12 THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday August 27, 1902 Good Yellow Gold! YOU WANT SOME OF COURSE. Then Let Us "Put You Wise." THE PRICE OF Oregon-Monarch Gold MiningStock WILL ADVANCE SOON It has doubled in value in four months. This proves that if you had invested a little money in this propo sition a short time ago you would have had a profit equal to your original investment. Does 25 per cent profit interest you? oF Oregon-Monarch Stock Will Continue to Advance! It Will Go Higher! and when that occurs, if you have a little stock in it you can share in the profits of the next rise. OREGON-MONARCH STOCK started at only 10 cents a share and it has steadily advanced in price and been steadily in demand by shrewd investors. It is now worth 25 cents a share, cash, or jo cents payable in installments. Do you want to lay the foundation for a comfortable fortune? Do you want a nice nest egg for your old aue? Do vou want an investment becommii more valuable constantlv? If vou do j j Buy Oregon-Monarch Stock Now It is the best gold mining region in Oregon. It is within 100 feet of the hoist of the famous Red Boy mine, Oregon's Golden Wonder. It covers the same direct vein of Gold-bearing ore as the Red Boy. It is in the hands of gentlemen whose integrity, business ability, and whose judgment of the value of mining proposi tions cannot be questioned. IT IS FOREVER NON-ASSESSABLE AND WILL SOON BE FOREVER DIVIDEND PAYING. WRITE TO-DAY FOR FULL INFORMATION. Oregon-Monarch Gold Mining Co. KILLEN, WARNER & STEWART, Fiscal Agents SUMPTER, OREGON Eastern Office, 253 Broadway; New York City.