10 THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday August 27, 1902- L TI.MIIKU LAND, ACT JUNK II, 1876 NOTICE FOIt 1TIILICATI0N. United States I.11111I Ollicc, La (iruiidc, Oregon, July HI, HK)i. f Notice Ih hereby given tliiit In coiiili iinee wild I'm provisions of the net of OuutrcsM of Jiiiiu It, 1878, entitled "An net for the Mill) of tlnilxT IiiihIh In tln states of California, Oregon, Nevada ami Washington Territory,'' iih extended to all tin) Public l.aml Status liv art of AnifiiHt 4, IMC', SA.MUKL SOUTIIWIOK, of Covi', County of 1'iiimi, State of (be gun, Iiiih IIiIh diiv lili'il in tlilri nlllce 1 1 in sworn statement No, Willi for tin) pur i'Iiiimi of tin) h li n v ', 11 v '( w '4 section I'J, noil h i' !( 11 e '4, 11 0 j s c ' cclioii II, township II S, range IIH i:V.l. JACKSON W. IIKNINOKU, of Maker City, County of linker, Sluti) of Oregon, mvurii statement No. IL'IU for till) pllrcllllSO of w "i h i i, II !''. x ) llllll M W ' II I) , section II) township II S, rmigc IIS, KWM. AUTIIUU .M. ItAWSON, of Nililny, Union county. Statu of Ore gon, sworn statement S'o. I'J 1 7 for tlm purchase of tlm ti w )i 11 11 , i) 0 11 11 )( w. 1 1, iiiiiI 11 w 11 u J See Kl To II S, range IIS K W M. HANS J. NKILSKN, of Nihloy, Union county, Stiitu of Ore pin, sworn Ntiituiuuut No. IL'18 for tlm purchase of i) ' m i) 'i See 1 1 ami w h w 4' Sir III Ti 1 1 ?, range IIH K V M. FKANCIH .M. II I ATT of Nililny, Union county, Sliitn of ( Ire yon, Hworn statement No. ILMII for tlm purchase of time1.", h v X See II and 11 ... 11 w ' See 1 1 Ti 1 1 S, range IW K W M. I'KANKMNS. IIUA.MWKI.L of I.11 (irmiile, (trefoil, mvorn statement No. I 'Jill for the purchase of tlm v !u h 11 .'4. m J4 h o i See II ami h w m w J4 tcc ll'Tp II H, range 118 K VM. UOHKUT W. (iAUUKTT, of A lli-el, Union eounty, Stiite of Oregon, sworn statement No. '!l for tlm pur el nine of tlm h 'u 11 it '4 mill h '... 11 w ( See HI Tp II S, range ItH K W .M. ItOHKUT A. LKATIIAM of Allrel, Union county, State of Oregon, Hworn Htateinent No. Yl'1'1, for tliu pur clinse of tlm 11 11 )l 11 11 )i Sir 15, n o '( h e i See 10 mill w h w !4' Sis: II Tp II S, range IWKW M. KMILY IIUA.MWKLL of I .a (i ramie, Union county, Statu of Oregon, Hworn Hlatenient No. 'Si for tlm pureliiiHi) of tlm h 0 '4 h w ( See III. 11 11 )( 11 v '4 ami 11 'A 11 ) 'i Set: HI Tp 1 1 S, mono IIH K V M., nil in tlm iIIm Irict of IiiihIh Hiilileet tu hiiIii at I.11 Urautlc. Oreou, iiiiiI tliey ami eaeli of t hem will offer proof to hIiow that tlm lauilH Hoiielit liy them ih niorii valualile for itNtiuiWnr htoiio than fur auricul tural piiriMiHeH, ami to eMtnhllNli their eliiiui to tlm I11111I Houuht for hy them lie (ore tlm Itetiinter ami Hireiver of UiIh olllco at I ji (iramle, Oregon, 011 VhIiich ilav the loth iluy of OcIoIkt, IIKI'.'. Thoy iiiiinti iih wltuoHHCH; Arthur M. HuwHiin. IIiiiihJ. Nielwin, I'rmiL'iM M. lliatt, ail of Nihley, Oregon ; ltoUrt A. Iathmii mill Itolierl V. (iarrett, of Allcel, Oregon; Kinllv llrainwell anil Franklin S. Ilrainwcll, of I .a (iramle, Oregon J JaekHoii V, lleiiluger, of linker City, Oregon, mnl Samuel Soutlmick, of Cove, Oregon. Anv ami all Nrioiir elaimiiig mlverxely the uUive ilenerilHsl IiiihIh are reipieMetl to liln their elnliiiH in IIiIh olllce 011 or U'd.re Haiti l.'.th .lay of Oetoher, HKIL1. K. W. lUuri.KTr, Keginter. TlMIIKIt LAND, ACT JUNK .1, 1878. xotu'k (ih I'luu.ie.vrnis. Uuitetl Staten Land Olllco, ) Li (iramle. Ore., July III, HKli. ) Notiir Ih hereby given that in compli ance with the proviHioiiH of the act of congress ol June II, 1878, entitled "An net lor tlm Halo of timber IiiihIh in the htaten of California, Oregon, Nevada mid Washington Territory," iih extended to all the Public. Umd stales by act of August J, I SIC', WILLIAM J. WINDUS, of Colfax, county of Whitman, state of Washington, has tbin day tiled in this oilice his sworn statement No. HMtl, for tho purchase of tluH)i uw I 4, i sw M of set'tiou No. ItA in township No. II S., range No. IIA kwm, dial will offer proof to show that the laud houuIiI in more valuable for its timber or sloue than for agricultunil purKises, mid to establish liis claiiu to Hiiiil land liefore tlm clerk of tho Supreme Court of Oregon, at IVih1I toii, Oregon, 011 Friday, the Hth day of Noveinher llKIl'. lie 11111111- ah itneecee: Alfred It. Wiuilu", Joliua M. I'nlinerton, Mrc. l.lilleC. I'aluierton, Minnie Spauldiiig, all of I'lilliuati, Waxhiiigtou. Any ami all pi'i-MiiiH claiming adverse ly the ahove ilen'rihed IiiihIh are reipiect ed to tile their claim in till- ollicn on or before mid Hth ilav of .November, 11H): K. V II miti.ktt, lleginter. TI.MIIKU LAND, ACT JUNK II, 1878. Miril'K FOII CI'IIMCATION. United Status Laud Olllce, I La (iramle. Ore., Julvlll, l'.lOl'. f Notice is hereby given tlmt in conipli- micu with the provisions of the act of congress of June II, IH78, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lauds in the 1 states of California, Oregon, Nevada anil I Washington Territorv," as extended to 'all the Public l.aml staten bv act of August 4, IH!)!', MINNIK SPAULDINO, of Pullman, county of Whitman, state of Washington, has this" day tiled in thin oilice her sworn statement No. HI48, for tlm purchase of the lots I & 1', i ne 1-4 of section No. 'J in township No. 1- S., rung!) No. 115 kwm, mid will offer proof to show that tho laud sought is more vain nMo for its timlier or stone than for ag ricultural Purvises, mid to establish her claim to said laud heforu the clerk of the Supremo Court of tlm state of Oregon, at I'enilletoii, Oregon, on rmlay, tlm Hth day of November, UK)!'. She names us witnesses: William J. WludiiH, of Colfax, WiihIi.; Alfred Win dus, Joshua M. I'nlinerton, Mrs. Lillle C. I'aluierton, all of Pullman, Wash. Any mid all persons claiming adverse ly tile above descrilMil IiiihIh are request ed to Hie their claims in this ollicc on or iM'fore said 14th day ot November, 1IH)L'. K. W. ftAKTi.rrrr, Itcgister. TI.MIIKU LAND, ACT JUNK II, 1878. .NOTIl'K 11)11 rimi.K'ATION. United States IjiiuI Ollicc, I ai (iramle, Ore., July III. 1IK):. f Notice Ih hereby given tlmt In coinnli- mice with tlm provisions of the net of congress of June II, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timlier litndH in tlm states of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory ," iih extended to nil tlm Public I .a ml states bv net of August 4, IKIIL', AI.FHKI) It. WINDUS, of Pullman, county of Whitman, stateof Washinglon, has thin day HI11I in this oilice his Hworn statement No. I'M), for tlm purchase of the sj sw 1-4, w'!isol-4 of section No. Xi In township No. 11 S., range No. 115 kwm, mid will offer proof to show that tlm land sought Ih more valu able for IIh tlmlxT or stone than for ag ricultural puriMises, ami to establish his claim to said laud before the clerk of the Supreme Court of Oregon, at Pendleton, Oregon, on Friday, the 14th day of November, 1IK):. Ho names iih witnesses: William .1. WinihiH, of Colfax, WiihIi.; Joshua M. Palinurtoii, Minnie Smuldlng, LilliePal niertoii, nil of Pullman, Washington. Any 11111I nil (rrsons clalining adverse ly tlm above-described lands are reipiest il to Hie their claims in thin olllce on or In'fore said 14th day of November, IDOL'. K. W. Hrti.ktt, Hegister. TI.MIIKU LAND, 70TJUNKa, 1878. Miril'K WIH I'CIII.K'ATION. Unitisl States bind Olllce, La (iramle, Ore., July III, IIHt. ) Notice Ih hereby given that in compli ance with the provisions of the act of congress of June II, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands In the states of California, Oregon, Nevada und Washinglon Territory," an extended to nil tlm Public Uiiul states by net of August 4, IHltt, LILLIK 0. I'AI.MKUTON, of Pullman, county of Whitman, stateof Washington, Iiiih thin day tiled in thin olllce her sworn statement No. HIM, for the purchase of tlm ho 1-4 of section No. 2 lu township No. 12 S range No. IIA kwm, and will offer proof to show tlmt the laud nought Ih more valualile for its timber or stone than for agricultural puntoHCH, nnd to establish her claim to saiif laml before theclerk of the Supreme Court of the state of Oregon, 11 1 Pendle ton, Oregon, on Fridav, the 14th dav of November, IW. She names n witnesses: William J. Windus, of Colfax, WiihIi.; Alfred It. WiudtiH, JohIiiih M. Paltnerton, Minnie Spaulding, all of Pnllnmn, Washington. Any and nil mpmiih claiming adverse Iv the abovc-deivribed lands are reuuest- isl to lile their claims in this oilice on or before said 14th dav of November, 11H)L. K. W. Bakti.ktt, Hegister. TIMHKIt LAND, ACT JUNK II, 1878.- MITIC'K FOII 1'L'III.ICATION. United Staten Land Olllce. La Grande, Ore , July III, IIKV-'. ) Notice N liereliy given that in cotnpli mieeuitli the provlfioiiH of the act of eongresiof June It, 1H78, entitled "An act for the cnle of timber IiiihIh in tlm otnteH of California, Oregon, Nevada mid iWiiidiington lerritorv," a exteniled to all the Public Laml Htaten by act ot August 4, 1W. irxiinv m i ii.MKiiTriV. ,,,,,' ' " ". .", ,. Iti tJnileJ Slates LanJ Olfice. of Pullman, count V of hitman, stateof La OranJe, Oregon, Jaly 7. tow. i Washington, IlllH fills dav lllud ill this Notice Is hereby given thai In compliance with the nil1i hU MMiii-n uiiiliiin,.ii't "n 11V for provisions of Hie act of Congress of June 1, i8?8, en- otiue ins sworn statement, .no. iai., ior ;cJ An ac or he Mle n( lmbi(r Unit ln le the purchase of tlm sw 1-4 of section No. Mn 0( California, Oregon. Nevada anJ Washing 1 ill township No. 12 S., range No. Itt Ington Territory," as extenJeJ to all Hie Public LanJ kwm, and will ofler proof to show that ,al" hy acl 0,1"l!r", i,''.' nl rv the land sought is inure valuable for its , , JAMES w. eardluy. timber or stone thin for iiurictiltural 1 "' iiiV" Cllv, county ol llaker.state of Origon.has limner or su lie nun ior iigriLiiiiurai 1 hj j f j n lnitoBlce nll sworn a.,meni No. purpo-es, mid to establish bin claim to ,, irthe rurchaseof iheeMof ne 1-4 anJei-of said land liefrni? the clerk of the Suprenm se 1-4 ol section No. in township No. 10 south. Court of tin- slatK of Ori'iron ut Pcnillii-1 "nKe No. 18 LWM. anj will offer rroof to show uniin 111 iik sum 01 1 in mii, ai 1 1 iiuio a he inJ M t mofe vax)Mt (or (t, ,mb or toil, Oregon, oil l-riday, the 14tll day of stone than lor sgrlcultural purposes, anj lo establish November, HH)2. . disclaim 10 saij lanj brtore the Register anJ Re- lle nami'H aswItnesseH: William J. c.'vV-h?J,if r"ihSilra.niV Oron-on Tu" ti. , si tt 1 . , 1 ti 1 Jay, the 7II1 Jay ol October, 1901, Willdns, of ColfHX, Wnsh; A If nil It. Me names as witnesses: Frank Fuller. DavlJ, Wiudus, Minnie Spaulding, LlllieC. Pal- fieJJes. 1 W. Shunim. AiiiarJ OeJJes. ail of Ba- inerton. all of Pullman. Washington. Any and all ihthoiih claiming adverse ly the nltove-ileserilied lands are re(iiest- iil to tile their claims in thin oilice on or liefore said 14th day of November, W2. K. W. llAiiTi.Krr, Hegister. 'minKU LAND, ACT JUNK U, 1H78. .NOTIl'K FOII I'UIII.ICATIO.V. UnlteJ Slates LanJ Office. I La (iranJe, Oregon, July 7, 1001. 1 Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act of congress ot June 1. IS78, en title J "An act for the sale ot timber lands In the states of California, Oregon, NevaJa anJ Washington Ter- rltory, as extenJeJ 10 alt Ihe Public LanJ states by aci 01 August 4. loot. FRANK FULLER, ol Baker City, county of Baker, state of Oregon, has this Jav tileJ In this office his sworn statement No. Ilai for the purchase of Ihe ne 1-4 ne 1-4 section 4. t'.i it 1-4. sw 1-4 se 1-4 of section No. 97 In township Nn. lo south, range No 8 EWM, anj will offer proof lo show lhal the lanj sought Is more valuable for Its limber or stone than for agricultural purposes. anJ to establish his claim to salJ Ian J before Ihe Register an J Receiver of this olfice, at La OranJe, Oregon, on Tuesday, the 7ih Jay of October, loo. He name as witnesses: James W. EarJtey, DavlJ GeJJes, F. W. Shurtllff. WlllarJ OeJJes, all ol Ba ker City, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming aJversety Ihe above JescrlbeJ lanJs are requested to tile their claims in this office on or before said 7th dav ol October, loat. E. W. Hamuitt, Register. TIMHKIl LAND, ACT JUNKS, 1878. NOTIl'K FOK ITIll.ICATION. United States Und Olfice, la Grande, Oregon, July 7. . I Notice Is hereby given lhal In compliance with the provisions of Ihe act of congress of June 1, 1(78. en- tilled "An act for the sal ol timber lands In Ihe slates of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washinglon Ter ritory, as extended 10 all Ihe Public Und states by act ol August 4. 1801, DAVID UEDDES. of Baker City, county of Baker, state of Oregon, has this day file J In this olfice his sworn statement No. 1104, lor me purchase or me nw 1-4 ne 1-4. n; nwi-4, sw 1-4 nw 1-4 of section No. it In township No. lo south, range no. )8 EWM, and will offer proof lo snow thai ine land sougni 11 more vaiuacie ior 11s Umber or slone than for agricultural purposes, anj lo establish his claim 10 said land before Ihe Register and Receiver ol this olfice at U OranJe, Oregon, on Tuesday, Ihe 7th day ol uciober, looj. lie names as witnesses: Jam W. Ear Jlcy, r. W. Shurtllff. Frank fuller. WlllarJ UeJJes. all of Baker City. Oregon. Anv anj an persons claiming ajverseiy ine arove Jes;rlbeJ lanJs are reauesteJ 10 Me their claims In this oilice on or before salJ flh day of October loot. E. W. Bartutt, Register. TI.MIIKU LAND, ACT JUNKS, 1878. NOTIl'K FOII fl'IILIl'ATIOS. United Stales Und Office, LjranJe. Oregon. July 17. 1 La OranJe, Oregon, July 17, rrbv riven that In compliance with Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions ol the act of congress of June 1, 1878. en titled "An acl lor Ihe sale ol timber lands In Ihe slates ol California, Oregon, Netada and Washington Ter ritory," as extended to all Ihe Public Und slates by act ol August 4. Ifcj. HARRY E. TRUE. of Pullman, county of Whitman, slate of Washington, has mis Jav tiled in mis oince nis sworn statement No. 1 tbi lor Ihe purchase ol the w!i teM section ai nH nr) of section No. 6 In township No II south, range No. it IWM, and will olfer proof lo show lhal Ihe land sought Is more valuable for its limber or stone man lor agricultural purposes, anj in esiarnsn his claim lo said land before ihe Register and Re ceiver of this office at U Grande. Oregon, on Tues dav, the aisl da ol October. lo. He names as witnesses: Joanna E True. Rowena WinJus. of Pullman. Washington; William D. Ar nold, ol U tirande. Ore; V. R. Meade, ot Sumpter, Oregon. Any and all rersons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested In file their claims in Ihls olfice on or belore said ai.l dav ot October, l E. W. BARTIETT, Register. TIMIITIt LAND, ACI' JUNK S, 1878. NOTIl'K KOH ITHLICATION. United Stairs Und Olfice, La Grande, Oregon, July 17, i(o. Notice Is hereby given thai In compliance with the pro islons ol the acl ol congress ot June 1, I87I. en titled "An acl for the Ml ol limber lands In the states ot Cahlomla, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter ritory," as extended lo all Ihe Public Und stales by acl ol August 4 1&, ROWENA WINDUS, of Pullman, county ol Whitman, state of Washington, has Ihls day filed In Ihls olfice Jier sworn statement No it4, lor the purchase ot Ihe w.S ne 1-4. n,l se 1-4 ol section No. a8 In tojvntilp No. II south, range No. 15 lAVM.anJ will offer proof to show thai the lnJ sought Is more valuable for Its timber or stone than lor agricultural purposes, nnJ to establish her claim to salJ lnJ before the Register and Receiver of this office at Lit Gran, Oregon, on TuesJav, the jlsl Jav of October, lqo. . fehe names as witnesses: Joanna t. True, Harry C. True, ol Pullman Washingten: William D. ArnoU, of U OranJe, Ore.; V. R. AteaJ, of Sumpter. Ore. Anv iiti.l all nfrnns rlaimlniF aJverselv the above- JescrlbeJ LinJs are requesteJ to file their claims In "'l "' "" " t-efore aiJ ii . Jav of October. i. TIMBER UNI). ACT JUNE . i8j8-NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. "" Kon. Anv anJ all persons claiming aJverselv the above- JescrlbeJ lanJs are rrqucsteJ to file their claims In this office on or before salJ 7H1 Jay of October, ioi. E. W. HahTIETT, Register. TIMBER UND. ACT JUNE i. for Publication. 8J8.-NOTICE UnlteJ States LanJ Office, j La (iranJe, Oregon, July 19, 100a. I Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act ol cong.ess of June 1 I878, en titled "An act for the sate of timber lanJs In Ihe states ot California, Oregon. NevaJa anj Washinglon Ter ritory," JAMES W. CALL. of Sumpter, county of Baker, stale of Oregon, has this Jay tileJ In this olfice his sworn statement No. 184 for the purchase of Ihe s)5 nw 1-4 anJ nw 1-4 sw 1-4 of section t anj ne 1-4 se I- of section No. 6 In township No. lo south, range No. 17 fcWM, anJ will. offer proof lo show lhal Ihe lanj sought Is more val uable for lis timber or stone than for agricultural pur poses anj lo establish his claim lo salJ lanJ before Charles II. Chance, U. S. commissioner, at Sumpter,. Oregon, on Friday, Ihe 14th Jay of October, looa. lie names as witnesses: Thomas Moore, Nicholas. L. Tallfero. William A. Green and Fred Tlelien. all ol I Sumpter, Oregon. Any anj an persons claiming ajverseiy tne above JescrlbeJ lanJs are requested 10 tilt Ihalr claims In this office on or before said 14th day of October looa. E W. UABTIETT. Register. TIMBER UND. ACT JUNE 1. i8:8.-NOTICl! FOK PUBLICATION. UnlteJ Slates Und Office, I U Grande, Oregon, July 16, 1901. Notice Is hereby given lhal In compliance with the provisions of Ihe act of congress of June 1. 1878, en titled "An acl for Ihe sale oftlmber lands In Ihe stales of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter ritory," OLE T. STRANDNESS. of Sumpter, county of Baker, slate of Oregon, has. this day filed In this olfice his sworn statement No I 7t. for Ihe purchase of Ihe a)S se 1-4 of section l township II south, range 6 EWM, and lot 4 of section. 18 and lol I of section No. la In township No. II south range No. 17 EWM, and will offer proof lo show that Ihe land sought is more valuable lor Us limber or slone than lor agricultural purposes, and lo establish his claim lo said land before Charles II. Chance, U. S. commissioner, at Sumpter, Oregon, on Wednesday,. Ihe tend day ol October, loo. He names as witnesses: Fred Mall, Mark C Car ver. lberl H. Wilt and Wm. J. Robertson, all ol Sumpter, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above descrlbed lands are requested 10 file their claims In this office on or belore said sand day of Oct., looa. E W. Hahhett, Register. TIMBER UND. ACT JUNE j. 1878.-NOTICE low PUBLICATION. United Stales Und Office, U Grande, Oregon, July 16, igo. j Notice is hereby given thai In compliance with Ih provisions ol the acl ot congress of June 1, I878, en titled "An acl for Ihe sale ol limber lands in Ihe slates ot California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter ritory," MARK C GARVER, of Sumpter, county of Baker, state of Oregon, has. Ihls Jay filed In Ihls olfice his swom statement No. Is)8, lor the purchase ot Ihe se 1-4 nw 1-4 arid ne 1-4 sw 1-4 and lot 1 ot section 18 township II south, range 17 EM M, and ne 1-4 se 1-4 ol section No. 1 1 In township. No. 11 south, rang No. 16 IWM, anj will offer prool 10 show that theland sought Is more valuable for Its. limber or stone than lor agricultural purposes, and to. establish his claim to said land belore Charles H. Chance. U. S. commissioner, at Sumpter, Oregon, on Monday, Ihe aotti day ol October, lo. He names as witnesses: Frtd Molt. Albert II. Witt. Ole Stradness and Frank Zerlant, all ot Sumpter. Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely Ih above described lands are requested to file their claims In Ihls ollicc on or before said aolh day ot October, ooj. E W. Uahtiett, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department ol the Interior, 1 UnlteJ Stales Und Oltic. U Grand, Oregon, July a lyat. ) Notice Is hereby given that ihe following named settler lias filed notice ol his intention to make final prooi in support of his claim, and lhal said proof will be made relor the county clerk ot Baker county at Baker City, Oregon, on September 8, Igoa, via: H. E. No. I0440, LEWIS COLBY, of Baker City, Oregon, lor the ejj nw 1-4, sw 1-4 ne 1-4 and nw 1-4 se 1-4 Sec. I7. Tp. k S. R 6 EWM. He names Ih following witnesses to prove hit continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, via: H. McCoy, J. Meyers, J. D. Carter, ot Baker City, Oregon, anj Charles Hineman.of Whll ne, Oregon. E W. Bartutt. Register.