc. Table
supplied with the best the market affords.
Mesdames Sparks & Brandenburg
Sumpter, - - Oregon
A. P. (JOSS, President
GEO. H. TRACY, Cashier
& Bank of Sumpter 3
- Interest Allowed 'on Time Deposits
Lulls diawu on jI pill I J el the auiU SpeJul attention lo .oilecllons.
Safety Deposit boxes for rent.
Kin want of clothing, see Neill Mer
cantile company.
The New Olympia
Pine Old (1884) Her-
mitage Whiskey.
bottle or draught
Centhj SmtT. ow. I. O. SUMPTER
- !
(Successor to Snyde 8c Stinson)
Only the Best Brands of Liquors Served Over the Bir
Agents for Matting
ly and Moore Whis
key a 2o-yearold
whiskey as good as
Elixir of Life. All
whiskies are out of
bond and guaran
teed the genuine ar
ticle. Popular re
sort for Commer
cial Travelers and