VOL. 111. RELATIVE TO THE RED BOY VAST IMPROVEMENTS PLANNED FOR THAT GREAT PRODUCER. Olive Lake Will Generate 2000-Horse Power Mine. Itself Will Utilize One Half of This, the Other to be Sold Tunnel Will be Extended, Cutting Five More Veins Will Sink Shaft Another 1000 Feet That Rich Strike on the Monarch Ledge. For two or three yeurx paxt ho much liiiN been written about tho lied Hoy mine, that to thoxo who have Immiii eon xtant readerx of literutiiru relative to eaHtem Oregon gold flcldx, that great producer as a text on which to hung u xtory has become a tritlo Htule. The re cent move of the company, in offering conic of itH Htock for xalo Iiuh, however, renewed public interest m the mine that mnde eaxtem Oregon fainoux ax a gold producing region, mid uguin tho com )iiny hax taken a position in the center of the xtugu and in the leading attrac tion lit the northwestern mining world today. One feature which contribute much to tliin renewal of interext in Ited Hoy affaire ix the fact that the management huii revealed Home fautH about the prop erty, regarding which mining men have long entertained an unsatisfied curiosity. The most iniMrtant of thexo ix that dur ing the three yearn that the 20 Htunip mill hnx lieen in operation the mini) Iiuh produced, in round figures, three quar tern of a million dollarx in gohl. The Ited Hoy Ih one of the old milieHof the district. ItH ore wan first worked with an araxtra. Thiit crude metluHl of reduction wax xuerscdcd by two old fashioned stamp millH, neither of which proved to be a hucccxk. Afterwardx Mesxrx. Talwr and Godfrey, the owners, iiiKtalled a Crawford mill, xincu which time tho mine hax been a Miyiug prop oxitiou. Without receiving the aid of a dollar of outxide money it hax been tiilpH'i with the bcxt mining macliiu ery and buildings ever erected at any mine in the l'acillc Northwest. Itx xur face equipments have lieen couxtructed and inxtalliHl at an exenxe of over a quarter of a million dollarx, every dol lar of which hax !ceu paid in full ax de velopment hax progrexxed, leaving the company entirely without indebtedness and with couxtuiitly increuxiug produc tion of the mine accumulating in the treaxury of the company. Itx hoixt and air comprexxor will hoixt and handle the couxtantly increuxing ore productions to a depth of 2500 feet, and ax xtated by the tlrin of manufacturerx of thix machinery, in a letter under dutu of March 2", 1002: "We never equipped a plant with better machinery thuu wax told to the Ited! SUMPTER, OREGON, AUGUST 27, 1902 Hoy." Thix hoixt alone eoxt 1150,000. For the purposo of economising in the oeration of the Ked Hoy and the Con cord mine, which lie adjacent to each other, in February, 11)02, the two prop ertiex were consolidated under the cor porate name of the Hed Hoy Consollda ted Gold Mlnex company. The Hed Hoy group conxixtx of xix full claimx, all of which were patented prior to the organ isation of the company, and the Con cord group conxixtx of eight claimx, upon which npplicatioux for patentx are now endliig, giving to the company fourteen full claimx lying in a group anil thereby uniting the greatext free gold producing proertiex on the l'acillc coaxt. Tho wonderful ore hodiex in the lied Hoy, Monarch, Hlulne, Helen and Concord veiux, all running parallel with each other, now have over ten thousand feet of development work, and at u depth of 700 feet givex to the company a practi cally inexhaustible xupply of ore. The shaft ix now down 'MO feot below the working tunnel. Two levelx have been run. the lower one of which hax demonstrated that tho Concord and Hed Hoy veinx come together at that depth, with hii oro shoot 800 feet In length doubtlcxx ax xplendid an oro liody ax hax over been blocked out in any mint on earth. The working tunnel now eutx four veinx and will Im extended through the Concord group, cutting live more. From the drift in thix tunnel on the Monarch ledge, north, hax been taken the richest oro found in the district. Several weekx since Tiik Minkh told of a xenxatioiial xtriku made there. In a winxe the values grow xttadlly, until at the present depth, ninety feet, the rock carries 1000 in gold. It ix stated on apparently reliable authority that the Hed Hoy puyx a large dividend on itx capitalization of H,000, 000, with twenty stain x and a milling capacity of only xixty-llve tons a day, which ix entirely Inadequate- to bundle the ore output of tho mine. In order to increase the production it ix proxsed to add an additional forty stamps to the mill, which will give to the company three times itx present bullion output. Stock now offered for sale ix for the purioHo of securing money to develop the Olive lake water power, more of which ix needed, and also to substitute electric, for steam energy for the hoixt and air coniprexxorx, thereby effecting a great economy in oeration. A basin containing sixty square miles ix tributary to Olive lake, which ix u nat ural reservoir. It ix but one of the res ervoirs available. A xtoruge capacity estimated at 18:1,000,000 cubic feet may be secured. Thix volume will be given u head of 770 leet by construction of dams, gates and lliiniex. Two thousand liorxo power will bo generated by thix arrange ment, 1,000 of which will be reserved for the mine, and 1,000 placed Uon tho market. The engineer'x extimatex of tho cost for making thix power available ix about 150,000. Shoes of all kinds at Nelll Mercantile compaiiy'x. THIS THE MOST IMPORTANT STRIKE Three Feet of Marvelouslyj Rich Ore in the Cracker Oregon. Week before last when l.ee S. Ovitt wax here, while out at the Cracker-Oregon with u party of gentlemen who are interested with him in that pnqierty, he xaid to Superintendent Warren Cable: "When you llnd free gold in thix tun nel," referring to the lower workings, "I will buy you u bruxxelx carHt for your olllce." One of the party remark ed that he would raixe that offer a til lie; that he would give the xuK'rintendeiit a xiiit of clothes and a xilk hat. Kverett Hrowu, the managing director of the company, xaw something humoroux in the mental vision of thix typical mining man under a shining tile, and ehlpcd hi with: "Well, Warren, if you will wear tho xtovepiKi hat, I will contribute ii Mir of patent leather xlioeM. and wo will make a regulation dude out of you." Last Thursday morning Superintend ent Cablu telephoned Mr. Hrown to comu out to the mine and bring the hIiock along with him. He went, returning some hours later in a most cheerful frame of mind, bring ing with him some samples of ore ax rich in free uold ax wax ever taken from the Golcouda or North Pole, ueighlxirx of the Cracker-Oregon and that means ax rich ax wax ever found under ground. The ore ix practically identical with that found in the Golcuudu, literally full of the yell'iw metal. One of these sum plex weighx ab int ten Nuudx and the other over a hundred. The latter wax Ht once expressed to Mr. Ovitt, at Mil waukee. It contains several hundred dollarx In gold. From the rough cor ners of thix piece of rock, where no gold wax visible, either to the nuked eye or witli the aid of a glass, three or four piecex were broken off. They assayed l OHO. Tho Wednesday night shift in the main working tunnel had broken into the main ledge, at a distance, of ato feet from the ortal and at a vertical depth of eighty-live feet. There ix three feet of ore at that Miiut. In drifting depth will bo gullied rapidly. The extent of the ore txxly ix not yet known, but in that district there are no xcketx, the chimneys go down, gaining in breadth and length with depth. It ix under xUxxl that there ix no more Cracker Oregon xtK!k for sale. Thix ix unquestionably the most Im xirtuut xtriku ever made in eastern Ore gon, xo fur ax the district at large ix con cerned. Itx iintortnucu ix based on the fact that it disproves the long enter tained theory that the ledges parallel with what hax been considered to be the great mother lode, on which are the four) NO. 51. big mines doubtless the richest on tho continent do not carry values. Tho old timers have had an idea that thexe parallels were barren, that the proven vein "milked" the others, ax they ex pressed it, and for thix reason compara tively little development work hax Iteeu done on tlieiu. Elkhorn Consolidated Gold Mining Co. The eastern enplo who recently bought the Maxwell mine have incor porated it ax the F.lkhorn Consolidated Gold Mining eoniniiiy. The general of fice ix in Minneapolis. The olllcerx are: A. K. Huntington, president; W. F. Johnson, vice president; G. I,. Hunting ton, secretary; W..l..Iohnson, treasurer; C. I. Herkey, consulting ucologist ; these and W. A. Patten and .1. A. Ward, di rectors. Neil .1. Soreuxeu in general manager of the mine ami the Firxt Hank of Sumpter the local dormitory. Mr. Herkey, who ix xtate geologixt and pro fessor of geology In the University ol Minnesota, hax Ihmui in consultation with General Manager Sorenxcn rnoxt. of the time for a week paxt. When not cluctcd together, Mr. Sorenwm hax U'en In the hlllx, xo it hax been impoxxihle to get from him any information regurdlng tlie.company'H plunx for tho Immedlut future. Extensive Work on Gold Bug-Grissly. .1. .1. Hennessey returned yesterday from Spokane. He consummated tho deal mentioned in the lust issue of Tiik Minkii, involving the Gold Ilug-Grir.xly. A MiiiueaMilix syndicate, represented by Judge l.eyburn, Ismght enough of tho stock, combined with Mr. Ilcnucssey'n holdings, to control the company. Tho latter will be general manager, and will resume work on the property at an early dav. The xhalt, now down 100 feet, will Ixi sunk 200 feel further and then HMO feet of drifts will lie run. The treasury of the company ix now well supplied with funds and .luck Hennessey can U relied upon to make a mine of the prop erty. Fiscal Agent of the Gotconda. l.ee S. Ovitt hax lx-en npolntcd llxcal agent for the Golcouda Mining company mid will have exclusive sale of the lim ited amount of tieasury stock that will Ixt offered for sale. Thix arrangement wax consummated when the gentleman wax in Sumpter week U-foro last. Mr. Ovitt'x customers are playing in big luck. Those who Ixiught Cracker-Oregon from him were in on the big win ning made in mining here thix year, ami those who play Golcouda fur a favorite will go against a sure tiling on tho rigid side. Control All of Gold Hill. J. It. Cunningham and Tom Coxtollo returiied a few days since from Malheur county, where they went last week to examine a mining proxrty. They wero pleased with tho showing made and Ixinded eight clnimx on Gold Hill, Mor mon Haxin district, and located others. They now own practically the entire hill. A company will Ixt incorxruted to develop these claimx, which are rids in free gold.