THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, August 20, 1902 The Sumpter Miner I'UHIIMIFD KVrdY WEIINFSIlAY HV J. W. CONNMLLA Entered at llir piittofflce In Sumptrr. Oregon, li.r transmission through the mail at secnnJ class metier. One Year Sin Months simsi.wii'iiON waih IWAVS IN AIIVANCP, I..5 ANNOUNCEMENT. .JlHUI'S Ij'Uit', II IIOWHpllpei- lllllll of uliillty mill loiint!XK'rk'iice, Iiiih m-repled tlii) Msitlin of business iiiiiuaner of Tiik Minkii, anil Mill I m vi! entire chartfe of that il(!uirtiiiciit fur tin' iriactiit. For u iiiiiiiIht of yearn I hum iiH-nelaled with Mr. Lojiiti in u biudnesH way iiml know dim to Im) Mrirtly nil rilit. He v. ill mohii demonstrate this statement to In-a faul, iiml there In no neeeiisity to dwell uhii the Hiihjeet here. I Iiojki tlnit tliu IiiinIiiiwi public will reeeite liim with the same eourleniis ennslderatlon that It Iiiim ever extended to Minkk represent!!- liven. i 1 1 1 his nsslstanre tlio uiHr will Ih materially improved in several ri'HK'rlH, iih t In weeks K" dy. I. V. Conn km. a. It how develops that omi of the iiiih liven actuating tin 'ople with 11 pull who eiiKincered tint forest renerve In ml KraldiliiK deal, wiih to exrlianne worth h'HH hinil from which the IIiiiIkt Iiiih till lieen cut for lieu hinil serlp, to In placcil 011 viiluiilihi tiiulHT hinds. It in tint I'learest ease of KcttlliK something for nothing yet placed on the public rcconlH. It in a steal ami tint Miltlciuns on whom tint reHMniHlllllty of the jolt can hu placed, may iih well consider it iih their political ileiith HcutcucCf in (IiIh state. TheOrepm I. umber company ami the Sumpter Valley Itailuay company, prac tically the same tiling, are the chief IxiliellcinrlcH. Thin oiitllt Iiiih several t hoUHiimt ncrt'Hof limned liuitl In linker county which it will t Iiiih lie enabled to trade for timber IiiuiIh. iiontnl llnu passing through Salt Lake City, Ulcnwood SpringR, '.eiidvllle, Col ornilo SpriiiKH mill Deliver, en route to eastern ftointH. Three daily express triiiiiH niiikdilot-u connections with nil truiiiH ciiHt 11ml went nnd afford u choice of lio distinct routi'H of trnvel. The equipment of these trains in the best, in ultitliiut free reclining chair earn, stand nnl nnd tourist Hleccrf, a Krfect iliuiiiK car service, ami alwi HrsoUHlly conduct ed excursion ciith. ench In elnirie of 11 coliiK'tent iruide, whoso business in to iook alter tint comlort ol IiIh iNiests. .No more pleasant ami iucxtieiislvc. means of ernsiiitf the continent can Ite found tliiiu in provided hy these excursions. Tor additional det.iilH address .1, I). Mans llehl, ueneral agent Itio (inutile linen, No. 1 24 Third street. Portland, Ore. M I IN HOW TO BECOME INTERESTED. Wit will prove hy rciiHonahleargumciit and crtahlishul fact m that the oppnrtuu itien wu offer to become iMisscssed of large IntereHtH in Oregon mining proper ties cannot I hi HtirpaHHcd hy anyone. It will not require u fortune, hut to the contrary a very hiiiiiII amount of money. Any H.THon having n few dollars to in vent in an enterprise which Iiiih the mont encoiiraging feuturcH, ami whore ono pen-on Iibh no Miiieriority or ailvnntagu over anotlier, will find by addressing the linderHlgued that these comlitiotiH exist. Thin opMirtiiulty will not hint long. TlIK AllVANCK Ml.MN'll Co., l.ock Itox I', Sumpter, Oregon. SUMPTER LIGHT POWER COMPANY. A FULL LINE OF Electrical Supplies Wiring Neatly Done. The finest light plant in eastern Oregon fjjj SEYMOUR H. BELL, Gan'l. Mfjr. An m the American makes an club omle defense of Cnlo .IoIiiih in the mat ter of the Illegal mt't IiimI pursued In exNmling schtMil funds or rather, at tempting to run the district in debt. Its pica is that old cowardly chestnut, "it may he nil wrong, but don't say a Moid, for fear of injuring our credit mid schools," The facts in the case nre that ImiiiiIh weie otcd for a certain purMise, the electors expressing their wishes ex plicitly, Johns, acting for the entire Isiard, usurping its authority, is hih'UiI lug the money t Iiiih otcil exactly iih the taxpayers hnc stated it should not he spent, fur a different purHise from that for which the InuhIs were voted. Tiik Mi.nkm ilnen not know whether or not he succeeded in Helling the ImiiiiIh, hut if lie I Iiiih, then he Iiiih disMised of a gold brick they are not worth the pnerou which they are printed. It. 1. Strahoru, who has Uiught more school Uuids than any other one man in the west, wouldn't touch them at any price. One of the contractors refused to enter into an agreement with the school district ami made his contract with Cnto Johns, personal!. Johns ought to lie made to pay the money himself. If this com munity will sit down calmly ami stand for such course work as this, it ought to he buncoed and will In'. ...J. W. COWDEN... HAS A FINE LINE OF PHOTOGRAPHIC VIEWS OF ALL THE MINES AND PROS PECTS IN THE SUMPTER GOLD FIELDS 525323225 MINE VIEWS ONLY Address,!. V. Cow don, Sumpter, Or. C. F. RAHT GOOD THINGS TO i EAT I AT E. P. Bergman & Compa'y GROCERS Mill Street, New Building. Assaycr and Metallurgist OPPOSITE POSTOFFICE SUMPTER, OREGON Basche Hardware Co. . Sumpter . GENERAL DEALERS IN Shelf and Heavy Hardware Iron and Steel Pipe Mining and Mill Machinery Agents for " HERCULES " Powder Fuse and Caps C.C. Basche MANAGER p A. E STARR. Attorney-at-Law Center, car. High St. Sumpttt, Oregon K. K. 1IOIISON. Civil and Mining Engineer. U. S. Deputy Mineral Surveyor lor Oregon, En gineer lor the City ol Sumpter. UifVirHeJ t PtUit lirtiii. Ilea frlatl i Ortktli. CHAS. H. CHANCE E. A. CLEM & CO. MINKS - IMtOSl'KCTS STOCKS Write ui for list ol properties an4 lowest market quotations on stocks In proJuclnR mines anJ oil wells. Excellent opportunity tor profit In low pilceJ stocks. -illlC'liuiii. otCom. l'oKTi..Ni,OitK(io.v. INCORPORATE UNDER UIZOU IMS. Most lilnTiil corMratlon lawn In the I idled Stutes. No francliise lax or ex orbitant feen. Private projH'rty exempt from nil eorMirtite ilelitn. lr value of stock made any nnionnt. Nolimitonca ilnli.ation. Sttn-k in ntni-assessablo for any pnrHse. Noumoiintof slmkreuinHl to Im snlseriliel. No utiite contml. No Legislature Kwii olllee and do litisinesH any where. We attend ATTORNFY AT LAW City MUiMf U. t. Ctmaluieiir Rooms 2 and j. First Bank of Sumpter building. SUMPTER. OREGON Whv Go Eitt Over the sawe h,h ,,."";; '"'"IImi of Ux.Ich. alkali plains when urn mav just as well'"" "'l1" ."",r ""t. itiLii ti tlnllitlit fill iiiuil I .tniiif.ifi.ii.i.. il.le th.o.,,1, the heart of the lloekv 1 ,0 "'T "!i?l l7 "' U "'1 'T mouulains in iew of the crandest soen-l " '", . iu ?"?' Vf,ltot e,y on the AmeiieaiuontinentV Tia '"l ' tr,rllon Uh and other ou ean do hy tiaveli,,,. on the Itio l;f! ' -JTftU AU1BTP. n. 4irandesxsten.,tl.e far famed "Seenie ' ARIZINA CORPORATION CHARTER CO., Line of the Worl.l," the only traiist-outi- HMHKJ.I MINN, NfEIII. AI1ZUA. L T. BROCK, M. D., Physician and Surgeon. Sumpter, Oregon. Special Attention Given to Sunrery anJ to 01s. eases ol Women. OHce, Nelll Ulock; ReslJence, oranlle Street near Mill. First bank of sumpter Imc .,..) Capital Stock '. $20,000 . OFFICERS. J. H. Rofblns President J. W. Scrlber Vice-President R. H. Milter Cashier DIRECTORS. J. W. Scrlrer R. H. Miller Clark SnyJe J. H. Robblns Trainncls a General Bunking and Exchange Rtisineiw DR PEARCE A ANDERSON Physicians and Surgeons PROPRIETORS SUMI'TCR OENERAL HOSPITAl t . L lurnte, main wi. Telephone Hosi'lTAl. Main it. Sumpter, Orioon. INSURANCE. REAL ESTATE EL. MANNING, City Recorder an J Noiarv Public. Collections Abstracts Agent lor ftrlcMe Fire Extinguisher. Sumpter , t THE , , . SUMPTER MEAT MARKET AUSTIN MEAT CO. Props. Butcher and Packer Fresh and Cured Meats and Sausage of all Kinds SUMPTER, -OREGON