imfflimFW1"' Wednesday, August 20, 1902 THE SUMPTER MINER IMPENDING REALTY BOOM Expert Examines Sumpter and Pronounces Favorable Judgment. Attorney C. H. McColloch nays that the ntory published recently in Tiik Mixkk on the activity in the local real estate market had an immediate bene rlcial effect. It brought one outside buyer hero within a week after its pub lication, a man who makes a specialty of real estate investments. He studies conditions, indications and draws his conclusions as to future possi bilities. Tliis veteran in the business exported this camp, pronounced the proposition all rlultt and will take ad vantage of favorable opportunities of fered. As n matter of fact, soveral gentlemen who have devoted years to the study of town lot bourns have expressed tho opin ion to tho writer that Sumpter is ripe for quito a little flurry in tho real estate market. Hut those "booms," as they are generally designated, are the result of careful culture and nursing, intelli gent and persistent advertising, which must bo done by the organized, united effort of its citizens. Sumpter has no such wot nurse, no commercial or busi ness body to advance its Interests, and apparently never will have. Its citizens and business men aro all making some money, doing just about so well, seem to bo satisfied with present conditions and it is a clear case of "every man for him self and tho devil take the hindmost." Notwithstanding this state of affairs, the town was never before ho prosper ous. It is almost iniK88ibl to rent a dwelling house here and positively im possible to secure one with any desirable modern conveniences. Any ono who would build such could rent a dozen of them in twenty-four hours and receive an income thorofrom that would net him twenty per cent on tho investment. This demand for houses is what has created a demand for lots ; people aro building their own homos because they can't rent them, although they could use this money to better advantage in eonio mining enterprise. And so it hap ions that there is a strong probability of n more or less well develoied town lot boom hero, without tho aid of u board of trade, a committee to promote publicity, or oven a townsite company. The great strides that have been made in the de velopment of our mines during tho past two years, tho vast quantities of gold that is being taken from tho surround ing hills, is forcing a boom on us, in spite of our masterly inactivity, and far famed mossbackisni. DOWN ON BURNT RIVER. Great Pomcroy Dredge Will Soon Return Operation. Tho great I'omeroy dredge, now lying in a ecooied-out lake or basin of liurnt river, tieai Weatherby, may not bo idle much longer. The huge boat, with its ponderoiiH machinery, is in charge of George Moore, a veteran miner, who was profitably busy for years in placer mining on Chicken creek. Tho dredge looks unique amid tho trees, Its huge twin smokestacks, rising high above the foliage. The boat is 107 feet long and forty feet wide. Tho forty buckets, on an endless chain, scoop up tho gravel to tho bedrock, dumping tho stuff into a great steel flume, which is 1(10 feet long. Tho steam xwcr of tho dredge also operates a complete electric lighting plant, so that tho gold washing work has been carried on at night as well as by day. The work has been prosecuted in from twenty-four to thirty-two feet depth of water. In sight of Weatherby a striko of a rich four-foot ledge has just been made in tho Granite Mountain claims, of which M. N. Thompson is suerinteiident. Superintendent Knight is in charge of a promising property, owned by Walla Walla capitalists and equipped with a two-stamp mill. Tho Dana, Sueriu tendent Gleason, and tho Weatherby Ilonanza each have five-stamp mills, op crated by gasoline engines. Tho Inter state and the Little Hill, the latter equipped with a two-stamp mill, are promising properties. Frank Jenkins is superintendent of the Little Hill. It is said the William Weatherby placers, on Chicken creek, operating from two to three giants, have had a paying run this year. Wood A Kastahrook, veteran miners of California and Oregon, are oening up what promises to bo good gold dig gings a fow miles above Weatherby, on Hurnt river. Near Durkee the Gold Itidgo and the Gold Hill mines each have ten-stamp mills. The properties are well known as being among tho best developed quartz mines in the Northwest. Demo crat. IRRIGATE DEAD OX FLAT. Plan to Put Water on Thirty Thoound Acre of Land. Tho Artesian Springs Water and Land company is the name of a corporation which will bo tho menus of providing homos for hundreds of eople, and cause thousands of dollars worth of property to bo added to the assessment roll of Malheur county. About four years ago S. J. Stark and sous Itegnti the construction of a system of reservoirs about. ten miles above Vale for the purpose of storing the Mood waters of Willow creek. These gentlemen soon discovered that the- enterprise was too largo for private effort to handle successfully, so in .lanuary, WOl, formed the corporation above named. From tho beginning, four ears ago, tho Starks and the company have to gether oxciided about $7000 in construc tion work, which has resulted in build ing a supply ditch one and one-half miles long, four feet deep and fifty feet wide, and two dams at Spring Cove, one of which is 400 feet long, ten feet high and sixty feet wide at tho 'bottom, und the other is 150 feet long and twelve feet high. When each of these dams incompleted to fifteen feet in height, and the supply ditch constructed a mile and a half moro, which work will bo douo this fall, tho reservoirs will have a capacity of 500 acres of water, ten feet deep, and it is confidently expected that this amount of water will be stored during the com ing winter, and tho water used for irri gating purK)ses next year. Tho company has already contracted to supply water for altout 1000 acres for next year, about 1000 acres of which is along Willow creed and Malheur river, and 1000 acres on Dead Ox flat. It is estimated that 17,000 acres on Dead Ox flat and ll'.OOO acres near Vale, on Willow creek und the Malheur river, can now be irrigated from the reservoirs now in course of construction, and the other reservoirs which will lie built ad jacent thereto. Vale Gazette. BLUE BIRD MINING COMPANY Capital $200,000 FULL PAID AND NON-ASSESSABLE MINES LOCATED IN GRANITE MINING DISTRICT. EASTERN OREGON 50.000 SHARES OFFERED rS'1'1"' WHEELER & CO., laikirs ) BROADWAY. NEW YORK Mention No. Co anj tht North American Miner will be mallei you iix monlht Ire GRIZZLY STOCK... 33,111 Shares nt less than ground floor price. You can have it for 2A cents in ono lump, or 11 cents in broken lots. EST BUY IN EASTERN OREGON Write for particulars to BERNARD FLYNN sumpter, ore. IF YOU WISH TO Invest "in 'iSSG ."! Either to buy Gilt Edge Stocks, a Prospect that is "the Making of a Mine," or one that is already made, write me what you want and permit me to submit a proposition. ADDRESS SUMPTER, MINES AND MINING STOCKS OREGON A NEW GOLD MINE THE STOCK OF THE NEW GOLD MINE THE CRACKER OREGON Located in the same dis trict with the famous North Pole, the Eureka and Excelsior, Golconda and Columbia mines in the Sumpter District in Eastern Oregon, is now being offered, to provide money to do the neces sary development work, such as run tunnels, build mill, etc. This mine shows an ore ledge which extends for a distance of 3,000 feet on the prop erty, showing a clearly defined vein of from 10 to 40 feet in width. It will undoubtedly prove to be as great a producer as its rich neighbors. The price of the stock is 50 CENTS A SHARE Par value Jti.oo, Non forfeitable, Non-assessable, and no personal liability. Tbt MistSuriiiif liYistigitiai Is Iskul fir This PnjasitiH WIIITK Olt CAM. UI-ON THE OREGON DEVELOPMENT CO. LEES.OVITT.Agt. Third Floor Merrill Ilullillug MIMVAUKKK, WISCONSIN ;l . " - n---"--"- """ ""-